2 Budowa drogi ekspresowej S8, odc. Wrocław - Psie Pole - Syców General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (Poland) Nyíregyháza 2007 Impact roads quality of the lacking section of the North – South tracks on the development of the eastern peripheral EU regions Jerzy Iwanowski
3 Budowa drogi ekspresowej S8, odc. Wrocław - Psie Pole - Syców Eurostat 2006 Regional GDP per inhabitant in the EU25 in 2003 / in PPS, EU25=100 / Lubelskie ( PL )33,2Lubelskie ( PL )33,2 Podkarpackie( PL )33,2Podkarpackie( PL )33,2 Podlaskie ( PL )35,7Podlaskie ( PL )35,7 Świętokrzyskie ( PL )36,7Świętokrzyskie ( PL )36,7 Warminsko-Mazurskie ( PL )37,0Warminsko-Mazurskie ( PL )37,0 Opolskie ( PL )37,3Opolskie ( PL )37,3 Észak Magyarország ( HU )38,1Észak Magyarország ( HU )38,1 Vychodné Slovensko ( SK )38,8Vychodné Slovensko ( SK )38,8 Észak Alföld ( HU )39,0Észak Alföld ( HU )39,0 Dél Alföld ( HU )40,3Dél Alföld ( HU )40,3 THE TEN LOWEST
4 European Added Value Synergy: Better links between North & SouthBetter links between North & South Higher growth of the underdeveloped regionsHigher growth of the underdeveloped regions
5 The lacking section of the North – South route route TEN roads TEN roads
6 Route North – South S8/S19 current and planned works
7 Environmental dimension Nature 2000 Białystok Budzisko Międzyrzec Podlaski Lublin Rzeszów Barwinek
8 The government of Poland select project of the express road S19 Białystok – Lublin – Rzeszów as one of its top priorities in the field of infrastructure. The works schedule provides, new 370 km long stretch, to be operational by the end of 2013.
9 Thanks for your attention