1 Innowacja i odpowiedzialnośćEwa Borek Important information for Speakers This Speaker Kit is designed to provide information on AstraZeneca and its business for a variety of audiences. It would be impossible to satisfy this objective without making reference to the medicines we make. Please note, however, that there are strict laws and codes of practice which apply to medicines communications and a common feature in most countries is that it is illegal to promote prescription medicines to the lay public. Please be careful, therefore, to avoid expanding on the product information provided in this Kit when speaking to the lay public. Presentations given to a purely business audience and communications with healthcare professionals are also covered by regulations. If you intend to expand on the information provided within this Kit and require further advice on promotional regulatory aspects, contact or the national promotional Nominated Signatories.
2 AstraZeneca na świecieJedna z największych firm farmaceutycznych na świecie 31 zakładów produkcyjnych w 20 krajach świata Leki dostępne w ponad 100 krajach Ponad 60 tysięcy pracowników na całym świecie Siedziba firmy w Wielkiej Brytanii Additional information One of the world’s top 4 pharmaceutical companies. Sales in 2001 of $16.5 billion (£11.4 billion, SEK173.7 billion) and operating profit of $4.2 billion (£2.9 billion, SEK43.8 billion). Research and technology intensive with wide-spread manufacturing and commercial skills. Powerful range of products for 7 important areas of healthcare: cancer, cardiovascular, central nervous system, gastrointestinal, infection, pain control, and respiratory and inflammation. Most of our products are prescribed in a hospital or by a primary care physician. We encourage innovation in all areas of our activity to create value for our customers, shareholders, employees and the communities in which we work.
3 Specjalizacja Służymy lekarzom i pacjentom w 7 głównych dziedzinach medycyny: onkologia pulmonologia gastroenterologia kardiologia neurologia i psychiatria anestezjologia antybiotykoterapia Additional information We provide a wide range of products designed to meet patient needs. Range includes world leading treatments for breast cancer (Nolvadex), hypertension (Zestril) and gastrointestinal disease (Losec)... … and a range of potential megabrands for treating cancer (Casodex and Arimidex), gastrointestinal disease (Nexium), asthma (Symbicort), hypertension (Atacand), migraine (Zomig) and schizophrenia (Seroquel). 4 new high potential medicines due for launch in 2002/3: two cardiovascular therapies (Crestor and Exanta) and two cancer treatments (Faslodex and Iressa). We aim to provide medicines which are not only effective, but which also offer other quality of life benefits, such as reduced side effects or better ways of receiving the treatment. Alongside the development of new medicines, we also research all the ways in which our existing products can be used or improved so as to realise the full potential of our portfolio. In addition, in common with other leading pharmaceutical companies, we continually seek acquisition and in-licensing opportunities which further strengthen our portfolio and help provide for future growth.
4 Projekty badawczo - rozwojoweGI CV Respiratory Inflammation Infection Pain Oncology CNS Marketed Infection Products New Zomig® Multiple sclerosis OAB Seroquel® NXY-059 Depression & Anxiety Pulmicort® Rhinocort®,other antiallergics Oxis® Accolate® Emerging Inflammation Symbicort® Viozan™ Products Pulmonary Nolvadex®, Arimidex® Tomudex®, ZD9331 Zoladex® Casodex® Faslodex™ Iressa™ Licensing evaluation ZD0473 Emerging Products Established Products Thrombin inhibitors Crestor™, fluvastatin Atacand® EPT Emerging CDs Insulin resistance, PPAR agonists EPT Xa antagonists, P2T Antagonists EPT Antiarrhythmics LA Diprivan® LEF, delta NO-NSAIDS GLY LTA Losec ® RAPID Nexium® Emerging Projects Entocort® Rofleponide USD rocznie przeznaczone na badania i rozwój
5 Światowe nowości Pulmonologia: Symbicort® Gastroenterologia: Nexium®Onkologia: Iressa® Kardiologia: Exanta®, Crestor® Psychiatria: Seroquel®
6 AstraZeneca - dziś i jutroR&D Directions, wydawnictwo poświęcone pracom rozwojowo-badawczym, uznało po raz trzeci portfolio przedrejestracyjne firmy AstraZeneca za najlepsze wśród firm farmaceutycznych i biotechnologicznych
7 Odpowiedzialność społecznaDziałania na rzecz społeczności lokalnych Pomoc placówkom służby zdrowia Wsparcie edukacji zdrowotnej i profilaktyki Nacisk na ochronę środowiska naturalnego Bezpieczeństwo pracowników i osób z otoczenia firmy Tom McKillop, Prezydent AstraZeneca : “Odpowiedzialność społeczna firmy to nie dodatek – to integralna część wszystkich naszych działań” Additional information As a global business, we recognise that we have a responsibility not just to shareholders, employees and customers but to society in general for high standards of corporate social responsibility worldwide. At AstraZeneca, the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined as all initiatives taken and efforts made by the company to contribute to sustainable development. Sustainable development has been defined as economic activity that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability is frequently viewed as achieving a balance between the sometimes conflicting priorities of three components: economic, social and environmental. These are the three pillars of our approach to corporate social responsibility which is integrated into all aspects of our business and involves all functions and territories worldwide. Full details of our CSR policy, approach and 2001 performance are available on our international website
8 AstraZeneca w Polsce Leki znane od lat siedemdziesiątychPonad 350 pracowników Liczne programy badawcze Programy zdrowotne i edukacyjne Additional information One of the world’s top 4 pharmaceutical companies. Sales in 2001 of $16.5 billion (£11.4 billion, SEK173.7 billion) and operating profit of $4.2 billion (£2.9 billion, SEK43.8 billion). Research and technology intensive with wide-spread manufacturing and commercial skills. Powerful range of products for 7 important areas of healthcare: cancer, cardiovascular, central nervous system, gastrointestinal, infection, pain control, and respiratory and inflammation. Most of our products are prescribed in a hospital or by a primary care physician. We encourage innovation in all areas of our activity to create value for our customers, shareholders, employees and the communities in which we work.
9 Badania nad nowymi lekami w PolsceNajwiększy dział badań klinicznych wśród firm innowacyjnych w Polsce Nakłady na badania nad nowymi lekami – ponad 20 milionów PLN rocznie Współpraca z polskimi naukowcami i lekarzami – ceniona przez centralę AstraZeneca Polscy lekarze i naukowcy biorą udział w większości międzynarodowych badań nad nowymi lekami AstraZeneca
10 Programy edukacyjne i profilaktyczne w Polsce„Wolność Oddechu – Zapobiegaj Astmie” Szkoły astmy (edukacja lekarzy POZ) Centra inhalacyjno – edukacyjne Kampania na rzecz samobadania piersi Wsparcie edukacji onkologicznej lekarzy (PUO)
11 Dlaczego „Wolność Oddechu”?Astma u dzieci – duży i narastający problem społeczny W astmie problemem nie jest leczenie, ale wczesne rozpoznanie Niedostateczna wiedza rodziców o astmie Wczesne wykrycie astmy u dzieci – możliwość normalnego życia Utrudniony dostęp do specjalistycznych badań W Polsce poziom edukacji zdrowotnej wymaga wielu działań, żeby dorównać do poziomu reprezentowanego przez kraje Unii Europejskiej AstraZeneca - nie tylko nowoczesne leki, ale także edukacja i programy zdrowotne
12 Dziękuję za uwagę! One of the world’s top 4 pharmaceutical companies.Additional information One of the world’s top 4 pharmaceutical companies. Sales in 2001 of $16.5 billion (£11.4 billion, SEK173.7 billion) and operating profit of $4.2 billion (£2.9 billion, SEK43.8 billion). Research and technology intensive with wide-spread manufacturing and commercial skills. Powerful range of products for 7 important areas of healthcare: cancer, cardiovascular, central nervous system, gastrointestinal, infection, pain control, and respiratory and inflammation. Most of our products are prescribed in a hospital or by a primary care physician. We encourage innovation in all areas of our activity to create value for our customers, shareholders, employees and the communities in which we work.