1 IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0Rozdział 8: Sieci Cisco Networking Academy Program IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0 Chapter 8: Networks IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0
2 Podstawy sieci Sieci są systemami tworzonymi poprzez łączaLudzie korzystają z różnych typów sieci każdego dnia: Sieci telefoniczne Publiczny system komunikacji Komputerowa sieci firmy Internet Komputery mogą być połączone poprzez sieci do dzielenia danych i zasobów. Sieci mogą być tak proste jak dwa komputery połączone jednym kablem lub złożone z setek komputerów podłączonych do urządzenia, które kontroluje przepływ informacji. Slide 6 - Principles of Networking 8.1 Explain the principles of networking Networks are systems that are formed by links. Websites that allow individuals to link to each other’s pages are called social networking sites. A set of related ideas can be called a conceptual network. The connections you have with all your friends can be called your personal network. People use networks everyday. Examples of networks are a mail delivery system, a telephone system, a public transportation system, a corporate computer network, and the Internet. Computers can be linked by networks to share data and resources. A network can be as simple as two computers connected by a single cable or as complex as hundreds of computers connected to devices that control the flow of information. Converged data networks can include general purpose computers, such as PCs and servers, as well as devices with more specific functions, including printers, phones, televisions, and game consoles. All data, voice, video, and converged networks share information and use various methods to direct how this information flows. The information on the network goes from one place to another, sometimes via different paths, to arrive at the appropriate destination. The public transportation system is similar to a data network. The cars, trucks, and other vehicles are like the messages that travel within the network. Each driver defines a starting point (source) and an ending point (destination). Within this system, there are rules such as stop signs and traffic lights that control the flow from the source to the destination. After completing this section, students will meet these objectives: Define computer networks Explain the benefits of networking Teaching Strategy: The mail system allows messages to travel between any place that can be reached. The telephone system allows worldwide voice, fax, and Internet connections. Public transportation moves people and packages from source to destination. Each of these has a way of getting into and out of the network and a means of directing traffic. It is much the same with computer networks.
3 Sieci komputerowe Urządzenia sieciowe: Zasoby dzielone poprzez sieć:Komputery Drukarki i skanery PDA / Smartphone Serwery Zasoby dzielone poprzez sieć: Usługi drukowania Usługi przechowywania danych Aplikacje (np. bazy danych) Typy medium sieciowego: Okablowanie miedziane Okablowanie światłowodowe Łączność bezprzewodowa Slide 7 – Computer Networks 8.1.1 Define computer networks A computer data network is a collection of hosts connected by networking devices. A host is any device that sends and receives information on the network. Peripherals are devices that are connected to hosts. Some devices can serve either as hosts or peripherals. Computer networks are used globally in businesses, homes, schools, and government agencies. Many of the networks are connected to each other through the Internet. Network devices include: Desktop and laptop computers Printers and scanners PDAs and Smartphones File and print servers Resources shared across networks include: Services, such as printing or scanning Storage space on removable devices, such as hard drives or optical drives Applications, such as databases Network uses include: Access information stored on other computers Print documents using shared printers Synchronize the calendar between your computer and your smart phone Different types of network media: Copper cabling uses electrical signals to transmit data between devices Fiber-optic cabling uses glass or plastic wire, also called fiber, to carry information as light pulses Wireless connection uses radio signals, infrared technology (laser), or satellite transmissions
4 Korzyści Mniej potrzebnych urządzeń peryferyjnychZwiększenie możliwości komunikacji Unikanie powielania i uszkodzeń plików Niższy koszt licencji Scentralizowane zarządzanie Ochrona zasobów Slide 8 - Benefits of Networking 8.1.2 Explain the benefits of networks The benefits of networking computers and other devices include lower costs and increased productivity. With networks, resources can be shared, which results in less duplication and corruption of data. Fewer peripherals needed – Printers, scanners, and backup devices can be shared among the network users. Increased communication capabilities - Collaboration tools facilitate communicate between users; Examples: , forums and chats, voice and video, and instant messaging Avoid file duplication and corruption - Servers store data and share it with network users. Confidential or sensitive data can be protected and shared with the users who have permission to access that data. Document tracking software can be used to prevent users from changing files that others are accessing at the same time. Lower cost licensing – The site license allows a group of people or an entire organization to use the application for a single fee. Centralized administration - Fewer people needed to manage the network. Lower cost to the company. Easier data backup to a central location. Conserve resources - Data processing is distributed across many computers to prevent overloading one computer with processing tasks. Student Activity: The student course content includes a matching activity, Advantages and Disadvantages of Networking. To complete this activity, students will identify each phrase as an advantage or a disadvantage.
5 Typy sieci Typy sieci identyfikujemy za pomocą:Rodzaju mediów służącego do podłączenia urządzeń Rodzaju urządzeń sieciowych Sposobu zarządzania zasobami Organizacji sieci Sposobu przechowywania danych Obszaru sieci Slide 9 - Types of Networks 8.2 Describe types of networks Data networks continue to evolve in complexity, use, and design. To communicate about networks, different types of networks are given different descriptive names. A computer network is identified by the following specific characteristics: The type of media used to connect the devices The type of networking devices used How the resources are managed How the network is organized How the data is stored The area it serves After completing this section, students will meet these objectives: Describe a LAN Describe a WAN Describe a WLAN Explain peer-to-peer networks Explain client/server networks
6 Local Area Network (LAN)Grupa połączonych komputerów, które jest pod tą samą kontrolą administracyjną. Może być małą siecią domową lub biurową. Może składać się z połączonych sieci lokalnych składających się z setek komputerów zainstalowanych w różnych budynkach i miejscach. Slide 10 – Local Area Network (LAN) 8.2.1 Describe a LAN Local Area Network (LAN) refers to a group of interconnected computers that is under the same administrative control. In the past, LANs were considered to be small networks that existed in a single physical location. Although LANs can be as small as a single local network installed in a home or small office, over time, the definition of LANs has evolved to include interconnected local networks consisting of many hundreds of hosts, installed in multiple buildings and locations. All the local networks within a LAN are under one administrative control group that governs the security and access control policies that are in force on the network. In this context, the word “Local” in Local Area Network refers to local consistent control rather than being physically close to each other. Devices in a LAN may be physically close, but it is not a requirement.
7 Wide Area Network (WAN)WAN łączy sieci LAN w oddzielonych geograficznie lokalizacjach. WAN obejmuje znacznie większy obszar niż sieci LAN. Internet to duża WAN. Do łączenia sieci LAN wykorzystywani są dostawcy usług telekomunikacyjnych (TSP). Slide 11 – Wide Area Network (WAN) 8.2.2 Describe a WAN Wide Area Networks (WANs) are networks that connect LANs in geographically separated locations. A WAN covers a much larger area than a LAN. The most common example of a WAN is the Internet. The Internet is a large WAN that is comprised of millions of interconnected LANs. All of these networks are connected together using WAN connections, such as a phone company, cable company, or Internet Service Provider (ISP). Telecommunications service providers (TSP) are used to interconnect these LANs at different locations.
8 Wireless LAN (WLAN) Urządzenia bezprzewodowe są wykorzystywane do przesyłania i odbierania danych za pomocą fal radiowych. Urządzenia bezprzewodowe łączą się do punktów dostępowych w określonym obszarze. Punkt dostępu jest podłączony do sieci za pomocą okablowania miedzianego. Zasięg sieci WLAN może być ograniczony do obszaru pokoju lub może mieć większy zasięg. W sieci LAN można współdzielić zasoby. Slide 12 – Wireless LAN (WLAN) 8.2.3 Describe a WLAN Traditionally, in a LAN, devices are connected together using copper cabling. In some environments, installing copper cabling may not be practical, desirable, or even possible. In these situations, wireless devices are used to transmit and receive data using radio waves. These networks are called wireless LANs, or WLANs. In a WLAN, wireless devices connect to access points within a specified area. Access points are typically connected to the network using copper cabling. WLAN coverage can be limited to the area of a room or can have greater range. As with LANs, you can share resources such as files and printers, and access the Internet on a WLAN. Student Activity: The student course content includes a matching activity, Network Types. To complete this activity, students will match each description to its network type. Teaching Strategy: The physical cables that connect devices in a LAN can be replaced by radio waves. In this case, a LAN becomes a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). A hotspot is the area where wireless access is available around a wireless access point. Hotspots can overlap, causing them to interconnect.
9 Sieci Peer-to-Peer Współdzielenie plików, wysyłanie wiadomości i drukowanie na udostępnionej drukarce. Każdy komputer ma podobne możliwości i obowiązki. Każdy użytkownik decyduje, które dane urządzenia współdzieli. Bez centralnego punktu kontroli sieci. Rozwiązanie dobre dla 10 lub mniej komputerów. Slide 13 – Peer-to-Peer Networking 8.2.4 Explain peer-to-peer networks In a peer-to-peer network, devices are connected directly to each other without any additional networking devices between them. Each device has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities. Individual users are responsible for their own resources and can decide which data and devices to share. There is no central point of control or administration in the network. Peer-to-peer networks work best in environments with ten or fewer computers. Teaching Strategy: In a peer-to-peer network, networked computers act as equal partners, or peers, to each other. Individual users control their own resources. They may decide to share certain files with other users and may require passwords before they allow others to access their resources. Since individual users make these decisions, there is no central point of control or administration in the network. In addition, individual users must back up their own systems to be able to recover from data loss in case of failures. Peer-to-peer networks are relatively easy to install and operate. No additional equipment is necessary beyond a suitable operating system in each computer. Since users control their own resources, no dedicated administrators are needed. A peer-to-peer network works well with ten or fewer computers.
10 Wady sieci Peer-to-PeerBez scentralizowane zarządzanie siecią, trudno jest określić, kto kontroluje zasoby sieciowe. Bez centralnego bezpieczeństwa, każdy komputer musi korzystać z odrębnych środków bezpieczeństwa dla ochrony danych. Bardziej złożone i trudne w zarządzaniu (przy większej liczbie maszyn). Bez scentralizowanego magazynu danych, tworzenie kopii zapasowych musi być wykonywane przez użytkowników. Slide 14 – Disadvantages of Peer-to-Peer 8.2.4 Explain peer-to-peer networks Peer-to-peer networks have several disadvantages: There is no centralized network administration which makes it difficult to determine who controls resources on the network. There is no centralized security. Each computer must use separate security measures for data protection. The network becomes more complex and difficult to manage as the number of computers on the network increases. There may be no centralized data storage. Separate data backups must be maintained. This responsibility falls on the individual users. Peer-to-peer networks still exist inside larger networks today. Even on a large client network, users can still share resources directly with other users without using a network server. In your home, if you have more than one computer, you can set up a peer-to-peer network.
11 Sieci Klient/Serwer Model ten zapewnia bezpieczeństwo i kontrolę w sieci. Klient żąda informacji lub usługi od serwera. Serwer dostarcza tę informację lub usługę. Serwery są utrzymywane przed administratorów: Kopie zapasowe i ochrona danych Kontrola nad dostępem do sieci Centralny magazyn danych: Dane przechowywane przez centralny serwer Drukarki udostępniane przez serwer wydruku Odpowiednie prawa dostępu do zasobów Slide 15 – Client Server Network 8.2.5 Explain client/server networks In a client/server model, the client requests information or services from the server. The server provides the requested information or service to the client. Servers on a client/server network commonly perform some of the processing work for client machines; for example, sorting through a database before delivering only the records requested by the client. In a client/server model, the servers are maintained by network administrators. Data backups and security measures are implemented by the network administrator. The network administrator also controls user access to the network resources. All of the data on the network is stored on a centralized file server. Shared printers on the network are managed by a centralized print server. Network users with the proper permissions can access both the data and shared printers. Each user must provide an authorized username and password to gain access to network resources that they are permitted to use. For data protection, an administrator performs a routine backup of all the files on the servers. If a computer crashes, or data is lost, the administrator can easily recover the data from a recent backup. Teaching Strategy: As networks grow larger, peer-to-peer relationships become increasingly difficult to coordinate. They do not scale well, since their efficiency decreases rapidly as the number of computers on the network increases. Since individual users control access to the resources on their computers, security may be difficult to maintain. Client/server networks address these limitations of the peer-to-peer arrangement.
12 Koncepcje i techniki siecioweTechnik komputerowy jest zobowiązany do skonfigurowania i rozwiązania problemów w sieci. Technicy muszą rozumieć zasady adresowania, protokołów i pozostałych koncepcji sieciowych. Slide 16 - Networking Concepts and Technologies 8.3 Describe basic networking concepts and technologies As a computer technician, you will be required to configure and troubleshoot computers on a network. To effectively configure a computer on the network, you should understand IP addressing, protocols, and other network concepts. After completing this section, students will meet these objectives: Explain bandwidth and data transmission Describe IP addressing Define DHCP Define Internet protocols and applications Define ICMP Teaching Strategy: A computer technician needs to understand the type of network they are working on and how to configure a computer for that network. Networking concepts and technologies encompass the software, configuration methods, and protocols involved in the communication between devices.
13 Szerokość pasma (bandwidth)Ilość danych możliwa do przetransportowania w jednostce czasu. Mierzona w bitach na sekundę: b/s [bps] – bitów na sekundę Kb/s [Kbps] – kilobitów na sekundę Mb/s [Mbps] – megabitów na sekundę Slide 17 - Bandwidth 8.3.1 Explain bandwidth and data transmission Data is sent in small chunks called packets. A packet has a header, containing the source and destination of the packet. A header has sequencing information so that the packets can be assembled at the destination. Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted within a fixed time period. Bandwidth is measured in bits per second and is usually denoted by the following: bps - bits per second Kbps - kilobits per second Mbps - megabits per second Bandwidth can be compared to highway traffic flow On a highway, cars represent the data. Number of lanes represents the number of cars that could travel on the highway at the same time. An eight-lane highway allows four times as many cars as a two-lane highway.
14 Modele transmisji Dane przesyłane są w jednym z trzech trybów:Simplex (transmisja jednokierunkowa) to pojedyncza transmisja w jednym kierunku. Przykład: Sygnał TV ze stacji nadawczej do odbiornika TV. Half-duplex pozwala na przepływ danych w jednym kierunku w danej chwili. Równoczesna transmisja w dwóch kierunkach nie jest dozwolona. Przykład: Radiostacje policji lub służb ratunkowych. Full-duplex pozwala na przepływ danych w obu kierunkach jednocześnie. Przepustowość mierzy się tylko w jednym kierunku. 100 Mbps full- duplex oznacza przepustowość 100 Mb/s w każdym kierunku. W technologiach szerokopasmowych, takich jak cyfrowa linia abonencka (DSL) i kablowej, sieć działa w trybie full-duplex. Slide 18 – Three Modes of Transmission 8.3.1 Explain bandwidth and data transmission Data is transmitted in one of three modes: Simplex (Unidirectional transmission) is a single, one-way transmission. Example: The signal sent from a TV station to your TV. Half-duplex allows data to flow in one direction at a time. Simultaneous transmission in two directions is not allowed. Example: Two-way radios, police or emergency mobile radios Full-duplex allows data to flow in both directions at the same time. Bandwidth is measured in only one direction. 100 Mbps full-duplex means a bandwidth of 100 Mbps in each direction. A telephone conversation is an example of full-duplex communication. Both people can talk at the same time, and can still hear each other. Broadband technologies, such as digital subscriber line (DSL) and cable, operate in full-duplex mode. Broadband allows multiple signals to travel on the same wire simultaneously. Full-duplex networking technology increases network performance because data can be sent and received at the same time. Example: With DSL, users can download data and talk on the telephone at the same time.
15 Adres IP Adres IP to unikalny numer, który służy do identyfikacji urządzenia w sieci. Adres IP jest reprezentowany jako liczba 32-bitowa liczba binarna, podzielona na cztery oktety (grupy ośmiu bitów): Przykład: Adres IP przedstawiany jest także w formie dziesiętnej z kropkami: Przykład: Podczas konfiguracji urządzenia sieciowego stosuje się zapis dziesiętny z kropkami. Unikalne adresy IP w sieci zapewniają, że dane mogą być przesyłane i odbierane z właściwego urządzenia sieciowego. Slide 19 – IP Address 8.3.2 Describe IP addressing An IP address is a number that is used to identify a device on the network. Each device on a network has a unique IP address. A network device is referred to as a host or node. Each host must have an IP address within the same network to be able to communicate with each other. The IP address is similar to the mailing address of a person. It is known as a logical address because it is logically assigned based on the host location. The IP address, or network address, is based on the local network and is assigned to each host by a network administrator. This process is similar to the local government assigning a street address based on the logical description of the city or village and neighborhood. An IP address consists of a series of 32 binary bits (ones and zeros). The 32 bits are grouped into four 8-bit bytes called octets. Example: An IP address is also represented in a dotted decimal format. Example: the binary IP address shown above is When a host is configured with an IP address, it is entered as a dotted decimal number, such as Imagine if you had to enter the 32-bit binary equivalent of this: If just one bit were mistyped, the address would be different and the host may not be able to communicate on the network. Unique IP addresses on a network ensure that data can be sent to and received from the correct network device.
16 Klasy adresów IP Klasa A ( - duże Klasa B ( ) Sieci średnie Klasa C ( ) Male sieci Klasa D ( ) Poznaczone do transmisji multicast Klasa E ( ) Klasa eksperymentalna Slide 20 – IP Address Classes 8.3.2 Describe IP addressing The logical 32-bit IP address is hierarchical and is composed of two parts. The first part identifies the network and the second part identifies a host on that network. Both parts are required in an IP address. As an example, if a host has IP address , the first three octets, , identify the network portion of the address, and the last octet, 57 identifies the host. This is known as hierarchical addressing, because the network portion indicates the network on which each unique host address is located. Routers only need to know how to reach each network and not the location of each individual host. Class A - Large networks, implemented by large companies and some countries. First octet is from is a special network reserved for testing is a loopback address. Class B - Medium-sized networks, implemented by universities. First octet is from Class C - Small networks, implemented by ISP for customer subscriptions. First octet is from Class D - Special use for multicasting. First octet is from Class E - Used for experimental testing
17 Maska podsieci Pokazuje część sieciową adresu IPZwykle wszystkie komputery w domenie rozgłoszeniowej LAN (ograniczone przez routery) używają tej samej maski podsieci. Domyślne maski podsieci: dla klasy A dla klasy B dla klasy C Jeśli organizacja posiada sieć klasy B a chce zapewnić adresy dla 4 sieci LAN, może podzielić sieć na mniejsze części zwane podsieciami. Maska określa sposób podziału. Slide 21 – Subnet Masks 8.3.2 Describe IP addressing The subnet mask is used to indicate the network portion of an IP address. It is a dotted decimal number. Usually all hosts within a LAN (bounded by routers) use the same subnet mask. The default subnet masks for three classes of IP addresses: Class A, which indicates the first octet of the IP address is the network portion. Class B, which indicates the first two octets of the IP address is the network portion. Class C, which indicates the first three octets of the IP address is the network portion. If an organization owns one Class B network but needs to provide IP addresses for four LANs, the organization will subdivide the Class B network into four smaller parts by using subnetting, which is a logical division of a network. The subnet mask specifies how it is subdivided. An experienced network administrator typically performs subnetting. After the subnetting scheme has been created, the proper IP addresses and subnet masks can be configured on the hosts in the four subnetted LANs. These skills are taught in the Cisco Networking Academy courses related to CCNA level networking skills.
18 Konfiguracja IP Ręczna DynamicznaManually configure each device with the proper IP address and subnet mask. Dynamiczna Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) automatycznie przypisuje adresację IP. Karta sieciowa (NIC) jako sprzęt umożliwiający dostęp do sieci posiada dewa typy adresów: Adres IP – adres logiczny, który można dowolnie zmienić. Adres Media Access Control (MAC) zapisany na stałe lub zaprogramowany na karcie sieciowej. W założeniu adres MAC nie może być modyfikowany. Slide 22 – IP Address Configuration 8.3.2 Describe IP addressing Manual IP address configuration In a network with a small number of hosts, it is easy to manually configure each device with the proper IP address. A network administrator who understands IP addressing should assign the addresses and should know how to choose a valid address for a particular network. To manually enter an IP address on a host, go to the TCP/IP settings in the Properties window for the Network Interface Card (NIC). The NIC is the hardware that enables a computer to connect to a network. It has an address called the Media Access Control (MAC) address. Whereas the IP address is a logical address that is defined by the network administrator, a MAC address is "burned-in" or permanently programmed into the NIC when it is manufactured. The IP address of a NIC can be changed, but the MAC address never changes. The main difference between an IP address and a MAC address is that the MAC address is used to deliver frames on the LAN, while an IP address is used to transport frames outside the LAN. A frame is a data packet, along with address information added to the beginning and end of the packet before transmission over the network. Once a frame is delivered to the destination LAN, the MAC address is used to deliver the frame to the end host on that LAN. Dynamic IP address configuration If more than a few computers comprise the LAN, manually configuring IP addresses for every host on the network can be time-consuming and prone to errors. In this case, the use of a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server would automatically assign IP addresses and greatly simplify the addressing process. Student Activity: The student course content includes worksheet, Identify IP Address Classes. To complete this worksheet, students will specify the IP Address Class for each given IP address and mask.
19 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)DHCP automatycznie dostarcza konfigurację IP DHCP zapewnia między innymi: Adres IP Maskę podsieci Bramę domyślną Adres serwera DNS Slide 23 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 8.3.3 Define DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a software utility used to dynamically assign IP addresses to network devices. This dynamic process eliminates the need for manually assigning IP addresses. A DHCP server can be set up and the hosts can be configured to automatically obtain an IP address. When a computer is set to obtain an IP address automatically, all of the other IP addressing configuration boxes are dimmed. The server maintains a list of IP addresses to assign, and manages the process so that every device on the network receives a unique IP address. Each address is held for a predetermined amount of time. When the time expires, the DHCP server can use this address for any computer that joins the network. This is the IP address information that a DHCP server can assign to hosts includes: IP address Subnet mask Default gateway Optional values, such as a Domain Name System (DNS) server address
20 Działanie DHCP i jego zaletyDHCP otrzymują żądanie od hosta. Serwer sprawdza i wybiera informację ze swojej bazy. Serwer oferuje hostowi informację o adresie IP Host akceptuje ofertę a serwer dzierżawi adres na określony przedział czasu. Advantages of DHCP: Upraszcza zarządzanie siecią Zmniejsza prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia konfliktów adresów IP Slide 24 – DHCP Process and Advantages 8.3.3 Define DHCP The DHCP server receives a request from a host. The server then selects IP address information from a set of predefined addresses that are stored in a database. Once the IP address information is selected, the DHCP server offers these values to the requesting host on the network. If the host accepts the offer, the DHCP server leases the IP address for a specific period of time. Using a DHCP server simplifies the administration of a network because the software keeps track of IP addresses. Automatically configuring TCP/IP also reduces the possibility of assigning duplicate or invalid IP addresses. For a computer on the network to take advantage of the DHCP server services, the computer must be able to identify the server on the local network. A computer can be configured to accept an IP address from a DHCP server by selecting the "Obtain an IP address automatically" option in the NIC configuration window. If your computer cannot communicate with the DHCP server to obtain an IP address, the Windows operating system will automatically assign a private IP address. If your computer is assigned an IP address in the range of to , you computer will only be able to communicate with other computers in the same range. An example of when these private addresses would be useful is in a classroom lab where you wish to prevent access outside of your network. This operating system feature is called Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA). APIPA will continually request an IP address from a DHCP server for your computer.
21 Konfiguracja hosta do obsługi DHCPWybierz „Uzyskaj adres IP automatycznie" w konfiguracji protokołu TCP/IP karty sieciowej. Slide 25 – Configure Host to Use DHCP 8.3.3 Define DHCP For a computer on the network to take advantage of the DHCP server services, the computer must be able to identify the server on the local network. A computer can be configured to accept an IP address from a DHCP server by selecting the "Obtain an IP address automatically" option in the NIC configuration window.
22 Protokoły internetoweProtokół to zbiór zasad. Protokoły internetowe są zbiorami zasad, które rządzą komunikacją między komputerami w sieci. Wiele protokołów tworzy zestaw (lub grupę) protokołów podzieloną na warstwy. Warstwy zależą jedna od drugiej w modelu działania zestawu. Główne funkcje protokółów: Wykrywanie błędów Kompresja i enkapsulacja danych Sposób przesyłania danych Adresowanie danych Sposób potwierdzania transmisji Slide 26 – Internet Protocols 8.3.4 Describe Internet protocols and applications A protocol is a set of rules. Internet protocols are sets of rules governing communication within and between computers on a network. Protocol specifications define the format of the messages that are exchanged. Timing is crucial to network operation. Protocols require messages to arrive within certain time intervals so that computers will not wait indefinitely for messages that may have been lost. Therefore, systems maintain one or more timers during transmission of data. Protocols also initiate alternative actions if the network does not meet the timing rules. Many protocols consist of a suite of other protocols that are stacked in layers. These layers depend on the operation of the other layers in the suite to function properly. These are the main functions of protocols: Identifying errors Compressing the data Deciding how data is to be sent Addressing data Deciding how to announce sent and received data
23 Popularne protokoły siecioweProtocols used for browsing the web, sending and receiving , and transferring data files Opis TCP/IP Protokół transportowy w Internecie. NETBEUI NETBIOS Lekki i szybki protokół stworzony dla małych grup roboczych. IPX and SPX Protokół transportowy w sieciach Novell Netware. HTTP and HTTPS Protokół wymiany plików w sieci Web. FTP Protokół transportu plików. SSH Bezpieczny protokół dla sieci klient/serwer. Telnet Protokół terminalowego łączenia się z komputerami zdalnymi. POP Protokół pobierania wiadomości pocztowych z serwera. IMAP SMTP Protokół wysyłania wiadomości pocztowych w sieci TCP/IP. Slide 27 – Common Network Protocols 8.3.4 Describe Internet protocols and applications Here is a summarized list of some of the more common protocols used on networks and the Internet. These protocols are used to browse the web, send and receive , and transfer data files. TCP/IP - A protocol used to transport data on the Internet. NETBEUI and NETBIOS – A small, fast protocol designed for a workgroup network that requires no connection to the Internet. IPX and SPX – A protocol used to transport data on a Novell Netware network. HTTP and HTTPS – A protocol that defines how files are exchanged on the Web. FTP – A protocol that provides services for file transfer and manipulation. SSH – A protocol that is used to connect computers together securely. Telnet – A protocol that uses a text-based connection to a remote computer. POP – A protocol used to download messages from an server. IMAP – A protocol used to download messages from an server. SMTP – A protocol used to send mail in a TCP/IP network. Student Activity: The student course content includes a matching activity, Network Protocols. To complete this matching activity, students will match the definition to the appropriate protocol.
24 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) jest używany przez urządzenia sieciowe do wysyłania wiadomości kontrolnych i o błędach. PING (Packet Internet Groper) to proste narzędzie wiersza polecenia służące do testowania połączeń między hostami: Ustalanie czy dany adres IP jest dostępny w sieci. Używany z nazwą hosta lub adresem IP. Działa w oparciu o komunikaty żądania ICMP echo. Urządzenie odpowiadające nadaje komunikat odpowiedzi ICMP echo. Slide 28 – Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) 8.3.5 Define ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is used by devices on a network to send control and error messages to computers and servers. There are several different uses for ICMP, such as announcing network errors, announcing network congestion, and troubleshooting. Packet internet groper (ping) is commonly used to test connections between computers. Ping is a simple but highly useful command line utility used to determine whether a specific IP address is accessible. Ping can be used with either the hostname or the IP address to test IP connectivity. Ping works by sending an ICMP echo request to a destination computer or other network device. The receiving device then sends back an ICMP echo reply message.
25 Ping i jego parametry Slide 29 – Ping Command Switches8.3.5 Define ICMP Ping is a troubleshooting tool used to determine basic connectivity. These command line switches that can be used with the ping command. Four ICMP echo requests (pings) are sent to the destination computer. If it is reachable, the destination computer responds with four ICMP echo replies. The percentage of successful replies can help you to determine the reliability and accessibility of the destination computer.
26 Wyniki działania komendy PingCztery żądania echa ICMP (ping) przesyłane są do komputera docelowego w celu ustalenia jego dostępności. Slide 30 – Output of the Ping Command 8.3.5 Define ICMP It is also possible to use ping to find the IP address of a host when the name is known. If you ping the name of a website, for example, the IP address of the server displays. Other ICMP messages are used to report: Undeliverable packets Data on an IP network that includes source and destination IP addresses Whether a device is too busy to handle the packet A data packet arrives at a router, which is a networking device that forwards data packets to other networks. If the router does not know where to send the packet, the router deletes it. The router then sends an ICMP message back to the sending computer. A busy router may send an ICMP message to the sending computer advising it to slow down because of network congestion.
27 Fizyczne komponenty sieciUrządzenia sieciowe: Komputery Koncentratory (huby) Przełączniki Routery Punkty dostępowe Network media: Okablowanie miedziane Okablowanie światłowodowe Fale radiowe Slide 31 – Physical Network Components 8.4 Describe the physical components of a network There are many devices that can be used in a network to provide connectivity. The device you use will depend on how many devices you are connecting, the type of connections that they use, and the speed at which the devices operate. These are the most common devices on a network: Computers Hubs Switches Routers Wireless access points The physical components of a network are needed to move data between these devices. The characteristics of the media determine where and how the components are used. These are the most common media used on networks: Twisted-pair copper cabling Fiber-optic cabling Radio waves After completing this section, students will meet these objectives: Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of network devices Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of the common network cables
28 Koncentratory Zwiększa zasięg sygnału poprzez regenerowanie go ui przesyłanie do wszystkich portów. Cały ruch trafia do każdego z portów. Pozwalają na występowanie kolizji w sieci. Slide 32 – Hubs 8.4.1 Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of network devices To make data transmission more extensible and efficient than a simple peer-to-peer network, network designers use specialized network devices, such as hubs, switches, routers, and wireless access points, to send data between network devices. The type of connection that is needed determines the device that is used. Hubs are devices that extend the range of a network by receiving a signal on one port, then regenerating the signal and sending it out to all other ports. This process means that all traffic from a device connected to the hub is sent to all the other devices connected to the hub every time the hub transmits data. This causes a great amount of network traffic. Hubs are also called concentrators, because they serve as a central connection point for a LAN.
29 Mosty i przełączniki Zestaw danych zawierający adres MAC nazywany jest ramką. Sieci LAN często dzielone są na sekcje zwane ssegmentami podzielone mostami. Most posiada logikę, która pozwala mu określić czy nadchodząca ramka musi zostać przesłana do innego segmentu czy odrzucona. Most posiada dwa porty. Przełącznik (wieloportowy most) posiada wiele portów i opiera swoje działanie na tablicy adresów MAC. Slide 33 – Bridges and Switches 8.4.1 Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of network devices Files are broken up into small pieces of data, called packets, before they are transmitted over a network. This allows for error checking and easier retransmission if the packet is lost or corrupted. Address information is added to the beginning and to the end of packets before they are transmitted over the network. The packet, along with the address information, is called a frame. LANs are often divided into sections called segments bounded by bridges. A bridge has the intelligence to determine if an incoming frame is to be sent to a different segment, or dropped. This improves traffic flow of data by keeping frames from entering the wrong segment. A bridge has two ports. Switches are sometimes called multiport bridges. A typical bridge may have just two ports, linking two segments of the same network. A switch has several ports, depending on how many network segments are to be linked. A switch is a more sophisticated device than a bridge. A switch maintains a table of the MAC addresses for computers that are connected to each port. When a frame arrives at a port, the switch compares the address information in the frame to its MAC address table. The switch then determines which port to use to forward the frame.
30 Routery Router to urządzenie, które łączy różne sieci:Wykorzystują adresu IP do przesyłanych pakietów do innych sieci. Może być nim komputer ze specjalnym oprogramowaniem. Może być nim dedykowane urządzenie sieciowe. Zawiera tablicę adresów IP z optymalnymi trasami do innych sieci (tablica routingu). Slide 34 – Routers 8.4.1 Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of network devices While a switch connects segments of a network, routers are devices that connect entire networks to each other. Switches use MAC addresses to forward a frame within a single network. Routers use IP addresses to forward frames to other networks. A router can be a computer with special network software installed, or a router can be a device built by network equipment manufacturers. Routers contain tables of IP addresses along with optimal destination routes to other networks.
31 Bezprzewodowe punkty dostępoweZapewniają bezprzewodowy dostęp do sieci. Wykorzystują fale radiowe. Mają ograniczony zasięg. Slide 35 – Wireless Access Points 8.4.1 Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of network devices Wireless access points provide network access to wireless devices such as laptops and PDAs. The wireless access point uses radio waves to communicate with radios in computers, PDAs, and other wireless access points. An access point has limited range of coverage. Large networks require several access points to provide adequate wireless coverage.
32 Urządzenia wielofunkcyjneWykonują więcej niż jedną funkcję. Bardziej wygodne w zakupie i konfiguracji. Łączą w sobie funkcje przełącznika, routera i bezprzewodowego punktu dostępu w jednym urządzeniu. Linksys 300N jest przykładem takiego urządzenia. Slide 36 – Multipurpose Devices 8.4.1 Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of network devices There are network devices that perform more than one function. It is more convenient to purchase and configure one device that serves all of your needs than to purchase a separate device for each function. This is especially true for the home user. In your home, you would purchase a multipurpose device instead of a switch, a router, and a wireless access point. The Linksys 300N is an example of a multipurpose device.
33 Skrętka miedziana Pary skręconych kabli tworzą obwód transmisji danych. Skręcenie zapobiega przesłuchom (szumom elektrycznym). Pary przewodów miedzianych, są zamknięte w kolorowych izolacjach z tworzyw sztucznych i skręcone razem. Zewnętrzny płaszcz wykonany z PVC chroni wszystkie przewody. Slide 37 – Twisted-Pair Cabling 8.4.2 Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of common network cables Until recently, cables were the only medium used to connect devices on networks. A wide variety of networking cables are available. Coaxial and twisted-pair cables use copper to transmit data. Fiber-optic cables use glass or plastic to transmit data. These cables differ in bandwidth, size, and cost. As a technician, you need to know what type of cable to use in different situations so that you are able to install the correct cables for the job. You will also need to be able to troubleshoot and repair problems that you encounter. Twisted-pair is a type of copper cabling that is used for telephone communications and most Ethernet networks. A pair of wires forms a circuit that can transmit data. The pair is twisted to provide protection against crosstalk, which is the noise generated by adjacent pairs of wires in the cable. Pairs of copper wires are encased in color-coded plastic insulation and twisted together. An outer jacket protects the bundles of twisted pairs called poly-vinyl chloride (PVC). PVC will produce hazardous fumes when burned. Most network cables are installed in the plenum space, or areas in the ceiling, in the walls, and under the floor. If cables with the PVC jackets do burn in the plenum space, hazardous fumes can spread quickly through a building. To avoid this danger, only install plenum-grade fire resistant cabling in the plenum space. When electricity flows through a copper wire, a magnetic field is created around the wire. A circuit has two wires, and in a circuit, the two wires have oppositely charged magnetic fields. When the two wires of the circuit are next to each other, the magnetic fields cancel each other out. This is called the cancellation effect. Without the cancellation effect, your network communications become slow due to the interference caused by the magnetic fields.
34 Dwa podstawowe typy skrętkiSkrętka nieekranowana (UTP) Dwa lub cztery pary przewodów Polega na efekcie zerowania przy redukcji interferencji elektromagnetycznej (EMI) i radiowej (RFI). Najpopularniejszy rodzaj skrętki Zasięg do 328 stóp (100 metrów) Skrętka ekranowana (STP) Każda para jest osłonięta folią, aby lepiej chronić przewody przed szumem. Cztery pary przewodów dodatkowo osłonięte foliowym oplotem. Redukuje interferencję wewnątrz kabla. Redukuje EMI oraz RFI podchodzące z zewnątrz przewodu. Slide 38 – Two Basic Types of Twisted-pair Cables 8.4.2 Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of common network cables There are two basic types of twisted-pair cables: Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) Has two or four pairs of wires Relies on the cancellation effect for reduction of interference caused by electromagnetic interface (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI) Most commonly used cabling in networks Has a range of 328 ft (100 meters) Shielded twisted-pair (STP) Each pair is wrapped in metallic foil to better shield the wires from electrical noise. Four pairs of wires are then wrapped in an overall metallic braid or foil. STP reduces electrical noise from within the cable. It also reduces EMI and RFI from outside the cable. Facts about STP Prevents interference better than UTP. Primarily used outside North America. Disadvantages of STP More expensive because of extra shielding. More difficult to install because of the thickness. Metallic shielding must be grounded at both ends. If not, shield acts like an antenna picking up unwanted signals.
35 Kategorie okablowaniaKable UTP występują w kilka kategoriach podzielonych ze względu na: Liczbę przewodów w kablu Liczbę skręceń miedzy przewodami Kategoria 3 – używana do połączeń telefonicznych. Kategoria 5 i 5e - najczęściej stosowana w kablach sieciowych. Kategoria 6 – zapewnia wyższą prędkość transmisji od kategorii 5. Slide 39 – Category Rating 8.4.2 Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of common network cables UTP comes in several categories that are based on two factors: The number of wires in the cable The number of twists in those wires Category 3 is the wiring used for telephone connections. It has four pairs of wires and a maximum data transmission rate of up to 16 Mbps. Category 5 and Category 5e have four pairs of wires with a maximum data transmission rate of up to 100 Mbps. Category 5 and 5e are the most common network cables used. Category 5e has more twists per foot than Category 5 wiring. These extra twists further prevent interference from outside sources and the other wires within the cable. Category 6 cable uses a plastic divider to separate and maintain the position of the pairs of wires relative to each other. This prevents interference. The pairs also have more twists than Category 5e cable.
36 Kabel koncentryczny Rdzeń miedziany jest osłonięty przez mocny płaszcz. Typy kabli: Cienki Ethernet lub 10Base5 – kabel koncentryczny dla sieci o maksymalnej przepustowości 10 Mbit/s i maksymalnych odległościach do 500 m. Cienki Ethernet lub 10Base2 – kabel koncentryczny dla sieci o maksymalnej przepustowości 10 Mbit/s i maksymalnych odległościach do 185 m. RG-59 – używany w telewizji kablowej w USA. RG-6 – lepszej jakości nić RG-59. Slide 40 – Coaxial Cable 8.4.2 Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of the common network cables Coaxial cable is a copper-cored cable surrounded by a heavy shielding. Coaxial cable is used to connect computers in a network. There are several types of coaxial cable, including the following: Thicknet or 10Base5 - Coax cable that was used in networks and operated at 10 megabits per second with a maximum length of 500 meters. Thinnet or 10Base2 - Coax cable that was used in networks and operated at 10 megabits per second with a maximum length of 185 meters. RG-59 - Most commonly used for cable television in the US RG-6 - Higher quality cable than RG-59 with more bandwidth and less susceptibility to interference
37 Okablowanie światłowodoweMagistrala ze szkła lub plastiku, która przesyła informacje z użyciem światła. W jednym płaszczu znajduje się jedno lub wiele włókien światłowodowych.. Niepodatne na efekt interferencji. Sygnały są czyste, mają dłuższy zasięg i wyższą przepustowość niż w okablowaniu miedzianym. Zwykle droższe i trudniejsze w montażu. Typy: Wielomodowe oraz jednomodowe Slide 41 – Fiber-Optic Cable 8.4.2 Identify names, purposes, and characteristics of common network cables A glass or plastic strand that transmits information using light and is made up of one or more optical fibers enclosed together in a sheath or jacket. Not affected by electromagnetic or radio frequency interference. All signals are converted to light pulses to enter the cable, and converted back into electrical signals when they leave it. Signals are clearer, can go farther, and have greater bandwidth than with copper cable. Signal can travel several miles or kilometers before the signal needs to be regenerated. Usually more expensive to use than copper cabling and the connectors are more costly and harder to assemble. Common connectors for fiber-optic networks are SC, ST, and LC. These three types of fiber-optic connectors are half-duplex, which allows data to flow in only one direction. Therefore, two cables are needed. Two types of glass fiber-optic cable: Multimode - Cable that has a thicker core than single-mode cable. It is easier to make, can use simpler light sources (LEDs), and works well over distances of a few kilometers or less. Single-mode - Cable that has a very thin core. It is harder to make, uses lasers as a light source, and can transmit signals dozens of kilometers with ease.
38 Topologie sieci LAN Topologia fizyczna określa fizyczny układ ssieci i rozmieszczenia komponentów. Slide 42 – LAN Topologies and Architectures 8.5 Describe LAN topologies and architectures Topologies and architectures are building blocks for designing a computer network. A technician needs to understand how networks are designed in order to work on computers that are part of a network. There are two types of LAN topologies: physical and logical. A physical topology is the physical layout of the components on the network. A logical topology determines how the hosts communicate across a medium, such as a cable or the airwaves. Topologies are commonly represented as network diagrams. A LAN architecture is built around a topology. LAN architecture comprises all the components that make up the structure of a communications system. These components include the hardware, software, protocols, and sequence of operations. After completing this section, students will meet these objectives: Describe LAN topologies Describe LAN architectures Topologia logiczna określa jak hosty uzyskują dostęp do medium sieciowego.
39 Topologie fizyczne Topologia fizyczna określa sposób, w jaki komputery, drukarki i inne urządzenia są podłączone do sieci: Magistrala Pierścień Gwiazda Gwiazda hierarchiczna Pełne połączenia (siatka) Slide 43 - LAN Physical Topologies 8.5.1 Describe LAN topologies A physical topology defines the way in which computers, printers, and other devices are connected to a network. A logical topology describes how the hosts access the medium and communicate on the network. The type of topology determines the capabilities of the network, such as ease of setup, speed, and cable lengths. These are common LAN physical topologies: Bus Ring Star Hierarchical star Mesh
40 Topologia magistrali Każdy komputer jest podłączony do wspólnego kablaKabel łączy jeden komputer do drugiego Końce kabla posiadają terminatory chroniące przed odbiciami sygnału i błędami. Tylko jeden komputer może nadawać w danym czasie. W innym przypadku występuje kolizja i ramki są niszczone. Topologia fizycznej magistrali jest obecnie rzadko wykorzystywana. Slide 44 – Bus Topology 8.5.1 Describe LAN topologies In a bus topology, each computer connects to a common cable. The cable connects one computer to the next, like a bus line going through a city. The cable has a small cap installed at the end of the wire, called a terminator. The terminator prevents signals from bouncing back and causing network errors. Only one computer can transmit data at a time. When multiple computers send frames at the same time, these frames collide and are destroyed. When this happens, the computers must resend the frames. This topology is rarely used and would only be suitable for a home office or small business with few hosts.
41 Topologia pierścieniaHosty połączone są w fizyczny pierścień lub okrąg. Pierścień nie ma początku ani końca i nie musi być zakończony terminatorem. Specjalna ramka (token) podróżuje po całym pierścieniu, zatrzymując się na każdym hostów. Zaletą jest brak występowania kolizji. Dwa typy sieci: Pojedynczy pierścień Podwójny pierścień Slide 45 – Ring Topology 8.5.1 Describe LAN topologies In a ring topology, hosts are connected in a physical ring or circle. The ring topology has no beginning or end, so the cable does not need to be terminated. A specially-formatted frame, called a token, travels around the ring, stopping at each host. If a host wants to transmit data, the host adds the data and the destination address to the frame. The frame then continues around the ring until the frame stops at the host with the destination address. The destination host takes the data out of the frame. The advantage of using a ring topology is that there are no collisions. When electrical signals run into each other, they cancel each other out. This is called a collision. There are no collisions because the host with the token is the only host that is allowed to transmit data. There are two types of ring topologies: Single-ring - All the devices on the network connect to a single cable and the data travels in one direction only. Each device has an opportunity to send data over the network. Dual ring - All the devices on the network connect to two cables and the data travels in both directions. Only one cable is used at a time. In the event of a failure of one ring, data is transmitted on the other ring. A Token Ring network is the most common implementation of the ring topology. A Token Ring network uses a ring topology and a token-passing methodology to prevent collisions. Some characteristics of Token Ring networks are: Token Ring was developed by IBM and conforms to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard. Token Ring networks typically operate at 4 or 16 Mbps.
42 Topologia gwiazdy Posiada centralny punkt połączenia: koncentrator, przełącznik lub router. Drożna w realizacji niż magistrala. Łatwe rozwiązywanie problemów, gdyż każde urządzenia podłączone jest swoim kablem. Slide 46 – Star Topology 8.5.1 Describe LAN topologies The star topology has a central connection point, which is normally a device such as a hub, switch, or router. Each host on a network has a cable segment that attaches the host directly to the central connection point. A star topology costs more to implement than the bus topology because more cable is used, and a central device is needed, such as a hub, switch, or router. The advantage of a star topology is that it is easy to troubleshoot. Each host is connected to the central device with its own wire. If there is a problem with that cable, only that host is affected. The rest of the network remains operational.
43 Topologia rozszerzonej gwiazdyTopologia gwiazdy z dodatkowym urządzeniem sieciowym podłączonym do urządzenia głównego. Używana w dużych sieciach. Slide 47 – Hierarchical Star Topology 8.5.1 Describe LAN topologies A hierarchical or extended star topology is a star network with an additional networking device connected to the main networking device. Typically, a network cable connects to one hub, and then several other hubs connect to the first hub. A hierarchical star topology can be used with network devices that filter frames or packets, such as bridges, switches, and routers. This topology, when used with these devices, significantly reduces congestion by sending packets only to the network segment of the destination host. Larger networks, such as those of corporations or universities, use the hierarchical star topology.
44 Topologia pełnych połączeń (siatki)Każde urządzenie łączy się z każdym Awaria jednego połączenia nie wpływa na działanie sieci. Używana w sieciach WAN. Droga i trudna w montażu. Przykładem takiej sieci jest Internet. Często wykorzystywana przez rządy, gdy dane muszą być dostępne nawet w przypadku częściowej awarii sieci. Slide 48 – Mesh Topology 8.5.1 Describe LAN topologies The mesh topology connects all devices to each other. When every device is connected to every other device, a failure of any cable will not affect the network. The mesh topology is used in WANs that interconnect LANs. Mesh topologies are expensive and difficult to install because of the amount of cable necessary to connect every device to every other device on the network. The Internet is a good example of a mesh topology. On the Internet, if one device breaks down, the data can be routed through another device. Mesh topologies are often used by governments when data must be available even in the event of a network failure.
45 Topologie logiczne Dwie podstawowe typy topologii to: rozgłoszeniowa i przekazywania żetonu.. W topologii rozgłoszeniowej nie ma porządku w jakim urządzenia otrzymują dostep do sieci. Korzysta się z algorytmu FCFS (first come, first served) Przekazywanie żetonu kontroluje dostęp do sieci poprzez przekazywanie elektronicznego żetonu sekwencyjnie do każdego hosta. Kiedy host otrzymuje żeton może przesłać dane do sieci. Jeśli nie ma żadnych danych do przesłania przekazuje żeton dalej. itself. Slide 49 – Logical Topologies 8.5.1 Describe LAN topologies The two most common types of logical topologies are broadcast and token passing. In a broadcast topology, each host addresses either data to a particular host or to all hosts connected on a network. There is no order that the hosts must follow to use the network – it is first come, first served for transmitting data on the network. Token passing controls network access by passing an electronic token sequentially to each host. When a host receives the token, it can send data on the network. If the host has no data to send, it passes the token to the next host and the process repeats itself.
46 Architektura LAN Jest ogólna strukturą systemu komputerowego lub telekomunikacyjnego. Projektowana do specjalnych zadań i określonych specyfikacji. Obejmuje zarówno topologię fizyczną jak i logiczną. Najpopularniejsze topologie sieci LAN: Ethernet Token Ring Fiber-Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Slide 50 – LAN Architecture 8.5.2 Describe LAN architectures A LAN architecture is the overall structure of a computer or communication system and determines the capabilities and limitations of the system. LAN architectures are designed for a specific use and have different speeds and capabilities. LAN architecture describes both the physical and logical topologies used in a network. These are the three most common LAN architectures: Ethernet Token Ring Fiber-Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
47 Ethernet Architektura oparta o standard IEEE 802.3, który określa działanie mechanizmu zarządzania dostępem do medium i wykrywaniem kolizji (CSMA/CD). Standardy: 10 Mb/s (Ethernet) “10Base-T” 100 Mb/s (FastEthernet) “100Base-T” 1000 Mb/s = 1 Gbps (Gigabit Ethernet) “1000Base-T” Slide 51 – Ethernet 8.5.2 Describe LAN architectures The Ethernet architecture is based on the IEEE standard, which specifies that a network use the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with the Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) access control method. In CSMA/CD, hosts access the network using the first come, first served broadcast topology method to transmit data. Ethernet uses a logical bus or broadcast topology and either a bus or star physical topology. As networks expand, most Ethernet networks are implemented using an extended star or hierarchical star topology. Standard transfer rates are 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps, but new standards outline Gigabit Ethernet, which is capable of attaining speeds up to 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps).
48 Token Ring Architektura niezawodna Opracowana przez IBMBazuje na przekazywaniu żetonu Zintegrowana w systemy mainframe firmy IBM. Fizycznie to pierścień w układzie gwiazdy. Wewnątrz urządzeń okablowanie tworzy logiczny pierścień. Slide 52 – Token Ring 8.5.2 Describe LAN architectures IBM originally developed Token Ring as reliable network architecture based on the token-passing access control method. Token Ring is often integrated with IBM mainframe systems. Token Ring is used with computers and mainframes. Token Ring is an example of an architecture where the physical topology is different from its logical topology. The Token Ring topology is referred to as a star-wired ring because the outer appearance of the network design is a star. The computers connect to a central hub, called a multistation access unit (MSAU). Inside the device, however, the wiring forms a circular data path, creating a logical ring. The logical ring is created by the token traveling out of a MSAU port to a computer. If the computer does not have any data to send, the token is sent back to the MSAU port and then out the next port to the next computer. This process continues for all computers and therefore resembles a physical ring.
49 Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)Typ sieci Token Ring. Często stosowane w sieciach LAN łączących kilka budynków w kompleksach budynków lub kampusie uniwersyteckim. Działa na okablowaniu światłowodowym. Wysoka wydajność w połączeniu z zaletami przekazywania żetonu. Przepustowość 100 Mb/s dla głównego i zapasowego pierścienia. Pierścień główny wykorzystywany jest do transmisji danych, drugi jest łączem zapasowym. FDDI wspiera 500 na pierścień. Slide 53 – Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) 8.5.2 Describe LAN architectures FDDI is a type of Token Ring network. The implementation and topology of FDDI differ from the IBM Token Ring LAN architecture. FDDI is often used for LANs, such as those connecting several buildings in an office complex or on a university campus. FDDI runs on fiber-optic cable. FDDI combines high-speed performance with the advantages of the token-passing ring topology. FDDI runs at 100 Mbps on a dual-ring topology. The outer ring is called the primary ring and the inner ring is called the secondary ring. Normally, traffic flows only on the primary ring. If the primary ring fails, the data automatically flows onto the secondary ring in the opposite direction. A FDDI dual ring supports a maximum of 500 computers per ring. The total distance of each length of the cable ring is 62 miles (100 km). A repeater, which is a device that regenerates signals, is required every 1.2 miles (2 km). Note: ISPs have used FDDI due to the redundancy FDDI provides with its dual ring. The newer forms of Ethernet and other enhancements to Ethernet have begun to replace FDDI in this role. In recent years, many token ring networks have been replaced by faster Ethernet networks. Resources:
50 Standardy Ethernet Protokoły Ethernet opisują zasady kontrolujące komunikację w sieci Ethernet. Standard definiuje adresowanie urządzeń w medium. Standard definiuje metodę używania medium przez urządzenia. Standardy x określają działanie urządzeń bezprzewodowych. Slide 55 – Ethernet Standards 8.7 Identify Ethernet standards Ethernet protocols describe the rules that control how communication occurs on an Ethernet network. To ensure that all Ethernet devices are compatible with each other, the IEEE developed standards for manufacturers and programmers to follow when making and programming Ethernet devices. After completing this section, students will meet these objectives: Explain cabled Ethernet standards Explain wireless Ethernet standards
51 Standardy Ethernetu przewodowegoIEEE – określa implementacje mechanizmu kontroli dostępu do sieci CSMA/CD. Działanie CSMA/CD: Wszystkie stacje końcowe nasłuchują medium i oczekują na moment nadania danych. Kiedy stacje wykryją, że nikt inny nie nadaje, rozpoczynają nadawanie swoich danych. Jeśli żadna inna stacja nie rozpocznie nadawania – dane dochodzą do swojego celu. Jeśli inna stacja zacznie nadawać w tym czasie – występuje kolizja. Pierwsza stacja wykrywa kolizje i nadaje sygnał zakłócający, aby zmusić inne stacje do zaprzestania nadawania. Wszystkie stacje rozpoczynają retransmisję po losowym czasie. Slide 56 – Cabled Ethernet Standards 8.7.1 Explain cabled Ethernet standards The Ethernet architecture is based on the IEEE standard. The IEEE standard specifies that a network implement the CSMA/CD access control method. In CSMA/CD, all end stations "listen" to the network wire for clearance to send data. This process is similar to waiting to hear a dial tone on a phone before dialing a number. When the end station detects that no other host is transmitting, the end station will attempt to send data. If no other station sends any data at the same time, this transmission will arrive at the destination computer with no problems. If another end station observed the same clear signal and transmitted at the same time, a collision will occur on the network media. The first station that detects the collision, or the doubling of voltage, sends out a jam signal that tells all stations to stop transmitting and to run a backoff algorithm. A backoff algorithm calculates random times in which the end station will start to try network transmission again. This random time is typically in one or two milliseconds (ms), or thousandths of a second. This sequence occurs every time there is a collision on the network and can reduce Ethernet transmission by up to 40%.
52 10BASE-T 10BASE-T jest technologią wykorzystującą topologie gwiazdy.10 oznacza prędkość do 10 Mb/s BASE oznacza pasmo podstawowe T oznacza użycie skrętki Zalety 10BASE-T: Niedroga instalacja Kable są cienkie, giętkie i łatwe do instalacji. Łatwa modernizacja. Wady 10BASE-T: Maksymalna długość segmentu to 328 stopy (100 m). Wrażliwość na interferencję elektromagnetyczną. Slide BASE-T 8.7.1 Explain cabled Ethernet standar The IEEE standard defines several physical implementations that support Ethernet. Some of the common implementations are described here. 10BASE-T is an Ethernet technology that uses a star topology. 10BASE-T is a popular Ethernet architecture whose features are indicated in its name: The ten (10) represents a speed of 10 Mbps. BASE represents baseband transmission. In baseband transmission, the entire bandwidth of a cable is used for one type of signal. The T represents twisted-pair copper cabling. Advantages of10BASE-T: Installation of cable is inexpensive compared to fiber-optic installation. Cables are thin, flexible, and easier to install than coaxial cabling. Equipment and cables are easy to upgrade. Disadvantages of 10BASE-T: The maximum length for a 10BASE-T segment is only 328 ft (100 m). Cables are susceptible to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).
53 100BASE-TX “FastEthernet”Teoretyczna prędkość do 100 Mb/s. X oznacza, że można wykorzystać zarówno kabel miedziany jak i włókno światłowodowe. Zalety 100BASE-TX: Przepustowość 100BASE-TX dziesięć razy większa od 10BASE-T 100BASE-X – łatwość instalacji i modernizacji Wady 100BASE-TX: Maksymalna długość segmentu to 329 stóp (100 m). Wrażliwość na interferencję elektromagnetyczną. Slide 58 – 100BASE-TX “FastEthernet” 8.7.1 Explain cabled Ethernet standards The high bandwidth demands of many modern applications, such as live video conferencing and streaming audio, have created a need for higher data-transfer speeds. Many networks require more bandwidth than 10 Mbps Ethernet. 100BASE-TX is much faster than 10BASE-T and has a theoretical bandwidth of 100 Mbps. The "X" indicates that you can use many different types of copper and fiber-optic cabling. Advantages of 100BASE-TX: At 100 Mbps, transfer rates of 100BASE-TX are ten times that of 10BASE-T. 100BASE-X uses twisted-pair cabling, which is inexpensive and easy to install. Disadvantages of 100BASE-TX: The maximum length for a 100BASE-TX segment is only 328 ft (100 m). Cables are susceptible to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).
54 1000BASE-TX “Gigabit Ethernet”Zalety 1000BASE-T: 1 Gbps dziesięć razy szybszy od Fast Ethernet i sto razy szybszy od Ethernet. Możliwość obsługi aplikacji potrzebujących dużych przepustowości. Kompatybilność z 10BASE-T oraz 100BASE-TX. Wady 1000BASE-T: Maksymalna długość segmentu 328 stóp (100 m). Wrażliwość na interferencję elektromagnetyczną. Karty sieciowe i przełączniki są drogie. Wymagany jest dodatkowy sprzęt. Slide 59 – 1000BASE-TX “Gigabit Ethernet” 8.7.1 Explain cabled Ethernet standards 1000BASE -T is commonly known as Gigabit Ethernet. Gigabit Ethernet is a LAN architecture. Advantages of 1000BASE-T: The 1000BASE-T architecture supports data transfer rates of 1 Gbps. At 1 Gbps, it is ten times faster than Fast Ethernet, and 100 times faster than Ethernet. This increased speed makes it possible to implement bandwidth-intensive applications, such as live video. The 1000BASE-T architecture has interoperability with 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX. Disadvantages of 1000BASE-T: The maximum length for a 1000BASE-T segment is only 328 ft (100 m). It is susceptible to interference. Gigabit NICs and switches are expensive. Additional equipment is required.
55 Standardy bezprzewodoweIEEE to standard określający działanie sieci bezprzewodowych. Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity), to rodzina standardów (oryginalna specyfikacja) 802.11b 802.11a 802.11g 802.11n Protokoły określają częstotliwości prędkości i inne cechy standardu. Slide 60 – Wireless Ethernet Standards 8.7.2 Explain wireless Ethernet standards IEEE is the standard that specifies connectivity for wireless networks. IEEE , or Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity), refers to the collective group of standards, (the original specification), b, a, g, and n. These protocols specify the frequencies, speeds, and other capabilities of the different Wi-Fi standards. 802.11a - Devices conforming to the a standard allow WLANs to achieve data rates as high as 54 Mbps. IEEE a devices operate in the 5 GHz radio frequency range and within a maximum range of 150 feet (45.7 m). 802.11b operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency range with a maximum theoretical data rate of 11 Mbps. These devices operate within a maximum range of 300 feet (91 m). 802.11g provides the same theoretical maximum speed as a, which is 54 Mbps, but operates in the same 2.4 GHz spectrum as b. Unlike a, g is backward-compatible with b g also has a maximum range of 300 feet (91 m). 802.11n is a newer wireless standard that has a theoretical bandwidth of 540 Mbps and operates in either the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequency range with a maximum range of 984 feet (250 m).
56 IEEE 802.11a Maksymalna przepustowość to 54 MbpsUrządzenia działają w zakresie częstotliwości 5 GHz Unika to problemów interferencji z b 802.11a nie nie jest kompatybilny z b Dostępne są karty sieciowe pracujące w dwóch trybach. Zasięg to 100 stóp (30 m) Slide 61 – IEEE a WLAN Standard 8.7.2 Explain wireless Ethernet standards Devices conforming to the a standard allow WLANs to achieve data rates as high as 54 Mbps. IEEE a devices operate in the 5 GHz radio frequency range. The a standard positively affects performance because of the devices operating on a higher frequency, and the combination of the coding and modulation techniques used. 802.11a is in a wider frequency, 5 GHz, to access the higher speeds, and also to avoid interference issues in the crowded 2.4 GHz band where b WLANs, HomeRF LANs, Bluetooth devices, cordless phones, and even microwave ovens operate. The benefits of using the 5 GHz spectrum may be canceled out by the lack of backward compatibility with the current generation of b LANs. This is because the frequencies do not match. Many vendors are addressing this problem by producing dual-mode products that contain two radios, one that operates in the 2.4 GHz range, and one that operates in the 5 GHz range a has a range of approximately 100 ft (30 m).
57 IEEE 802.11b Urządzenia działają w zakresie częstotliwości 2.4 GHzMaksymalna teoretyczka przepustowość to 11 Mb/s (zwykle około 6.5 Mp/s) Średni zasięg to około 100 stóp (30 m) przy 11 Mb/s oraz 295 stóp (90 m) przy 1 Mb/ss Jakość sygnału wyznacza przepustowość b. Urządzenia Bluetooth, bezprzewodowe słuchawki, kuchenki mikrofalowe działają w zakresie 2.4 GHz powodując interferencję. Slide 62 – IEEE b WLAN Standard 8.7.2 Explain wireless Ethernet standards Ratified in 1999, b is an extension of the original standard b operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency range with a maximum theoretical data rate of 11 Mbps. Because of process within the protocol, common data rates are typically reduced to 6.5 Mbps b has an average range of approximately 100 ft (30 m) at 11 Mbps and 295 ft (90 m) at 1 Mbps. This range fluctuates depending on the operational speed. Signal quality dictates the operational speed of b.
58 IEEE 802.11g oraz 802.11n 802.11g 802.11n Przepustowość do 54 MbpsUrządzenia działają w zakresie częstotliwości 2.4 GHz 802.11g jest kompatybilny z b Istnieją urządzenia standardów a, b ,g Zasięg 100 stóp (30 m) 802.11n Teoretyczna przepustowość to 540 Mb/s Pracuje zarówno w paśmie 5 GHz jak i 2.4 GHz Maksymalny zasięg 164 stóp (50 m) Slide 63 – IEEE g and n 8.7.2 Explain wireless Ethernet standards The IEEE g standard was published in July g provides the same theoretical maximum speed as a, which is 54 Mbps, but operates in the same 2.4 GHz spectrum as b. Unlike a, g is backward compatible with b. Interoperability among and between all speeds exists, so the entire WLAN does not need to be upgraded when moving to higher speeds g has an average range of approximately 100 ft (30 m). 802.11n will have a theoretical bandwidth of 540 Mbps and operate in either the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequency range with a maximum range of 164 ft (50 m). The IEEE project timeline expects n to be approved in April In January 2007, the task group adjusted this timeline to ratify n earlier than April 2008.
59 Standardy Ethernetu bezprzewodowegoPrzepustowość Częstotliwość Zasięg Kompatybilność 802.11a Do 54 Mbps 5 GHz 100 stóp (30 m) Niekompatybilne z b, g, lub n 802.11b Do 11 Mbps 2.4 GHz Kompatybilne z g 802.11g Kompatybilne z b 802.11n Do 540 Mbps 164 stóp (50 m) Kompatybilne z b oraz g Bluetooth Do 2 Mbps 2.4 GHz lub 5 GHz 30 stóp (10 m) Niekompatybilne z żadnym innym Slide 64 – Wireless Ethernet Standards 8.7.2 Explain wireless Ethernet standards An access point has three different operating modes: Legacy - Only a, b, and g Mixed - Both a, b, g, and n Greenfield - Only n Resources:
60 Modele OSI oraz TCP/IP Model: Model TCP/IPDzieli funkcje i protokoły na zarządzane warstwy. Każda warstwa wykonuje określoną funkcję. Model TCP/IP Cztery warstwy obejmujące zestaw protokołów TCP/IP jest dominującym standardem komunikacji w sieciach Model Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) Standard opisuje sposób komunikacji urządzeń w sieci Zapewnie współdziałanie różnych urządzeń Slide 65 – OSI and TCP/IP Data Models 8.8 Explain OSI and TCP/IP data models An architectural model is a common frame of reference for explaining Internet communications and developing communication protocols. It separates the functions of protocols into manageable layers. Each layer performs a specific function in the process of communicating over a network. The TCP/IP model was created by researchers in the US Department of Defense (DoD). The TCP/IP model is a tool used to help explain the TCP/IP suite of protocols, which is the dominant standard for transporting data across networks. This model has four layers. In the early 1980s, the International Standards Organization (ISO) developed the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model, which was defined in ISO standard , to standardize the way devices communicate on a network. This was a major step forward to ensuring that there would be interoperability between network devices. After completing this section, students will meet these objectives: Define the TCP/IP model Define the OSI model Compare OSI and TCP/IP
61 Model referencyjny TCP/IPSzkielet odniesienia do tworzenia protokołów Internetowych Składa się z warstw zapewniających funkcję przygotowania danych do transmisji w sieci. Warstwa Opis Protokoły Aplikacji Zapewnia usługi sieciowe dla aplikacji użytkownika HTTP, HTML, Telnet, FTP, SMTP, DNS Transportu Zapewnia zarządzanie danymi i połączeniem, dzieli dane na segmenty TCP, UDP Internetu Zapewnia łączność między hostami IP, ICMP, RIP, ARP Dostępu do sieci Opisuje standardy wykorzystania medium fizycznego Slide 66 – TCP/IP Model 8.8.1 Define the TCP/IP model The TCP/IP reference model Frame of reference used to develop the Internet's protocols Consists of layers that perform functions necessary to prepare data for transmission over a network A message moves from the top (Application) layer down the TCP/IP layers to the bottom network access layer. Header information is added to the message as it moves down through each layer and is then transmitted. After reaching the destination, the message travels back up through each layer of the TCP/IP model. The header information that was added to the message is stripped away as the message moves up through the layers toward its destination. Application protocols provide network services to user applications such as web browsers and programs Transport protocols provide end-to-end management of the data and divides the data into manageable segments for easier transport across the network Internet protocols provide connectivity between hosts in the network Network Access protocols describe the standards that hosts use to access the physical media. The IEEE Ethernet standards and technologies, such as CSMA/CD and 10BASE-T are defined in this layer.
62 Model OSI Model OSI to standard przemysłowy dzielący komunikację sieciową na siedem warstw. Pomimo istnienia innych modeli, większość producentów posługuje się modelem OSI. Stos protokołów to system implementujących zachowanie protokołów z użyciem warstw. Stos protokołów może być zaimplementowany zarówno w sprzęcie jak i oprogramowaniu. Zwykle tylko niższe warstwy są implementowane w sprzęcie a wyższe w oprogramowaniu. Slide 67 - The OSI Model 8.8.2 Define the OSI model The OSI model is an industry standard framework that is used to divide network communications into seven distinct layers. Although other models exist, most network vendors today build their products using this framework. A system that implements protocol behavior consisting of a series of these layers is known as a protocol stack. Protocol stacks can be implemented either in hardware or software, or a combination of both. Typically, only the lower layers are implemented in hardware, and the higher layers are implemented in software.
63 Model OSI Warstwa Opis Aplikacji 7 Prezentacji 6 Sesji 5 Transportu 4Odpowiedzialna za usługi sieciowe i aplikacje Prezentacji 6 Konwertuje dane dla warstwy aplikacji Sesji 5 Nawiązuje, zarządza i kończy połączenia z aplikacjami lokalnymi lub zdalnymi. Transportu 4 Zapewnia niezawodne dostarczanie danych w sieci Sieci 3 Odpowiedzialna za adresowanie logiczne i routing Łącza danych 2 Zapewnia adresowanie fizyczne i zasady dostępu do medium Fizyczna 1 Określa specyfikację eklektyczną i fizyczną sygnałów Slide 68 - The OSI Model 8.8.2 Define the OSI model Each layer is responsible for part of the processing to prepare data for transmission on the network. The chart shows what each layer of the OSI model does. NOTE: Mnemonics can help you remember the seven layers of the OSI. Some examples include: "All People Seem To Need Data Processing" and "Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away".
64 Porównanie modeli Slide 69 – Compare OSI and TCP/IP ModelsThe OSI model and the TCP/IP model are both reference models used to describe the data communication process. The TCP/IP model is used specifically for the TCP/IP suite of protocols and the OSI model is used for development of standard communication for equipment and applications from different vendors. The TCP/IP model performs the same process as the OSI model, but uses four layers instead of seven. Student Activity: The student course content includes a matching activity, OSI Model. To complete this activity, students will match the OSI layers to the TCP/IP layers.
65 Instalacja karty sieciowej i modemuZainstaluj kartę i sterownik. Jeśli potrzeba, pobierz najnowszy sterownik ze strony producenta. Podłącz komputer do sieci. NIC Slide 70 – Configuring a NIC and a Modem 8.9 Describe how to configure a NIC and a modem A network interface card (NIC) is required to connect to the Internet. The NIC may come preinstalled or you may have to purchase one separately. Use the driver that comes with the motherboard or adapter. If necessary, download an updated driver from the manufacturer. After completing this section, students will meet these objectives: Install or update a NIC driver Attach the computer to an existing network Describe installation of modem Modem
66 Instalacja sterownikaSterownik instalujemy poprzez załączony instalator lub Managera urządzeń Po instalacji ponownie uruchamiamy komputer. Jeśli nowy sterownik nie działa można zawsze skorzystać z opcji przywracania. Slide 72 – Install or Update a NIC Driver 8.9.1 Install or update a NIC driver Alternatively, you can click the Update Driver button in the toolbar of the Device Manager Choose Start > Control Panel > System > Hardware tab. In the Device Manager area, click Device Manager tab and click Update Driver… The "+" next to the Network adapters category allows you to expand the category and show the network adapters installed in your system To view and change the properties of the adapter, double-click the adapter In the Adapter Properties window, and select the driver After updating, reboot the computer Rebooting after driver changes will make sure that the installation has gone as planned and the new driver is working properly When installing multiple drivers, reboot the computer between each update to make sure there are no conflicts Uninstall a NIC Driver - If a new NIC driver does not perform as expected after it has been installed, the driver can be uninstalled, or rolled back, to the previous driver Double-click the adapter in the Device Manager. In the Adapter Properties window, select the Driver tab and click Roll Back Driver If there was no driver installed before the update, this option will not be available You will need to find a driver for the device and install it manually if the operating system could not find a suitable driver for the NIC. Student Activity: The student course content includes worksheet, Internet Search for NIC Drivers. To complete this worksheet, students will research the latest NIC drivers for various network cards.
67 Podłączanie do sieci Należy umieścić koniec kabla sieciowego w porcie karty sieciowej. Drugi koniec umieszczamy w gnieździe sieciowym. Po podłączeniu diody LED kart sieciowej powinny zacząć mrugać. Brak aktywności oznacza brak łączności lub uszkodzenie sprzętu albo kabla. Slide 73 – Attach Computer to Existing Network 8.9.2 Attach Computer to existing network Now that the NIC drivers are installed, connect to the network. Plug a network cable, also called an Ethernet patch or straight-through cable, into the network port on the computer. Plug the other end into the network device or wall jack. After connecting the network cable, look at the LEDs, or link lights, next to the Ethernet port on the NIC. If there is no activity, this may indicate a faulty cable, a faulty hub port, or even a faulty NIC. You may have to replace one or more of these devices to correct the problem.
68 Konfiguracja karty sieciowejThe computer will now need an IP address. If the computer does not acquire an IP address from a DHCP server, you will need to enter a unique IP address in the TCP/IP properties of the NIC. Click Start > Control Panel > Network Connections > Local Area Connection Every NIC must be configured with the following information: The same protocol must be implemented between any two computers that communicate on the same network. The IP address must be unique to each device and can be configured manually or dynamically. The MAC address is a unique address assigned by the manufacturer and cannot be changed. Slide 74 – Configure the NIC 8.9.2 Attach Computer to existing network The computer will now need an IP address. Most networks are set up so that the computer will receive an IP address automatically from a local DHCP server. If the computer does not have an IP address, you will need to enter a unique IP address in the TCP/IP properties of the NIC. Click Start > Control Panel > Network Connections > Local Area Connection Every NIC must be configured with the following information: The same protocol must be implemented between any two computers that communicate on the same network. The IP address is configurable and must be unique to each device. The IP address can be manually configured or automatically assigned by DHCP. Each device has a unique MAC address. The MAC address is assigned by the manufacturer and cannot be changed.
69 Przydzielony adres IP Jeśli nie znasz swojego adresu IP, możesz go sprawdzić za pomocą polecenia ipconfig. Slide 75 – What is the Assigned IP Address? 8.9.2 Attach Computer to existing network Once the computer is connected to the network, you should test connectivity. Use the ipconfig program to find out the IP address assigned to the computer.
70 Testowanie łączności Należy wykonać PING na swój adres w celu sprawdzenia działania karty sieciowej. Następnie PING na adres bramy domyślnej lub innego komputera w sieci. Kolejny test wykujemy na adres strony internetowej. Jeśli test nie wykonuje się pomyślnie trzeba rozpocząć proces rozwiązywania problemów. Slide 76 – Test Connectivity 8.9.2 Attach Computer to existing network Ping your own IP address to make sure that your NIC is working properly. Once you have determined that your NIC is working, ping your default gateway or another computer on your network. A default gateway is a computer or router that serves as the entry point and exit point of your subnet. If you have an Internet connection, ping a popular website, such as If you can ping an Internet site successfully, everything is working properly with your connection. If you cannot ping one of these items, you will need to begin troubleshooting the connection. Student Activity: The student course content includes the lab, Lab: Configure an Ethernet NIC to use DHCP. To complete this lab, students will configure an Ethernet NIC to use DHCP to obtain an IP address.
71 Dial-up Networking (DUN)Wykorzystanie publicznej linii telefonicznej to połączenie typu dial-up networking (DUN). Modems komunikują się ze sobą tworząc połączenia z użyciem protokołu Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). Po ustanowieniu połączenia obie strony ustalają jego parametry. Sygnały cyfrowe pochodzące z komputera są konwertowane na analogowe przesyłane linia telefoniczną. Slide 78 – Dial-up Networking (DUN) 8.9.3 Describe the installation of a modem When computers use the public telephone system to communicate, it is called dial-up networking (DUN). Modems communicate with each other using audio tone signals. Modems can duplicate the dialing characteristics of a telephone. DUN creates a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection between two computers over a phone line. After the line connection has been established, a "handshaking sequence" takes place between the two modems and the computers. The handshaking sequence is a series of short communications that occur between the two systems. This is done to establish the readiness of the two modems and computers to engage in data exchange. Dial-up modems send data over the serial telephone line in the form of an analog signal. Analog signals can be drawn as waves because they change gradually and continuously. In this system, the digital signals are represented by 1s and 0s. The digital signals must be converted to a waveform to travel across telephone lines. They are converted back to the digital form, 1s and 0s, by the receiving modem so that the receiving computer can process the data.
72 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)Standard przesyłania głosu, obrazu i danych za pośrednictwem kabli telefonicznych. Zapewnia lepszą jakość głosu i wyższe prędkości transferu danych niż tradycyjne usługi telefonii analogowej. Uslugi oferowane przez ISDN: Basic Rate Interface (BRI), Primary Rate Interface (PRI), oraz Broadband ISDN (BISDN). ISDN używa dwóch kanałów komunikacyjnych "B" przenosi dane "D" kontroluje przepływ danych (może przenosić też dane) Slide 81 – Integrated Services Digital Network Describe telephone technologies There are several WAN solutions available for connecting between sites or to the Internet. WAN connection services provide different speeds and levels of service. Before committing to any type of Internet connection, research all available services to determine the best solution to match the needs of your customer. Analog telephone technology uses standard voice telephone lines. This type of service uses a modem to place a telephone call to another modem at a remote site, such as an Internet Service provider. There are two major disadvantages of using the phone line with an analog modem. The first is that the telephone line cannot be used for voice calls while the modem is in use. The second is the limited bandwidth provided by analog phone service. The maximum bandwidth using an analog modem is 56 Kbps, but in reality, it is usually much lower than that. An analog modem is not a good solution for the demands of busy networks. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a standard for sending voice, video, and data over normal telephone wires. ISDN technology uses the telephone wires as an analog telephone service. Because ISDN uses digital technology, it provides higher-quality voice and higher-speed data transfer than traditional analog telephone service. Three services are offered by ISDN digital connections: Basic Rate Interface (BRI), Primary Rate Interface (PRI), and Broadband ISDN (BISDN). ISDN uses two different types of communications channels: "B" channel is used to carry the information - data, voice, or video. "D" channel is usually used for controlling and signaling, but can be used for data.
73 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)Technologia utrzymująca stałe połączenia bez konieczności „wdzwaniania” się. Używa istniejących linii telefonicznych do dostarczania szybkich kanałów komunikacji pomiędzy użytkownikiem a firmą telefoniczną. Asymetryczny DSL (ADSL) jest obecnie najbardziej popularną technologią DSL. Duża przepustowość pobierania. Przepustowość wysyłania – dużo niższa. Dobre rozwiązanie dla zastosowań domowych, słabe jeśli chodzi o usługi serwerowe. Slide 83 – Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Describe telephone technologies DSL is an "always-on" technology. There is no need to dial up each time to connect to the Internet. DSL uses the existing copper telephone lines to provide high-speed data communication between end users and telephone companies. Unlike ISDN, where the digital data communications replaces the analog voice communications, DSL shares the telephone wire with analog signals. This sharing of the phone wire allows voice calls to be placed while DSL is connecting to the Internet. Two major considerations when selecting DSL: DSL has distance limitations. The voice information and the data carried by DSL must be separated at the customer site. Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) is currently the most commonly used DSL technology. Has different bandwidth capabilities in each direction, Has a fast downstream speed - typically 1.5 Mbps. Downstream is the process of transferring data from the server to the end user. Upload rate of ADSL is slower. Does not perform well when hosting a web server or FTP server, both of which involve upload-intensive Internet activities.
74 Typy DSL Typ Opis ADSL Pobieranie od 384 Kb/s do 6 Mb/s. Wysyłanie niższej przepustowości. HDSL High Data Rate zapewnia jednakową przepustowość w obu kierunkach. SDSL Symmetric DSL zapewnia jednakową przepustowość w obu kierunkach (do 3 Mb/s). VDSL Very High Data Rate DSL zapewnia przepustowość pobierania od 13 do 52 Mb/s i 16 Mb/s wysyłania. IDSL ISDN DSL to DSL po linii analogowej. Wymaga odpowiedniego wyposażenia. Slide 84 – DSL Types Describe telephone technologies Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) currently is the most common implementation. It has speeds that vary from 384 Kbps to more than 6 Mbps downstream. The upstream speed is typically lower than the downstream speed. High Data Rate DSL (HDSL) provides equal bandwidth in both directions. It is Mbps in North America and Mbps in Europe. Symmetric DSL (SDSL) provides the same speed, up to 3 Mbps, for uploads and downloads. Very High Data Rate DSL (VDSL) is capable of bandwidths between 13 and 52 Mbps downstream, and 16 Mbps upstream. ISDN DSL (IDSL) is actually DSL over ISDN lines. It is a set of CCITT/ITU standards for digital transmission over ordinary telephone copper wire as well as over other media with a top speed of 144 Kbps. ISDN is available in areas that do not qualify for other DSL implementations. An ISDN adapter at both ends, user side in place of the modem and service provider, is required. ISDN is generally available in urban areas in the United States and Europe from the local phone company.
75 Łączność szerokopasmowaTechnika szerokopasmowa jest używana do transmisji i odbioru wiele sygnał o różnych częstotliwościach z wykorzystaniem pojedynczego kabla. Wykorzystywany jest szeroki zakres częstotliwości podzielonych na tzw. kanały. Typowe sieci szerokopasmowe:: Kablowa Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Satelitarna Slide 86 – Broadband Connectivity Define broadband Broadband is a technique used to transmit and receive multiple signals using multiple frequencies over one cable. For example, the cable used to bring cable television to your home can carry computer network transmissions at the same time. Because the two transmission types use different frequencies, they do not interfere with each other. Broadband uses a wide range of frequencies that may be further divided into channels. In networking, the term broadband describes communication methods that transmit two or more signals at the same time. Sending two or more signals simultaneously increases the rate of transmission. Some common broadband network connections include cable, DSL, ISDN, and satellite.
76 Modem kablowy Modem kablowy łączy komputer z dostawcą za pomocą kabla koncentrycznego identycznego jak do TV kablowej. Możną podłączyć komputer bezpośrednio do modemu. Można podłączyć także router, przełącznik lub koncentrator, żeby współdzielić zasoby i łączność internetową. Slide 87 – Cable Modem Define broadband A cable modem connects your computer to the cable company using the same coaxial cable that connects to your cable television. You can connect the computer directly into the cable modem. You can connect a router, switch, hub, or multipurpose network device so multiple computers can share the Internet connection.
77 Modem i filtr DSL Sygnały głosu i danych przesyłane są z wykorzystaniem różnych częstotliwości. Filtr zapobiega nakładaniu się sygnałów DSL i sygnałów głosowych. Modem DSL nie wymaga filtra. Slide 88 – DSL Modem and Filter Define broadband With DSL, the voice and data signals are carried on different frequencies on the copper telephone wires. A filter is used to prevent DSL signals from interfering with phone signals. Plug the filter into a phone jack and plug the phone into the filter. The DSL modem does not need a filter. The DSL modem is not affected by the frequencies of the telephone. A DSL modem can connect directly to your computer, or it can be connected to a networking device to share the Internet connection between multiple computers.
78 Połączenie satelitarneKorzysta z anteny satelitarnej do komunikacji dwukierunkowej. Prędkości pobierania zwykle do Kb/s, wysyłanie zbliżone do 56 Kb/s. Ludzie na obszarach słabo zurbanizowanych korzystają z usług satelitarnych ponieważ są szybsze niż połączenie dial-up, a inne połączenie szerokopasmowe mogą być niedostępne. Slide 90 – Broadband Satellite Define broadband Broadband satellite is an alternative for customers who cannot get cable or DSL connections. A satellite connection does not require a phone line or cable, but uses a satellite dish for two-way communication. Download speeds are typically up to 500 Kbps, while uploads are closer to 56 Kbps. It takes time for the signal from the satellite dish to relay to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) through the satellite orbiting the Earth. People in rural areas often use satellite broadband because they need a faster connection than dial-up and no other broadband connection is available. Student Activity: The student course content includes worksheet, Answer Broadband Questions. To complete this worksheet, students will answer questions about broadband connectivity options.
79 Konserwacja ochronna dla sieciNiektóre techniki ochronne powinny stale być wykonywane dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania sieci. Utrzymuj pomieszczenia sieciowe w czystości. Sprawdzaj wentylację pomieszczeń sieciowych. Sprawdzaj komponenty sieciowe pod kątem zużycia. Sprawdzaj stan okablowania. Oznacz kable w celu zaoszczędzenia czasu przy rozwiązywaniu problemów. Sprawdzaj stan zasilaczy. Zasilacze UPS musza być regularnie testowane pod katem zużycia akumulatorów podtrzymujących. Slide 92 – Preventive Maintenance for Networks 8.11 Identify and apply common preventive maintenance techniques used for networks Common preventive maintenance techniques should continually be performed for a network to operate properly. Heat is a big problem for network devices, especially in the server room. Network devices, such as computers, hubs, and switches, do not perform well when over-heated. Excess heat is generated by dust and dirty air filters. Dust impedes the proper flow of cool air and sometimes even clogs fans. Keep network rooms clean and change air filters often. Preventive maintenance involves checking the various components of a network for wear. Check the condition of network cables because they are often moved, unplugged, and kicked. Many network problems can be traced to a faulty cable. You should replace any cables that have exposed wires, are badly twisted, or are bent. Label the cables. This practice will save troubleshooting time later. Refer to wiring diagrams and always follow your company's cable labeling guidelines. Test devices on a regular basis. AC power adapters should be checked regularly. The uninterruptible power supply (UPS), which provides backup power, should be tested to ensure that you have power in the case of an outage. Before installing a new UPS, plug it into a power source to charge the batteries. The initial charge time is usually 12 hours or more. Follow the manufacturer instructions for unpacking the UPS and preparing it for use.
80 Proces rozwiązywania problemówKrok 1 Zbierz dane od klienta Krok 2 Sprawdź oczywiste kwestie Krok 3 Spróbuj najpierw najszybszych rozwiązań Krok 4 Zbierz dane z komputera Krok 5 Oceń problem i zaimplementuj rozwiązanie Krok 6 Zamknij sprawę z klientem Slide 93 – The Troubleshooting Process 8.12 Troubleshoot a network Network issues can be simple or complex. To assess how complicated the problem is, you should determine how many computers on the network are experiencing the problem. If there is a problem with one computer on the network, start the troubleshooting process at that computer. If there is a problem with all computers on the network, start the troubleshooting process in the network room where all computers are connected. As a technician, you should develop a logical and consistent method for diagnosing network problems by eliminating one problem at a time. After completing this section, the students will meet these objectives Review the troubleshooting process. Identify common network problems and solutions.
81 1. Zbierz dane od klienta Dane klienta Konfiguracja komputeraNazwa firmy, nazwa osoby, dane kontaktowe Konfiguracja komputera System operacyjny, zainstalowane aktualizacje, środowisko sieciowe Informację należy zbierać na zleceniu Opis problemów Pytania otwarte Jakiego typu połączenia używasz? Pytania zamknięte Czy masz dostęp do internetu? Slide 62 – 1. Gather Data from the Customer Review the troubleshooting process The first Krok in the troubleshooting process is to gather data from the customer. This Krok allows the technician to evaluate the situation. The technician must organize the information about the customer and the reported problem. Often a work order is used to collect this information. There are two types of questions you can ask: open-ended questions and close-ended questions. Open-ended questions cannot be answered with "yes" or "no" answers. The purpose of open-ended questions is to allow the customer to describe the problem. Close-ended questions can usually be answered with "yes" or "no" answers. This type of question can help a technician focus in on an error and locate the exact problem once a potential solution is being tested. Examples of open-ended questions: What problems are you experiencing with your computer or network? What software has been installed on your computer recently? What were you doing when the problem was identified? What operating system do you have installed on your computer? What updates or patches have been installed on your computer? Examples of closed-ended questions: Has anyone else used your computer recently? Does the computer boot up successfully? Have you changed your password recently? Have you received any error messages on your computer? Are you currently logged into the network? When a customer is not able to accurately describe the problem, there are other ways to evaluate the situation in subsequent steps in the troubleshooting process.
82 2. Sprawdź oczywiste kwestieSprawdź najczęstsze przyczyny problemów Sprawdź poprawność podłączenia okablowania. Jeśli kabel nie działa lub jest źle podłączony wówczas diody LED na karcie sieciowej nie świecą się. Sprawdź siłę sygnału sieci bezprzewodowej. Użyj narzędzia ipconfig, aby sprawdzić poprawność adresacji IP. Slide 95 – 2. Verify the Obvious Issues Review the troubleshooting process Review the obvious network issues, with your customer. The questions should be at a level of difficulty that the customer will easily understand. Follow a step-by-step procedure and make sure to document all answers and steps you take. Some obvious issues to check: Physical connections - Check that the network cables are properly connected. To simplify the troubleshooting, connect the problem computer directly into your DSL or cable modem. Link light - If a cable is not connected properly or if a NIC is improperly installed or configured, the LED link lights on the NIC will not light. Wireless signal strength - Check the wireless access point signal strength in your network client software. If a very low signal strength is apparent, move the computer closer to the wireless access point. Move cordless telephones and microwave ovens that can cause interference with the signal. Turn off any other devices that use radio waves to reduce interference. IP address - Use the ipconfig tool to make sure that the computer has a valid, unique IP address. Check for errors in the subnet mask and default gateway address. If the problem is not fixed by a quick review of the obvious issues, then a more detailed investigation into the problem is warranted.
83 3. Spróbuj najpierw najszybszych rozwiązańSprawdź podłączenie kabli. W razie potrzeby podłącz je prawidłowo. Uruchom ponownie komputer lub urządzenie sieciowe. Zaloguj się jako inny użytkownik. Napraw włącz ponownie połączenie sieciowe. Skontaktuj się z administratorem sieci. Slide 96 – 3. Try Quick Solutions First Review the troubleshooting process The next step in the troubleshooting process is to try quick solutions. If checking the obvious issues did not solve the problem, you should then attempt some quick solutions. Here are some examples of quick network solutions: Re-enable Network Connections - Sometimes a problem in the hardware or the software can cause a network connection problem. To do so, follow this path: Start > Control Panel > Network Connections Reboot - A quick solution that seems to work in many situations is a simple reboot of the network device. A simple reboot will clear the contents of RAM and give the device a clean start. If the problem goes away after a reboot, then it was probably a software problem. If the problem occurs again, it is probably a hardware problem such as a malfunctioning RAM chip. Contact the ISP/Network Administrator - If all of the equipment that the customer has is working properly, but there is still no connection to the Internet, contact the customer's ISP or the network administrator. It is not always possible to solve the problem with a quick solution. To proceed troubleshooting the problem, you will need to gather information from the computer.
84 4. Zbierz dane z komputeraPing pozwala przetestować połączenie sieciowe i sprawdzić dostępność komputera w sieci. Nslookup jest używane do odpytania serwera nazw. Zwraca listę hostów lub pojedynczego hosta dla danej nazwy domenowej. Tracert pokazuje drogę pakietów w sieci. Pozwala wykryć miejsce powstania awarii. Net View wyświetla listę komputów w grupie roboczej i udostępniane przez nie zasoby. Slide 97 – 4. Gather Data from the Computer Review the troubleshooting process The next step is to inspect the computer. Data gathered from the computer can be used to confirm the data obtained from the customer. The data can be used to provide additional insight and direction. There are several software tools available that a technician can use to test the network. Each of these utilities will provide information that can help narrow down the possible problems on the network: Ping is used to check network connectivity. It sends a packet to the specified address and waits for a reply. Nslookup is used to query Internet domain name server. It returns a list of hosts in a domain or the information for one host. Tracert is used to determine the route taken by packets when they travel across the network. It shows where communications between your computer and another computer are having difficulty. Net View is used to display a list of computers in a workgroup. It shows the available shared resources on a network.
85 5. Oceń problem i zaimplementuj rozwiązanieMożesz potrzebować więcej informacji lub pomocy: Doświadczenie Inni technicy Wyszukiwarki Fora FAQ producentów Dokumentacja techniczna Slide 98 – 5. Evaluate Problem & Implement Solution Review the troubleshooting process If the network problem still exists after quick solutions have been implemented, you must complete additional research to identify other possible solutions. You should prioritize the possible solutions from the easiest to implement to the most difficult to implement. Evaluate each solution and implement it individually. If a proposed solution doesn't correct the problem, reset the computer back to the original state and try another proposed solution. If you make two or more changes without solving the problem, you may make it more difficult to solve.
86 6. Zamknij sprawę z klientemKiedy masz pewność, że problem jest już rozwiązany: Udokumentuj sprawę i wszystkie podjęte kroki na zleceniu. Wyjaśnij klientowi rozwiązanie problemu. Pozwól klientowi sprawdzić rozwiązanie. Wypełnij całość zlecenia. Uaktualnij dziennik napraw. Stwórz dokumentację potrzebną w przypadku przyszłych podobnych problemów. Slide 67 – 6. Close with the Customer Review the troubleshooting process When you are confident that the problem has been resolved, the next Krok is to close with the customer. The technician must completely document the customer contact information, problem description, and steps to resolve the issue in the work order. Explain to the customer each Krok that you took to solve the problem. The customer needs to understand what caused the problem in order to avoid similar kinds of problems in the future. Turn on the computer and let the customer verify that the problem has been solved. Finally, have the customer reboot the system and check for any problems. Complete all documentation. Make sure you fill out all internal documentation, such as sales orders, time logs, and receipts. A work order should be completed and the repair journal should be updated. You can use the notes from the journal for future reference and to build a knowledge database.
87 Typowe problemy i ich rozwiązaniaSymptom Rozwiązanie Komputer nie łączy się ze stroną WWW. Sprawdź ustawienia DSN i zapory sieciowej. Komputer ma adres klasy x.x. Sprawdź działanie serwera DHCP. Komputer nie może połączyć się z siecią. Sprawdź okablowanie. Komputer nie może drukować na drukarce sieciowej. Sprawdź uprawnienia do drukarki i jej stan. Slide 100 – Common Problems and Solutions Identify common network problems and solutions Network problems can be attributed to hardware, software, connectivity issues, or some combination of the three. You will resolve some types of network problems more often than others. Common printer problems and possible causes to consider: Problem: Computer is not able to connect to a popular website. Check DNS settings, hardware and/or software firewall settings. Problem: Computer has an IP address of x.x. Check to make sure the DHCP server is operational and can be pinged. Problem: Computer is not able to connect to the network. Check for loose network cables. Problem: Computer is not able to print using the network printer. Check user permissions and status of network printer. Student Activity: The student course content includes worksheet, Diagnose a Network Problem. To complete this worksheet, students will participate in a role-playing activity as a technician gathering information from a customer reporting a network problem.