2 PPS with sound. (z dzwiekiem) Click for next image (kliknij myszke)
3 I have asked a few questions to the spirit in the lamp (poprosilem ducha lampy o kilka rzeczy)
4 I asked for food (poprosilem o jedzenie)
5 He gave me the most delicious meal (dal mi wspaniale potrawy)
6 I asked him for some water (poprosilem o troche wody)
7 He gave the best and clearest (dal mi najlepsza i najczystsza)
8 I asked him for some money (poprosilem o troche pieniedzy)
9 He gave me an immense fortune (dal mi fortune)
10 I asked him for a nice house (poprosilem o fajny dom)
11 I got a castle (dostalem zamek)
12 I asked for some transport (poprosilem o jakis pojazd)
13 He gave me the biggest car (dal mi najwieksze auto)
14 I also asked him for flowers (poprosilem tez o kwiatki)
15 He gave me the most splendid garden (dal mi wspaniale ogrody)
16 I asked him for a laughing monkey because I was bored (poprosilem o smieszna malpke bo się nudzilem)
17 He gave me (dal mi) Your Email-address (Twój adres mailowy)
18 Oh my God, I feel so embarrassed! Please forgive me, but I couldnt keep myself from sending it on.. (O mój Boze, czuje się zazenowany Ale nie moglem się powstrzymac żeby Ci to wyslac..)