Metrologii Elektrycznej zawarte w mapach Drogowych Euramet

1 Metrologii Elektrycznej zawarte w mapach Drogowych Eura...
Author: Waleria Kruczyński
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1 Metrologii Elektrycznej zawarte w mapach Drogowych EurametKierunki rozwoju Metrologii Elektrycznej zawarte w mapach Drogowych Euramet Elżbieta Michniewicz

2 Mapa drogowa Pojęcie (ang. roadmap) stosowane w:planowaniu strategicznym komunikacji strategii rozwoju technologicznego określa: schematy postępowania, strategie, usystematyzowane plany działania

3 - opracowanie map drogowych dla wspólnych projektów badawczychMapa drogowa Źródło Program MERA (Metrology in the European Research Area) – planowanie europejskiego obszaru badań naukowych Program iMERA (implementing Metrology in the European Research Area) – implementacja zaplanowanych działań - opracowanie map drogowych dla wspólnych projektów badawczych

4 Konstrukcja map drogowychMechanizmy inicjujące prace rozwojowe Cele Eksperymentalne realizacje Metrologiczne zastosowania badań podstawowych i technologii Poszerzenie możliwości nauki i technologii Metrological application of basic science and technology Enabling science and technology Triggers Targets Experimental realisation 2012 2015 2018 2021 2024

5 Mapy Drogowe E&M - EMRP 2006 – 2018 Power and energyElectromagnetic (EM) Measurements in Industrial, Environmental, Security, Medical Safety Applications Electronic characterisation of structure down to nanoscale Information and Communication Technology Electrical Quantum Standards

6 Mapy Drogowe E&M - EMPIR Science Foundations of the SI, fundamental test and quantum measurements Metrology for future applications of Complex RF to THz Systems Innovation Nanoelectronics and nanomagnetics Innovative calibration means in electricity/magnetism Great Challenges Power and Energy in an era of emerging Smart Grids 

7 1. Foundations of the SI, fundamental test and quantum measurementsNowe (oparte na zjawiskach kwantowych) wzorce i metody pomiarowe związane z rozwojem technologii kwantowych i wykorzystywaniem osiągnięć nauk podstawowych. Cele: Praktyczna realizacja nowych definicji jednostek SI (CIPM) Podstawowe badania spójności w elektrycznej metrologii kwantowej oraz wyznaczanie stałych podstawowych Zastosowania metrologii w inżynierii kwantowej ciała stałego Udoskonalone kwantowe wzorce jednostek miar wielkości elektrycznych SI

8 TCEM: Foundations of the SI, fundamental tests and quantum measurementsDevelopment of future quantum technologies and exploitation of fundamental science requires new (quantum based) metrology. New science will create new opportunities for metrology. Triggers Practical realization of the new definitions of the SI units according to CIPM recommendations Fundamental consistency tests in electrical quantum metrology and determination of fundamental constants Metrology for solid-state quantum engineering Quantum enhanced electrical SI standards Targets Fidelity testing and validation of solid state quantum measurements and devices Improved Watt balance Quantum noise thermometry Quantum ampere: meters, sources Closure quantum metrology triangle Quantum enhanced measurements with tailored quantum states Experimental realisation Universality tests (R, I, U) Determination of constants relying on electrical measurments Metrological application of basic science and technology Josephson technology and electronics On-chip SET detection and error accounting Quantum enhanced amplifiers and detectors High fidelity solid state quantum state entangler (e-e, e-photon etc.) nA SET current sources Novel quantum resistors Calculable capacitors Near quantum limit solid state amplifiers (for small electrical signals) Quantum current scaling Enabling science and technology Preparation and control of entangled quantum states in solid state devices Measurement of quantum states in solid state devices Advanced precision engineering, electromagnetic design, data aquisition. Theory and modelling of solid-state quantum devices. Optimized materials (larger bandgaps, controlled defect density). Improved fabrication technology enabling parallel/serial quantum circuits to be built. 2012 2015 2018 2021 2024

9 2. Innovative calibration means in EMRozwój przenośnych wzorców z funkcją samokalibracji i urządzeń stosowanych podczas wzorcowania, które będą wspomagały procesy produkcji oraz nowe technologie. Cele: Udoskonalenie i rozszerzenie skali jednostek wielkości elektrycznych Uproszczenie narzędzi i procedur pomiarowych stosowanych podczas wzorcowania Kwantowe systemy pomiarowe w zastosowaniach przemysłowych

10 TCEM: Innovative calibration means in electricity/magnetism2012 2015 2018 2021 2024 Need for improved production and support to emerging technologies through intrinsically referenced, „best practice“ electrical measurements Triggers Targets Experimental realisation Metrological application of basic science and technology Enabling science and technology Improved and extended scales of electrical units Simplified, „fit-for-purpose“ calibration tools and procedures Quantum calibration systems for industrial use Traceable meas. for sensors of non-electric dynamic signals Traceable measurement of small quantities General purpose DC/AC bridges Simple and transportable quantum standards Liquid-He free, turn-key (U, R, I) quantum calibrator Cal. of complex- valued signals from DC to 1 MHz Arbit. waveforms above 10 V up to 1 MHz Traceable sampling methods Spectral & time domain calibrations Digital bridges DC and LF scaling of U, R and I Quantum arrays as transfer standards QHE-AC-application for impedance Improved electronics and CCCs Quantized current sources Improved fabrication and circuit integration (array technology, microwave-IC, cryo-packaging) New materials for quantum standards (e.g. graphene), better knowledge of material properties Cryocooler& magnet technology, web technology

11 3. Metrology for future applications of Complex RF to THz SystemsRozwój metrologii w zakresie częstotliwości radiowej do THz wspomagającej nowe i ulepszone technologie w takich dziedzinach jak: ochrona zdrowia, bezpieczeństwo, zarządzanie ruchem, monitorowanie środowiska, zaawansowane produkcje i badania jakości. Cele: Udoskonalenie i rozszerzenie skali jednostek dla wielkości RF Wieloparametrowa charakteryzacja systemów RF Metrologia dla dużej skali, w pełni zautomatyzowanych, złożonych systemów RF

12 TCEM: Metrology for future applications of Complex RF to THz SystemsNew and improved technologies for health care, security, traffic management, environmental monitoring, advanced industrial production and quality testing. Demand for unlimited information at any time and at any place. Improving the quality of life. Enhancing the competitiveness of the European industry. Triggers Improved and extended scales of units for RF quantities Multi-parameter characterisation of RF systems Metrology for large-scale fully-automated complex RF systems Targets Broadband guided wave RF standards over large dynamic ranges Broadband RF standards for free-space measurements Metrology for security scanners and systems, imaging, healthcare, wireless sensor networks, RFID, nearfield communication, automated testing for high-volume production Metrology for THz Wireless Communications. reconfigurable networks, air traffic, road traffic and railway control systems, fully automated logistics Experimental realisation RF power sensors and calorimeters, noise Scattering parameters, impedance, attenuation Antenna far-field measurements Traceable spatially and time-resolved power density measurements Traceable measurement of RF material properties Traceable nonlinear measurements Complex on-site measurement systems Validated benchmark measurement systems Metrological application of basic science and technology Field strength, dosimetry Electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity Automated Multiport –VNA Calibration and Verification Tools Measurement of complex 3D near-field antenna pattern, propagation effects Complex waveform metrology (analog and digital) RF monitoring of bio systems and signals Automated expert systems Sensor and data fusion with automatic error-correction Enabling science and technology Numerical capabilities, modelling, uncertainty analysis, linear and non-linear frequency- and time-domain measurements, on-wafer measurements, reference open area test sites, TEM cells, validated anechoic chambers, antenna scanners, laser-based optoelectronic measurement methods, Data based information systems. 2012 2015 2018 2021 2024

13 4. Power and Energy in an era of emerging Smart GridsRozwój infrastruktury metrologicznej niezbędnej do zapewnienia oszczędności energii elektrycznej, w tym jej efektywnego przekazywania i wykorzystywania w dobie rozwoju inteligentnych sieci energetycznych. Cele: Narzędzia do badania jakości mocy w sieciach „In situ” i złożone pomiary mocy Oszczędność i efektywność energii Ulepszenie narzędzi do monitorowania i kontrolowania sieci energetycznych

14 TC-EM: Power and Energy in an era of emerging Smart GridsMake our energy supply and use sustainable – economically, environmentally and socially. Ensure continuity and quality of electricity supply in an era where electrical grids, the backbone of our society, are evolving into Smart Grids. Scarcity of resources demand energy saving and efficient supply, transmission, and utilisation. Triggers Network Power Quality tools In-situ and complex power measurement Energy saving and efficiency Improved tools for grid monitoring and control Targets On-site PQ measure-ment toolbox Complex power meters Renewable supply Experimental realisation On-site / smart metering Efficient use & transmission Grid monitoring tools On-site measurements Field calibration of meters Wideband power meter Energy harvesting Actionable information Metrological application of basic science and technology Network models Enhanced smart meters Improved convertors Data mining Expert analysis Advanced PQ algorithms Non-invasive transducers Complex signal analysis 1 MV DC metrology Grid phasor metrology Grid sensor networks Enabling science and technology Portable digitizers Smart metering scenarios Power convertors Micro generators Power system modelling Digitisers, voltage dividers, and current shunts for laboratory measurement of power and energy; quantum standards; sampling algorithms and analysis tools; (grid) modelling tools; 2012 2015 2018 2021 2024

15 5. : Nanoelectronics and nanomagneticsRozwój narzędzi i metod pomiarowych pozwalających na badanie i kontrolowanie właściwości urządzeń i materiałów w skali nano. Cele: narzędzia do charakteryzowania dzisiejszej elektroniki i czujników narzędzia do charakteryzowania dla technologii innych niż CMOS narzędzia do charakterystyki na poziomie pojedynczej cząsteczki/atomu

16 TC-EM: Nanoelectronics and nanomagneticsMetrological application of basic science and technology Enabling science and technology Characterization tools for beyond CMOS technology Characterization tools for today`s electronics and sensors Characterization tools on single molecule / single atom level Scanning tools for advanced material device properties Traceable atomic-scale device characterization Traceability for atomic scale EM measurements Triggers Targets Experimental realisation 2012 2015 2018 2021 2024 TC-EM: Nanoelectronics and nanomagnetics Characterization tools for nano and quantum interfaces Traceable EM measurements of advanced properties (spin polarization,…) SPM, Microscopy, surface science methods Nano scale EM measurements of advanced parameters Metrology on the nano scale is required by industry and society to enable down scaling of electronics for advanced ICT and nano bio applications for health and environment Atomic scale control and assembly Modelling of EM properties Nano-scale control of environment Traceability of EM measurements at the nano scale Comprehensive EM reference materials Reference materials / devices for advanced material properties Atomic scale reference materials / devices Traceable functional SPM Extended bandwidth EM probes Extended multi functional / reconfigurable probes High bandwidth dynamics EM measurements Detection and manipulation of single quantum entities (spin, flux, charge,…) Growth and patterning of advanced materials (molecular, carbon, metamaterials, … Advanced nano scale modelling of EM properties

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