Suggest, would rather, would prefer. suggest suggest that / verb+ing – suggest that / verb+ing – aby doradzić I suggest(ed) that we sell the car. I suggest(ed)

1 Suggest, would rather, would prefer ...
Author: Halina Piwowarski
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1 Suggest, would rather, would prefer

2 suggest suggest that / verb+ing – suggest that / verb+ing – aby doradzić I suggest(ed) that we sell the car. I suggest(ed) selling the car. I suggest(ed) that we should sell the car. I suggested that we sold the car.

3 Would rather would rather + bezokolicznik would rather + bezokolicznik aby wyrazić co wolimy robić I would rather stay at home. would rather+inny podmiot niż na would rather+inny podmiot niż na początku zdania+past simple aby powiedzieć co chcielibyśmy żeby ktoś inny zrobił I would rather you left now.

4 Would prefer Would prefer + bezokolicznik lub zaimek Would prefer + bezokolicznik lub zaimek osobowy + bezokolicznik aby wyrazić preferencje I would prefer to go home now. I would prefer her to stop talking.