Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

1 Center for Advanced Manufacturing TechnologiesDzień inf...
Author: Dawid Owczarz
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1 Center for Advanced Manufacturing TechnologiesDzień informacyjny Nanotechnologie, materiały wielofunkcyjne i procesy produkcyjne Warszawa, 20 stycznia 2003 Prezentacja Sieci Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Prof. dr hab. inż. Edward Chlebus

2 Research Areas RESEARCH AREAS: Machine Tools Robotics and AssemblyDesign Methodology Production Engineering Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing and Quality Research Areas RESEARCH AREAS: Machine Tools Robotics and Assembly Design Methodology Production Engineering Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing and Quality

3 Machining Cell The machining cell enables: The cell consists of:Machine Tools Robotics and Assembly Design Methodology Production Engineering Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing and Quality Machining Cell The machining cell enables: teaching, training and research in the area of machine tools, process automation and computer integrated manufacturing The cell consists of: CXM-32 milling center V-200 INDEX lathe with SINUMERIK 840C controller Training facility - flexible manufacturing EMCO system Measuring machine 3D ZEISS C-400 with software

4 Machine Tools Design Methodology Production Engineering Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing and Quality Robotics and Assembly Robotics and Assembly The scope of activities of A&R covers the following research and educational areas: Robots' kinematics Parallel kinematics machine tools Planning and programming of Robotised Cells Computer Aided Design of assembly systems Design for Assembly

5 Design Methodology Expert systems in design practiceMachine Tools Robotics and Assembly Production Engineering Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing and Quality Design Methodology Design Methodology Expert systems in design practice Integration of computing tools for design of manufacturing machines, Application of integrated CAE tools for product design Simulation systems in design of machine tools, Computational analysis of machine tool structures

6 Integrated Product and Process DevelopmentMachine Tools Machine Tools Robotics and Assembly Design Methodology Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing and Quality Robotics and Assembly Integrated Product and Process Development Design Methodology Production Engineering Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing and Quality Manufacturing processes modeling. Modeling of production infrastructure of a company for optimization of production processes - lay out, stock and technological plans optimization. Software: iGrafx, ProModel, ProPLAN, Factory Suite as well as own elaborated lay-out system. Product Data Management Modeling of product structure as well as storage and integration of its data for introduction of integrated product development methodology, work organization and work flow according to concurrent engineering conception and PDM/TDM systems. The group has developed its own PDM/TPP system.

7 Laboratory of Rapid Prototyping / Rapid Tooling / Reverse EngineeringMachine Tools Machine Tools Robotics and Assembly Design Methodology Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing and Quality Laboratory of Rapid Prototyping / Rapid Tooling / Reverse Engineering Robotics and Assembly Design Methodology Production Engineering Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing and Quality Equipment : Silicon Graphics O2 workstation 3D laser scanner Digibot II from Digibotics Stereolithography machine SLA 250/50 from 3D Systems MCP vacuum chamber and ovens for silicone rubber tooling from HEK GmbH MCP Tafa chamber and arc spray gun for metal layer tooling from HEK GmbH

8 Manufacturing AutomationMachine Tools Robotics and Assembly Design Methodology Production Engineering Manufacturing and Quality Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing Automation Team (MA) deals with research and education within the following areas: Control Systems Architecture, Control Systems Modeling and Simulation, Software Engineering, Embedded Real-Time Systems, Network Communication Systems PLC, CNC & IPC Controllers Application, HMI/SCADA Systems, Vision Systems

9 Manufacturing and QualityMachine Tools Robotics and Assembly Design Methodology Production Engineering Manufacturing Automation Manufacturing and Quality Manufacturing and Quality Subject areas: Manufacturing strategy Manufacturing systems design Lean Manufacturing Quality systems in accordance with ISO 9000, QS 9000, Total Quality Management (TQM ) Quality Management methods and techniques Quality control loops Statistical Methods for quality assurance (SPC, DoE)

10 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Expression of InterestNetwork of Excellence Nazwa: NETWORK FOR ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES Akronim: NAMT Jednostka: Centre for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies ITMiA, Wroclaw University of Technology Smoluchowskiego 48, Wroclaw, Poland

11 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Tematyka sieciInnovative Manufacturing Technologies Manufacturing technologies of ceramic and magnetic materials Laser non contact forming Surface engineering Laser micromachining Processing of biodegradable polymers  2.      New Machines and Devices for Advanced Machining Processes Evaluation methods of modules of machine tools Machine tools remanufacturing Environmental aspects of manufacturing machines Parallel kinematics machine tools Simulation methods development for virtual machine tool models Motion control CNC for machine tools and robotics Intelligent measurement systems Microdrives for Intelligent Manufacturing

12 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Tematyka sieci c.d.  Product and Process Development Integrated approach to product and process development with CAD/CAP/CAPP/CAM systems Virtual prototyping, rapid prototyping/rapid tooling and reverse engineering Integrated product development methodology, work organisation and work flow according to concurrent engineering conception and PDM/TDM systems Integrated simulation systems FEA/MBS and their application in design Artificial intelligence and expert systems for design 4.      Design and Planning of Production Systems Modelling approach for simulation of production processes Modelling of production processes (lay out, inventory level, manufacturing process optimisation) Design of assembly systems Quality Management Systems (Six Sigma, SPC, Quality Control Loops) Lean Manufacturing Approach (Value Stream Mapping, Distributed Value Added Chains) Vision Systems for monitoring of manufacturing systems Control Systems Modelling and Simulation Software Engineering for Embedded Real-Time Systems Industrial Network Communication (PROFIBUS, Interbus, AS-I, Internet) Monitoring of processes

13 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Lista instytucji partnerskich sieci1. Centre for Advanced Manufacturing Technology (CAMT), Poland 2. Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics, Poland 3. Institute of Precision and Biomedical Engineering, Poland 4. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Mechanical Technology (IMt), Poland 5. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Poland 6. Technical University of Kielce, Poland 7. Institute of Metrology and Measuring Systems, Poland 8. Cracow University of Technology, Poland 9. Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Poland 10. Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering, Poland 11. Department of Machine Technology, Poland 12. The Chair of Mechanical Technology and Metrology, Poland 13. Institute of Manufacturing Engineering, Poland 14. Institute of Control and Computation Engineering, Poland 15. Department of Polymer Processing and Production Management, Poland 16. Center for Laser Technology of Metals, Poland 17. Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Poland 18. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zielona Gora, Poland 19. Institute of Metal Cutting, Poland

14 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Lista uczestników sieci1 Prof. Stanisław Adamczak Dr Tadeusz Orzechowski Politechnika Świętokrzyska 2 Edward Barbachowski Katedra Przetwórstwa Materiałów Metalowych i Polimerowych Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice 3 Jan Barcentewicz Instytut Obróbki Skrawaniem Kraków 4 Dr Elżbieta Bociąga Technical University of Częstochowa Department of Polymer Processing and Production Management 5 Dr inż. Andrzej Bodnar Instytut Technologii Mechanicznej Politechniki Szczecińskiej 6 Prof. Maciej Bossak Institute of Mechanics and Design Warsaw University of Technology 7 Dr Radosław Cechowicz Prof. Stanisław Płaska Katedra Automatyzacji Politechnika Lubelska 8 Prof. Jerzy Cyklis Cracow University of Technology 9 Marek Dobosz Instytut Metrologii i Systemów Pomiarowych Politechnika Warszawska 10 Prof. Zbigniew Drozd Dr Dionizy Biało Institute of Precision and Biomedical Engineering 11 Prof. Monika Gierzyńska-Dolna Technical University of Częstochowa 12 Prof. Krzysztof Janiszowski Instytut automatyki i Robotyki, PW 13 Prof. Zbigniew Kłos Poznan University of Technology Faculty of Working Machines and Transportation 14 Paweł Leżański Prof. Bogdan Kruszyński Technical University of Lodz Institute of Machine tools and Production Engineering 15 Prof. Leszek Kwapisz Politechnika Łódzka Instytut Obrabiarek

15 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Lista uczestników sieci c.d.16 Janusz Lewandowski Instytut Techniki Cieplnej PW 17 Dr Krzysztof Mianowski Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics Warsaw University of Technology 18 Przemysław Kurczewski   Prof. Zbigniew Kłos Politechnika Poznańska Instytut Maszyn Roboczych i Pojazdów Samochodowych  19 Prof. Małgorzata Kujawińska Zakład Techniki Optycznej Instytut Mikromechaniki i Fotoniki Politechnika Warszawska 20 Mgr inż. Tadeusz Kulesza Warsaw University of Technology Institute of Precision and Biomedical Engineering 21 Prof. Jan Kosmol Silesian University of Technology of Gliwice 22 Prof. Janusz Lewandowski Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering Institute of Heat Engineering 23 Dr Krzysztof Mianowski Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics 24 Prof. Ewald Macha Technical University of Opole 25 Dr Zygmunt Mucha Center for Laser Technology of Metals Kielce University of Technology and Polish Academy of Sciences 26 Prof. Tadeusz Niezgoda Department of General Mechanics Military University of Technology Warszawa 27 Dr Przemysław Oborski Prof. Szafarczyk Warsaw University of Technology Institute of Manufacturing Technology 28 Prof. Kazimierz Oczoś Rzeszow University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics 29 Prof. Waldemar Oleksiuk Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics 30 Prof. Ryszard Rohatyński University of Zielona Góra

16 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Lista uczestników sieci c.d.31 Dr Sławomir Spadło Technical University in Kielce 32 Prof. Edward Tomasiak Department for processing of Metal and Polymer 33 Prof. Dr hab. Inż. Cezary Zieliński   Warsaw University of Technology Institute of Control and Computation Engineering 34 Ewa Dostatni Prof. Zenobia Weiss Poznan University of Technology Institute of Mechanical Technology (Imt) 35 Dr hab. Sabina Zebrowska-Lucyk Institute of Metrology and Measurement Systems Faculty of Mechatronics, Warsaw University of Technology 36. Prof. Piotr Dudziński Zakład Inżynierii Maszyn i Pojazdów Roboczych Instytut Konstrukcji i Eksploatacji Maszyn Politechniki Wrocławskiej

17 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Lista EoI, w których partycypowali uczestnicy sieci 1. SADMCOM - Network of Excellence Metrological analysis of the applied methods for evaluation of the geometrical surface structure in the aspect of increasing measurement accuracy Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Adamczak, Politechnika Świętokrzyska  2. COMPCOAT - Network of Excellence Composite coatings with solid lubricant of high wear resistance Prof. Tomasz Otmianowski, Politechnika Świętokrzyska  3. AUTOCONTROL - Network of Excellence Autonomous and Intelligent Fluid Power Control Systems in Manufacturing Techniques Automation Prof. Ryszard Dindorf, Politechnika Świętokrzyska 4. EDMM - Integrated Project Electrodischarge -Mechanical (hybrid) Machining by Flexible Electrode Prof. Jan Osiecki, Politechnika Świętokrzyska 5. INQUAL - Network of Excellence Increasing of the quality of machine parts manufactured by numerically controlled machine tools

18 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Lista EoI, w których partycypowali uczestnicy sieci c.d. 6. Network of Excellence Advanced numerical research and development of modern technologies and materials Dr hab. inz. Tadeusz NIEZGODA, Zakład Mechaniki Ogólnej WAT 7. Network of Excellence Numerical modeling of ceramic materials with the use of finite elements method (FEM) 8. ISAPCO - Integrated Project An Intelligent System for Grinding Process Control and Optimisation Dr. Pawel Leżański, Technical University of Lodz, Institute of Machine tools and Production Engineering 9. MODERO Motion detection for mobile robot path planning prof. Leszek Podsędkowski, Technical University of Lodz, Institute of Machine tools and Production Engineering 10. COTIVES Control Of Telemanipulator In Virtually Stabilised Environment prof. Leszek Podsędkowski Technical University of Lodz Institute of Machine tools and Production Engineering

19 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Lista EoI, w których partycypowali uczestnicy sieci c.d. 11. MULTIFATIGUE - Network of Excellence ENERGY APPROACH TO MULTIAXIAL FATIGUE OF STRUCTURES UNDER SERVICE LOADING Prof. Ewald MACHA, Technical University of Opole 12. LASFORM - Integrated Project LASER APPLICATIONS TO ADVANCED NON-CONTACT FORMING OF METALS Dr Zygmunt Mucha, Politechnikia Świętokrzyska 13. GPS-measurement Roughness, form errors and dimensions measurement for identifying of the sources of inaccuracy in manufacturing process S.Żebrowska-Łucyk, Instytut Metrologii i Sytemów Pomiarowych, Politechnika Warszawska  14. VIRCOOP - Network of Excellence Incorporation of Machine Tool SME’s from Newly Associated States into European Research Area Dr Przemysław Oborski, Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Warsaw University of Technology 15. SimCPRP - Integrated Project Interoperable Modeling and Simulation Platform for Collaborative Product Realization Process Jerzy Mikkler, Kjel Andersson, Royal University of Technology, Sztokcholm, Sweden 16. EFFIMACH - Network of Excellence European network of excellence for High Efficiency Machining processes Minguez Juan Manuel, IDEKO, Technological Center, Spain

20 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Lista EoI, w których partycypowało CAMT1. BLISS - Network of Excellence Biologically Integrated Smart Structures Dr. Christopher Sutcliffe, Manufacturing Science & Engineering Research Centre, Department of Engineering University of Liverpool, United Kingdom 2. CoBIZ- Integrated Project Collaborative business Expression of Interest Prof.-Dr. Ing. B.-E. Hirsch, Verein zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung in der Freien Hansestadt Bremen e. V.(authorised institute: BIBA), Germany 3. DigiTheme- Integrated Project Individual Competence in Digital Industrial Technology Management Prof. Asbjorn Rolstadas, SINTEF Industrial Management, Norway 4. DIMAN - Integrated Project Distributed Innovation Management Dr. David O’Sullivan, CIMRU Ireland 5. EdexPRO - Integrated Project E-business used to support "Lean Manufacturing" strategy Prof. Tomasz Koch, CAMT, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

21 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Lista EoI, w których partycypowało CAMT c.d.6. EuroSTARS  - Integrated Project Project oriented eWork and Knowledge Management tools incorporating quality Management Han van Loon, Synpace AG, Switzerland 7. ICP-35K  - Integrated Project i-tech Centre for Advanced Industrial TechnologiesGeneva University of Applied Sciences Dr. John Stark, Switzerland 8. NAMT - Network of Excellence Network for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Prof. Jan Koch, CAMT, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland 9. PROHO - Network of Excellence Product realization, a holistic approach for sustainable life cycle oriented products Dr. Anders Hugnell, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 10. REMECA - Integrated Project Reference Model for Creating and Sustaining European Industrial Competitive Advantage Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Wiendahl, Institute of Production and Logistics (IFA), University of Hannover, Germany 11. TRIPLE E - Network of Excellence The Triple E Initiative – Enhancing E-learning through Evaluation Prof. Dr. Stefan Thomas Hopmann , Laboratory for ICT and Learning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

22 Sieć Doskonałości Zaawansowane Procesy Produkcyjne Lista EoI, w których partycypowało CAMT c.d.12. Network of Excellence - Co-operating Regional Technology Centres Danielle Krekels, NPC (Idealist), Belgium 13. Network of Excellence - Rapid Manufacturing Frits K. Feenstra, Industral Prototyping, TNO,Eindhoven,Netherlands 14. Network of Excellence - Rapid Prototyping in Biomedical Applications Dr. Christopher Sutcliffe, Manufacturing Science & Engineering Research Centre, Department of Engineering University of Liverpool, United Kingdom 15. Network of Excellence - Simulation Technologies Dr. Johannes Krauth, Bremer Institut fur Betriebstechnik und Angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft, Germany 16. Network of Excellence - Exchange of Manufacturing Process Related Data Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany 17. Integrated Project - Extended Product. Growing the complexity and extension of products, ICT applications CIMRU Ireland 18. Network of Excellence - Tooling Umberto Baraldi , Directeur Adjoint CRIF/WTCM-Wallonie, France 19. Network of Excellence - Technologies for Distributed Virtual Manufacturing Enterprises Coventry University, United Kingdom

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