Poland. Food Bear brands Bracki Koźlak Królewski e Tatra Jasne Pełne Tatra Grzaniec Tatra Mocne EB Wojak Redd's Perła Specjal Harnaś Brok Ciechan Wyborne.

1 Poland ...
Author: Ryszard Szewczyk
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1 Poland

2 Food Bear brands Bracki Koźlak Królewski e Tatra Jasne Pełne Tatra Grzaniec Tatra Mocne EB Wojak Redd's Perła Specjal Harnaś Brok Ciechan Wyborne Ciechan Miodowe Ciechan Pszeniczne Łomża mocne Łomża niepasteryzowane Łomża miodowe Złoty Kur Żywe Pszeniczniak Koźlak Grand Imperial Porter Złote Lwy Harde Remus Warnijskie Orkiszowe Świeże Rześkie Warmiak Kormoran Traditional Christmas Eve supper called Wigilia usually consists of barszcz (borscht) with uszka (small dumplings) – a classic Polish Christmas Eve starter, followed by fried carp, carp fillet with potato salad, carp in aspic etc. Carp provides a main component of the Christmas Eve meal across Poland.Wigiliaborschtuszka Christmas Evecarp potato saladaspic

3 Polish cuisine (Polish: kuchnia polska) is a style of cooking and food preparation originating from Poland. It has evolved over the centuries due to historical circumstances. Polish national cuisine shares some similarities with other Central European [1] and Eastern European [2] traditions as well as French and Italian similarities. [3] It is rich in meat, especially pork, chicken and beef (depending on the region) and winter vegetables (cabbage in the dish bigos), and spices. [4] It is also characteristic in its use of various kinds of noodles the most notable of which are kluski as well as cereals such as kasha (from the Polish word kasza). [5] Generally speaking, Polish cuisine is hearty and uses a lot of cream and eggs. The traditional dishes are often demanding in preparation. Many Poles allow themselves a generous amount of time to serve and enjoy their festive meals, especially Christmas eve dinner (Wigilia) or Easter breakfast which could take a number of days to prepare in their entirety.PolishPolandCentral European [1]Eastern European [2]FrenchItalian [3]bigos [4]noodleskluskicerealskasha kasza [5]Christmas eveWigiliaEaster Traditionally, the main meal is eaten about 2 p.m. or later, and is usually composed of three courses, starting with a soup, such as popular rosół and tomato soup or more festive barszcz (beet borscht) or żurek (sour rye meal mash), followed perhaps in a restaurant by an appetizer of herring (prepared in either cream, oil, or vinegar). Other popular appetizers are various cured meats, vegetables or fish in aspic. The main course is usually meaty including a roast or kotlet schabowy (breaded pork cutlet). Vegetables, currently replaced by leaf salad, were not very long ago most commonly served as "surówka" - shredded root vegetables with lemon and sugar (carrot, celeriac, beetroot) or sauerkraut (kapusta kiszona). The side dishes are usually boiled potatoes or more traditionally kasza (cereals). Meals often conclude with a dessert such as makowiec, a poppy seed pastry, or drożdżówka, a type of yeast cake. Other Polish specialities include chłodnik (a chilled beet or fruit soup for hot days), golonka (pork knuckles cooked with vegetables), kołduny (meat dumplings), zrazy (stuffed slices of beef), salceson and flaki (tripe).rosółtomato soupbarszczżurekaspicroastkotlet schabowypotatoes makowiecpoppy seeddrożdżówkachłodnikgolonkakołdunyzrazysalcesonflakitripe The Polish national dishes are bigos, pierogi, kielbasa, kotlet schabowy, gołąbki, zrazy (silesian rouladen), roast and zupa ogórkowa, zupa grzybowa, zupa pomidorowa, [6] rosół, żurek, flaki, barszcz. [7]bigospierogikielbasakotlet schabowygołąbkizrazyrouladenroastzupa ogórkowazupa pomidorowa [6] rosółżurekflakibarszcz [7]

4 Population

5 Polish flag

6 Polish language

7 Currency Złoty is the polish currency 1 Polish zloty = 0.18933813 British pounds

8 Cars