1 Podstawy prawne, rola psychologa, Kwalifikacja i orzekanie odnośnie dzieci niezdolnych do nauki w szkołach masowych. Podstawy prawne, rola psychologa, rola poradni w kwalifikowaniu do szkół specjalnych. Opracowała: Monika Haligowska Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
2 Podstawy prawne organizowania pomocy uczniom ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 28 sierpnia 2012 r. zminiające rozporządzenie w sprawie warunków organizowania kształcenia, wychowania i opieki dla dzieci i młodzieży niepełnosprawnych oraz niedostosowanych społecznie w specjalnych przedszkolach, szkołach i oddziałach oraz w ośrodkach. (Dz.U. z dnia 2 grudnia 2010r. Nr 228, poz. 1489) Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z 17 listopada 2010r. w sprawie warunków organizowania kształcenia, wychowania i opieki dla dzieci i młodzieży niepełnosprawnych oraz niedostosowanych społecznie w przedszkolach, szkołach i oddziałach ogólnodostępnych lub integracyjnych. (Dz.U. z dnia 2 grudnia 2010 r. Nr 228, poz. 1490) Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
3 Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 17 listopada 2010 r. w sprawie zasad udzielania i organizacji pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej w publicznych przedszkolach, szkołach i placówkach (Dz.U. z 2 grudnia 2010r. Nr 228, poz. 1487) - weszło w życie z dniem 1 lutego 2011r. I inne: - w sprawie rodzajów i szczegółowych zasad działania placówek publicznych; - w sprawie ramowych statutów publicznego przedszkola oraz szkół publicznych; - w sprawie warunków i sposobu oceniania, klasyfikowania i promowania uczniów i słuchaczy; - w sprawie przeprowadzania sprawdzianów i egzaminów w szkołach - w sprawie szczegółowych zasad działania publicznych poradni psychologiczno - pedagogicznych, w tym publicznych poradni specjalistycznych; w sprawie ramowego statutu publicznej poradni psychologiczno- pedagogicznej, w tym publicznej poradni specjalistycznej; Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
4 Pomoc psychologiczno-pedagogiczna udzielana uczniowi w przedszkolu, szkole i placówce polega na rozpoznawaniu i zaspokajaniu indywidualnych potrzeb rozwojowych i edukacyjnych ucznia oraz rozpoznawaniu indywidualnych możliwości psychofizycznych ucznia, wynikających w szczególności z: • niepełnosprawności • niedostosowania społecznego • zagrożenia niedostosowania społecznego ze specyficznych trudności w uczeniu się • zaburzeń komunikacji językowej • choroby przewlekłej • sytuacji kryzysowej lub traumatycznej • niepowodzeń edukacyjnych • trudności wynikające z zaniedbań środowiskowych związanych z sytuacją bytową ucznia i jego rodziny, sposobem spędzania czasu wolnego, kontaktami środowiskowymi • trudności adaptacyjne związane z różnicami kulturowymi lub ze zmianą środowiska edukacyjnego, w tym związanymi z wcześniejszym kształceniem za granicą Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
5 oraz zaspokojenie tych potrzeb. Każde dziecko w przedszkolu, szkole i placówce ma prawo być objęte działaniami pedagogicznymi i psychologicznymi, mającymi na celu rozpoznanie jego możliwości psychofizycznych (w tym szczególnych uzdolnień), indywidualnych potrzeb rozwojowych i edukacyjnych oraz zaspokojenie tych potrzeb. Działania wynikające z przepisów prawa to: - praca zespołów do spraw wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju dziecka, tworzonych w przedszkolach, w szkołach podstawowych (w tym specjalnych), w ośrodkach oraz w publicznych i niepublicznych poradniach psychologiczno-pedagogicznych (w tym poradniach specjalistycznych); - celem wczesnego wspomagania jest stymulacja rozwoju psychoruchowego oraz społecznego dziecka – od chwili wykrycia niepełnosprawności do podjęcia nauki w szkole; - wczesne wspomaganie jest prowadzone bezpośrednio z dzieckiem i jego rodziną; Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
6 § 2. 2. Pomoc psychologiczno-pedagogiczna udzielana w przedszkolu, szkole i placówce rodzicom uczniów i nauczycielom polega na wspieraniu rodziców i nauczycieli w rozwiązywaniu problemów wychowawczych i dydaktycznych oraz rozwijaniu ich umiejętności wychowawczych w celu zwiększania efektywności pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej dla uczniów. § 3. Korzystanie z pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej w przedszkolu, szkole i placówce jest dobrowolne i nieodpłatne. § 4. 1. Pomoc psychologiczno-pedagogiczną organizuje dyrektor przedszkola, szkoły i placówki. (ROZPORZĄDZENIE MINISTRA EDUKACJI NARODOWEJ) z dnia 17 listopada 2010 r. w sprawie zasad udzielania i organizacji pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej w publicznych przedszkolach, szkołach i placówkach. Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
7 Animated transparent shapes over picture background (Intermediate)Tip: You will need to use drawing guides to reproduce the effects on this slide. To display and set the drawing guides, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the View tab, in the Show group, select Ruler, and then click the Grid and Guides dialog box launcher. In the Grid and Guides dialog box, do the following: Under Grid settings, in the Spacing box, enter 0.25. Select Display grid on screen. Under Guide settings, select Display drawing guides on screen. On the slide, press and hold CTRL, select the vertical guide, and then drag it left to the 2.00 position. Press and hold CTRL, select the vertical guide, and then drag it left to the 2.00 position. Press and hold CTRL, select the horizontal guide, and then drag it up to the 2.00 position. Press and hold CTRL, select the horizontal guide, and then drag it down to the 1.25 position. To reproduce the animated shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Rectangle click Rounded Diagonal Corner Rectangle (ninth option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw a rectangle. Select the rectangle. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, do the following: In the Shape Height box, enter 8.1”. In the Shape Width box, enter 10.5”. Under the Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Shapes Styles group, click the arrow next to Shape Outline, and then click No Outline. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Center. Click Align Middle. On the slide, drag the yellow slider in the upper left corner of the rectangle to the left so that all of the slide surface is covered by the rectangle. On the slide, select the rectangle. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.5. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click the Show Additional Effect Options dialog box launcher. In the Grow/Shrink dialog box, on the Effect tab, in the Size box, next to Custom, enter 37%. On the slide, select the rectangle. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Motion Paths, click Lines. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.8. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 0.7. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Left. On the slide, select the motion path. Point to the endpoint (red arrow) until the cursor becomes a two-headed arrow, and then drag the endpoint to the intersection of the 2.00 top horizontal and the 2.00 left vertical drawing guides. Select the rectangle. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow next to Copy, and then click Duplicate. Select the duplicate rectangle. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: On the slide, point to the endpoint (red arrow) until the cursor becomes a two-headed arrow, and then drag the endpoint to the intersection of the 1.25 bottom horizontal and the 2.00 left vertical drawing guides. To reproduce the animated text effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box, and then on the slide, drag to draw the text box. Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following: In the Font list, select Gill Sans MT. In the Font Size box, enter 26. Click the arrow next to Font Color and then click White, Background 1 (first row) On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Center to center the text in the text box. On the slide, drag the text box until it is centered at the intersection of the 2.00 top horizontal and the 2.00 left vertical drawing guides. With the text box still selected, on the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance, click Fade. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select After Previous. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 2. On the slide, select the text box. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow next to Copy, and then click Duplicate. Click in the second, duplicate text box, and then edit the text. Select the text in the second text box. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the arrow next to Font Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row). On the slide, drag the second text box until it is centered at the intersection of the 1.25 bottom horizontal and the 2.00 left vertical drawing guides. With the second text box still selected, on the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1. On the View tab, in the Show group, clear the Guides check box. To modify the color of the objects on the slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane. In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first round diagonal corner rectangle. Under the Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner in the Shapes Styles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Solid fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following: Click the button next to Colors, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Transparency box, enter 50%. Also in the Selection and Visibility pane, select the Second round diagonal corner rectangle. Under the Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner in the Shapes Styles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Solid fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following: Click the button next to Colors, and then under Theme Colors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left). Also in the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first text box. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the arrow next to Font Color, and then under Theme Colors click Black, Text 1, Lighter 15% (fifth row, second option from the left). Also in the Selection and Visibility pane, select the second text box. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the arrow next to Font Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the Format Background dialog box launcher. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture or texture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from, click File. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.
8 DWA PODEJŚCIA DO UCZNIA ZE SPECJALNYMI POTRZEBAMI EDUKACYJNYMI:• podejście typu „dziecko ma problem, chcę mu pomóc”; wspomaganie zmierza do zapewnienia dziecku możliwie najlepszych warunków do samodzielnego działania, stosownie do jego możliwości psychofizycznych i indywidualnych potrzeb; • podejście typu „ja mam problem z dzieckiem, muszę go rozwiązać”; na pierwszym planie jest niepełnosprawność lub inne zaburzenie oraz związane z tym trudności dla rodziców, nauczycieli i specjalistów Wspomagając dziecko na drodze do samodzielności rodzice i Zespół powinni mieć na względzie podejście pierwszego typu, to znaczy powinni realizować działania ze świadomością, że problem ma przede wszystkim dziecko. (A.Brzezińska, 2009, s. 16, 17) Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
9 Uczeń o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych:• Uczeń niesłyszący lub słabo słyszący • Uczeń niewidomy lub słabo widzący • Uczeń z niepełnosprawnością ruchową, w tym z afazją • Uczeń z upośledzeniem umysłowym w stopniu lekkim • Uczeń z upośledzeniem umysłowym w stopniu umiarkowanym lub znacznym • Uczeń z niepełnosprawnością sprzężoną • Uczeń z autyzmem, w tym z zespołem Aspergera • Uczeń niedostosowany społecznie lub zagrożony niedostosowaniem społecznym • Uczeń z ADHD • Uczeń z chorobą przewlekłą • Uczeń szczególnie uzdolniony Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
10 - dziecko jest upośledzone umysłowe, Ustalenie, czy: - dziecko jest upośledzone umysłowe, - z racji obserwowanych deficytów posiada specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne, - w jakiej szkole powinno się uczyć należy do PORADNI PSYCHOLOGICZNO – PEDAGOGICZNEJ znajdującej się w rejonie zamieszkania dziecka. W poradni dziecko powinno zostać objęte następującymi badaniami: ogólnym badaniem lekarskim i specjalistycznym, badaniem psychologicznym dotyczącym rozwoju intelektualnego, motoryki, funkcjonowania analizatorów, dojrzałości społecznej i niektórych cech osobowości, badaniami pedagogicznymi, określającymi poziom wiadomości i umiejętności oraz trudności w procesie uczenia się, badaniami ustalającymi aktualną sytuację rodzinną, status rodziny i jej wpływ na rozwój dziecka. Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
11 od normy oraz dalszego kształcenia dziecka. W oparciu o uzyskane dane z przeprowadzonych badań opracowywane są opinie i wnioski w sprawie określenia rozwoju i stopnia odchylenia od normy oraz dalszego kształcenia dziecka. Na zebraniu tzw. zespołu orzekającego w składzie: dyrektor poradni, lekarz, psycholog, pedagog, przedstawiciel administracji, następuje zatwierdzenie opinii i wniosków, co jest prawną podstawą do napisania ORZECZENIA. W ORZECZENIU powinny być informacje dotyczące: rozwoju i stopnia odchylenia od normy, wskazówki co do formy dalszego kształcenia dziecka: rodzaj szkoły, zalecenia co do metod i sposobów pracy z dzieckiem. (Kosmowska, 1999) Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
12 samodzielnie poradzić sobie z własną edukacją.Zgodnie z przepisami prawa, w orzeczeniu o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego znajdują się: DIAGNOZA, w której zawarte są ogólne informacje o: - możliwościach, - ograniczeniach, potencjale rozwojowym dziecka. W opinii zespołu orzekającego powinna być zawarta informacja, zgodnie z obecnym stanem wiedzy, że dziecko nie będzie w stanie samodzielnie poradzić sobie z własną edukacją. ZALECENIA, wskazujące warunki realizacji potrzeb edukacyjnych, których spełnienie byłoby pożądane, m. in. formy stymulacji, rewalidacji, terapii, usprawniania, rozwijania potencjalnych możliwości i mocnych stron dziecka oraz inne formy wsparcia psychologiczno-pedagogicznego, a także najkorzystniejsze dla niego formy kształcenia specjalnego. UZASADNIENIE, w którym przedstawione są m.in. spodziewane efekty działań (diagnoza prognostyczna). Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
13 Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate)To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
14 Raz wydana opinia poradni psychologiczno-pedagogicznej o specyficznych trudnościach w uczeniu się będzie na każdym etapie edukacyjnym podstawą dostosowania wymagań edukacyjnych wynikających z programu nauczania do indywidualnych potrzeb i możliwości ucznia oraz podstawą do dostosowania warunków przeprowadzania sprawdzianu, egzaminu gimnazjalnego, maturalnego oraz egzaminu potwierdzającego kwalifikacje zawodowe. Ostateczną decyzję dotyczącą wyboru przedszkola czy szkoły dla dziecka niepełnosprawnego podejmują jego rodzice. Stąd ogromnie istotne są kontakty rodziców z kadrą pedagogiczną, pracującą w przedszkolu czy szkole, którą widzą jako miejsce realizacji rocznego obowiązkowego przygotowania przedszkolnego, obowiązku szkolnego czy też obowiązku nauki swojego dziecka. Wszyscy powinni być gotowi do życzliwej i uczciwej rozmowy o warunkach, jakich wymaga dziecko, oraz jakie jest w stanie zapewnić dziecku przedszkole lub szkoła, którą wybrali. Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
15 Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate)To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
16 W § 2 ust. 1 rozporządzenia z dnia 17 listopada 2010 r. w sprawie warunków organizowania kształcenia, wychowania i opieki dla dzieci i młodzieży niepełnosprawnych oraz niedostosowanych społecznie w przedszkolach, szkołach i oddziałach ogólnodostępnych lub integracyjnych podkreśla się, że kształcenie uczniów niepełnosprawnych odbywa się w integracji z uczniami pełnosprawnymi, w przedszkolu i szkole najbliższej ich miejsca zamieszkania. Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
17 oraz asystenta edukacji romskiej.Istotna zmiana w nowych przepisach w porównaniu z dotychczas obowiązującymi polega na poszerzeniu grona osób, które mogą inicjować objęcie ucznia pomocą psychologiczno- pedagogiczną (§ 5 rozporządzenia MEN z dnia 17 listopada 2010 r. w sprawie zasad udzielania i organizacji pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej w szkole). Jako osoby mogące wystąpić z inicjatywą udzielenia uczniowi pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej wskazano również pomoc nauczyciela oraz asystenta edukacji romskiej. Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
18 System oświaty zapewnia w szczególności: możliwość pobierania nauki we wszystkich typach szkół przez dzieci i młodzież niepełnosprawną, zgodnie z ich indywidualnymi potrzebami rozwojowymi i edukacyjnymi oraz predyspozycjami; opiekę nad uczniami niepełnosprawnymi przez umożliwianie realizowania indywidualizowanego procesu kształcenia, form i programów nauczania oraz zajęć rewalidacyjnych. Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
19 Kształcenie specjalne dla dzieci i młodzieży: • z chorobami przewlekłymi • z zaburzeniami psychicznymi • z zaburzeniami zachowania • zagrożone uzależnieniem posiadających orzeczenie o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego, które przed dniem wejścia w życie rozporządzenia rozpoczęły naukę w szkole lub oddziale integracyjnym, mogą kontynuować naukę w szkole lub oddziale aż do ukończenia szkoły danego typu. Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.
20 Kształcenie specjalne może być organizowane we wszystkich typach szkół: • w szkołach podstawowych • w gimnazjach • w szkołach ponadgimnazjalnych oraz we wszystkich rodzajach szkół: - ogólnodostępnych - ogólnodostępnych z oddziałami integracyjnymi - ogólnodostępnych z oddziałami specjalnymi - integracyjnych - specjalnych Animated floating bubbles (Intermediate) To reproduce the bubble shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Select the circle (oval shape). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box in the left pane, click Fill. In the Fill pane, click Gradient fill, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes select Oval (second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT, and then click and drag to draw a circle shape. Click the button next to Direction and select From Bottom Right Corner (first option from the left). In the Type box, select Radial. Click the button next to Preset Colors and select Calm Water (second row, third option from the left). Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click Line Color. In the Line Color pane, click Gradient Line, and then do the following: In the Angle box, enter 90. In the Type box select Linear. Also in the Format Shape pane, in the left pane, click 3-D Format and then in the 3-D Format pane, do the following: Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 50 pt, and in the Height box, enter 50 pt. Under Bevel, click the button next to Top and select Circle (first option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 110°. Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Special, select Glow (third option from the left). Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Translucent, select Clear. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Start list, select With Previous. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Entrance click Appear. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then click More Motion Paths. In the Add Motion Path dialog box, under Lines & Curves, click S Curve 1, and then click OK. On the slide, select the animation path. Click and drag the green rotation handle to the right to rotate the path until the right side of the path faces the bottom right corner of the slide. Click and drag the right side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the bottom right edge of the slide. Click and drag the left side handle to lengthen the path until it extends about one inch off the top left edge of the slide. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 8. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Emphasis click Grow/Shrink. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path a smooth S-shaped curve from the bottom right to top left. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Reverse Path Direction. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Larger. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 6. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Duration box, enter 0.1. On the slide select the oval. On the Animations tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation, and then under Exit click Fade. To create the second bubble on this slide, do the following: Select the bubble. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow to the right of Copy, and then click Duplicate. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane. Drag the bubble to a different part of the slide. Select the new bubble. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the sizing handle to resize the shape. In the Animation Pane, select the S Curve 1 effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. In the Animation Pane, select the Appear effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 1.4. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click Effect Options, and then click Edit Points. Click and drag the edit points and curve handles to make the path of the second oval different from the first one. In the Animation Pane, select the Fade effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. In the Animation Pane, select the Grow/Shrink effect for the second oval. On the Animations tab, in the Timing group, in the Delay box, enter 7. Note: You can save the background of this slide template as a picture and use it in your own slides. To use the same background as this slide, do the following: To reproduce the background on this slide, do one of the following: Save the file as a JPEG (.jpg) file format. Right-click the water background on the original template, and then click Save Background. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Picture fill in the Fill pane, and then under Insert from click File.