1 POLISH NANOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGYUrszula Narkiewicz Interdisciplinary Group for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
2 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawOUTLOOK Strategy – what does it mean? Polish nano strategy creation – who and how Content of the strategy How to implement? What benefits from the implementation? InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
3 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawStrategy – what is this? Strategy takes its specific shape in a project within a specific time limit it is the expression of a more general concept of development It should express: goals to be reached ways and means the time bracket InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
4 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawGoals, time, dynamics Strategy goals - measurable and realistic Time bracket necessary Strategy - dynamic, not static (like film, not picture !) InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
5 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawOther definitions Strategy is a competent plan, which defines what decisions will be made in each possible situation [Neumann, 1944] A series of decisions which define behaviour in certain time brackets can be called strategy[Simon, 1976] Strategy means thinking over deeply the present situation and changing it, as far as this is necessary [Drucker, 1954] InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
6 Changes necessary – Interdisciplinary Group for strategy createdBy the initiative of prof. Krzysztof J.Kurzydłowski – Undersecretary of State Interdisciplinary Group for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Established by Directive No. 9/2006 issued by the Minister of Education and Science, 15th of February 2006 In order to create the strategy for reinforcement and development activities in the field of N&N in Poland InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
7 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawMembers of the Interdisciplinary Group for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Prof. Adam MAZURKIEWICZ Chairman Institut for Sustainable Technologies National Research Institute in Radom Prof. Edward CHLEBUS Wroclaw University of Technology Prof. Henryk DYBIEC AGH University of Science andTechnology in Cracow Prof. Barbara GRZYBOWSKA-ŚWIERKOSZ Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow Prof. Bogdan IDZIKOWSKI Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznan Prof. Mieczysław JURCZYK Poznan University of Technology Prof. Jacek KOSSUT Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw Prof. Tadeusz KULIK Warsaw University of Technology PhD. Małgorzata LEWANDOWSKA Warsaw University of Technology Prof. Witold ŁOJKOWSKI Institute of High Pressure Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw Prof. Urszula NARKIEWICZ Szczecin University of Technology Prof. Wojciech NAWROCIK Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan Prof. Tomasz SZOPLIK Warsaw University Prof. Ludomir ŚLUSARSKI Technical University of Lodz InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
8 First task - classificationclassification of the N&N research areas Appendix no 2 All strategy accessible there InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
9 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawTab. 1. Obszary badawcze w dziedzinie nanonauki i nanotechnologii Podział podstawowy Podział szczegółowy Przykłady 1. Zjawiska i procesy w nanoskali 1.1 Nanofizyka1 1.2 Nanochemia2 1.3 Nanomechanika 1.4 Nanobiologia 1.5 Nanoinformatyka 1. np.: Modelowanie własności obiektów w skali nano ● Informacja, szum i fluktuacje w nanoskali ● Tarcie i zwilżanie, nanoprzepływy i dyfuzja powierzchniowa ● Granice miniaturyzacji ● Zjawiska samogromadzenia i samoorganizacji 2. np.: Modelowanie struktury molekularnej i właściwości chemicznych nanocząstek i nanostruktur ● Aktywność chemiczna nanocząstek i nanostruktur ● Fizykochemiczne podstawy powstawania układów samoorganizujących się 2. Nanostruktury 2.1 Nanocząstki 2.2 Nanodruty, nanowłókna i nanorurki 2.3 Nanostruktury powierzchniowe 2.4 Nanostruktury trójwymiarowe3 3. np.: Nanokryształy i materiały porowate 3. Nanomateriały i kompozyty 3.1 Nanomateriały funkcjonalne4 3.2 Nanomateriały konstrukcyjne5 4. np.: Nanomateriały magnetyczne i dla spintroniki ● Nanomateriały dla elektroniki i optoelektroniki ● Nanomateriały dla optyki i fotoniki● Nanomateriały dla medycyny ● Nanomateriały na sensory ● Nanomateriały na ogniwa i baterie ● Nanomateriały dla katalizy ● Nanomateriały tekstylne 5. np.: Nanomateriały metaliczne ● Nanomateriały ceramiczne ● Nanomateriały polimerowe ● Materiały nanohybrydowe 4. Nanoelektronika i nanomagnetyzm 4.1 Elektronika molekularna 4.2 Elektronika polimerowa 4.3 Pamięci masowe 4.4 Nanotechnologia półprzewodników 4.5 Nanolitografia i nanodruk 4.6 Nanomagnesy6 6. np.: Magnesy pojedynczych molekuł ● Nanomagnesy molekularne o wysokim spinie 10. Procesy i urządzenia produkcyjne dla nanotechnologii InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
10 InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw5. Nanooptyka 5.1 Nanofotonika7 5.2 Optoelektronika 5.3 Optyka kwantowa 5.4 Powierzchnie optyczne nanometryczne 5.5 Plazmonika8 5.6 Nowe źródła i detektory promieniowania 7. np.: Kryształy fotoniczne ● Światłowody fotoniczne ● Jednofotonowe źródła światła 8. np.: Światłowody plazmonowe ● Molekularne czujniki plazmonowe 6. Urządzenia w nanoskali 6.1 Jednoatomowe urządzenia 6.2 Manipulatory molekularne 6.3 Sensory i biosensory 7. Nanoanalityka i nanometrologia 7.1 Urządzenia9 7.2 Metody10 9. np.: Przyrządy i oprogramowanie do pomiarów metodami mikroskopowymi ● Mikroskopy próbników skanujących ● Elektronowe mikroskopy skaningowe ● Mikroskopy prześwietleniowe (transmisyjne) ● Nanopróbniki składu chemicznego ●Urządzenia manipulacji pojedynczymi obiektami w nanoskali 10. np.: Metody wykorzystujące promieniowanie synchrotronowe i promieniowanie laserowe na swobodnych nośnikach ● Metody analityki w skali nano 8. Nanobio 8.1 Sensory subkomórkowe i nanotracery 8.2 Biomembrany 8.3 Nanokapsuły 8.4 Obiekty biomimetyczne 8.5 Modyfikatory genetyczne 9. Nanomedycyna 9.1 Terapia celowana 9.2 Obrazy molekularne 9.3 Biochipy - systemy diagnostyczne11 9.4 Inżynieria tkankowa 9.5 Maszyny molekularne 11. np.: Przenośne urządzenia lab-on-a chip ● Wszczepialne bioczujniki InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
11 Identification of the current stateFIELDS OF ANALYSIS InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
12 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawSWOT analysis S - strengths W - weaknesses O - opportunities T - threats positive negative Opportunities Threats internal Strong points Weak points external InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
13 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawStrenghts relatively high standard of fundamental and applied research in selected research teams and institutes, strong international position in nanomaterials, launching of the Foresight Programme on materials research, large internal market and high economic growth of Poland, high dynamics of growth in the number (and budget) of research projects in nanotechnology growing number of innovative nanotechnology solutions (increasing technological expertise), high standard of research facilities in some laboratories, in particular in the field of nanomaterials, commitment of scientists specialising in nanotechnology with regard to education and scientific research, relatively high human resources potential in fundamental research, execution of large research projects (Commissioned Research Projects) and Multi-year Programmes in this domain, dynamically developing links with foreign scientific and R&D institutions, high standard of ICT facilities and Internet skills. InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
14 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawWeaknesses very low level of financing of the research in N&N from the state budget, considerable fund and thematic dispersion, projects narrow in scope and not solving important problems, lack of specialised networks, very low level of industry expenditures on R&D in nanotechnology, poor and dispersed equipment infrastructure as well as partial use of the existing infrastructure, dispersion of specialist staff and centres, poor links between academia and industry – conducted research is not consistent with the needs of the industry early stage of development of country nanotechnology industry, lack of mechanisms and legal regulations supporting the establishment of spin-off companies, then -lack of critical mass to develop nanotechnology industry, poor business knowledge among scientists, InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
15 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawWeaknesses low level of knowledge of nanotechnology potential among entrepreneurs, small number of conferences focusing on nanotechnology, lack of support for young scientists, poor scientific and laboratory basis for education in nanotechnology lack of an integrated internet portal on nanotechnology – research, industry, staff development, infrastructure, social dimension, poor representation and initiative of Poland representatives in EU decision-making structures – promotion of research topics and lobbying of projects, lack of support in preparing proposals for and managing international projects, shortage of skilled personnel for interdisciplinary training in nanotechnology, low efficiency of technology transfer institutions, low level of technical and technological knowledge of nanotechnology among companies management. InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
16 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawOpportunities financing of research resulting from EU research programmes, in particular from Structural Funds new Act on Science giving better opportunities for large projects and co-ordinated work, fast market and economy growth, potentially significant opportunities of financial involvement in the materials sector in the development of nanotechnology, development of knowledge and technology transfer structures, e.g.: Technology Transfer Centres and training of specialists in research results commercialisation, N&N as one of the priority domains in the Outlines of scientific, technical and innovative Policy of the State by the year 2020, increase in the number of science and technology students, acceptance of the strategy for the development of nanotechnology and the achievement of the world standard of research in strategic areas, creation of jobs in companies based on advanced technologies. InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
17 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawThreats risk of investments in the areas in which Poland will not be able to achieve a competitive advantage, economic emigration of highly-skilled specialists and young scientists, Polish ideas taken over by foreign companies, penetration of the research market by the countries leading in nanotechnology, decreasing number of technical university students who continue their career in science. InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
18 Main general objectives of the strategyto achieve a significant competitive potential in the European arena in the indicated directions of research and applications by the year 2013, to achieve a considerable contribution of nanotechnologies to the economic and scientific development of the country, to develop, co-ordinate and manage the national system of research, infrastructure, education and industry in this field in the short-, medium- and long-term perspective. InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
19 Main objectives resulting from strategy implementation (by 2013)development of several dozen nano-products with high added value, competitive at the world scale creation and commercialisation to world markets of several dozen technologies and manufacturing devices for the production of nanomaterials. educating of about doctors in nanotechnology yearly at the highest world level, development of the education system in the field of nanotechnology - several hundred specialists yearly. creation of a continuing education system in nanotechnology (several dozen courses yearly). InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
20 Main objectives resulting from strategy realisation (by 2013)building of specialist laboratories with analytical and technological equipment of highest world standard. establishing several co-operation nanotechnology networks consisting of research and industrial units, financial institutions, etc. with the aim to ensure successful collaboration between science and economy. integrating of dispersed activity of research units in a joint programme of nanotechnology development co-ordinated by a nanotechnology institute InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
21 Basic areas of strategic support for nanotechnologynanoscale phenomena and processes, nanostructures, nanomaterials and composites, nanoscale devices AND nanoanalytics and nanometrology, manufacturing processes and devices for nanotechnology InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
22 Strategic funding mechanism Connections between research areasInfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
23 Benefits resulting from the development of nanotechnology in Polanddynamic development of knowledge-based economy, increase of Poland’s position in the international arena, dissemination of the network-type co-operation, economic results from the sale of products in Poland and in the world, from the application of advanced technologies, from the development of special technological devices, use of the created infrastructure for research in other transdisciplinary areas, increase in the standard of the teaching level in Polish universities, greater demand for nano-products, resulting from a greater social awareness of opportunities and threats concerning their implementation. InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
24 Proposals of organisational activitiescomprehensive identification of the state of nanotechnology in Poland (short term – successively by the end of 2007) establishing of steering centre, nanotechnology institute (short term – by the end of 2007) strategic financing programme for nanotechnology from the state budget (short term – by mid-2007) Interdisciplinary Workgroup for N&N at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (short term – by mid-2007) Research programmes conducted commonly by several research and industry units (medium term– successively – 3–5 years) InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
25 Proposals of organisational activitiesCreating the network of specialised research laboratories (middle term– successively by 2010) Creating a system of international doctoral studies and its financial procedures (middle term– successively by 2010) Creating a central databank on the research infrastructure and apparatus (short term – successively by the end 2007) Creating an integrated Internet portal or databases connected with nanotechnology issues (short term – successively by mid-2007) The elaborating and implementing of a co-operation system of the Workgroups for N&N with National Contact Point (NCP) (short term – successively by mid-2007) InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
26 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawProposals of organisational activities to increase the Poland’s participation in EU FP (short and medium term –successively in 3–5 years) increasing the number of Poland’s representatives in the EU advisory and decision-making bodies, introducing a transparent system concerning the competencies, tasks, reporting and accounting of Polish representatives in the EU structures, building of alliances with the representatives of other countries, undertaking the activities aimed at the improvement of the quality of the international projects proposals, promoting the conclusion of bilateral international agreements increasing the operating effectiveness of specialised units at universities, institutes and PAS institutions introducing of a special bonus system for research teams carrying out nanotechnology projects on the international scale InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
27 Changing the financial structure of research(short and medium term – successively within 3–5 years) increasing the private investments in innovations in the nanotechnology field establishing efficient mechanisms stimulating the enterprises to participate in projects introducing tax relief encouraging the employers to provide their employees the possibilities of continuing training and co-operation with scientists InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
28 Other recommended organisational changeseliminating bureaucratic barriers to ensure the maximum rate of action, shortening the time of and improving the quality of projects review, improving the system of granting patents radically, increasing the competitiveness of the scientific milieu (employing foreign scientists and Polish researchers returning after fellowships). InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
29 InfoDay,29 January 2007, WarsawThe proposed strategy is consistent with National Development Plan for years is consistent with the directions of the development of nanosciences and nanotechnologies established by the European Union should be continuously updated, regularly adjusted to new environment. InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw
30 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!InfoDay,29 January 2007, Warsaw