Primary School number 8 name of 1 Warszawskiej Dywizji Piechoty Tadeusza Kościuszki Dominika ROJEK Class V A.

1 Primary School number 8 name of 1 Warszawskiej Dywizji ...
Author: Ewa Żach
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1 Primary School number 8 name of 1 Warszawskiej Dywizji Piechoty Tadeusza Kościuszki Dominika ROJEK Class V A

2 Something of my school ‘ 1 Warszawskiej Dywizji Piechoty ‘ number 8 primary school is the youngest In Legionowo. It was built in the years 1987-1988. In building is grammar school too. In school year 2002/2003 primary school and grammar school became school group. At school group teach 101 teachers and almost 1400 students learn there

3 Monument devoted Siberians

4 Orlik 2012 In 2010 year on school ground was built ‘Orlik’ football field. It is very good place, because everybody has fun there.

5 Military Museum on the area of school

6 ” Szkoła z klasą” – ”School with class” Certificate of "Szkoła z klasą".