1 Circular migration from Lodz into Warsaw Agata Golec Public Secondary School of the University of Lodz Class 2b
2 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw Migration Migration (from Latin: migratio – journey), movement by humans from one area to another. Reasons of miration can have economical character (labour migration) or politycal character(wars, transfers of population, political persecutions). Labour migration is a Rescuing wheel for many famlies from Lodz and the chance to start adulthood by young persons. It’s happening on the grounds of joblessness in Lodz voivodeship. Approaches residents of Lodz into workplaces in Warsaw (the capital of Poland) are treated as circular migration, specially kind of migratory movement, consisting in daily, shuttle traveling of people inter alia from and into the work. 2
3 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw Circular migration in Poland 3 Research of the Central Statistical Office shows, that people working outside their community, are mostly men (62,6%), regarding a place of residence -country dwellers (54,8%). Desire of searching the job outside the place of employment doesn’t depend on the age, but on the grade of education. The largest group among commuters, comprise people with higher education. In all country above 2,3 mln people made up theirs mind about commutes to the work that is dozens of kilometres away.
4 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw Commutes from Lodz into Warsaw 4 There ain’t accurate researchng about amount of outliers from Lodz, who decide to work in the capital but according to figures from Central Statistical Office and experts calculatons there’s about 3,5 thousands of their. The Warsaw draw everyone like a magnet. People from all voivodeship twice a day ride by cars, trains and buses hundreds of kilometres. It takes plenty of time, partly because of supplementary travels into train stations.
5 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw Questionnaire The main aim of this questionnaire is toinvestigate, how much the labour migration affect residents of Lodz. It is an attempt to answer the question, what is the reason of their commuting to the capital and about consequences of this migration. The questionnaire consists of open-ended and closed-ended questions. It has been performed among 25 people, who are traveling by train to their workplaces from Lodz into Warsaw. 5
6 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw Results of the questionnaire 1.How long are you commuting to the Warsaw? 2. What was the main reason to make decison about traveling to the work? 6 less than a year1 - 3 years5-10 yarsmore than 10 years 81250 other Change job
7 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw 7 in positive way in negative waydoesn’t affect 0Wife/husband must take care about children 45 Lack of time for the family14 edginess and weariness to rebound upon embers of the family 2 3. How does commuting affect family life? 4. Does traveling from Lodz influence the way of spending free time?
8 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw 8 5.How do you spend time during the journey? diffrently small talks6 listening to music2 6. How much time normally do you need for arriving into the workplace form the place of residence? less than 2 hours2 – 3 hoursmore than 3 hours 7162
9 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw 7. What kind of results does your work in the Warsaw have for the Lodz? 9 positivenegativedoesn’t have living places of work for other people from Lodz 7human resources(educated, qualificated staff) are given to the Warsaw 8 3 people working in Warsaw have to pay taxes in Lodz 2lesses development of the city4 debasement of salary1 positivenegativedoesn’t have accelerating the job market in Warszw 4taking places of work from residents of Warsaw6 2 icrease of earnings companies in Warsaw 1people working in Warsaw don’t pay taxes there3 debasement of salary1 cheaper workforce7 educated and experienced staff 1 8. What kind of results does you work have for the Warsaw?
10 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw 10. positivenegativedon’t affect 0 tiredness, being sleepy144 irritation4 impaired concentration1 often infections2 9. How do travels affect your state of health and being? 10. What is yor view on rail transport? positivenegativeI don’t have opinion 0low quality and cofort of journey71 crowd and lack of seats4 too long time of journey5 dirty and old drafts of cars5 bad air-conditioning1 scruffy train stations1
11 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw 11 11. How long are you going to commute into the Warsaw? 12. What do you think about a tendency of commuting from Lodz to Warsaw? It will growthIt will degrece It will be on the same state insufficient development jobs in Lodz 11 00 higher salaries and opportunity to be promoted in Warsaw 14
12 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw 12 13. What, in your opinion, can be done so that the tendency would become downward trend? Higher salaries5 new investicions4 progress of Lodz enterprise zone5 attracting investors, who will create new jobs1 encouraging companies in Warsaw to remove or open their offices in Lodz1 creating new jobs2 appreciating qualifications of emloyees1 possibility of progress for emloyee2 better path of career in companies in Lodz1 promoting Lodz as the city with opimal circumstances for placing establishments3
13 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw Conclusion From analysis of the survey it is apparent that most respondents commute more than ayear. So thats for majority of them travels to the workplace is a long process. Main cause of this phenomenon is lack jobs in Lodz and low pay for work. Travels to and from the work take average 4 gours a day and opinios about rail transport are rather negative. Commuting affect in negative way on family, mood and health. Free time is spent very intensively. Working in the capital have effects for both cities: Lodz and Warsaw. Most of interviewees don’t know how long they will be commuting. It is thought that tendention of commuting from Lodz to Warsaw willgrowth, especially if time of jorney will be shorter. Respondents say that to make this trend decreased it’s necesarry to invest in development of Lodz and infrastructure. Also salaries should be higher. But what is the most important, the promotion of Lodz as the best city for placing bisnesses and institutions. Promotion adressed to polish as well as foreign enterpreneurs is a must. 13
14 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw,,Pociągowe życie towarzyskie’’ 14 Boat people – tak Warszawianie nazywają ludzi dojeżdżających z Łodzi Wsiadający za Łodzianami ludzie ze Skierniewic nie mają tyle szczęścia, co wsiadający przed nimi Łodzianie. Muszą często stać na korytarzach, przez co nazywani są Uszczelkami. Na końcu wsiadają ściśnięci i niemal przyklejeni do szyb mieszkańcy Żyrardowa- Glonojady. Sen w pociągu- Ci, którzy nie potrafią spać, szybko wykruszają się.,,Można spać na popielniczkę (z otwartą buzią), na przyjaciela (z głową na ramieniu sąsiada), na dzięcioła (z głową kiwającą się w rytm stukoczących po szynach kół), nieważne.’’ Rutyna i znużenie dopada wszystkich, więc aby się rozerwać, ludzie (szczególnie młodsze pokolenie) często robią sobie nawzajem kawały lub urządzają zawody. Hitem stała się gra, w której trzeba zagadać konduktora tak, aby upiekła się jazda bez biletu. Ta osoba, której uda się to najwięcej razy w ciągu tygodnia (od poniedziałku do piątku), staje się zwycięzcą. Na co dzień dojeżdżający starają się umilać sobie czas opowiadając zabawne historie, dowcipy lub plotkując. http://zmiastawarszawa.blogspot.com/ Link do filmu dokumentalnego opowiadającego o grupie osób dojeżdżających z Łodzi i okolic do Warszawy.
15 Labour migration from Lodz into Warsaw Bibliography 15 1.http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/24894,,,,migracja,haslo.htmlhttp://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/24894,,,,migracja,haslo.html 2.http://www.stat.gov.pl/gus/index_PLK_HTML.htmhttp://www.stat.gov.pl/gus/index_PLK_HTML.htm 3.http://www.wykop.pl/ramka/1098275/boat-people-zycie-w-pociagu-lodz- warszawa/http://www.wykop.pl/ramka/1098275/boat-people-zycie-w-pociagu-lodz- warszawa/ 4.http://www.se.pl/wydarzenia/warszawa/po-miliona-ludzi-codziennie-dojezdza- do-stolicy_142801.htmlhttp://www.se.pl/wydarzenia/warszawa/po-miliona-ludzi-codziennie-dojezdza- do-stolicy_142801.html 5.http://www.tvn24.pl/wiadomosci-z-kraju,3/polacy-masowo-dojezdzaja-do- pracy,195545.htmlhttp://www.tvn24.pl/wiadomosci-z-kraju,3/polacy-masowo-dojezdzaja-do- pracy,195545.html