Accommodation & Hospitality Services OPS TEAM 2 Staff meeting.

1 Accommodation & Hospitality Services OPS TEAM 2 Staff m...
Author: Ryszard Smoliński
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1 Accommodation & Hospitality Services OPS TEAM 2 Staff meeting

2 Accommodation & Hospitality Services IiP Supportive 1-1’s Star Award Refurbishments iTrent records Sickness Absence Festive get to together Health and Safety Environmental – ISO 14001 How are you? AOB Agenda

3 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Investors in People (IiP) is a standard that tells organisations what good people management looks like. It is based on 10 areas including staff learning and development, recognition, involvement, and communication.

4 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Staff Learning Involvement What have we done Communication Recognition Staff Development

5 Accommodation & Hospitality Services

6 The Star Award is a departmental initiative separate to Recognising Excellence on a smaller scale. It is open to all staff in the department, including casuals and Finance. The awards will be based on excellent everyday work in relation to customer service, environment, quality and performance. Successful staff will receive a £20 visa voucher which will be awarded quarterly. The first awards will be presented at the Festive Social Event in December. The Panel is a representative group of staff chaired by Vanessa Gouws, Business Development Man-ager. Accommodation & Hospitality Services Star Award

7 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Refurbishments/Building Works

8 Accommodation & Hospitality Services


10 Tuesday 16 th December 10am-12pm Student Union Festive food Games Photo booth Tombola Cakes Charity collection –Harmonie Rose Auction

11 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Friday 19 th December Garfunkel’s Bath 8pm

12 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Friday 12th December, make the world a better place and spread the Jumper Joy. AHS will be supporting the Save the Children charity so dig out those Christmas jumpers or dress up any jumper using your creative skills. Add to your £1 individual donations by organising team events such as cake sales, jumper jumbles or competitions for best creations or most festive jumpers. Send us team pic-tures for the next BathTime or let us know so we can ad-vertise your events.

13 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Health and Safety

14 Accommodation & Hospitality Services


16 Health and Safety Working Group Sharon, Benedykt, Will Smith, Gosia, Dawn, Kelvin Health and Safety Sub - group If you have any Health and Safety concerns Questions or issues please talk with Sharon, Will & Dawn

17 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Environmental – ISO 14001

18 Accommodation & Hospitality Services What is it ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard that outlines how to put an effective environmental management system in place. An ISO 14001 system provides the framework to allow you to meet customer service demands, organisation’s responsibility as well as legal or regulatory requirements.

19 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Why? ISO 14001 was developed to provide a management system to help organisations reduce their environmental impact. The standard provides the framework for organisations to demonstrate their commitment to the environmental by: Reducing harmful effects on the environment Providing evidence of continual improvement of Environmental Management

20 Accommodation & Hospitality Services How you can support it

21 Within your job role, what do you do to minimize the impact on the environment? What initiatives? How are they communicated? Do we have any emergency procedures in place? Accommodation & Hospitality Services What you may be asked

22 Accommodation & Hospitality Services How are you?

23 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Question 1 How motivated do you feel at work? Jak się czujesz motywację w pracy?

24 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Question 2 How proud are you of what you have achieved in the last 12 months? Jak dumny jesteś z tego, co osiągnęliśmy w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy ?

25 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Question 3 How much enjoyment do you get from your work? Ile radości otrzymujesz od swojej pracy?

26 Accommodation & Hospitality Services How well do you think you are communicated with? jak uwazasz, jak dobrze sa ci przekazywane informacje? Question 4 Jak dobrze, że jesteś do wiadomości ?

27 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Question 5 How often would you like communication? Jak często chcesz przekazywane informacje ?

28 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Departmental Vision A Dynamic, Caring department focusses on exceeding expectation through embracing innovation and change, whilst considering the impact on student experience community environment, team and profitability Wizja departamentów Dynamiczny, Dbanie Dział skupia się na przekroczenie oczekiwań poprzez obejmowanie innowacji i zmian, jednocześnie biorąc pod uwagę wpływ na środowisko wspólnoty doświadczeń ucznia, zespołu i rentowności

29 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Mission and Purpose Accommodation Provide an accommodation service that supports out students in learning how to live as a community, and assist them to be ready to transfer to independent living. Staff are dedicated to continually review, evolve and improve the student experience Misja i cel Mieszkanie Zapewnić usługi zakwaterowania, które obsługuje się uczniów w nauce, jak żyć jako wspólnota, i pomagać im być gotowe do przeniesienia do samodzielnego życia. Pracownicy są przeznaczone do ciągłego przeglądu, rozwijać i poprawić doświadczenia studentów

30 Accommodation & Hospitality Services How well do you understand the departments Missions and Visions? Jak dobrze zrozumieć Misje działów i wizje? Question 6

31 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Question 7 Do you think the Mission and visons are achievable? Czy uważasz, żemisja i Visons są osiągalne?

32 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Question 8 What would you need to be outstanding in your role? co jest wam potrzebne zebyscie mogli w swojej pracy osiagac wyjatkowe rezultaty?

33 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Question 9 Do you feel you are encouraged to use your personal development time? Czy czujesz, że są zachęcani do korzystania z prywatnego czasu rozwoju ?

34 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Question 10 What would you like to achieve in the next 12 months? Co chcesz osiągnąć w ciągu najbliższych 12 miesięcy?

35 Accommodation & Hospitality Services AOB