1 Comparative analysis Impact of 2005 and 2006 social campaigns on awareness of drug services and change of behaviours and attitudes to drug problem
2 dalej The comparative analysis is based on the results of surveys conducted prior to the 2005 and following the 2006 campaign. The analysis covers two topics: attitudes and behaviours of parents towards drug problem, awareness of parent oriented services in case of drug problem within family Both surveys had similar methodological foundations. However, the sample selection method differed slightly. The pre-2005 campaign survey was conducted among parents with children aged 11-24 while the post-2006 project focused on parents with children aged 10-19. Consequently, the comparative analysis included parents who had at least one child aged 11-19. Some of the questions in the pre-2005 survey were modified so in this case the answers will be just presented instead of being compared. Comparative analysis
3 Relationships with children : awareness of spending leisure time outside home In both surveys respondents were asked about relationships with their children. Generally, parents say they know how their children spend leisure time outside home. In both measurements, over 90% of respondents gave positive answers to this question (94% prior to 2005 campaign and 96% following 2006 campaign). While parents in the post-2006 campaign survey answered the question more frequently, they were more hesitant in doing so. Following 2006 campaign there were fewer decisive statements: 43% „I am absolutely sure what my kids do outside home”, and 53% „I am pretty sure”). In the case of the pre-2005 measurement the distribution of answers was reverse, i.e. there were more respondents who gave „I am absolutely sure” answers (54%). Both measurements feature the following pattern: the older the children are the less decisive their parents are when it comes to the awareness of what their kids do outside home, what places they go to and where they spend time. Zdecydowanie tak Raczej tak Raczej nie Zdecydowanie nie Nie wiem, trudno powiedzieć Wykres 27. Relacje z dzieckiem, „Wiem, w jaki sposób moje dziecko spędza czas poza domem, w jakie miejsca chodzi, gdzie przebywa”, Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, kwiecień 2005 N=365, wrzesień 2006 N=308 21. Zsumowane odpowiedzi „Zdecydowanie tak (wiem)” i „Raczej tak (wiem)”. 21
4 Relationships with children : awareness of child’s peer group In both surveys parents of 11-19-year-olds reported that they knew their children’s friends. In the post-2006 campaign survey there were more positive answers to this question (92% following 2006 campaign and 89% prior to 2005 campaign). Wykres 28. Relacje z dzieckiem, „Dobrze znam przyjaciół mojego dziecka”, Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, kwiecień 2005 N=365, wrzesień 2006 N=308 22 22. Zsumowane odpowiedzi „Zdecydowanie nie” i „Raczej nie”. Zdecydowanie tak Raczej tak Raczej nie Zdecydowanie nie Nie wiem, trudno powiedzieć
5 Relationships with children : contact problems In both surveys „problems with making contact with child” were measured differently. Prior to 2005 campaign respondents were asked if they understood their children’s decisions. 25% of parents of children aged 11-19 reported they did not have problems in understanding their children’s decisions. In the survey following 2006 campaign, respondents were directly asked about problems with making contact with their children: 61% of parents of children aged 11-19 reported that they did not have problems with making contact with their children. dalej Wykres 29. Relacje z dzieckiem, „Wydaje mi się, że nie rozumiem wielu decyzji dziecka”, Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, kwiecień 2005 N=365, Wykres 30. Relacje z dzieckiem, „Mam trudności w nawiązaniu kontaktu z moim dzieckiem”,, Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, wrzesień 2006 N=306 Zdecydowanie tak Raczej tak Raczej nie Zdecydowanie nie Nie wiem, trudno powiedzieć 23. Zsumowane odpowiedzi „Zdecydowanie nie” i „Raczej nie”. 23
6 Both surveys included questions about talking to children. Before 2005 campaign, respondents were asked about shared topics of conversation. 92% of parents of children aged 11-19 admitted that they shared a lot of topics of conversations with their children. Following 2006 campaign, respondents were asked about devoting time to discuss children’s feelings and problems : 73% parents of children aged 11-19 admitted that they talked a lot with their children about such topics. dalej Wykres 31. Relacje z dzieckiem, „Mam z dzieckiem wiele wspólnych tematów do rozmowy”, Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, kwiecień 2005 N=365, Wykres 32. Relacje z dzieckiem, „Poświęcam dużo czasu na rozmowy z dzieckiem o jego uczuciach i problemach”, Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, wrzesień 2006 N=308 Zdecydowanie tak Raczej tak Raczej nie Zdecydowanie nie Nie wiem, trudno powiedzieć 24. Zsumowane odpowiedzi „Zdecydowanie tak” i „Raczej tak”. 24 Relationships with children : talking to children
7 Relationships with children : discussing drugs Wykres 33. Relacje z dzieckiem, „Trudno rozmawia mi się z dzieckiem na tematy związane z używaniem narkotyków”, Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, kwiecień 2005 N=365, wrzesień 2006 N=308 Zdecydowanie tak Raczej tak Raczej nie Zdecydowanie nie Nie wiem, trudno powiedzieć In both surveys parents generally stated that they did not have problems discussing drug-related issues with their children. Prior to 2005 campaign, 52% of parents of children aged 11-19 reported they had no problems discussing such topics (14% responded that they definitely had no problems ). Following 2006 campaign there were slightly more respondents (54%) who denied having problems with such conversations. In addition, there were fewer respondents who gave decisively positive answers to this question (10%). 25. Zsumowane odpowiedzi „Zdecydowanie nie” i „Raczej nie”. 25
8 Relationships with children : child's behaviour in case of trouble In pre-2005 social campaign survey, parents were more confident that their children would turn to them for help in case of trouble (88% in pre-2005 campaign surveyo and 84% in post-2006 campaign survey). A certain pattern is also observed: with the child getting older parents are less sure that their children will turn to them for help in case of problems. Wykres 34. Relacje z dzieckiem, „Ze swoimi kłopotami moje dziecko na pewno zwróci się do mnie o pomoc”, Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, kwiecień 2005 N=365, wrzesień 2006 N=308 dalej 26 26. Zsumowane odpowiedzi „Zdecydowanie nie” i „Raczej nie”. Zdecydowanie tak Raczej tak Raczej nie Zdecydowanie nie Nie wiem, trudno powiedzieć
9 Parents awareness and attitudes to drugs dalej Wykres 35. Postawy rodziców wobec narkotyków, Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, kwiecień 2005 N=228 wrzesień 2006, N=191 Zdecydowanie tak Raczej tak Raczej nie Zdecydowanie nie Nie wiem, trudno powiedzieć Comparing the pre-2005 campaign survey and the post-2006 campaign survey a rise in parents' awareness of drug problem is observed Following 2006 campaign, parents of children aged 11-19 more frequently denied that "parents cannot do anything considering the likelihood of their children getting addicted to drugs”: 44% of respondents following 2006 campaign and 36% prior to 2005 campaign. 2006 respondents more frequently admitted that their children might have drug problem: 95% following 2006 campaign and 83% prior to 2005 campaign. More respondents in 2006 survey reported that good parents' relationship with children might prevent them from using drugs : 94% following 2006 campaign and 90% prior to 2005 campaign. 27. Zsumowane odpowiedzi „Zdecydowanie nie” i „Raczej nie”. 28. Zsumowane odpowiedzi „Zdecydowanie tak” i „Raczej tak”. 27 28
10 Awareness of drug services Following 2006 campaign there were more parents of children aged 11-19 who knew where they could turn for help in case of drug problem: 81% following 2006 campaign and 77% prior to 2005 campaign. dalej Zdecydowanie zgadzam się Raczej zgadzam się Raczej nie zgadzam się Zdecydowanie nie zgadzam się Nie wiem, trudno powiedzieć Braki danych Wykres 36. Wiedza gdzie zwrócić się o pomoc w sytuacji wystąpienia problemu z narkotykami, „Gdyby dziecko miało problem z narkotykami wiedział(a)bym, gdzie zwrócić się o pomoc”, Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, kwiecień 2006 N=228, wrzesień 2006N=191 29 29. Zsumowane odpowiedzi „Zdecydowanie zgadzam się” i „Raczej zgadzam się”.
11 Awareness of drug services The comparative analysis of both surveys shows that among parents of children aged 1-19 there was a rise in awareness of drug services. The most frequently cited service was drug hotline: 72% in 2006 survey and 51% in 2005 survey. Online drug counselling centre was less known than the hotline in both surveys. Following 2006 campaign there was a rise in the awareness of online drug counselling centre: 31% in 2006 survey and 20% in 2005 survey reported they were aware of online drug counselling centre. dalej Wykres 37. Czy słyszał(a) kiedykolwiek o antynarkotykowym telefonie zaufania 0-801 199 990 / antynarkotykowej poradni internetowej www.narkomania.org.pl? www.narkomania.org.pl Odsetek odpowiedzi „tak”,Rodzice dzieci w wieku 11-19 lat, lipiec 2005 N=293, kwiecień 2006 N=228, wrzesień 2006 N=192 2005 – przed kampanią 2006 – po kampanii