2 ACTUAL TENDENCY People want to go back to the roots of the settlement.They want to live in cities full of greenery - with areas, where one of the components are water tanks. Water tanks guarantee not only beneficial environmental parameters such as the maintenance of a favorable microclimate, but also provide opportunity for fun and recreation. This areas should make it possible to spend time in a pleasant environment and allow regeneration before taking the next business purposes.
3 ACTUAL TENDENCY Currently, we can observe a tendency to continuously increasing of importance the river as a one of the elements present in the structure of the city. One of the main problems in the riverside areas of many European cities, is that there are passages with critical importance to the organization of urban traffic in the immediate vicinity of the river Gradual loss of industry function. These areas are a barrier to the development of new public spaces Problems with postindustrial relics of a bygone era aren’t fixed by city’s local goverment. Still, in many cities there are areas with neglected abandoned manufacturing facilities which are situated in the immediate vicinity of the river.
4 RIVERSIDE AREAS Riverside areas in inner-city areas in the centers of medium size spaces are those whose quality directly affects the image of the city. This is due to the accumulation in the downtown areas of these centers, a huge amount of natural value and cultural environment with high aesthetic value - even in undeveloped or partially developed areas. Budapeszt – przykład ponownego wykorzystania obiektów poprzemysłowych oraz uzupełnienia struktury parku technologicznego nowymi obiektami w Graphisoft Park
5 RIVERSIDE AREAS This is due to the fact that the areas :often located in very attractive in relation to the city center locations usually adjacent to a well-developed infrastructure and has good transport accessibility. are related to the historical foundation of the city. they often contain residues of postindustrial objects - this is a spatial and historical context allowing use of existing utilities. The re-use this potential can result in the solution of many problems of modern cities. redevelopment not entail losses to the environment and reduce invest in greenfield sites. contain river - it is one of the key elements that affect the shape of the city. are attractive to the location of public spaces.
7 TORONTO Redevelopment project of the waterfront was adopted by mayor regulation in November 1999, and the project was given the name "Our Toronto Waterfront, the Wave of the Future". In the next year, further provisions were adopted and launched an economic project, whose task was the financial support of change. The city authorities allocated for that purpose $ 1.5 billion.
9 TORONTO City authorities made some radical steps. Heavy traffic road transport has been limited from four to two lanes in each direction. The problem was solved by the introduction of transportation and modernization of rail transport. Trams carry residents to all major points in this area. Also implemented a network of cycle paths under the name "Martin Goodman Trail." What's more - it was an intensive campaign that promotes the use of bicycles as the main means of transport. For 10 days only bicycle was permitted to use as a wheeled transport. Along the bike paths were deployed 12,000 red geraniums and prepared picnic places with an area of almost ten football fields. For those who prefer walking provides wide, six meters quay, which widening in some places further. Numerous walking paths received undulating shapes and have wooden floors.
11 INDUSTRIAL AND POSTINDUSTRIAL AREAS CLOSE TO RIVER IN CITY – SOUTHERN POLAND – BIELSKO BIAŁABIELSKO BIAŁA – NEW MALLS „SFERA” AND „SFERA II” Bielsko Biala - Galery Sfera and Sfera 2 were formed in the former production halls of textile company Lenko, and we should mention that the textile industry was localized in the city on a large scale since the early nineteenth century. This area is located between the railway and the River Biała. Existing buildings were largely demolished, as well as significantly transformed the communication system. After transformation, this area is not only alive, but has become one of the most visited places in the city. Total usable area of m2. STUDY OF CONDITIONS AND DIRECTIONS OF SPATIAL OF BIELSKO-BIAŁA
12 INDUSTRIAL AND POSTINDUSTRIAL AREAS CLOSE TO RIVER IN CITY – SOUTHERN POLAND – ŻYWIECMirosław Stecyk / Existing post-industrial buildings has been transformed and expanded to supermarkets. Green spaces have been converted to extensive asphalt parking and roads that have not improved traffic in the city. DEGRADABILITY OF INDUSTRIAL AND POSTINDUSTRIAL AREAS IN ŻYWIEC (created by: Author)
13 INDUSTRIAL AND POSTINDUSTRIAL AREAS CLOSE TO RIVER IN CITY – SOUTHERN POLAND – ŻYWIECMirosław Stecyk / Mirosław Stecyk / Żywiec - Taking over by average size city of solutions (such as keeping traffic routes along the river) which can be observed in large cities.
14 KRAKÓW –MYŚLIWSKA AREARESOLUTION NO CXIV/1540/10 KRAKOW CITY COUNCIL of 20 October the enactment of local zoning plan area „Myśliwska“ in Krakow.
16 KRAKÓW –MYŚLIWSKA AREA§ 12 1 sets out the areas of multi-family housing and services, indicated in Figure plan symbols from 1MWU to 14MWU. For areas MWU is determined as a basic purpose: 1) zabudowę mieszkaniową wielorodzinną; 2) zabudowę mieszkaniową wielorodzinną realizowaną wraz z częścią usługową mieszczącą się w budynku mieszkalnym. Id: FGSGI-BUNEP-KKSUT-TNMCG-BCODA. Podpisany Strona Jako przeznaczenie dopuszczalne w terenach zabudowy mieszkaniowej wielorodzinnej i usług, w granicach działki, ustala się możliwość lokalizacji: 1) zabudowy usługowej o charakterze komercyjnym realizowanej w budynku wolnostojącym; 2) sieci, urządzeń i obiektów infrastruktury technicznej; 3) dojazdów i zatok postojowych oraz wydzielonych parkingów i ciągów pieszych; 4) budynków gospodarczych i garaży; 5) zatok autobusowych i urządzeń ochrony podróżnych przed warunkami atmosferycznymi. 3. Warunkiem lokalizacji obiektów i urządzeń towarzyszących w ramach przeznaczenia dopuszczalnego wymienionych w ust. 2 jest: 1) dostosowanie ich do wymogów i charakteru przeznaczenia podstawowego; 2) the behavior of proportion to the allowable building area of destination paragraph. 2, point 1 shall not constitute more than 20% of the building plot and preservation of proportion to the allowable building area of destination paragraph. 2 point 4 shall not constitute more than 20% of the area of the building site. 4. Warunkiem lokalizacji usług w zabudowie mieszkaniowej wielorodzin
17 KRAKÓW –MYŚLIWSKA AREA§ Designates the area development of commercial service indicated in plan symbols from 1U to 9U with the primary land use for various types of facilities and equipment services to the exclusion of petrol stations. 2. Jako przeznaczenie dopuszczalne w terenach zabudowy usługowej o charakterze komercyjnym, w granicach działki ustala się możliwość lokalizacji: 1) sieci, urządzeń i obiektów infrastruktury technicznej; 2) dojazdów nie wydzielonych, zatok postojowych; 3) obiektów gospodarczych, socjalnych i garaży; 4) zatok autobusowych i urządzeń ochrony podróżnych przed warunkami atmosferycznymi; 5) obiektów magazynowych związanych z obsługą zlokalizowanych w tych terenach obiektów usługowych. 3. Warunkiem lokalizacji obiektów i urządzeń towarzyszących w ramach przeznaczenia dopuszczalnego wymienionego w ust. 2 jest: Id: FGSGI-BUNEP-KKSUT-TNMCG-BCODA. Podpisany Strona 17 1) dostosowanie ich do wymogów i charakteru przeznaczenia podstawowego; 2) the correct proportions to the total area of the development referred to in paragraph. 2 points 3 and 5 did not constitute more than 20% of the area of the building site.
18 KRAKÓW –MYŚLIWSKA AREA§ Designates the green areas, marked in plan symbols from 1ZP to 12ZP - constitute public spaces as a publicly accessible green parks equipped with landscaping elements such as: fountain, statue, playground equipment, a viewing tower, the seat of the tables, concert stage, a funfair . In the areas of destination are prohibited for new buildings, except for the areas marked 2ZP, 10ZP, 12ZP, dla których dopuszczenia określono w ust. 2, pkt Jako przeznaczenie dopuszczalne, ustala się możliwość realizacji: 1) ciągów i dojść pieszych, ścieżek rowerowych; 2) sieci, urządzeń infrastruktury technicznej; 3) in areas marked 2ZP, 10ZP and 12ZP allowed the implementation of the objects for which, according to separate regulations, no permit is required for construction. 4) w terenie oznaczonym symbolem 1ZP przyległym do terenu 1WS
19 General assumptions of land developmentSZCZECIN - "The operational plan land use: Łasztownia, Grodzka Island, Kępa Parnicka, Zielona and Jaskółcza Islands" General assumptions of land development The plan applies to land located in a ramification of the Oder River, which also is located in the vicinity of the city center. This location has always been strongly associated with the city. The beginning of close relationship is considered to be the moment of the building fortifications of the Odra, which in turn resulted in the inclusion of it in the defense system of the city. The importance of the area was further underlined by the construction of terraces and public buildings in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
20 SZCZECIN - "The operational plan land use: Łasztownia, Grodzka Island, Kępa Parnicka, Zielona and Jaskółcza Islands" Land use Dominant functions in the new plan are to be such as housing, trade - service, recreation, and culture-area. They are not able to function properly without formation of an effective communication system which consists of a network of pedestrian, bicycle and pedestrian, and public transport. Designers created a new communication system.
21 Public spaces structureSZCZECIN - "The operational plan land use: Łasztownia, Grodzka Island, Kępa Parnicka, Zielona and Jaskółcza Islands" Public spaces structure Development of water sports, and associate them with the new green areas. In order to explain the entire system under development and the improvement of the conditions of use of land, some tedious functions related to the industry has shifted to less exposed locations. To make it possible, it was necessary to introduce a new distribution of land ownership.
22 SZCZECIN - "The operational plan land use: Łasztownia, Grodzka Island, Kępa Parnicka, Zielona and Jaskółcza Islands" Communication
23 SZCZECIN - "The operational plan land use: Łasztownia, Grodzka Island, Kępa Parnicka, Zielona and Jaskółcza Islands" Visualizations
24 CONCLUSIONS It should be paid attention to the fact that the disappeared (especially in Poland), the idea of thinking about the city as a compact structure. Instead, attempts are being made to locate objects on individual plots. Lack of a coherent design concept, which allowed to (at least initially) to determine the nature and style of a spatial part of the city. This leads to a random compilation of solids and colors carried objects. The pressure of investors, particularly developers, in the absence of relevant provisions in the local development plan often leads to the objectives, which should not be placed on these areas. The key importance seems to have the quality and validity of the correct distribution of functions in the local spatial development plan for the area. The values associated with the composition of the city or the so-called. "value points" are impossible to translate the numeric values - in this case the economical values.
25 LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN vs REALITYMaster plan says about biological needs of river in city area. But the reality is completely different. Szczyrk – Local Development Plan as one of the examples of non-compliance with the provisions of the plan.. Szczyrk, Żylica River– negative example of development of a watercourse and its surroundings