Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków FEED THE WORLD campaign for food sovereignty.

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Author: Adelajda Nurzyński
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1 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] FEED THE WORLD campaign for food sovereignty and sustainable agriculture

2 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] Polish – French partnership Other partnership organizations: Polska Akcja Humanitarna, European EUROSTEP network, Evert Vermeer Stichting (The Netherlands), COSPE i Terra Nuova (Italy), Germanwatch (Germany), SOS Faim (Belgium and Luxembourg) Polska Akcja Humanitarna, European EUROSTEP network, Evert Vermeer Stichting (The Netherlands), COSPE i Terra Nuova (Italy), Germanwatch (Germany), SOS Faim (Belgium and Luxembourg)

3 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] Superior goal: Enabling implementation of MDG 1 (reduction of hunger worldwide) through promotion of the right to food, principles of food sovereignty, sustainable agriculture and nutrition Detailed goal: Supporting coherent actions among farmers and consumers in France and Poland, but also European Policies related to MDG1 European campaign goals

4 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] Our goals Rising awareness of polish society, on sustainable farming and nutrition as a means of fighting hunger and malnutrition worldwide Rising awareness of polish society, on sustainable farming and nutrition as a means of fighting hunger and malnutrition worldwide Rising awareness of polish farmers, on global problems of food production and distribution Rising awareness of polish farmers, on global problems of food production and distribution Mobilization towards change of those consumer attitudes, that negatively affect the development of sustainable food production and consumption in Poland. Mobilization towards change of those consumer attitudes, that negatively affect the development of sustainable food production and consumption in Poland. Sensibilization of decision-makers on sustainable agriculture and nutrition, with special regard to Policy Coherence for Development - PCD Sensibilization of decision-makers on sustainable agriculture and nutrition, with special regard to Policy Coherence for Development - PCD

5 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] Who we address Society as a whole but in particular: youth, general public interested in sustainable development, internauts, non- governmental organizations, press Society as a whole but in particular: youth, general public interested in sustainable development, internauts, non- governmental organizations, press Ecological farmers, farmers organizations, youth Ecological farmers, farmers organizations, youth Politicians, especially eurodeputees Politicians, especially eurodeputees

6 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] Actions for general public Polish Green Network Festival of Sustainable Agriculture WORLD ON A PLATE (ŚWIAT NA TALERZU) in 9 cities (3 cities per year) – film screenings, lectures and discussion panels, workshops, Food and Society exhibition, concerts in 9 cities (3 cities per year) – film screenings, lectures and discussion panels, workshops, Food and Society exhibition, concerts Information materials, leaflets, publications on food sovereignty, guidebook for activists, wall calendar Website within an organizations portal: www.globalnepoludnie.pl

7 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] PKE Actions Workshops for farmers influence of Common Agricultural Policy on Global South Youth workshops food sovereignty in lesson scenarios for high school students Sustainable Food Fair in Gliwice promotion of local food producers Educational materials for consumers Popularization of knowledge of food sovereignty problems

8 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] Actions for NGOs Creation of cooperation pltform Meetings for members of Polish NGOs Meetings for members of Polish NGOs International seminars International seminars - Warsaw - 2010 i 2011 r. - Warsaw - 2010 i 2011 r. - Paris – 2012 r. - Paris – 2012 r.

9 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] Actions for Politicians Eurodeputees Face-to-face meetings linked with distribution of educational materials (newsletter, brochure etc.) Face-to-face meetings linked with distribution of educational materials (newsletter, brochure etc.) Presence at Joint Parliamentary Assembly Presence at Joint Parliamentary Assembly International Conference in Warsaw 2011 r. International Conference in Warsaw 2011 r. (during Polish UE Presidency)

10 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected]

11 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] How our commitment started In 2006 – 2008 we took part in seminars organised by Collectif ALIMENTERRE French Committee for International Solidarity (CFSI) in cooperation with SOS Faim Belgium and SOS Faim Luxembourg Goal exchange o the views and reinforcement of dialogue on the support for family farming Participants: members of farming organizations from Europe and Africa, consumer movements and political decision-makers Seminar in Lublin - The Lublin Declaration"

12 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] How our commitment started… Seminar in Luxembourg in 2008 – common stand of european and African NGO took form of an Appeal Promotion of sustainable family farming, respecting the environment, right of farmers to the fruits of their labor and rights of the consumers to healthy food in sufficient quantity, is a key challenge for fair and sustainable development of southern hemisphere countries, which may help in fighting hunger and poverty. This is linked with acknowledgment of the specific of farming, requireing implementation of Agricultural Policies and granting a special status to trade agreements.

13 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] Apel NGO We demand that the European Union: - makes the policies coherent, particularly in the domain of Farming and Agriculture, International Trade and Cooperation, linked with the commitments towards countries of the South and actions towards poverty reduction and fight with world hunger. - establishes food sovereignty as a priority political axis, which should reflect in diverse political actions on European and International level. - grants the right to food sovereignty to BOTH countries of the Global North as well as of the global South within the trade agreements that are concluded. Those should be included as a substantial actions within Common Agricultural Policy, External Trade Policies and Actions for International Cooperation and Development.

14 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] FEED THE WORLD Campaign - International seminar EU policy coherence for development and food sovereignty Warsaw, 16-18 XI 2010

15 Polska Zielona Sieć ul. Sławkowska 26a 31-014 Kraków www.globalnepoludnie.pl [email protected] FEED THE WORLD Campaign www.globalnepoludnie.pl www.pkegliwice.pl [email protected] [email protected]