Reflectometry Concepts Hanna Wacklin Instrument Scientist European Spallation Source ESS AB Lund, Sweden MAX IV & ESS Lund Malmö Öresund bridge Copenhagen.

1 Reflectometry Concepts Hanna Wacklin Instrument Scienti...
Author: MargaretMargaret Gordon
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1 Reflectometry Concepts Hanna Wacklin Instrument Scientist European Spallation Source ESS AB Lund, Sweden MAX IV & ESS Lund Malmö Öresund bridge Copenhagen KU 2012-08-15

2 MAX IV & ESS Lund Malmö Öresund bridge Copenhagen Reflection from a planar interface Reflection from thin films Experiment Analysis Reflectometry Concepts

3 Reflection from a Planar Interface The initial neutron with wave vector k i may undergo specular reclection (sr), off-specular reflection (osr), incoherent reflection (icr) or transmission (t), which change its wavevector but not its energy (elastic scattering). In specular reflection, the reflection angle θ f equals the incident angle θ i. For a homogeneous material the potential is the same all over the x,y- plane – consider only z-component of k. (largest application today is disordered surfaces) Reflection and transmission of neutrons: kiki k icr k sr k osr ktkt ii ff ρ1ρ1 ρ2ρ2 z y x ρ 1 ≠ ρ 2 k = 2π/λ

4 Neutron wavefunction Ψ(r) is the neutron wavefunction E is the neutron energy – does not change in elastic scattering V(r) is the nuclear potential of the material which the neutron travels through: V(r) = is only non-zero when neutron position R = r j (nuclear radius ~10 - 15 m) -> nuclei scatter like point objects (have no form factor) Scattering length density in a homogeneous material: Schrödinger equation for an elastically scattered neutron: (1) (2) (3) constant potential

5 Neutron wavefunction k x is the wavevector that describes the neutron motion parallel to the interface – does not change in elastic scattering Combining (1) and (4): is the momentum transfer or scattering vector normal to the interface. The neutron wavefunction is a complex plane wave: (4) (5) where (6) (averaging over y)

6 Reflection from a Planar Interface In specular reflection, the reflection angle θ f equals the incident angle θ i. For a homogeneous material the potential is the same all over the x,y- plane – consider only z-component of k. kiki k sr ktkt ii ff ρ1ρ1 ρ2ρ2 z y x ρ 1 ≠ ρ 2 k = 2π/λ q1q1 -q 1 q2q2 Δq = 2q 1

7 Reflection and Transmission coefficients Where r and t are the reflection and transmission coefficients. The boundary condition is that Ψ(z) and its derivatives are continuous at z=0: q 1 and q 2 are the scattering vectors above and below the interface. This gives: The neutrons are partially reflected and transmitted: (7) (8) (9) and These are the Fresnel reflection and transmission coefficients. z ≥ 0 z ≤ 0

8 Q and Scattering length density The neutrons are partially reflected and transmitted: (10) For elastic scattering: kiki k 1 reflection k 2 transmission 11 11 ρ1ρ1 ρ2ρ2 z y x 22 q 1z = k 1 sin  q 2z = k 2 sin  k x = k 1 cos  1 = k 2 cos  2 Using (6) : (11) Δq = Q = 2q 1 = 2k 1 sinθ

9 Q and Scattering length density Using (3), (11) and the de Broglie relation for the neutron energy (h 2 /2mλ 2 ) gives the neutron refractive index and its relation to the scattering length densities of the two media. Total internal reflection occurs when θ 2 = 0 for transmission and the critical angle is The refractive index is the ratio between the wavevectors in 2 media: (12) (13) (14) The critical momentum transfer vector q c depends on ρ 1 and ρ 2 for any λ. or Snell’s Law (15)

10 Reflection from a homogeneous thin film The neutrons are partially reflected and transmitted: (16) The reflection amplitude and intensity are given by: The intensity maxima and minima occur at cos2β=±1, which allows the film thickness to be estimated from the separation of minima in q: (17) kiki k2k2 00 k1k1 00 22 00 22 11 11 k1k1 00 β phase thickness of the film n is the neutron refractive index  is the film thickness

11 Reflection from a multilayer film For each layer the reflected amplitude is described by a characteristic Abeles matrix: For a multilayer film with several sublayers with different scattering length density: (18) (19) The total reflection amplitude is given by the product of all the layers (20) 00 11 22 33 44 00 11 22 33 r 01 r 12 r 23 r 34 t 01 t 12 t 23 t 34 The Fresnel reflection coefficient r can be modified to include the effects of interfacial roughness: (21) The total reflection intensity is

12 The Experiment Since q = 4πsinθ/λ, reflectivity R(q) can be measured in two ways: 1)using a monochromatic beam and scanning the angle of incidence θ 1)using a polychromatic beam covering a range of q-values at any given θ In practice, method 2 is useful a the range of q is measured simultaneously, which allows structural changes to be monitored as a function of time.

13 The Experiment Since q = 4πsinθ/λ, reflectivity R(q) can be measured in two ways: 1)using a monochromatic beam and scanning the angle of incidence θ 1)using a polychromatic beam covering a range of q-values at any given θ In practice, method 2 is useful a the range of q is measured simultaneously, which allows structural changes to be monitored as a function of time.

14 The Experiment Since q = 4πsinθ/λ, reflectivity R(q) can be measured in two ways: 1)using a monochromatic beam and scanning the angle of incidence θ 1)using a polychromatic beam covering a range of q-values at any given θ In practice, method 2 is useful a the range of q is measured simultaneously, which allows structural changes to be monitored as a function of time.

15 The Experiment Since q = 4πsinθ/λ, reflectivity R(q) can be measured in two ways: 1)using a monochromatic beam and scanning the angle of incidence θ (x-rays) 1)using a polychromatic beam covering a range of q-values at any given θ (neutrons) In practice, method 2 is useful a the range of q is measured simultaneously, which allows structural changes to be monitored as a function of time. When using polychromatic beam, the neutron wavelength distribution is determined from their time-of-flight, since the neutron velocity depends on their wavelength: neutron velocity time-of-flight distance neutron wavelength

16 The Experiment Reflectivity is presented as the ratio of reflected intensity to the incident beam: 1)below the critical q, I R /R 0 = 1 which is used for normalisation to an absolute scale 2)for a time-of-flight experiment, only 10% of the incident beam is reflected as above the critical angle the intensity falls with ~q -4 IoIo I R x 10 I 0 / I R λ c ~10.35 Å log(I 0 / I R ) q c ~0.0147 Å -1 (Si –D 2 O) The critical q value is a property of the reflecting interface: for silicon ρ 1 = 2.07 x 10 -6 Å -2 for D 2 O ρ 2 = 6.35 x 10 -6 Å -2 q c (Si-D 2 O) = 0.0147 Å -1 ρ 2 > ρ 1  total external reflection

17 The Experiment Neutrons penetrate materials easily, but…they are strongly scattered by liquids (incoherent scattering = contains no structural information), and also absorbed by others. Many solid materials are almost transparent to neutrons (they don’t absorb neutrons) and can be used to deliver the beam to buried interfaces, e.g. the solid-liquid interface IoIo liquid trough/flow cell Si (111): 80×50×10 mm Aluminium holder Silicon crystal many kinds of sample cells and environments are used for liquid surfaces, e.g. air-liquid troughs Langmuir troughs overflowing cylindermulti-rack for S/L cells A typical solid-liquid flow cell:

18 Reflection data – what does it reveal? Neutrons reflection measures the film thickness and scattering length density. From these is is possible to work out: volume fraction ϕ or the water fraction (1- ϕ ) the thickness t of a film (or extension length of a molecule from the interface) the area per molecule A and the surface excess of a film Γ Using deuterium labeling it is also possible to resolve: the fraction of a component in a multicomponent film the location of components in a multicomponent film the orientation of selectively labeled molecules volume of water

19 Model structure of lipid membrane = layered model of structure & composition z L og R Neutron wavelength

20 Scattering length density profile  (z) = neutron refractive index profile L og R h-lipid d-lipid z ⇒ thickness ρ(z) ρ SiO 2 D2OD2O Model structure of lipid membrane = layered model of structure & composition z Solid = Si-SiO 2 liquid = D 2 O Reflection data – what does it reveal?

21 Scattering length density profile  (z) = neutron refractive index profile Model structure of lipid membrane = layered model of structure & composition L og R SiO 2 D2OD2O h-lipid d-lipid z ⇒ thickness ρ(z) ρ z Solid = Si-SiO 2 liquid = D 2 O Reflection data – what does it reveal?

22 Scattering length density profile  (z) = neutron refractive index profile Model structure of lipid membrane = layered model of structure & composition z L og R h-lipid d-lipid z ⇒ thickness ρ(z) ρ z Solid = Si-SiO 2 liquid = D 2 O SiO 2 D2OD2O Reflection data – what does it reveal?

23 Membrane proteins 5% 50% 11% 50uM Pore Membrane lysis by peptides Kalata peptides: cyclic plant insecticides/Herbal medicine 5uM 5% 25uM T cell immune receptors and ligands Collaboration with A. van der Merwe, University of Oxford Collaboration with D.Craik/C.Wang, UQLD Brisbane

24 More applications… spontaneous adsorption of surfactants, polymers and proteins to interfaces structural changes in response to external parameters: e.g thermo- and pH- responsive polymers and polymer brushes wetting, dewetting, solvent peneration and drying of films effect of an interface on organization of ordered mesophases, e.g. liquid crystals, micelles Some limitations… surfaces have to be smooth – rms < 5Å desirable surfaces have to be flat surfaces need a relatively large area – 5 x 5 cm 2 today – at ESS aiming for 5 x 5 mm 2 measurement times relatively long – 10s possible today but on large surfaces – at ESS aiming for millisecond-second range for maximum benefit, materials need to be deuterated – sometimes difficult! setting up a deuteration facility at ESS will be essential. Information only in surface normal direction (z)

25 Off-specular reflection: What about lateral ordering or correlations on surfaces - 2D structures? off-specular reflectivity (when q has an x-component) probes structure in the direction of the beam along the surface – e.g. fluctuations. Limited by neutron coherence length (~100μm) – large scale stuctures in e.g. magnetism The diffraction pattern below TSC consists of a series of sharp peaks as a function of Q. This is characteristic of a stripe-like magnetic domain pattern x in real space. J.Chakhalian et al. Nature physics, VOL 2, 2006

26 Grazing incidence scattering: What about lateral ordering or correlations on surfaces - 2D structures? Grazing Incidence Small Angle Scattering (GISAS) probes by x-and y-directions. The difference between GISAS and reflectivity measurements is the beam collimation: W.Kreutzpaintner et al. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 167, 73–79 (2009) Reflectivity data is measured with a divergent wide beam in the y- direction – this averages lateral structure in the sample plane GISAS data is measured with a narrow low-divergence beam in the y-direction – this determines the lateral resolution to structure in the sample plane GISAS

27 What about lateral ordering or correlations on surfaces - 2D structures? Grazing Incidence Small Angle Scattering (GISAS) probes by x-and y-directions – the difference is that the beam needs to be well-collimated in both directions. With time-of-flight GISANS can probe surface structure at different depths from interface, because at a given angle, the penetration depth increases with decreasing wavelength! Fig. 1. Selection of twelve 2d intensities measured simultaneously by TOF-GISANS from a nanospolymer nanodot film. The corresponding mean wavelengths are a) 0.50, b) 0.55, c) 0.61, d) 0.68, e) 0.75, f) 0.82, g) 0.91, h) 1.00, i) 1.11, j) 1.22, k) 1.35 and l) 1.48 nm. P. Müller-Bushbaum et al. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 167, 107–112 (2009) λ dpdp Grazing incidence scattering: GISANS can probe buried interfaces that are not accessible by AFM

28 Summary Specular Reflectivity probes structure in the surface normal direction only – lateral structure is averaged composition of film, location (and sometimes orientation) of components is obtained from scattering length density profiles Off-specular Reflectivity arises when the sample has in-plane structure along the beam direction (x) – resolution limited by neutron coherence length applications in magnetism, fluctuations, large domain structures Grazing Incidence Small Angle Scattering (GISAS) probes by x-and y-directions with pinhole beam = SANS from the surface only time-of-flight GISANS probes different depths from interface as function of wavelength many applications in both soft and hard condensed matter – new technique with analysis still in development X-rays has higher resolution but neutrons have the isotopic sensitivity  X-rays for single materials, neutrons for multicomponent systems