1 Multi-Criteria Decision Support using ELECTRE methodsRoman Słowiński Poznań University of Technology, Poland
2 Weak points of preference modelling using utility (value) functionUtility function distinguishes only 2 possible relations between actions: preference relation: a b U(a) > U(b) indifference relation: a b U(a) = U(b) is asymmetric (antisymmetric and irreflexive) and transitive is symmetric, reflexive and transitive Transitivity of indifference is troublesome, e.g. In consequence, a non-zero indifference threshold qi is necessary An immediate transition from indifference to preference is unrealistic, so a preference threshold pi qi and a weak preference relation are desirable Another realistic situation which is not modelled by U is incomparability, so a good model should include also an incomparability relation ? ?
3 Four basic preference relations and an outranking relation SFour basic preference relations are: {, , , ?} Criterion with thresholds pi(a)qi(a)0 is called pseudo-criterion The four basic situations of indifference, strict preference, weak preference, and incomparability are sufficient for establishing a realistic model of Decision Maker’s (DM’s) preferences gi(b) gi(a) gi(a)-pi(b) gi(a)-qi(b) gi(a)+qi(a) gi(a)+pi(a) ab ba ba ab ab preference
4 Four basic preference relations and an outranking relation SAxiom of limited comparability (Roy 1985): Whatever the actions considered, the criteria used to compare them, and the information available, one can develop a satisfactory model of DM’s preferences by assigning one, or a grouping of two or three of the four basic situations, to any pair of actions. Outranking relation S groups three basic preference relations: S = {, , } – reflexive and non-transitive aSb means: „action a is at least as good as action b” For each couple a,bA: aSb non bSa ab ab aSb bSa ab non aSb non bSa a?b
5 ELECTRE Is: choice problem (P)Chosen subset A’ of best actions A x x x x x x x x x x Rejected subset A\A’ of actions
6 ELECTRE Is Input data: finite set of actions A={a, b, c, …, h} consistent family of criteria G={g1, g2, …, gn} Preferential information (i=1,…,k) intracriteria: – indifference thresholds qi(a)=iqgi(a)+iq – preference thresholds pi(a)=ipgi(a)+ip intercriteria: – importance coefficients (weights) of criteria ki – veto thresholds vi(a)=ivgi(a)+iv 0qi(a)pi(a)vi(a) are functions of a worse evaluation of the two being compared The preference model, i.e. outranking relation S in set A is constructed via concordance and discordance tests
7 ELECTRE Is - concordance testChecks if the coalition of criteria concordant with the hypothesis aSb is strong enough (for each couple a,bA) Concordance coefficient Ci(a,b) for each criterion gi: gi(b) gi(a) gi(a)-pi(b) gi(a)-qi(b) gi(a)+qi(a) gi(a)+pi(a) preference Ci(a,b) 1 gain-type gi(b) gi(a) gi(a)-pi(a) gi(a)-qi(a) gi(a)+qi(b) gi(a)+pi(b) preference Ci(a,b) 1 cost-type
8 ELECTRE Is - concordance testAggregation of concordance coefficients for a,bA: C(a,b) [0, 1] Concordance test is positif if: C(a,b) where is a cutting level, such that
9 ELECTRE Is - discordance test and outranking relationChecks if among criteria discordant with the hypothesis aSb there is a strong opposition against aSb (for each a,bA such that C(a,b) ) For a discordant criterion gi, the opposition is strong if: (for gain-type criterion) gi(b) – gi(a) vi(a) (for cost-type criterion) gi(a) – gi(b) vi(a) Conclusion: aSb is true if and only if C(a,b) and there is no criterion strongly opposed to the hypothesis In result, for each couple a,bA, one obtains relation S either true (1) or false (0) The preference structure in set A can be represented by a graph where nodes represent actions and arcs represent relation S
10 ELECTRE Is – exploitation of the outranking graphThe outranking graph S represents a preference structure in A What are the best actions ? Kernel K of the outranking graph: actions (nodes) belonging to K do not outrank each other (no arc between them) each action not belonging to K is directly outranked by at least one action from K S a b c d e 1 a e d c b
11 ELECTRE Is – search for the kernelIn order to have a single kernel, the graph should be acyclic Cycles should be first eliminated in one of two ways: replacing the cycle by a dummy node representing an equivalence class (clique) a e d c b cycle {c,e} a d f b f={c,e}
12 a b e, f d c
13 ELECTRE Is – search for the kernelIn order to have a single kernel, the graph should be acyclic Cycles should be first eliminated in one of two ways: replacing the cycle by a dummy node representing an equivalence class (clique) cutting the cycle = eliminationg the „weakest” arcs (outranking relations) a e d c b cycle {c,e} a e d c b
14 Algorytm wykrywania cykli w grafie. Utworzyć tablicę z jednym wejściem. W każdym wierszu wpisać indeksy bezpośrednich następników danego wierzchołka xi (tzw. listę ZA). . Poszukać linię pustą i skreślić numer tej linii wszędzie tam gdzie występuje w tablicy. Linie z samymi skreślonymi indeksami traktować jak puste. Skreślanie kontynuować aż do wyczerpania możliwości. . Jeśli wszystkie indeksy mogły być skreślone, to graf nie ma cykli. W przeciwnym razie ma co najmniej jednej cykl. . Wybrać indeks dowolnej linii niepustej a w niej dowolny nie skreślony indeks i skreślić go. Skreślanie kontynuować do momentu, gdy sekwencja skreślonych indeksów utworzy cykl.
15 Algorytm wykrywania cykli w grafie. Utworzyć tablicę z jednym wejściem. W każdym wierszu wpisać indeksy bezpośrednich następników danego wierzchołka xi (tzw. listę ZA). . Poszukać linię pustą i skreślić numer tej linii wszędzie tam gdzie występuje w tablicy. Linie z samymi skreślonymi indeksami traktować jak puste. Skreślanie kontynuować aż do wyczerpania możliwości. . Jeśli wszystkie indeksy mogły być skreślone, to graf nie ma cykli. W przeciwnym razie ma co najmniej jednej cykl. . Wybrać indeks dowolnej linii niepustej a w niej dowolny nie skreślony indeks i skreślić go. Skreślanie kontynuować do momentu, gdy sekwencja skreślonych indeksów utworzy cykl.
16 Algorytm znajdowania jądra w grafie acyklicznym. Utworzyć tablicę z jednym wejściem. W każdym wierszu wpisać indeksy bezpośrednich poprzedników danego wierzchołka xi (tzw. listę PRZED). . Zaznaczyć linię pustą (znaczkiem ). Skreślić całe linie, w których występuje wierzchołek z indeksem zaznaczonej linii pustej. Skreślić indeks skreślonego wiersza gdziekolwiek pojawia się w tablicy. Każda linia z samymi skreślonymi indeksami jest uznawana z pustą. Iterować aż do wyczerpania możliwości. . Jeśli wszystkie indeksy mogły być zaznaczone lub skreślone, to graf ma pojedyncze jądro złożone z wierzchołków odpowiadających zaznaczonym () wierszom.
17 ELECTRE Is – final recommendationThe best actions = the kernel: Actions in the kernel can be: initial (without predecessors) isolated (incomparable to all others) intermediate (both outranking and outranked) final (without successors) a d f b K={b} a e d c b K={b,e}
18 ELECTRE Is - example kPRICE=3 kTIME=5 kCOMFORT=2
19 ELECTRE Is - example =0.75
20 ELECTRE Is - example
21 ELECTRE Is - example
22 ELECTRE Is - example
23 ELECTRE Is - example
24 ELECTRE Is - example Kernel= {RER}
25 ELECTRE TRI: sorting problem (P)... x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x A Class 1 Class 2 Class p Class 1 Class 2 ... Class p
26 ELECTRE TRI Input data: finite set of actions A={a, b, c, …, h} consistent family of criteria G={g1, g2, …, gn} preference-ordered decision classes Clt, t=1,…,p Decision classes are caracterized by limit profiles bt, t=0,1,…,p The preference model, i.e. outranking relation S is constructed for each couple (a, bt), for every aA and t=0,1,…,p g1 g2 g3 gn b0 b1 bp-2 bp-1 bp b2 Cl1 Cl2 Clp-1 Clp a d
27 ELECTRE TRI Preferential information (i=1,…,k) intracriteria: – indifference thresholds qit for each class limit, t=0,1,…,p – preference thresholds pit for each class limit, t=0,1,…,p intercriteria: – importance coefficients (weights) of criteria ki – veto thresholds for each class limit vit, t=0,1,…,p 0qitpitvit are constant for each class limit bt, t=0,1,…,p Concordance and discordance tests of ELECTRE TRI validate or invalidate the assertions aSbt and btSa
28 ELECTRE TRI - concordance testChecks how strong is the coalition of criteria concordant with the hypothesis aSbt (for each couple (a,bt), aA and t=0,1,…,p) Concordance coefficient Ci(a,bt) for each criterion gi: gi(bt) preference Ci(a,bt) 1 gain-type gi(bt)-pit gi(bt)-qit gi(bt)+qit gi(bt)+pit gi(a) gi(bt) gi(a) gi(bt)-pit gi(bt)-qit gi(bt)+qit gi(bt)+pit preference Ci(a,bt) 1 cost-type
29 ELECTRE TRI - concordance testAggregation of concordance coefficients for aA and bt, t=0,1,…,p: C(a,bt) [0, 1]
30 ELECTRE TRI - discordance testChecks how strong is the coalition of criteria discordant with the hypothesis aSbt (for each couple (a,bt), aA and t=0,1,…,p) Discordance coefficient Di(a,bt) for each criterion gi: gi(a) preference Di(a,bt) 1 gain-type Ci(a,bt) gi(bt)-vit gi(bt) gi(bt)-pit gi(bt)-qit gi(bt)+qit gi(bt)+pit gi(a) 1 Ci(a,bt) preference cost-type gi(bt)+vit Di(a,bt) gi(bt)-pit gi(bt)-qit gi(bt) gi(bt)+qit gi(bt)+pit
31 ELECTRE TRI – credibility of the outranking relationConclusion from concordance and discordance tests – credibility of the outranking relation: (a,bt)[0, 1] What is the assignment of actions to decision classes ? (a,bt) (bt,a) a bt bt{}a a ? bt a{}bt not yes
32 ELECTRE TRI – exploitation of S and final recommendationAssignment of actions to decision classes based on two ways of comparison of actions aA to limit profiles bt, t=0,1,…,p Pessimistic: compare action a successively to each profile bt, t=p-1,…,1,0; if bt is the first profile such that aSbt, then aClt+1 Pessimistic, because for zero thresholds, aClt+1 gi(a)gi(bt) i, e.g. aCl1 g1 g2 g3 gn b0 b1 bp-2 bp-1 bp b2 Cl1 Cl2 Clp-1 Clp a comparison of action a to profiles bt
33 ELECTRE TRI – exploitation of S and final recommendationAssignment of actions to decision classes based on two ways of comparison of actions aA to limit profiles bt, t=0,1,…,p Optimistic: compare action a successively to each profile bt, t=1,…,p; if bt is the first profile such that bt{ }a, then aClt Optimistic, because for zero thresholds, aClt gi(bt)>gi(a) i, e.g. aCl2 g1 g2 g3 gn b0 b1 bp-2 bp-1 bp b2 Cl1 Cl2 Clp-1 Clp a comparison of action a to profiles bt
34 ELECTRE TRI - example kPRICE=3 kTIME=5 kCOMFORT=2 =0.75
35 ELECTRE TRI - example
36 ELECTRE TRI - example =0.75