How to make an application on Step by Step Instructions

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Author: Paranormal Activity
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2 How to make an application on Step by Step Instructionsto join HS Step by Step Instructions

3 Step 1: Sign up/ Login Go to http://www.hs-clan.plIt will prompt you to login Please login or click „register“ and create an account if you have not already registered a a

4 If you need to register first, then please complete the requested information


6 Once registered/signed in you should see the following screen

7 Step: 2 Make an ApplicationScroll down to the „hooligans“ section as shown below and click „Joining Hooligans Crew“

8 Read the information „read before posting applyRead the information „read before posting apply!“ to ensure you provide us with all necessary information The needed information are show on the side

9 Once read go to the „Joining Hools Crew“ section again (as listed below) and create a new topic

10 Post you completed application and hit „Post new topic“

11 Step 2: Wait Once you posted you application, wait for the members to respond and vote for it Once the majority voted for you, you are in Good Luck!