1 Outsourcing usług informatycznych dla firmSerwery HP Blade System – małe, ale mocne. Maciej Misiak – Veracomp S.A. Warszawa, Konferencja 10-lecie firmy ESKOM | Warszawa ESKOM IT Sp. z o.o., ul. Zimna 2 lok 24, Warszawa, ul. Puławska 45B, Piaseczno, tel.: , fax:
2 Odwieczny problem serwerowni
3 Odwieczny problem serwerowni© Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
4 Zoptymalizowana i adaptywna infrastruktura dla dużych centrów danych.HP BladeSystem c-Class c7000 c3000 Zoptymalizowana i adaptywna infrastruktura dla dużych centrów danych. Elastyczna infrastruktura przeznaczona dla małych i średnich firm o dużych potrzebach obliczeniowych. do 16 modułów (serwery, pamięć masowa, moduły specjalne), do 8 modułów sieciowych do 8 modułów (serwery, pamięć masowa, moduły specjalne), do 4 modułów sieciowych © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
5 Uniwersalne i bezpieczne rozwiązania HP BladeSystemuniwersalny pasywny system interkomunikacyjny uniwersalna „przestrzeń” pod obecne i przyszłe moduły (e.g. zasialacze 2250W i 2400W) © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
6 Wysoka dostępność systemunadmiarowe wentylatory nadmiarowe dyski nadmiarowe moduły komunikacji Przepustowość magistrali do 10Tb/s ! Redukcja okablowania o 94% ! przód obudowy tył obudowy nadmiarowe moduły zarządzania nadmiarowe zasilacze nadmiarowe zasilanie wszystkie elementy z cechą hot-swap © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
7 moduł Onboard AdministratorBezkompromisowe bezpieczeństwo (przykład) - „awaria” Onboard Administrator’a moduł Onboard Administrator © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
8 co 100Mb w zakresie od 100Mb do 10GbTechnologia Virtual Connect Zarządzanie migracja VM produkcja storage co 100Mb w zakresie od 100Mb do 10Gb And Flex-10 offers another huge operational advantage - Precise Bandwidth Control at the server Each FlexNIC speed can be custom set from 100Mb to 10Gb in 100Mb increments so that each application gets the precise amount of bandwidth it needs. No more rigid network speeds that under or over provision bandwidth. next slide, please… LAN SAN 2 części Flex Fabric LOM VC FlexFabric M © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
9 Flex-10 vs FlexFabric © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
10 Virtual Connect FlexFabricOptymalizacja pod systemy z hypervisorami Srvc Console VM kernel (VMotion) VM Network Storage Network 0.5 1.0 4.0 4.5 10 Gb Virtual Connect and FF adapters are optimized for the virtualized server environments. VMware best practice guides recommend minimum 6 NIC ports and 2 Storage ports for the optimum configuration. Using traditional 1GbE and 4Gb FC technology, one would typically assign one 1Gb NICs to all applications. But, in doing so you would over-provisioning service console and under-provisioning your VM data network connectivity. With VC FlexFabric, you are no longer forced to overprovision your network or under-provision your VM data connections, as you can assign the amount of bandwidth that you need for each application with full redundancy. You would be able to assign 500Mbps, as shown here, to the service console on each side of the redundant NIC pair, and 1Gb for the vMotion traffic and 4.5Gbs for VM data networks which would still leave 4Gb for storage and backup. You can do all that with a single dual-port FlexFabric adapter instead of 3 Enet adapters and 1 Storage adapter. = 14Gb 43% wyższe pasmo przy mądrej utylizacji = 20Gb Dobór właściwego pasma do połączenia © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
11 … HP Virtual Connect EthernetDowolna karta sieciowa może być podłączona do dowolnej sieci w data center Server Blade 1 Server Blade 2 Server Blade 16 … Virtual Connect Manager (VCM) pNIC pNIC pNIC pNIC pNIC pNIC PROFIL 1 PROFIL 2 PROFIL 16 Virtual Connect For Ethernet works across multiple stacked enclosures VIRTUALNA SIEĆ 1 VIRTUALNA SIEĆ 2 VIRTUALNA SIEĆ 3 Looks just like standard server connections from external network switches LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 Data Center Networks © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
12 Virtual Connect redukuje nawet do 95% okablowaniaPodejście tradycyjne 40 części 1Gb LOM 50% redukcji VC Flex-10 & VC FC 20 części 95% redukcji Script: As we all recognize, server virtualization has reduced data center sprawl from a compute perspective but it has caused a significant increase in network complexity, particularly at the server edge. Since its introduction in 2008, Virtual Connect Flex-10 has led the industry in reducing I/O sprawl and simplifying the way servers are connected to data and storage networks. Flex-10 allows you to consolidate Ethernet connections and converge data and storage fabrics onto 10Gb server connections. It allows you to carve up 10Gb bandwidth into 4 separate virtual connections resulting in significant cable, adapter and switch port reduction. Flex-10 also supports QoS on each of those connections by allowing you to dynamically adjust speed in 100Mb increments ensuring that each connected application receives the bandwidth it requires. You no longer need to over-provision or under-provision bandwidth. Flex-10 LOM VC FlexFabric 2 części Flex Fabric LOM © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
13 Pierwsza na rynku płaska architektura SANeliminuje wszelkie problemy związane z siecią SAN Jeden poziom połączenia 86% mniej komponentów 55% mniejsze opóźnienia “Direct Attach” with storage is radical new concept introduced with Virtual Connect 3.70 and will be supported on Virtual Connect FlexFabric with 3PAR storage device. This feature will enable storage admin’s to connect VC FlexFabric directly connect to highly scabale 3PAR storage including T,V and F series without intermediate SAN. At the same time providing all the SAN telemetry needed to manage a SAN network via VCM/CLI today and VCEM in future. Today one of the bottleneck in terms of Opex and Capex for FC based storage is SAN equipment. With Direct Attach customer can save anywhere from 1 to 4.5 million in terms of solution cost as with this solution eliminates HBAs on server and SAN switches including options. By default each Flexport in FC mode is “Fabric Attach” and will behave exactly like the FC ports of FlexFabric behave today. In case of “Direct Attach” , the ports can be configured as “Direct Attach” and thus can be connected to a FC based 3PAR storage. Any attempts to connect to 3PAR storage in “Fabric Attach” will result in error condition. The 4 FlexPorts can be configured in any combination of “Direct Attach” and “Fabric Attach” thus supporting “Pay as you grow” model. The same issues affecting latency, performance ad complexity affect SAN Fabric infrastructure. With the introduction of Virtual Connect Direct Attach Fibre Channel you can eliminate half your SAN Fabric cost: 86% fewer parts – 55% lower latency – 2.5x faster provisioning All delivered by reducing a complex multi-tier SAN infrastructure and flattening it into a Single Tier Flat SAN If your compare a VCE V-Block system from EMC and Cisco and compare it to an equivalent HP Solution, forget the shopping cart, you’d need a Front End Loader to remove the excess components. And we do all this at cloud scale…. Transition Detailed script: Based on HP Engineering testing, on average, configuring a single enclosure VC domain 2.5x faster provisioning SAN infrastructure: Substantiation: Standard SAN Fabric: 2 minutes: apply profile 1-2 minute: Configure profile: 1 minute: Configure SAN Fabric in VC 1 minute: boot server 16 minutes Total 10 minutes: configure zoning With Direct-Attach FC Storage 6 minutes Total 0 minutes: configure zoning (removed) You cut 10 out, or you can provision 2.5x faster. Time to deploy entire chassis plus configure LUNs plus deploy OS plus configure OS was not considered as part of the calculation since you have to do that regardless *55% reduction in one way latency Lower latency means higher precision and is a component of Quality of Service (QoS): 55% reduction in storage network latency is calculated based on the design architecture of the Vblock 700: Based on HP Engineering calculations “Fewer errors, higher quality of Service” The VMAX storage is always behind a MDS switch. Cisco UCS 6248 Fabric Interconnet – 2.0 us Cisco UCS 2204 FEX – 0.5 us Vblock 700 storage network latency: Total 4.5 us Cisco MDS SAN switch 2.0 us 1 x 10m optical cable 0.05us Virtual Connect 2.0us HP 2.05 us/ 4.5 us = 55% reduction Total HP 2.05 us The Cisco MDS9148 numbers: The Brocade switch latency is from the HP QuickSpec for the switch located here: The Cisco Nexus/UCS numbers come from a number of sources: Based on ILP as compared to Cisco UCS configuration. 50% reduction in infrastructure costs $1,445,000 difference or 25% cost savings on the total HP/3PAR vs Cisco/EMC solutions (EXCLUDES SERVER BLADE COSTS) Notes: UCS 40 Servers vs HP 48 = Infrastructure costs = Cisco =$212,600. (+36,000 for switches + $44,000 for Fabric Manager for cables and transceivers) vs. HP at $147,900. 297 vs. 148 = 149K – 50% savings over Cisco cost. # of components not required – UCS 23 vs 10 for Direct Attach Original cost and component savings calculations were done on a different configuration with 48 servers and more chassis from both vendors. Now that we trimmed this down to just 16 servers, did you re-ran the cost and component comparisons? Based on ILP as compared to traditional SAN Fabric configuration. 86% Fewer Components Cisco Just real quick re-calculation of SFPs and cables MDS9506 à VMAX – 16 x 8Gb FC SFPs and 8 cables Fabric Interconnect à MDS9506 – 16 x 8Gb FC SFPs and 8 cables FEX à Fabric Interconnect – 32 x 10Gb SFPs and 16 cables. 4 x FEX Total 8 switches + 64 SFPs + 32 cables = 104 components 2xMDS 2 x FI HP requires 2 x VC-FF + 4 cables + 8 SFPs = 14 components 14/104 is now 87% less components (used a conservative 86% on the slide) NOTE: Cisco UCS can support direct attach in a “hybrid” set up where there is SAN switch attached to the Fabric Interconnect Eliminujemy przełączniki SAN i karty HBA Szybsze działanie Jedna warstwa sieci storage’owej FC Znaczne uproszczenie zarządzania © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
14 HP BladeSystem c-Class x86zapotrzebowanie na moc rodzina serwerów stelażowych obsługa dużej ilości maszyn wirtualnych duże upakowanie fizycznych serwerów BL685c G7 BL660c Gen8 BL460c Gen8 BL465c Gen8 Expansion Blades Skalowalność i wydajność BL420c Gen8 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
15 Najpopularniejszy serwer na świecieSerwer HP ProLiant BL460c Gen8 Najpopularniejszy serwer na świecie Co nowego Możliwość wyboru i wymiany „wbudowanej” w płytę główną karty (Flexible LOM) 33% więcej pojemności na pamięć RAM Nowy kontroler Smart Array z wbudowanym 512MB cache’em typu flash Wsparcie dla 6- i 8-rdzeniowych procesorów do 130W Nowe Advanced Mezzanine Slots – do 400% szersze pasmo per slot* *wewnętrzne obliczenia HP © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
16 HP ProLiant BL465c Gen8 Pierwszy serwer pozwalający osiągnąć 2000 rdzeni per rack Co nowego FlexibleLOM Nowy Smart Array z wbudowaną pamięcią cache MB FBWC Nowe sloty PCI-E (mezzanine) Nowy poziom zarządzania (iLO 4, IC 7) © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
17 HP ProLiant BL420c Gen8 Ekonomiczny serwer Co nowegoWsparcie dla procesorów z 8 rdzeniami Dyski „hot-plug” iLO 4 Wsparcie techniczne 3/3/3 Możliwość wyboru kontrolera SA FlexibleLOM Nowe karty mezzanine © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
18 HP ProLiant BL660c Gen8 Co nowegoWydajność maszyny 4-procesorowej w małym formacie Do czterech procesorów E5-4600 32 DIMM sloty na pamięć, do 1.0TB pamięci HP SmartMemory Trzy sloty PCIe 3.0 FlexibleLOM Smart Array Controller z 512MB FBWC iLO 4 © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
19 8-socket’owy system z 2x większą wydajnością o połowę mniejsząMagia Blade Link Uproszczona skalowalność z pierwszymi na rynku serwerami blade 2, 4, 8-socket HP-UX Łączy kilka serwerów blade w jeden system Scale X 2 = 4s/16c X 2 = 8s/32c Scale Coaching tips: As you walk through the architecture conceptually, show how HP will deliver based on a position of strength, starting with proven technologies customers rely on today. Point out how we will take those innovations forward, integrate and extend their capabilities in a converged infrastructure. We recommend reading the relevant whitepapers and more extensive speaker notes for this slide. Below is a high level summary. Combines multiple blades into a single, scalable system Front plane inter-connects extend high speed, high bandwidth Quick Path Interconnect (QPI) links across multiple blades BL8x0c i2 servers redefine blade scaling -Build 2-, 4-, or 8-socket servers in the factory or in the field, providing ultimate flexibility as customer’s computing needs change – “Pay as you grow” -No other UNIX competitor today has 8-socket blade -Base product features grow proportionately as sockets increase, delivering the best in balanced performance growth Scale – Up, out and within Scale – More Only 8-Socket UNIX blade in industry standard blade enclosure Scale – Simply System resources grow evenly across CPU, memory, I/O, and etc Features: Memory: 96GB x 2 = 192GB x 2 = 384GB LAN: x 10GbE 8x10 GbE x 10GbE HDDs: 2 slots 4 slots 8 slots Source for “half the footprint”: based on HP analysis, comparing 2xBL890c i2 systems with C7000 enclosures to 2 - rx7640 systems. 2 x BL890c i2 servers fill a single, 10U, c7000 enclosure with a total of 64 cores; 2 x rx7640 servers occupy 20U (2 x 10U) with a total of 32 cores (2 x 16 cores). Source for “2x the performance”: Performance benchmark result - SPECint_rate_base2006: BL860c i2 VS. (BL860c = 2.1x, rx6600 = 2.7x, BL870c = 2.2x); SPECfp_rate_base2006:BL860c i2 VS. (BL860c = 2.7x, rx6600 = 3.8x); STREAM Triad: BL870c i2 VS (BL870c = 9.1x) * ; Scale CPU: 2s/8c 8-socket’owy system z 2x większą wydajnością o połowę mniejszą © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
20 Łatwe i jednolite zarządzanie© Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
21 HP Insight Control server provisioningNext generation multi-server O/S provisioning Rapid server provisioning Provision HP servers in minutes vs hours/days Easy to setup and migrate to Installs as a virtual machine appliance in about an hour NEW: RDP Migration Service Simple to operate Leverages HP Intelligent Provisioning for PXE-free deployments Physical OS provisioning, firmware, BIOS, Smart Array config Support for ProLiant Gen8 – G7 – G6 Optimized for Gen8 / PXE-free install with Intelligent Provisioning Installs as a virtual machine appliance Simple migration path from RDP © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 21
22 Manual, error prone inventory tracking eliminatedLocation Discovery Services New for Blades with IC 7.2! Optimize workload placement with servers that self-identify and inventory No manual, inaccurate and tedious asset collection Server learns from rack the rack id and server U location HP iLO collects and passes this data on to Insight Control to auto populate a server location screen What if you could eliminate the need to manually inventory the systems in your data center? What if your servers had the ability to identify and inventory themselves? Not only would you save time and money, you could match server workload to the available power, cooling and space resources efficiently, deploy workloads and increase workload performance. HP is the first to provide built-in location awareness in the next generation of HP ProLiant servers that works hand-in-hand with technology in the new HP Intelligent Series racks. Together these technologies send the rack identification number and precise U location to the servers. This provides important location information to HP Insight Control Software along with power and temperature data. Also, HP uses secure non-emitting and radio free technology to meet the security requirements of many of our customers. HP Location Discovery Services provides detailed server information by location and saves hours of tedious manual asset location and tracking data entry into spreadsheets. Combining location data with real-time, auto-populated power, thermal, and workload data into Insight Control provides the information that enables system administrators to optimally place workloads The result: 100% manual and error prone inventory tracking eliminated: System administrators no longer have to use manual, inaccurate and tedious asset collection and tracking approaches such as spreadsheets and bar code scanners. Workload placement optimized: Enabled by automated system location data combined with unique graphical power, temperature and performance display in Insight Control. 100% of manual, error prone inventory tracking eliminated through the use of HP Location Discovery Services and Power Discovery Services. Based on the elimination of manual and semi-manual recording and record keeping of power and asset information. ~100% Manual, error prone inventory tracking eliminated See February 13 BladeSystem TekTalk for more details © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
23 HP Integrated Lights-Out 4 v1.20Available in February 2013 IPv6 (phase 1) SNMP v3 alerting Remote Syslog Serial record/playback New licensing options © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
24 HP Agentless ManagementCałe zarządzanie oparte na bezagentowym rozwiązaniu dla bezpieczeństwa i stabilności Pewne zarządzanie bez narzutu na system operacyjny Niezależne od OS i CPU, działa w oparciu o HP iLO Management Engine Możliwość zainstalowania agentów monitorujących system - HP Agentless Management Service (dla VMware i Microsoft) HP ProLiant Gen8 CPU OS Apps Agent iLO Agentless Mgmt HP Agentless Management With HP iLO Management Engine in every HP ProLiant Gen8 server, the base hardware monitoring and alerting capability is built into the system (running on the HP iLO processor) and starts working the moment that a power cord and an Ethernet cable is connected to the server. No longer are OS Agents required; all SNMP traps and alerting takes place from the HP iLO architecture © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
25 Promocja – obudowa za 1 EURZestawy promocyjne dostępne do końca lipca 2013 Kup 2 serwery BL420c, BL460c lub BL660c wraz z modułami komunikacyjnymi Virtual Connect, zasilaczami i wentylatorami; Za obudowę zapłacisz tylko 1 EUR © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
26 Dziękuję za uwagę © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.