2 COURSE OUTLINE Basic terminology and issues in the administrative, economic, political and legal areas. Separation of powers: the legislative power, the executive power, the judicial power.
3 The concept of public administration. The system of public administration in Poland. Bodies and offices of public administration. Governmental administration. Local government and self-government.
4 The study and classification of law. Public and private law. Branches of law. Constitutional law. International law. Sources of law. Public finance. Budget. Taxes classification, tax return.
5 International organizations. Organization and functioning of an office. Preparing typical documents: messages and notes, emails, letters, memos, short reports.
6 COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING The grade is going to be based on a final written test or/and papers/tasks.
8 1. BEING A COUNTRY an area of land with its own people, government, etc. – obszar ziemi z własnym narodem, rządem, itd. Which country do you come from?
9 a country with its own government: state - państwo, (more formal) nation member states of the European Union – państwa członkowskie Unii Europejskiej the nations of Western Europe
10 national – krajowy, narodowy a national newspaper nationwide – ogólnokrajowy, o krajowym zasięgu a nationwide campaign
11 a country that is headed by – kraj, na którego czele stoi a president: republic a king or queen: monarchy, kingdom
12 a country that is a union of states: federation federal a federal law - prawo federalne
13 2. THE PEOPLE OF A COUNTRY a person who lives in a country: inhabitant the inhabitants of India
14 a person who is legally a member of a country: citizen a citizen of the United Kingdom citizenship Australian citizenship
15 being a citizen of a particular country: nationality What nationality are you? She has Greek nationality.
16 all the citizens of a country: the people, nation the people of France The President made a speech to the nation. Prezydent wygłosił mowę do narodu.
17 the number of people who live in a particular place: population The population of Poland is ???
18 3. PARTS OF A COUNTRY region, regional district – dystrykt, dzielnica province, provincial an area in Britain, Ireland and the USA that has its own local government: county - hrabstwo
19 the town or city where the government of a country is: capital - stolica ??? is the capital of the USA.
20 4. RELATIONS BETWEEN COUNTRIES foreign – zagraniczny, obcy a foreign language foreigner – obcokrajowiec, cudzoziemiec abroad – za granicą, za granicę Our son lives abroad.
21 sth that happens inside a country – coś, co ma miejsce w kraju: internal – wewnętrzny internal affairs – sprawy wewnętrzne
22 domestic – wewnętrzny, krajowy, domowy domestic flights – krajowe loty
23 internal external The current economic problems are caused by external factors. Obecne problemy gospodarcze spowodowane są czynnikami zewnętrznymi.
24 involving two or more countries – dotyczący co najmniej dwóch krajów: international an international trade agreement – międzynarodowa umowa handlowa
25 an agreement between two countries to support each other – umowa między dwoma krajami mająca na celu wzajemne wsparcie: alliance - sojusz a military alliance ally - sojusznik
26 if a country is not controlled by another country, it is independent – niepodległy, niezależny Slovenia became independent from Yugoslavia in 1991. Słowenia stała się niezależna od Jugosławii w 1991 roku. independence The Day of Independence in Poland is on ???
27 5. MOVING FROM ONE COUNTRY TO ANOTHER ACTIONPERSONMOVEMENT emigrate (going away from a country – wyjazd z kraju) emigrantemigration immigrate (entering a country – przyjazd do kraju) ??? migrate (going away to look for work – wyjazd w celu znalezienia pracy) ???
28 6. BEING FORCED TO LEAVE A COUNTRY ACTIONPERSONMOVEMENT deportdeported persondeportation exile – skazywać na wygnanie (political reasons) exile take refuge – schronić się (political & economic reasons) refugee – uchodźcarefuge - uchodźctwo seek for political asylum – ubiegać się o azyl political asylantpolitical asylum
30 1. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS SYSTEMPERSONADJECTIVE capitalism (individuals own and run businesses) capitalist socialism – socjalizm (the state controls the economy) socialist - socjalistasocialist - socjalistyczny mixed economy – gospodarka mieszana
31 the operation of trade and business without government control – funkcjonowanie handlu i biznesu bez kontroli rządu: free enterprise – wolna konkurencja rynkowa private enterprise – sektor prywatny
32 an economy where the government does not fix prices – gospodarka, w której rząd nie ustala cen: free-market economy – gospodarka wolnorynkowa
33 2. MONEY the kind of money that a country uses – rodzaj pieniądza wykorzystywany przez kraj: currency – waluta a strong currency
34 connected with money – związany z pieniędzmi: monetary the Governments monetary policy - polityka monetarna rządu
35 the management of money: finance reduction of the value of money – obniżenie wartości pieniądza: devaluation The British pound has been devaluated by 3% against the Swiss franc. Funt brytyjski zdewaluował się o 3% w stosunku do franka szwajcarskiego.
36 tax – podatek to increase taxes – podnosić podatki taxation – opodatkowanie budget
37 the government department that controls spending and taxation – organ rządu kontrolujący wydatki system podatkowy: the Treasury – Skarb Państwa
38 3. TRADE AND INDUSTRY demand – popyt supply – podaż trade, commerce – handel commercial - ??? industry – przemysł industrial - ???
39 4. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS GNP (gross national product) – PNB (produkt narodowy brutto) GDP (gross domestic product) - ???
40 a period in which an economy develops quickly – okres, w którym gospodarka szybko się rozwija: boom
41 to be financially successful – odnosić sukces finansowy: prosper prosperity - koniunktura prosperous – dobrze prosperujący a prosperous company
42 a sudden fall in trade or the value of sth – nagły spadek w handlu lub wartości: slump – załamanie, kryzys a slump in house prices – spadek cen mieszkań
43 a period when a countrys economy is not successful: recession The economy is moving out of recession. Gospodarka wychodzi z recesji.
44 a very serious recession: depression Were facing another depression. Stoimy przed kolejnym głębokim kryzysem.
45 a failure in a business world – upadek, klęska w świecie biznesu: crash - krach the Wall Street crash of 1929
46 the general increase in prices – ogólny wzrost cen: inflation Inflation is now 2% per year. Inflacja wynosi obecnie 2% rocznie.
47 HOMEWORK 1. Revise names of countries and nationalities (especially European Union). 2. What are the main political ideas? 3. Find the Polish euivalents of the following proverbs: In the country of the blind, the one eyed man is a king. Money cant buy happiness. Nothing is certain but death and taxes.