1 22.03.2010 Myszków
2 Participating schools Collège Saint-Augustin 3 rue du Colombier BP 84103 ANGERS cedex 01 Collège Saint-Augustin 3 rue du Colombier BP 84103 ANGERS cedex 01 http://collegesaintaugustin-angers.com http://collegesaintaugustin-angers.com http://collegesaintaugustin-angers.com Project Coordinator: Catherine Huet Project Coordinator: Catherine Huet Gimnazjum nr 5 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Roberta Schumana w ZSP Gimnazjum nr 5 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Roberta Schumana w ZSP nr 5 w Myszkowie 42 - 300 Myszków ul. Sikorskiego 20 a nr 5 w Myszkowie 42 - 300 Myszków ul. Sikorskiego 20 a http://gim5mysz.w.interia.pl/ http://gim5mysz.w.interia.pl/ http://gim5mysz.w.interia.pl/ Project Management: Justyna Paliga Project Management: Justyna Paliga
4 rycerz a knight /naıt/
5 zbroja armour
6 miecz włócznia a sword a spear
7 koń a horse
8 walczyć tarcza a shield to fight
9 szlachta gentry noblesse
10 korona la couronne a crown a helmet hełm le casque, le heaume
11 Typical Polish crests : ozdoba - crest - cimier pióra strusie ostrich feathers les plumes d'autruche pióra pawie peafowl feathers les plumes de paon
12 What is Heraldry heraldyka – l'h é raldique Heraldry is, in its basic form, simply a means of identification. From simple beginnings of a device painted on a shield for easy identification from a distance in a battle, heraldry has developed into a beautiful art form with many rules which must be strictly observed. For individuals it is a family emblem and for impersonal organizations a symbol of corporate identity. Heraldry is all around us, from a simple football shirt to complicated devices with quarterings and supporters representing the symbols of state. Even a company logo is a form of heraldry.
13 labry mantling les lambrequins godło heraldic badge (Polish national coat of arms) la figure
14 Herb | coat of arms | blason, armoiries Polish-Lithuanian coat of arms
15 France Ancienne - the royal coat of arms France Moderne - the royal coat of arms The World Scout Emblem of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, elements of which are used by the most of national Scout organizations
16 Coat of arms of Myszków Poland is divided into provinces.
17 Polish gentry coats of arms
19 Przykładowe strony z rękopiśmiennego Herbarza Złotego Runa - Golden Fleece Roll of Arms - Armorial Toison d'Or
20 Presentation prepared by the English language teachers: Marta Szewczyk, MA and Sławomir Iwanek, MA INTERNET SOURCES: www.wikipedia.org Under the CC license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode Simplified version: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/