Polish cadastral system Land Administration Domain Model

1 Polish cadastral system Land Administration Domain Mode...
Author: Marek Lorenc
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1 Polish cadastral system Land Administration Domain Modelin comparison to Land Administration Domain Model Katarzyna Góźdź Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography Jarosław Bydłosz AGH University of Science and Technology Cracow Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

2 Agenda Introduction Overview of Land Administration Domain ModelBrief description of cadastral system in Poland Application schema for Polish cadastral database Comparison between Polish cadastral model and model presented in the Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 19152 Conclusions Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

3 Why standardization in Land Administration?Introduction Why standardization in Land Administration? Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

4 Overview of LADM The road of standarization of Land Administration Domain Model: April the idea to develop a domain model October the first version of „FIG Core Cadastral Domain Model” presented at the FIG Congress in Munich February submitting the document to the ISO/TC 211 January - June voting and commenting (positive results) ISO: LADM needs to pass Approval Stage and Publication Stage to become a standard CEN: The document is under approval (foreseen date of availability – October 2012) PKN: formal voting – up to December 2012; accepting European Standard as Polish Standard – up to December 2013 Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

5 Overview of LADM Scope of international standard ISO 19152:defines a reference to Land Administration Domain Model provides an abstract, conceptual schema with four basic packages related to: 1) parties (people and organizations) 2) basic administrative units 3) spatial units 4) spatial sources and spatial representations provides a terminology for land administration enables the combining land administration information from different sources in a coherent manner Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

6 Overview of LADM Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

7 Overview of LADM Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

8 Polish cadastral systemDefinition of real estate cadastre: Real estate cadastre is a uniform collection of systematized for the whole country, updated data on land, buildings and premises, their owners and other natural persons and corporate bodies holding these land, buildings and premises. Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

9 Polish cadastral systemFunctioning of real estate cadastre: responsibility of Surveyor General of Poland maintenance is a governmental task but delegated to the self-governmental bodies at county (powiat) level covering continuously the whole territory of Poland basic cadastral units: - cadastral complexes - cadastral sections - cadastral parcels two parts of real estate cadastre: descriptive (100% of data in digital form) graphical (75% of data in vectorised form) Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

10 Polish cadastral systemLinks between real estate cadastre and land books: Both registers – real estate cadastre and land and mortgage register (land books) are two independent real estate data sets. Real estate cadastre contains full information of land, buildings and premises and limited information on legal status of real estates . Land and mortgage register contains full legal status of real estates and limited information of real estates’ designation. Directions for improvement: implementation of the Integrated System of Real Property Information Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

11 for Polish cadastral databaseApplication schema for Polish cadastral database PROJECT „Preparation and implementing innovative methods of integration of cadastral data, base map and Topographical Database and modernisation of public services provided by Geodetic and Cartographic Service” Specification of the data of real estate cadastre Amendment of the ordinance on land and building register (draft version) Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

12 for Polish cadastral databaseApplication schema for Polish cadastral database Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

13 for Polish cadastral databaseApplication schema for Polish cadastral database Main classes of Objects Package (preliminary accepted draft version) Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

14 for Polish cadastral databaseApplication schema for Polish cadastral database Main classes of Parties Package (preliminary accepted draft version) Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

15 for Polish cadastral databaseApplication schema for Polish cadastral database Main classes of BoundaryPoint Package (preliminary accepted draft version) Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

16 for Polish cadastral databaseApplication schema for Polish cadastral database Main classes of LegalBasis Package (preliminary accepted draft version) Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

17 INSPIRE Directive Article 7:Implementing rules laying down technical arrangements for the interoperability and, where practicable, harmonisation of spatial data sets and services, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3). Relevant user requirements, existing initiatives and international standards for the harmonisation of spatial data sets, as well as feasibility and cost-benefit considerations shall be taken into account in the development of the implementing rules. Where organisations established under international law have adopted relevant standards to ensure interoperability or harmonisation of spatial data sets and services, these standards shall be integrated, and the existing technical means shall be referred to, if appropriate, in the implementing rules mentioned in this paragraph. Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

18 Comparison between chosen classes of LADM and Polish Cadastral ModelParty Package Land Administration Domain Model class Class meaning and explanation Class in Polish Cadastral Model LA_Party a person or organisation that plays a role in a rights transaction Party– it is an abstract class. Examples of subclassess are: EGB_NaturalPerson, EGB_Institution, LA_GroupParty any number of parties, forming together a distinct entity, with each party registered EGB_GroupParty EGB_Marriage Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

19 Administrative PackageComparison between chosen classes of LADM and Polish Cadastral Model Administrative Package Land Administration Domain Model class Class meaning or explanation Class in Polish Cadastral Model LA_BAUnit administrative entity consisting of zero or more spatial units against which unique and homogeneous rights, responsibilities or restrictions are associated to the whole entity EGB_RegisterUnitOfLand EGB_RegisterUnitOfBuildings EGB_RegisterUnitOfPremises – example of possible classes. The LADM class LA_BAUnit has wider meaning. LA_Right action, activity or class of actions that a system participant may perform on or using an associated resource EGB_RightsToProperties – this class in polish model concerns only some rights, the rights are generally part of Land and Mortgage Register. LA_AdministrativeSource source with the administrative description of the parties involved, the rights, restrictions and responsibilities created and the basic administrative units affected EGB_LegalBasis LA_AdministrativeSourceType The type of document. EGB_TypeOfDocument Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

20 Surveying and Representation SubPackageComparison between chosen classes of LADM and Polish Cadastral Model Surveying and Representation SubPackage Land Administration Domain Model class Class meaning or explanation Class in Polish Cadastral Model LA_Point 0-dimensional geometric primitive, representing a position. Points can be observed by terrestrial surveying, photo interpretation, image interpretation, or identification on an existing map EGB_BoundaryPoint LA_SpatialSource source with the spatial representation of one (part of) or more spatial units Spatial sources are instances of EGB_TechnicalDocumentation Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

21 Comparison between chosen classes of LADM and Polish Cadastral ModelSpatial Unit Package Land Administration Domain Model class Class meaning or explanation Class in Polish Cadastral Model LA_SpatialUnit single area (or multiple areas) of land and/or water, or a single volume (or multiple volumes) of space Generally: EGB_CadastralParcel), but it also may be: EGB_Building EGB_Premises LA_SpatialUnitGroup any number of spatial units, considered as an entity, not necessarily continuous Subclasses may be: EGB_CadastralSection EGB_CadastralComplex LA_LegalSpaceBuildingUnit An instance of this class is building unit EGB_BlockOfBuilding Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

22 Conclusions Land Admininistration Domain Model covers wide range of land administration, The ISO is one of ISO series (Geographic Information) standards, It does not deliver the solutions for particular countries, but the general model, The Land Administration Domain Model, when adopted should be implemented (taken into account) in country regulations - INSPIRE directive (Article 7) The polish cadastral model is generally build with the application of requirements and conditions of Land Administration Domain Model The verification of compliance of polish cadastral model with LADM requires further research – may be performed when ISO is adopted. Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland

23 Thank you for your attentionPermanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union – November 2011, Poland 23