1 POLAND ...
Author: Sylwester Mazurek
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2 Where is Poland Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, is a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine and Belarus to the east; and the Baltic Sea, Kaliningrad Oblast and Lithuania to the north. Poland's territory extends across several geographical regions, between latitudes 49° and 55° N, and longitudes 14° and 25° E. In the north-west is the Baltic seacoast, which extends from the Bay of Pomerania to the Gulf of Gdańsk.

3 National anthem Dąbrowski's mazurka: POLISH ENGLISHJeszcze Polska nie zginęła, Kiedy my żyjemy. Co nam obca przemoc wzięła, Szablą odbierzemy. Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski, Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski. Za twoim przewodem Złączym się z narodem. Przejdziem Wisłę, przejdziem Wartę, Będziem Polakami. Dał nam przykład Bonaparte, Jak zwyciężać mamy. Marsz, marsz... Jak Czarniecki do Poznania Po szwedzkim zaborze, Dla ojczyzny ratowania Wrócim się przez morze. Już tam ojciec do swej Basi Mówi zapłakany: "Słuchaj jeno, pono nasi Biją w tarabany." Poland has not yet perished, So long as we still live. What the alien force has taken from us, We shall retrieve with a sabre. March, march, Dąbrowski, From the Italian land to Poland. Under your command We shall rejoin the nation. We'll cross the Vistula and the Warta, We shall be Polish. Bonaparte has given us the example Of how we should prevail. March, march... Like Czarniecki to Poznań After the Swedish occupation, To save our homeland, We shall return across the sea. A father, in tears, Says to his Basia: "Listen, our boys are said To be beating the tarabans."

4 Polish flag

5 Polish emblem

6 Administrative divisions

7 Poland is beautyful Tatras

8 Polish town Gdansk http://www.botecomovel.com/2009/11/casa-bebada.html

9 Polish town Warsaw

10 Polish town Torun http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toru%C5%84

11 THANKS FOR WATCHING MUSIC Dąbrowski's mazurka CREATED BY Sławomir Pożoga