- For students (12 questions) - For parents (6 questions) - For grandparents (6 questions)

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Author: Celina Koperski
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2 - For students (12 questions) - For parents (6 questions) - For grandparents (6 questions)

3 Does your family use water economically? Czy w Twojej rodzinie stosuje się/stosowało się sposoby oszczędzania wody?




7 Nowadays there arent water tanks anymore, but modern technology helps us to reduce water consumption with appliances such as flow regulators, dishwashers and dual flush toilets. Problems linked with water overconsumption are more discussed nowadays. 98% of students think water is a very important factor of our everyday life and are aware of the problems caused by water overconsumption. Water- saving economy is now part of civil education: families and insitutions consider it as an important element of civic awareness. Our grandparents werent aware of the problems caused by water overconsumption. Some of them didnt use to save water at all. Others, who lived far from wells, used to save water in order to avoid long walks to a well. But everyone in those times had a tank for rainwater and used it regularly. Our parents started to save water because it was getting more and more expensive, so they needed to save money above all. Some of them kept the tradition of water tanks, others were getting used to small daily steps that greatly reduce water consumption.

8 Are there any devices or household appliances reducing water consumption at your house? Czy w Twoim domu stosuje się urządzenia/ sprzęt domowy zmniejszający zużycie wody?




12 Does your town or school organize any actions related to the popularization of water-saving economy? Czy w Twojej miejscowości, szkole prowadzone są akcje związane z upowszechnianiem oszczędnej gospodarki wodnej?




16 Is there any water purification plant in your town or village ? Czy w twojej miejscowości znajduje się/ była oczyszczalnia wody?




20 Most surveyed parents and grandparents said that there were no devices reducing water consumption in the past, in contrast to the present. The problem of excessive water consumption was much less discussed through lectures, lessons or talks in the youth of the surveyed parents and grandparents. In all surveyed countries among the polled generations, respondents drew attention to the need of saving water.

21 Parents are more economical than grandparents. Grandparents didnt use household appliances reducing water consumption. There arent a lot of actions related to the dissemination of water-saving. The most water purification plants are in Italy and Belgium.