dinitrogen tetrahydride

1 dinitrogen tetrahydride#22 Write the names for these mo...
Author: Myron Cummings
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1 dinitrogen tetrahydride#22 Write the names for these molecular compounds: a. NCl3 nitrogen trichloride b. BCl3 boron trichloride c. NI3 nitrogen triiodide d. SO3 sulfur trioxide e. N2H4 dinitrogen tetrahydride f. N2O3 dinitrogen trioxide

2 d. diphosphorus trioxide#23 Write the formulas or names for theses molecular compounds a. CS2 carbon disulfide b. carbon tetrabromide CBr4 c. Cl2O7 dichlorine heptoxide P2O3 d. diphosphorus trioxide

3 24. Write the formulas for these binary molecular compoundsa. phosphorus pentachloride PCl5 IF7 b. iodine heptafluoride ClF3 c. chlorine trifluoride IO2 d. iodine dioxide

4 No. It should have been just silicon tetrachloride#25 The name a student gives for the molecular compound SiCl4 is monosilicon trichloride. Is this name correct? explain. No. It should have been just silicon tetrachloride