2 ASVÖ Birgit Schielin [email protected] + 43-1-877 38 20/19
3 ASVÖ WOMEN & SPORT´s DEPARTEMENT EWS activities ASVÖ intern activities
4 EWS EWS = European Women and Sport www.ews-online.org
5 EWS Austrian Chair 2004-2006 „Good governance in Sport“
6 AIMS of EWS To represent, defend and promote the interests of women in sport at a European level To support and further develop the participation of girls and women in sport To help increasing the number of women in decision-making bodies and in the administration of sport at all levels
7 AIMS of EWS To promote the involvement of female representatives in local, regional, national delegations at sport-political, scientific and sport-practical events, conferences, seminars and workshops, at national and international levels To strengthen co-operation and encourage the exchange of experience on women and sport issues among European countries at bilateral and multilateral levels
8 AIMS of EWS To cultivate relations with international organisations and bodies on women and sport issues and - where appropriate - establish links of co-operation To encourage and increase scientific research projects in various sports sciences for initiating, supporting and adopting women´s perspectives; to provide information on scientific findings on women and sport.
9 EWS-STRUCTURE EWS- Steering Group Working Group Women & Sport ASKÖSportunionASVÖ Study group Sport for all High level Sport Sport structure
10 ASVÖ EWS ACTIVITIES Responsible for high level Sport ASVÖ- Working Group: „Women in high level sport“ Founded june 2004: - Brainstorming - Selection of topics - Fokus setting
11 MEDICAL FOCUS Seminar/workshop: „Medicine and health in women high level sport“ - 1st seminar 29./30.10.2004 20 participants Target group: coaches, attendent, athletes, doctors, etc.
12 Freitag, 29.Oktober 2004, 16:00-20:30 Samstag, 30.Oktober 2004, 7:45-13:00
15 Themes and lecturer of the 1st seminar: -Prof. Karl Sudi und Dr. Kogler: „Nutrition and high level sport“ -Dr. Georg Fritsch „Special features of the female Body“ -Dr. Eveline Ledl-Kurkowski „Nutrition and undernourishment at high level sport“ -Univ. Doz. Dr. Dietmar Spitzer „Hormonal changes in sport “
16 MEDICAL FOCUS Aims of the workshop: ASVÖ part of EWS work Know-How-transfer (national/international) (Workshop, Seminar, …) Creation of a book Creation of expertslists Build up national and international network
17 SOCIAL FOCUS Questionnaire (behaviour of girls in sport, etc.) Student-dissertation: High level athletes – coaches – parents (triangle) concept: motivation for girls participating in sport
18 ASVÖ-ACTIVITIES Sport and Wellness Weekend for Women - march/april 2005 -Polysport-weekend including nutritional information for participants and Wellness-flair to relax
19 2005 head of departement: high level sport (EWS) network national/international continuing ASVÖ-Workinggroup „women and high level sport“ continuing med. workshops (~4 seminars in 2005) ASVÖ Sport- and Wellness-weekend for women create guidelines for scientifical book „medical aspects for women at high level sport“ creation/up dating expertlist of doctors formulation of futher concepts supporting women in sport
20 Thank You!