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Author: Tobiasz Mytych
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4 W Szkole Podstawowej im. Janusza Korczaka uczy się obecnie 774 dzieci w 36 oddziałach w tym: 75 dzieci uczęszczających do oddziałów przedszkolnych, 378 uczniów w klasach 1-3, 321 uczniów w klasach 4-6. Nad procesem nauczania, wychowania i prawidłowym rozwojem dzieci czuwa 65 nauczycieli różnych przedmiotów i specjalistów ( pedagog, pedagog – terapeuta, psycholog, logopeda). Uczniowie naszej szkoły mogą skorzystać z bogatej oferty zajęć pozalekcyjnych. W zależności od zainteresowań uczestniczyć mogą w kółkach artystycznych, informatycznych, przedmiotowych, sportowych, technicznych, turystyczno – krajoznawczych. Dzieci ze Szkoły Podstawowej im. Janusza Korczaka w Komornikach uczestniczą w wielu konkursach organizowanych przez naszych nauczycieli. Chętnie biorą udział także w konkursach organizowanych na wyższym szczeblu: gminnym, powiatowym, wojewódzkim, ogólnopolskim. Uczestnicy konkursów przedmiotowych, zawodów sportowych odnoszą w nich wiele sukcesów plasując się na czołowych miejscach. Stawiając na wszechstronny rozwój w naszej szkole dzieci uczą się dwóch języków angielskiego i niemieckiego.

5 Wspierani są uczniowie zdolni i utalentowani w różnych dziedzinach. Wszystkie dzieci uczestniczą w imprezach integrujących społeczność uczniowską. Wszystko to przekłada się na wysokie wyniki sprawdzianu odbywającego się po klasie 6. Wśród uczniów kształtowane są postawy patriotyczne, obywatelskie, społeczne, prozdrowotne. Dzieci uczą się pomagać innym poprzez organizowanie akcji charytatywnych. Wdrażane są do uczestnictwa w kulturze oraz do postaw poszanowania tradycji szczególnie tych, które związane są z naszym regionem. Szkoła Podstawowa im. Janusza Korczaka posiada liczne certyfikaty potwierdzające udział w programach i projektach: Szkoła Promująca Zdrowie, Szkoła Odkrywców Talentów,Bezpieczna Szkoła, Z Pyrkiem bezpieczniej, Śladami Powstania Wielkopolskiego, Junior Media, Echo Poznańskiego Czerwca 56, Raban. Recykling, a nie bałagan, Cudze chwalicie swego nie znacie, Nie żyję tylko dla siebie, - Klub Bezpiecznego Puchatka.

6 At present, there are 36 classes and 774 children are being taught in Janusz Korczak Primary School in Komorniki, including: 75 children aged 6, 378 pupils from 6 to 9 years of age, 321 pupils from 10 to 12 years of age. The process of teaching and upbringing is conducted by 65 teachers of different subjects and specialists (educationalist, teacher - psychotherapist, psychologist, speech therapist). Pupils of our school can use the rich offer of extracurricular classes. Depending on interests, the pupils can participate in artistic, computer, subject, sports, technical and tourist circles. Children from Janusz Korczak Primary School in Komorniki participate in many competitions organised by our teachers. The pupils also participate in contests organised on the higher level: commune, district, provincial and all-Poland. Students make a success of subjects and sports competitions. In our school, pupils learn two foreign languages – English and German. Gifted and talented pupils are supported in different fields. All children participate in parties integrating the student community. All mentioned above factories contribute to achieve very good results of the compulsory international competence test finishing primary school.

7 Amongst pupils patriotic, civic, social and healthful attitudes are shaped. Children learn to help other by organising charity actions. They are being accustomed for the involvement in the culture and for conducts of the respect for the tradition peculiarly of the ones which are connected with our region. Janusz Korczak Primary School in Komorniki has numerous certificates confirming the participation in programmes and projects: -“Szkoła Promująca Zdrowie” (a programme about health), “ Szkoła Odkrywców Talentów” (a programme about noticing gifted and talented pupils), „Bezpieczna Szkoła” (a programme about safety at school), „Z Pyrkiem bezpieczniej” (a profect about safety for children from 6 to 9 years of age), “Śladami Powstania Wielkopolskiego” (a project about the Greater Poland Uprising), “Junior Media” (a school news-sheet), “Echo Poznańskiego Czerwca ’56” (a project about historical events in Poznań in 1956), “Raban. Recykling, a nie bałagan” (a project about recycling), “Cudze chwalicie swego nie znacie” (a project about the respect for the tradition connected with our region), Nie żyję tylko dla siebie ( a project about health and safety), Klub Bezpiecznego Puchatka (a programme about health and safety).

8 The commune of Komorniki is one of 17 communes which constitute Poznań district situated in the central part of the Wielkopolska Region. In terms of demographics, Komorniki is one of the fastest developing communes in Poland. The commune covers the area of 66.55 square kilometres which amounts to 0.82% of the area of the Wielkopolska Region and 3.5% of Poznań district.

9 As far as road infrastructure is concerned, Komorniki is conveniently situated in the vicinity of A2 motorway, connecting Warsaw and Berlin. The A2 motorway intersects with S5 road connecting Wrocław and Poznań, thanks to which Komorniki is a perfect location for various business investment projects. In the northern part of the commune, housing construction is rapidly developing while the area stretching along the motorway is a place of thriving business activity.

10 As far as road infrastructure is concerned, Komorniki is conveniently situated in the vicinity of A2 motorway, connecting Warsaw and Berlin. The A2 motorway intersects with S5 road connecting Wrocław and Poznań, thanks to which Komorniki is a perfect location for various business investment projects. In the northern part of the commune, housing construction is rapidly developing while the area stretching along the motorway is a place of thriving business activity.

11 The southern part of Komorniki commune is very attractive for tourism and recreation as it includes a large portion of the Wielkopolski National Park with the lakes of Rosnowsko-Jarosławiecki Postglacial Channel. In addition to that, the commune has a wide range of sports facilities and offers numerous cultural, sports and recreational events.

12 Owing to all the comforts provided by the commune, many people move from crowded municipal areas to the suburbs situated in Komorniki commune, where they can enjoy a new lifestyle combining professional and leisure activities. On the one hand, the commune offers the magnificent areas of the Wielkopolski National Park with its beautiful lakes, and on the other hand it is conveniently situated in the vicinity a big city, which guarantees access to all types of services: from banks to cafes in the Old Town.


14 We invite you to visit our commune where you can admire such historical monuments as the church complex in Komorniki. It includes the Church of St Andrew the Apostle, which was erected as early as in the 12th century. In 1912 the building gained a new, neo-Baroque style, while the church’s presbytery dates back to the early 20th century and it boasts a neo-Baroque gable. The church complex in Wiry, on the other hand, consists of St. Florian’s Church, a neo-Romanesque parish house (from 1906) and a presbytery dating back to 1864. The church was erected in 1900 in the neo-Romanesque style, at the site earlier occupied by a wooden church, which had existed as early as the 13th century. Other historical monuments include a manor house with its farm buildings located in Szreniawa (currently the seat of the National Museum of Agriculture) and the mausoleum of the Bierbaums – the founders and owners of the estate. In 2002, the mausoleum was refurbished and an observation tower was opened there.

15 The observation tower offers a nagnificent panorama of Poznań and the Wielkopolski National Park. In the villages of Szreniawa, Komorniki, Plewiska and Głuchowo, English-style manor parks from the early and mid- 19th century have survived to the present.



18 In former days, before Polish Christmas Trees were dominated by glass balls, most Christmas decorations had been prepared by children. They made Christmas chains using coloured tissue paper, wrappers and stems of straw. Children painted cones and walnuts gold, made angels and birds from eggshells, and prepared paper stars, bells and peacock eyes. These Christmas decorations, together with gingerbread and apples were then hung on Christmas Tree in the morning on the day before Christmas. Most of the decorations mentioned above can still be found on Polish Christmas trees, in particular at homes where people store decorations collected over generations. Each ornament has its own meaning. We have made traditional Polish Christmas decorations out of colored paper and stems of straw. The peacock eyes symbolise prosperity, while paper chains strengthen family ties and protect family members from troubles. We hope that the colored chains will also strengthen the ties between our schools.