Staff: increase of the group, now 19 + ZK

1 Wrocław Solar Physics Division report for 2013 (raport ...
Author: Natasza Witoń
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1 Wrocław Solar Physics Division report for 2013 (raport ZFS CBK) Janusz SylwesterStaff: increase of the group, now 19 + ZK Projects: new collaboration NASA + LASP Boulder Main results: AbuOpt, Location of hotter plasma in non-active corona Properties of particle environment Plans for 2014 and forward: SOLPEX

2 Staff: 19 on permanent positions (av. 46 y)Staff: 19 on permanent positions (av. 46 y) 4 below 35 y, 2 phd (SRC, IAUwr) + one PhD opened Warsaw Techical U. Scientists: 2 x dr. hab., 4 x dr, 1 assistant, phd student + 1 full professor Engineering staff: 1 physicist, 1 mech. Constructor, electronic/software modellers Support: 2 (one hired last March only, after 2y negotiations with headquarters…)

3 Running grants: ChemiX (Interhelioprobe) NCN funded,lead: Marek Siarkowski, ends 2014 STIX (Solar Orbiter) NCN funded, lead: Tomek Mrozek formally Janusz Sylwester, ends 2014 STIX PECS : Wroclaw lead: Mirek Kowalinski, engineering part f unded in collaboration with SRC main body RESIK (Coronas-F) NCN funded, lead: Barbara Sylwester, ends, 2014 eHeroes (7FP), lead: Szymon Gburek formally Janusz Sylwester, ends 2014 + respective SPUB ends 2015 March ISSI (Bern): Non-Equilibrium Processes in the Solar Corona and their Connection to the Solar Wind Team 276 , lead: Barbara & Janusz Sylwester Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

4 New grant application submitted:

5 Data under present analysis:Our: RESIK – 20 % of good flare spectra analysed (out of 2mln) DIOGENESS- FITS database created (Eheroes) SphinX – list of events (Eheroes) NASA: Messenger XRS, soft X-ray spectra Hinode XRT, soft x-ray images RHESSI hard x-ray spectra & images (good understanding) Russian measurements of particle environment Skobeltsyn Institute (MGU) Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

6 International collaborations:Russia: IZMIRAN: Coronas-F: RESIK, CHEMIX FIAN: Coronas-F data, RESPECT Spectrophotometr, SOLPEX-KORTEZ, Skobeltsyn Institute (MGU), RESIK particle data Czech Rep.: AI CAS: Diogeness Italy AO Palermo: SphinX data analysis, PH modelling Ukraine: Kharkiv University: SphinX particle data interpretation, ChemiX particle detector unit UK, UCL :RESIK data interpretation Poland: AI WrU: common data interpretation, PH modelling STIX collaboration CERN (Patras Consortium): SphinX & XRT in Axion detection context Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

7 RESIK data analysis results (Barbara & Janusz Sylwester)Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

8 AbuOpt essentially new approach & toolSpotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

9 That allows to study time-dependence of plasma compositionSpotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

10 SphinX: zapis poziomu prSphinX: zapis poziomu pr. rentgenowskiego w głębokim minimum aktywnosci ~2 mln widm 2009 Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

11 Combination of SphinX & XRT observation: 3 components on various times at the minimum level of activity Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

12 XRT filter ratio analysis results (Marek Siarkowski) under consideration for NatureSpotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

13 Particle environment on polar orbits (Kowalinski, Podgorski, Gburek)Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

14 STIX for Solar Orbiter 4 kg, 4 Watt 400 bits/s ~1 mSpotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

15 Enineering & Hardware modellingSTIX: EGSE – to be used for testing at various test places and test beds, contains cold finger simulator & power supply DSS (data simulator system)- to be used for IDPU & overall response tests- the most advanced simulator designed for X-ray studies: 320 channels, will access collection of data generated for a number of artificial sources Geant4 modelling of detectors  important upgrade of the software environment for STIX: the instrument matrix response Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

16 EGSE for STIX (ESA) (Mirek Kowalinski)To be used on every important step of subsystem and instrument tests. (PL, CH, DE, CZ) Provide access/control to subsystems & data as coming from telemetry Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

17 Hardware: Detector Simulator system (STIX)Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

18 Overall summary for 2013 Papers Published:Ranked journals (filadelfijskie) – 12 Other international – 3 Submitted - 5 Presentations: Invited: 5 Oral: ~30 Posters: see outside International Conferences – 2 Technical documentation – 7 (Eng. Rus. 500 pages) Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

19 Plans: STIX (2017) and ChemiX (2020) as the most important activity of the Wroclaw Team in strong collaboration with Warsaw engineering staff Diogeness & RESIK + HXT & RHESSI data interpretation as a main source of publications (ApJ class): SOLPEX on ISS as a testbed of science principle and new technology (2015): X-ray polarisation & non-equilibrium effects RESPECT (FIAN collaboration, 2015) – unusual use of CCD’s for X-ray event timing CubiXSS- prospective collaboration with US GSFC and LASP (Boulder) laboratories AI UWr- flare hydrodynamic modelling using PH code Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

20 Rozkład jazdy RESIK STIX CHEMIX SOLPEX SphinX STIXSpotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław

21 Dziękuję za uwagę PodsumowanieZFS w ramach CBK ma „pełen portfel” projektów w zakresie rentgenowskich badań Słońca Finansowanie projektu STIX wydaje się zagwarantowane, teraz poprzez PRODEX? Starac się będziemy w NCN o nowy grant Finansowanie SOLPEX – czekamy na decyzje budowane są spektrometry na rosyjskie misje Respect Będziemy powtarzac inicjatywe CubIXSS z USA Spotkanie Rady Naukowej CBK PAN, Warszawa, 26 lutego J. Sylwester ZFS Wrocław