International XV Symposium on Micromachines & Servodrives – MiS06 Soplicowo, September 17-21, 2006 06.

1 International XV Symposium on Micromachines & Servodriv...
Author: Gerwazy Słabicki
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1 International XV Symposium on Micromachines & Servodrives – MiS06 Soplicowo, September 17-21, 2006 06

2 MiS06 Jubilee XV Symposium 1978 – 2006 Września Soplicowo Symposium MICROMACHINES & SERVODRIVES (MiS) is the only one regular conference in Poland, each two year, dedicated to science-technology problems connected with micromachines. Traditionally, specialists from industry, R&D and academic centres both from country and abroad participate in this conference. Usually, the conference takes place in interesting historical and picturesque places

3 MiS in Poland (1978-2006)

4 Września / Podstolice - 1978

5 Sosnowiec - 1980

6 Warszawa - 1982, 1984

7 Kazimierz Dolny - 1986

8 Czerniejewo - 1988

9 Bystre/Łańcut - 1990

10 Książ - 1992

11 Kraków/Przegorzały - 1994

12 Rydzyna - 1996

13 Rydzyna

14 Rydzyna/Kórnik

15 Malbork - 1998

16 Malbork - panorama of the Castle

17 Malbork - participants

18 Kamień Śląski - 2000

19 Krasiczyn - 2002

20 Krasiczyn - participants

21 Tuczno - 2004

22 Tuczno. Canoeing on Drawa river

23 On Drawa river

24 MiS06 – where, when? While in Soplicowo Conference Always then fantastic audience! Soplicowo, September 17-21, 2006

25 i i Here youll chat, solve problems… And here youll rest (if you find a moment …)

26 Topics theory and modelling of electromechanical converters their designing, optimising, construction and technology, linear drives, oscillating, and multi-degree ones, drives with PM motors and reluctance ones, intelligent and magnetic materials, mechatronics, robotics and control, MEMS and microsystems, sensors, measurement and test equipment, test methods and data processing, problems of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electrical energy from renewable sources, exploitation and special problems.

27 Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Nowa Elektrotechnika Electromotion Przegląd Elektrotechniczny Wiadomości Elektrotechniczne Structure Symposium will consist of: plenary sessions with oral presentation of papers (auxiliary posters will be possible, if any), poster sessions (optionally) technical excursion, technical (commercial) presentations, small talks and social programme Official languages on sessions will be English and Polish Accepted papers will be published in Proceedings of Symposium (by KBN grading scale – 3 pt), Selected papers from among previously presented ones will be published in regular periodicals (grading scale – by KBN list)

28 Organisers Electrotechnical Institute, Warsaw Warsaw University of Technology, Centre of Excellence: EESEMC MIKROMA Factory, Września

29 Patronages Electrical Engineering Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology Nowa Elektrotechnika - monthly for electrical engineers MEDIA PATRONAGE IEEE – Polish Section

30 Personals Chairman of Symposium Jerzy Zadrożny Programme Committee Krzysztof Kluszczyński – chairman Andrzej Pochanke – scientific secretary Organising Committee Lech Długiewicz – co-chairman Urszula Bugaj Jarosław Zadrożny – co-chairman

31 Contact Secretariat MiS'06 Electrotechnical Institute ul.Pożaryskiego 28 04-703 Warszawa, POLAND +(48 22) 812 30 53 (+48 22) 812 04 06 e-mail: [email protected]

32 See you on MiS06! We kindly invite you to attend the Symposium We assure you attractive conditions to work and rest