Lecture 13 Two-Party Computation Protocols

1 Lecture 13 Two-Party Computation ProtocolsStefan Dziemb...
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1 Lecture 13 Two-Party Computation ProtocolsStefan Dziembowski MIM UW ver 1.0

2 Plan Motivation Definitions Information-theoretic impossibilityConstructions oblivious transfer computing general circuits Applications

3 A love problem A := 0 if Alice doesn’t love Bob 1 if Alice loves Bob0 if Bob doesn’t love Alice 1 if Bob loves Alice They want to learn the value of f(A,B) := A and B

4 Solution? A B computes A and B locally computes A and B locally Problem If A = 0 and B = 1 then Bob knows that Alice loves him while he doesn’t! If B = 1 and A = 0 then Alice knows that Bob loves him while she doesn’t!

5 Solution? Alice and Bob learn only the value of f(A,B) = A and B.trusted party computes A and B Alice and Bob learn only the value of f(A,B) = A and B. Of course: if A = B = 1 then f(A,B) = 1 and there is no secret to protect. But, e.g., if A = 0 and B = 1 then f(A,B) = 0 then Alice will not know the value of B. Question: Is it possible to compute f without a trusted party?

6 Another example: “the millionaire’s problem”A := how much money Abramovich has B := how much money Berlusconi has f(A,B) := “Abramovich” if A > B “equal” if A = B “Berlusconi” if A < B

7 How to solve this problem?Can they compute f in a secure way? (secure = “only the output is revealed”) Of course, they do not trust any “third party”.

8 Of course, this has to be defined...Answer It turns out that: in both cases, there exists a cryptographic protocol that allows A and B to compute f in a secure way. Moreover: In general, every poly-time computable function f can be computed securely by two-parties. (assuming some problems are computationally hard) Of course, this has to be defined...

9 Plan Motivation Definitions Information-theoretic impossibilityConstructions oblivious transfer computing general circuits Applications

10 What do we mean by a “secure function evaluation”?In general, the definition is complicated, and we will not present it here. Main idea: suppose we have a function f: {0,1}* × {0,1}* → {0,1}* A B protocol π f(A,B) f(A,B) Each of the parties may try to: learn something about the input of the other party, or disturb the output of the protocol.

11 What do we mean by a “secure function evaluation”?“real” scenario “ideal” scenario A B A B A B protocol π f(A,B) f(A,B) f(A,B) f(A,B) f(A,B) f(A,B) A malicious participant (Alice or Bob) should not be able to learn more information, or do more damage to the output in the “real” scenario, than it can in the “ideal” one.

12 What do we mean by this? For example: Alice can always declare that she loves Bob, while in fact she doesn’t. A millionaire can always claim to be poorer or reacher than he is... But: Berlusconi cannot force the output of the protocol to be “equal” if he doesn’t know the value of A.

13 Let’s generalize it a bit:f1(A,B) f2(A,B) the outputs of Alice and Bob can be different the function that they compute may be randomized

14 An adversary It is convenient to thing about an adversary that corrupts one of the players. (clearly if the adversary corrupts both players, there is no sense to talk about any security)

15 Two goals that the adversary may want to achievelearn about the input of the other party “more than he would learn in the ideal scenario”, change the output of the protocol.

16 Two types of adversarial behaviorIn general, we consider two types of adversarial behavior: passive, also called: honest-but-curious: a corrupted party follows the protocol, active, also called Byzantine a corrupted party doesn’t need to follow the protocol

17 Two types of security a protocol is passively secure if it is secure against one of the parties behaving maliciously in a passive way. a protocol is actively secure if it is secure against one of the parties behaving maliciously in an active way.

18 Problem with active securityIn general, it is impossible to achieve a complete fairness. That is: one of the parties may (after receiving her own output) prevent the other party from receiving her output (by halting the protocol) (remember the coin-flipping protocol?)

19 Fact Let π be a passively secure protocol computing some function f. Then, we can construct a protocol π’ that is actively secure, and computes the same function f. How? Using Zero-Knowledge! (we skip the details)

20 In this case we say that security is information-theoreticPower of the adversary The malicious parties may be computationally bounded (poly-time) computationally unbounded. We usually allow the adversary to “break the security” with some negligible probability. In this case we say that security is information-theoretic

21 Plan Motivation Definitions Information-theoretic impossibilityConstructions oblivious transfer computing general circuits Applications

22 Most of the natural functions cannot be computed by an information-theoretically secure protocolExample Consider a function f(A,B) = A and B. There exists an infinitely-powerful adversary that breaks any protocol computing it. The adversary may even be passive.

23 A transcript Definition for B – symmetrictranscript T A and B A and B Definition Transcript T is consistent with input A=A0 if there exist random inputs RA (for Alice) and (B,RB) (for Bob) such that T is a transcript of the execution of the protocol with inputs (A0,RA) – for Alice (B,RB) – for Bob. for B – symmetric

24 has to be consistent with A=11. Suppose A = 0 and B = 0 A = 0 A B B = 0 T has to be consistent with A=1 Otherwise a malicious Bob knows that A = 0

25 cannot be consistent with A=12. Suppose A = 0 and B = 1 A = 0 A B B = 1 T cannot be consistent with A=1 Because the output of the protocol has to be different in these two cases: A=0 and B=1 and A=1 and B=1

26 So, if A = 0 then a malicious Alice has a way to learn what the input of Bob!Alice checks if T is consistent with A=1 If yes then she knows that B=0 otherwise B=1

27 Moral If we want to construct a protocol for computing AND, we need to rely on computational assumptions.

28 Plan Motivation Definitions Information-theoretic impossibilityConstructions oblivious transfer computing general circuits Applications

29 A question Does there exist a protocol π that is “complete for secure two-party computations”? In other words: We are looking for π such that: if we have a protocol for π then we can construct a provably secure protocol for any function?

30 Answer Yes! A protocol like this is exists.It is called Oblivious Transfer (OT). There are two versions if it: Rabin’s Oblivious Transfer M. O. Rabin. How to exchange secrets by oblivious transfer, 1981. One-out-of-Two Oblivious Transfer S. Even, O. Goldreich, and A. Lempel, A Randomized Protocol for Signing Contracts, 1985.

31 Rabin’s Oblivious Transferinput bit A receiver sender The sender should have no information which was the case outputs B such that B := A with probability 0.5 ? with probability 0.5 If B = ? then the receiver has no information on A

32 One-out-of-two Oblivious Transferinput bits (A0,A1) input bit B receiver sender The sender should have no information which was the case outputs C such that C := A0 if B = 0 A1 if B = 1 We will also write C := OT((A0,A1),B) then the receiver has no information on the other Ai

33 Fact Rabin’s Oblivious Transfer and One-out-of-Two Oblivious Transfer are “equivalent”. Claude Crépeau. Equivalence between two flavours of oblivious transfer, 1988

34 1-out-of-2 OT Rabin OT Rabin 1-out-of-2 input bit A sender receiverchoose random (A0,A1) such that A0 xor A1 = A choose random bit R choose a random bit B If R ≠ B then output A = AB xor AR otherwise he has no information on A1-B so he has no information on A input bits (A0,A1) input bit B 1-out-of-2 sender receiver AB AR

35 It remains to show the opposite directionRabin OT 1-out-of-2 OT

36 the receiver knows only the indices in βBinput bits (A0,A1) input bit B α1 α2 α3 α4 α5 α6 α7 k times Rabin OT random string of bits α1 ? α4 α5 α7 the receiver knows only the indices in βB if B=0 send (X0,X1) := (I,Ic) if B=1 send (X0,X1) := (Ic,I) Let I be the set of indices of the bits that he “knows”. Let Ic be the complement of I. send (Z0,Z1) := (β0 xor A0, β1 xor A1) He outputs βB xor ZB

37 Security? The learn B the sender would need to distinguish I from IcTo learn both A0 and A1 the receiver would need to know both β0 and β1 This is possible only if he knows all αi’s This happens with probability 0.5k.

38 An implementation of Rabin’s OTinput bit A a random RSA public key pk := (N,e) C := Epk(A) sender receiver y := x2 mod N chooses a random x from ZN* If x = ± z mod N output ? otherwise gcd(x-z, N) is a non-trivial factor of N hence the receiver can decrypt A from C. Output A random z such that z2 = y mod N Remember the proof that computing square root is equivalent to factoring? We used exactly the reasoning: with probability 0.5 we have x ≠ ± y mod N if x ≠ ± y mod N then gcd(x-z, N) is a non-trivial factor of N

39 How does it look now? receiver proves in ZK that he knows xinput bit A a random RSA public key pk := (N,e) C := Epk(A) receiver sender chooses a random x from ZN* y := x2 mod N receiver proves in ZK that he knows x If x = ± y mod N output ? otherwise gcd(x-z, N) is a non-trivial factor of N hence the receiver can decrypt A from C. Output A random z such that z2 = y mod N

40 Is it secure? Against passive cheating? YES! Against active cheating? Not so clear... The sender acts as an oracle for computing square roots modulo N. Does it can help him? We don’t know. Solution Add an intermediary step in which the sender proves in zero-knowledge that he knows x.

41 Implementation of the 1-out-of-2 OT(Gen, Enc, Dec) – public key encryption scheme (E,D) – szyfr z kluczem symetrycznym 1. generates two pairs (sk0,pk0) (sk1,pk1) pk0 , pk1 A0 B X := Enc(pkB, K) A1 2. generates a random symmetric key K 3. computes: K0 := Dec (sk0 , X) K1 := Dec (sk1 , X) C0 := E (K0, A0) C1 := E (K1, A1) two cases: B=0 B=1 K0 = K “random” K1 = C0 , C1 4. computes AB as: AB = D (K,CB)

42 How to solve the love problem of Alice and Bob using OT?Sets (A0,A1) := (0,A) 1-out-of-2 OT the output of Bob is equal to 1 iff A = B = 1, so it is equal to A and B Bob just outputs it A and B output A and B works, because: A and B = OT((0,A),B)

43 Plan Motivation Definitions Information-theoretic impossibilityConstructions oblivious transfer computing general circuits Applications

44 How to compute any function?We will now show how Alice and Bob can securely compute any function f. More precisely: they can compute any function that can be computed by a poly-time Boolean circuit.

45 Boolean circuits size: number of gates depth output gates c1 c2 c3 c4conjunciton gates and and and and neg and neg and depth neg and and and and and negation gates neg input gates a0 a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 b4 input of Alice input of Bob

46 Ogólna idea Alicja „zaszyfruje” obwód razem z własnym inputem i prześle go do Boba. Bob doda swój input i obliczy obwód bramka-po-bramce. Zrobią to w taki sposób, że wartości na bramkach pozostają tajne (za wyjątkiem bramek outputu). Założenia upraszczające: Nieuczciwi użytkownicy nie oszukują aktywnie (honest-but-curious) Output będzie poznany tylko przez Boba.

47 Ponumerujmy bramki funkcja f c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 and and and and neg neg

48 Krok 1: generacja kluczyDla każdej bramki (oprócz outputu) Alicja losuje dwa klucze symetryczne. z Kz,0 and z Kz,1 x y Kx,0 Ky,0 or aj x y Kx,1 Ky,1 Alicja nie wysyła tych kluczy do Boba.

49 Pytanie Jak zaszyfrować wiadomość Mtak żeby do jej odszyfrowania trzeba było znać dwa klucze: K0 i K1 ? Odpowiedź: szyfrować dwukrotnie: E(K0 , E(K1 , M))

50 Krok 2: szyfrowanie kluczyand Kz,0 Kz,1 x y x y Kx,0 Ky,0 Kx,1 Kz,1 x y x and Y „zaszyfrowane klucze” E(Kx,0 , E(Ky,0 , Kz,0)) 1 E(Kx,0 , E(Ky,1 , Kz,0)) E(Kx,1 , E(Ky,0 , Kz,0)) E(Kx,1 , E(Ky,1 , Kz,1)) analogicznie dla bramek neg i or

51 Bramki wynikowe E(Kx,0 , „0”) E(Kx,0 , „1”) 1 „0” out „1” Kx,0 Kx,1 xszyfrogramy E(Kx,0 , „0”) 1 E(Kx,0 , „1”)

52 Krok 3: wysłanie szyfrogramówDla każdej bramki Alicja losowo permutuje „zaszyfrowane klucze” i wysyła je do Boba. „zaszyfrowane klucze” E(Kx,0 , E(Ky,0, Kz,0)) E(Kx,0 , E(Ky,1, Kz,0)) E(Kx,1 , E(Ky,0, Kz,0)) E(Kx,1 , E(Ky,1, Kz,1)) Cz,1 Cz,2 Cz,3 Cz,4

53 Sytuacja: Bob zna 4 szyfrogramy dla każdej bramki5 5 and C5,1 C5,2 C5,3 C5,4 4 4 C4,1 C4,2 C4,3 C4,4 neg 3 3 neg C3,1 C3,2 C3,3 C4,4 2 and 2 C2,1 C2,2 C2,3 C2,4 1 1 and C1,1 C1,2 C1,3 C1,4

54 Jak Bob może obliczyć wynik?Metoda: odszyfrować obwód „od dołu do góry”, aż do uzyskania kluczy szyfrujących wynik. Aby to zrobić Bob musi poznać klucze odpowiadające bramkom wejściowym. Przypomnijmy, że bramki wejściowe dzielą się na: „input Boba” i „input Alicji”. a0 a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 b4 input Alicji input Boba

55 Z inputem Alicji nie ma problemuKrok 4: Alicja wysyła klucze odpowiadające bitom jej inputu. input Alicji: 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 K1,1 K3,1 K2,0 K4,1 Obserwacja: ponieważ bramki są „spermutowane”, to Bob nie wie czy dostał klucz odpowiadający zeru czy jedynce.

56 Co zrobić z inputem Boba?K5,0 K6,0 K7,0 K8,0 K5,1 K6,1 K7,1 K8,1 5 6 7 8 b1 b2 b3 b4 Problem 1: Bob nie może poprosić Alicji o przekazanie kluczy odpowiadającym jego bitom inputu (bo zdradziłby jej ten input). Problem 2: Alicja nie może wysłać kluczy odpowiadającym obydwu bitom (bo wtedy Bob mógłby obliczyć f dla dwóch różnych inputów B). Rozwiązanie: 1-out-of-2 Oblivious Transfer!

57 Metoda Yao - podsumowanie„zaszyfrowany”(ang. garbled) obwód dla f klucze odpowiadające inputom a1,…,an a1,…,an b1,…,bm m razy oblivious transfer (dla każdego bitu bi ) oblicza obwód od dołu do góry i poznaje wynik

58 Problem Do niedawna protokoły wymagały wymiany dużej liczby wiadomości. Np. w protokole Yao Alicja musi wysłać cały zaszyfrowany obwód do Boba. Czy można to zrobić lepiej?

59 Pomysł Jak byśmy umieli skonstruować szyfr „homomorficzny ze względu na operacje w ciele” to bezpieczne obliczanie funkcji byłoby łatwe. Fully homomorphic encryption: (załóżmy, że zbiór wiadomości jest ciałem z operacjami + i ×) nie zna sk umie policzyć: Enc(sk, X) Enc(sk, X + Y) ma klucz sk Enc(sk, Y) Enc(sk, X×Y)

60 Jak obliczyć f za pomocą takiego szyfru?Załóżmy, że szyfr działa nad Z2 . Wówczas koniunkcja logiczna jest mnożeniem, a negacja dodaniem stałej 1. pk, a1,…,an input: a1,…,an input: b1,…,bn generuje parę (sk,pk) oblicza dla każdego i: ci = Enc(pk,ai) oblicza dla każdego i: di = Enc(pk,bi) oblicza f korzystając z homomorfizmu szyfru wysyła szyfrogram c odpowiadający wynikowi oblicza wynik jako Dec(sk,c)

61 Homomorfizm RSA Homomorfizm ze względu na mnożenie posiadał już szyfr RSA: Enc((N,e), X) ×Enc((N,e), Y) = Xe ×Ye mod N = (X×Y)e mod N = Enc((N,e), X×Y) Znalezienie szyfru homomorficznego ze względu na mnożenie i dodawanie jednocześnie było problemem otwartym od lat 70-tych.

62 konstrukcja szyfru w pełni homomorficznego w oparciu o teorię kratNiedawny przełom konstrukcja szyfru w pełni homomorficznego w oparciu o teorię krat Craig Gentry [2009]

63 Wydajność w praktyce? Początkowe wersje koszmarnie niewydajne.Przykład: rozmiar klucza: 2.3 GB, czas generacji klucza: 2 godziny policzenie 1 operacji: 30 minut (czasy mierzone na typowym komputerze PC). Ale jest powstają wydajniejsze wersje.

64 Plan Motivation Definitions Information-theoretic impossibilityConstructions oblivious transfer computing general circuits Applications

65 Applications? In practice this protocol is extremely inefficient. But it shows that some things in principle can be done. Research problem Construct protocols (for concrete problems) that are efficient.

66 Example Michael J. Freedman, Kobbi Nissim, Benny Pinkas: Efficient Private Matching and Set Intersection. EUROCRYPT 2004 Set intersection: Alice and Bob want to see which friends they have in common (without revealing to each other their lists of firends) input: set A input: set B output: intersection of A and B

67 A natural question? What if the number of parties is greater than 2? Solutions for this also exist!

68 These protocols are used in practice

69 Is the oblivious transfer in Minicrypt?As far as we know: no! cryptomania trap-door permutations exist ??? ??? ??? public-key encryption exists key exchange protocols exist oblivious transfer exist ??? ??? ??? ??? one way functions exist minicrypt

70 ©2013 by Stefan Dziembowski©2013 by Stefan Dziembowski. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this material is currently granted without fee provided that copies are made only for personal or classroom use, are not distributed for profit or commercial advantage, and that new copies bear this notice and the full citation.