Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Institute of Geophysics Faculty.

1 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia...
Author: Edward Wieczorek
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1 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Institute of Geophysics Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw Hanna Pawłowska

2 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Atmospheric Physics Department Atmospheric Physics Department in the Institute of Geophysics dr hab. Szymon MALINOWSKI, prof. UWclouds prof. Krzysztof HAMANclouds dr hab. Hanna PAWŁOWSKA, prof. UWclouds dr Krzysztof MARKOWICZaerosols dr Iwona STACHLEWSKAaerosols dr hab. Konrad BAJERfluid dynamics dr Wojciech KUMALAinstruments 10 PhD students

3 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Our activity in airborne measurements Investigation of clouds In national campaigns In international campaingnsConstruction of instruments

4 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Outline of the presentation Some history Construction of instruments Research within international campaigns Plans for the future Our activity in EUFAR Our activity in COPAL

5 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Our story begins in 1974... powered motoglider Ogar Institute of Aeronautics Institute of Geophysics Investigation of small convective clouds 1974-1995 Kętrzyn and Warszawa A complete set of developed instruments to measure air temperature, pressure, humidity, liquid water content, total water content Special development Special development: hygrometer with temperature stabilization, anti-droplet protection for various cloud measurement sensors HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL

6 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska and... Aircrafts: Ogar, Wilga (Institute of Aeronautics) Wilga Investigation of dynamics of cooling tower and stack plumes 1983-1989 Bełchatów, Kozienice and Warszawa Ogar HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL

7 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Ultra Fast Thermometer (UFT) collaboration with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, DLR 1992-2000 Aircrafts: DLR Dornier DO-228, Falcon HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL distance (m) temperature fluctuations in cloud temperature fluctuations (°C) Fluctuations of temperature in centimeter scale Prototype UFT thermometer for in-cloud measurements onboard DLR DO-228 aircraft. Characteristics: measurement principle: resistance thermometer, shielded by aerodynamical rod from impact of cloud droplets; sensing element: platinum coated tungsten wire, diameter 2.5 micrometers; time response: of order of 10 -4 s, depending of the true-air speed; temperature resolution: better than 0.05K at 70m/s; data recording: 10Ksamples/second, measurement at every 1cm at 100m/s 4 cm

8 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Ultra Fast Thermometer (UFT) UFT IN EXPERIMENTS SMCS – Florida, 1995, Meteo- France Merlin IV WiFEWiFE - Colorado, 1998, NCAR C-130 Hercules AIRSAIRS - Canada, 1999-2000, Environment Canada Convair DYCOMS-IIDYCOMS-II - San Diego, California, 2001, NCAR C-130 EMERALDEMERALD - Adelaide, Australia, 2001, ARA Egrett The Aberystwyth Egrett ExperimentThe Aberystwyth Egrett Experiment - Boscombe Down, UK, 2001, ARA Egrett BBC-2BBC-2 - Cabauw, The Netherlands, 2003, Meteo-France Merlin IV Versions of UFT: for warm (not containing ice) clouds for supercooled water clouds and icing conditions for use in cloudless air mainly in high altitudes for slow aircrafts for fast aircrafts for use on balloons UFT-F thermometer on Meteo- France Merlin-V aircraft during BBC-2 research campaign HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL

9 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Aerosol Characterization Experiment ACE-2 HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL June-July 1997 subtropical Atlantic (vicinity of Canary Islands) CLOUDY-COLUMN project in ACE-2 study of the aerosol indirect efect (aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction) The largest unknown in the climate change estimations 4. FP UE, IGAC POLISH PARTICIPTION Hanna Pawłowska, scientific visitor at CNRM (Meteo-France) Jean-Louis Brenguier (CNRM, Meteo-France) was coordinator of the CLOUDY-COLUMN project

10 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Aerosol Characterization Experiment ACE-2 HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL CLOUDY - COLUMN Merlin IV Do 228 ARAT F27 Pelican C-130 Merlin IV Above cloud: remote sensing of cloud radiative properties: ARAT F27, DLR Do 228 In cloud: cloud microphysics: Meteo-France Merlin IV Below cloud: aerosol properties: MRF C-130, Pelican (Cessna Skymaster)

11 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Aerosol Characterization Experiment ACE-2 HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL SCIENTIFIC OUTPUT OF ACE-2 (only IGF part) 5 peer revieved publications 5 conference papersPACE (Parameterization of the aerosol indirect climatic effect) 5.FP UE, 2000-2002 for the first time IGF is a partner in EU project 5 peer revieved publications 5 conference papers A complete database of stratocumulus cloud microphysical properties First experimental evidence of the aerosol indirect climatic effect Figure was referred to in the IPCC 2001 report CLOUDY-COLUMNOUTPUT

12 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska DYCOMS- II HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL POLISH PARTICIPTION Supported by a NSF grant SCIENTIFIC OUTPUT 3 peer reviewed publications 5 conference papers San Diego, California, 2001 NCAR C-130 UFT under the wing of NCAR C-130 Hercules during DYCOMS-II research campaign. DYCOMS-II The Second Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus field study (DYCOMS-II) specifically designed to provide: a suite of test cases for subsequent simulation; tests of LES derived entrainment parameterizations.

13 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Other experiments BBC 2 (Baltex Bridge Experiment) Cabauw, The Netherlands, May 2003 UFT Flights of Meteo-France Merlin IV with UFT was financed by CAATER (pre EUFAR) RICO (Rain in Cumulus over the Ocean) Antigua and Barbuda, December 2004 – January 2005 University of Wyoming King Air, FAAM BAE 146, NCAR C-130 HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL

14 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Scientific output of airborne reserach From 1990: 46 peer revieved publications 23 issued form airborne research From 1996 (based on SCI): 649 citations 348 citations of airborne – based research

15 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Plans Comming experiments Instruments Construction of an ‘industrial’ version of UFT Integration of UFT in a modular airborne turbulence probe Aerosol airborne research HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL

16 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska INTENSIVE MEASUREMENT PERIOD AT CESAR TOWER HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL EUCAARI (European Integrated project on Aerosol Cloud Climate and Air Quality interactions) May 2008, Cabauw, The Netherlands Aircrafts: SAFIRE-ATR42, NERC –Do228 Boundary layer clouds Characterization of cloud microphysical structure Modelling of boundary layer clouds

17 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska POST – Physics of Stratocumulus Top 2008, Monterey, California. Aircraft: CIRPASS Twin Otter Project supported by the NSF UFT UFT installed on the aircraft HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL Goal: Investigation of details of mixing process at the top of Stratocumulus

18 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Our students in EUFAR HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL Join an existing campaign AMMA (African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses), 2006, Burkina Faso, M55 Geophysica (Sylwester Arabas) CLAPREC (Clouds, Aerosol and Precipitation ), 2006, Portugal, FAAM - BAe146, (mgr Piotr Drzewiecki) COPS, 2007, Germany, FZK - ENDURO, (Katarzyna Bednarek) Summer school in Iasi (Romania), Summer school in Iasi (Romania), July 2007 (Sylwester Arabas, mgr Dorota Jarecka, dr Wojciech Kumala) SEASALT SEASALT (Signatures of Evaporation of Artificial Snow in Alpine Lower Troposphere), 2008, Austria, FZK - ENDURO (Sylwester Arabas) Plan your own campaign National Contact National Contact: mgr Ela Grzeszczak PhD student in the Institute of Geophysics

19 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska Our activity in COPAL Construction and mobilization of Polish consortium for participation to the construction, instrumentation and operation of the COPAL European infrastructure Participation in COPAL workpackages: Legal structures (WP 2) Instrumentation and development (WP 5) Scientific Governance (WP 6) HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL

20 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska COPAL – Polska web page http://copal.igf.fuw.edu.pl HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL

21 Pierwsze Seminarium COPAL-Polska, Warszawa, 18 stycznia 2008 r. Instytut Geofizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Hanna Pawłowska COPAL HistoryInstrumentsExperimentsPlansEUFARCOPAL dr hab. Hanna Pawłowska, prof. UW dr Iwona Stachlewska [email protected]