CROSSWORD: SLANG. Konkurs polega na rozwiązaniu krzyżówki. CROSSWORD: SLANG Wypełnione karty odpowiedzi prosimy składać w bibliotece CJK, lub przesyłać.

Author: Jagoda Krasnodębski
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2 Konkurs polega na rozwiązaniu krzyżówki. CROSSWORD: SLANG Wypełnione karty odpowiedzi prosimy składać w bibliotece CJK, lub przesyłać na adres: [email protected] Data zakończenia konkursu: 12.04.15 WŚRÓD AUTORÓW POPRAWNYCH ODPOWIEDZI ZOSTANĄ ROZLOSOWANE ATRAKCYJNE NAGRODY KONKURS PRZEZNACZONY JEST DLA STUDENTÓW PP ŻYCZYMY POWODZENIA ! ORGANIZATORZY KONKURSU: mgr Aleksandra Nikiel, mgr Olga Ranus [email protected]

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4 1.If you have information, but you do not want to reveal who told you it, you can say ’a ….. bird told me’. 2.’An early …. ’ is someone who likes to get up early in the morning. 3.If you …. out, it means that you spend a lot of money on something that you don’t necessarily need.

5 4.The expression ’one … short of a picnic’ can be used in a humorous way to refer to someone who is crazy or stupid. 5.If someone has a … of gold, they are very kind and helpfull. 6.You scratch my … and I’ll scratch yours: if you do something for me, I’ll do something for you.

6 7.If someone is as good as … they are very well behaved. 8.’A whole new ball …’ is a situation which is different from anything that has happened before. 9.If something ’drives you up the … ’, it makes you very irritated and angry. 10.’To give someone a …’ is to give someone assistance or help.