Overview of historical physico-chemical and biological data from the Wel lakes – a support for peleolimnological analyses Andrzej Hutorowicz 1 Agnieszka.

1 Overview of historical physico-chemical and biological ...
Author: Adam Zieliński
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1 Overview of historical physico-chemical and biological data from the Wel lakes – a support for peleolimnological analyses Andrzej Hutorowicz 1 Agnieszka Napiórkowska-Krzebietke 1 Agnieszka Pasztaleniec 2 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund 1 Inland Fisheries Institute, Olsztyn Institute of Environmental Protection 2 Institute of Environmental Protection, Warszawa

2 Lake Temperature Oxygen Secchi Disc Chemical content of water (Ca, Na, K, Mg, Fe, SiO 2, P-PO 4, N-NO 3, N-NH 3 ) Dąbrowa Wielka 1960.06.24 1960.08.30 1960.04.28 – surface 1960.05.21 – surface 1960.08.30 – surface, bottom, 3 station Dąbrowa Mała 1964.06.30 1964.08.29- Rumian 1964.06.30 1964.08.27 - Zarybinek1967.08.25- Tarczyńskie1967.08.25- Grądy1967.08.25- Lidzbarskie 1967.06.30 1967.08.23- Kiełpińskie1967.08.23- Hartowieckie1967.08.25- ZwiniarzNo data-

3 LakeZooplankton Bathymetric plan with area occupied by submergend and emergend vegetation Dąbrowa Wielka1962.08. plan 1959; vegetation 1963-1968 (?) Dąbrowa Mała1964.08. 1962; vegetation 1962-1968 (?) Rumian1964.08.27 – 2 stations 1963; vegetation 1963-1968 (?) Zarybinek1967.07.11 1965; vegetation 1965-1968 Tarczyńskie1967.07.11 1964; vegetation 1964-1968 (?) Grądy1967.07.11 1964; vegetation 1964-1968 (?) Lidzbarskie1967.07.10 1964; vegetation 1964-1968 (?) Kiełpińskie1967.07.10 1965; vegetation 1965-1968 (?) Hartowieckie1967.07.11 1964; vegetation 1964-1968 (?) ZwiniarzNo data


5 Lake Classification of primary productivity of a lake Dąbrowa Wielka+ Dąbrowa Mała+ Rumian+ Zarybinek+ Tarczyńskie+ Grądy+ Lidzbarskie+ Kiełpińskie+ Hartowieckie+ ZwiniarzNo data

6 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Depth [m] mg O 2 /dm 3 Oxygen Dąbrowa Wielka oCoC Temperature

7 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund O 2 -sinks in the L. Dąbrowa Wielka

8 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Depth [m] mg O 2 /dm 3 Oxygen oCoC Temperature L. Dąbrowa Mała

9 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund O 2 -sinks in the L. Dąbrowa Mała

10 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Depth [m] mg O 2 /dm 3 Oxygen oCoC Temperature L. Lidzbarskie

11 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund O 2 -sinks in the L. Lidzbarskie

12 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Depth [m] mg O 2 /dm 3 Oxygen oCoC Temperature L. Rumian

13 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund O 2 -sinks in the L. Rumian

14 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Depth [m] mg O 2 /dm 3 Oxygen oCoC Temperature L. Grądy

15 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Depth [m] mg O 2 /dm 3 Oxygen oCoC Temperature J. Tarczyńskie

16 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Depth [m] mg O 2 /dm 3 Oxygen oCoC Temperature J. Zarybinek

17 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Depth [m] mg O 2 /dm 3 Oxygen oCoC Temperature J. Hartowieckie

18 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Visibility of Secchi disc during August [m] 1964/1967 2009

19 The estimation of primary productivity was carried out two ways: by analyzing chosen factors influencing the production - 10 factors:  fertility of drainage basin,  lake situation in the basin of the river,  water exchange in a lake,  fertility of a main influent drainage basin,  phosphorus content,  nitrogen content,  calcium content  potassium content,  grade of stability of the lake,  active bottom area of the lake  hypolimnetioc oxygen content changes depending on the grade of stability by evaluation some of primary production indicators – 3 factors:by evaluation some of primary production indicators – 3 factors:  changes in calcium contents from spring pick to summer minimum lake,  changes in potasium content  water transparency in the lakes differing by range of epilimnion Patalas K. 1960. The method of classification of primary productivity of a lake by point system, applied to the lakes of Węgorzewo district. Rocz. Nauk Rol. 77-B-1, 200-326. Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Classification of Primary Productivity of a Lake by Point System (CPP)

20 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Classification of Primary Productivity of a Lake (1968)

21 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Dąbrowa Wielka Dąbrowa Mała Rumian Zarybinek Tarczyńskie Grądy Lidzbarskie Kiełpińskie Hartowieckie Zwiniarz Estimated for 1960-1967 Polish method - Metric "Chlorophyll a"Y Ch 2.682.592.571.872.912.092.620.761.95 Polish method - Metric "Total Biomass"Y Bm 2.272.662.652.342.882.522.681.262.41 Polish method - Metric "Biomass of Cyanoprokaryota"Y CY Phytoplankton Metric for Polish LakesPMPL 2.472.632.612.112.902.312.651.012.18 2009 Polish method - Metric "Chlorophyll a"Y Ch 3.332.783.392.775.003.603.671.192.274.05 Polish method - Metric "Total Biomass"Y Bm Polish method - Metric "Biomass of Cyanoprokaryota"Y CY 1.912.583.032.763.662.282.890.002.454.09 Phytoplankton Metric for Polish LakesPMPL 2.832.853.292.854.253.183.310.922.533.92

22 Submergend vegetation Dominant species Vegetation ranges [average ±SD; maximum] Estimated colonization (Z) Dąbrowa Wielka Elodea canadensis Ceratophyllum demersum Batrachium circinatum 4,00 ±0,94; 5,01,34 Dąbrowa Mała Elodea canadensis Batrachium circinatum Fontinalis antypiretica 4,38 ±0,80; 5,01,07 Rumian Elodea canadensis Myriophyllum spicatum Ceratophyllum demersum 3,21 ±1,38; 5,00,86 Zarybinek Elodea canadensis Ceratophyllum demersum Charophceae 1,77 ±2,25; 2,50,62 Tarczyńskie Potamogeton sp. Charophceae 0,77 ±1,12; 3,50,45

23 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Submergend vegetation Dominant species Vegetation ranges [average ±SD; maximum] Estimated colonization (Z) Lidzbarskie Elodea canadensis Potamogeton sp. 1,26 ±1,81; 5,00,79 Kiełpińskie Elodea canadensis Potamogeton sp. Ceratophyllum demersum 3,07 ±2,05; 7,51,04 Hartowieckie Potamogeton sp. div. Ceratophyllum demersum 0,76 ±1,08; 2,50,32 Grądy Ceratophyllum demersum Charophceae 0,79 ±1,13; 3,40,31