Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph. D. Assistant Professor

1 Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph. D. Assistant ProfessorPolSCA M...
Author: Wacława Kotula
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1 Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph. D. Assistant ProfessorPolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” University of Warmia and Mazury Faculty of Food Sciences Chair of Food Plant Chemistry and Processing Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph. D. Assistant Professor University of Warmia and Mazury Faculty of Food Science Chair of Food Plant Chemistry and Processing Plac Cieszyński Olsztyn Poland My name is Sylwester Czaplicki I’m employed as an assistant professor in Chair of Food Plant Chemistry and Processing on the Faculty of Food Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland. tel.: , tel.: , fax:

2 The University is the biggest in north-east part of Poland.PolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” The University is the biggest in north-east part of Poland. Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

3 Our scientific interests Research in chemistry and technology of:PolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Our scientific interests Research in chemistry and technology of: fruit and vegetables, cereal grains, oilseeds. In our Chair, we conduct research in chemistry and technology of: fruit and vegetables, cereal grains, oilseeds. The main focus we put on solving problems related to processing of plant raw material and also obtaining and characteristics of rich in bioactive compounds plant products. We are interested in organic plant products and traditional technologies as well as intensive agricultural products and novel, economically effective technologies. The aim of our work is often to develop new solutions for processes or to create new valuable product. In our experiments we use our experience in physical and chemical plant properties analysis and also we use biotechnological methods for designing new products and waste-free technologies. Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

4 PolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Our Laboratories We use devices suitable for technological problems solving as well as analytical equipment necessary for research. In our laboratories we use i.e.: Gas chromatographs: GC-FID, GC-MS, HS-GC-MS Liquid chromatographs: HPLC-DAD, HPLC-FLD, HPLC-ELSD, HPLC-MS Digital Image Analysis system Metrohm Rancimat model 743 BROOKFIELD, D V-II+Pro Viscometer Universal Testing Machine Instron 4301 FLUOstar Omega - multi-mode microplate reader Supercritical Fluid Extractor (CO2-SFE) etc. The Chair and all Faculty have a well-organized research facilities. We use devices suitable for technological problems solving as well as analytical equipment necessary for research. In our laboratories we use: gas chromatographs: GC-FID, GC-MS, HS-GC-MS liquid chromatographs: HPLC-DAD, HPLC-FLD, HPLC-ELSD, HPLC-MS Digital Image Analysis system Metrohm Rancimat model 743 BROOKFIELD, D V-II+Pro Viscometer Universal Testing Machine Instron 4301 FLUOstar Omega - multi-mode microplate reader Supercritical Fluid Extractor (CO2-SFE) Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

5 Our laboratories basic equipmentPolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Our laboratories basic equipment Multiposition Soxhlet Extractors Rotary vacuum evaporators Supercritical Fluid Extraction System Thermo Reacti-Vap™ Evaporator We use basic equipment for samples preparation. For example multiposition Soxhlet sxtractors and Supercritical Fluid Extractors. Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

6 Our laboratories equipmentPolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Our laboratories equipment INSTRON – – mechanical properties evaluation Brookfield Viscometer Digital Image Analysis System FLUOstar Omega and Rancimat We do physical properties analysis … Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

7 Our laboratories equipmentPolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Our laboratories equipment Preparative HPLC-UV-VIS Analytical HPLC-DAD-ELSD Analytical HPLC-DAD-FLD-MS Analytical GC-FID Analytical GC-FID-MS We can also use chromatographic techniques for isolation of compounds (prep. HPLC, prep. TLC) as well as analytical use of chromatographs … Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

8 „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products”PolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” My, and team in which I work, research interests refer to unconventional sources of plant bio-oils. These oils, due to the biological value of their bio-active compounds, are extremely valuable as an ingredient of cosmetics, well composed diet and its supplements. We paid special attention on cold-pressed oils, especially rich in bio-active substances as: tocopherols, sterols, carotenoids, squalene and fatty acids (-linolenic, stearidonic). Most of these compounds are free radical scavengers in human body and also added to food products can effectively protect the components from oxidation. Results of our work are published in good scientific journals, books and also we do patent applications and presentatons on conferences. Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

9 The most important positions of scientific achievementsPolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” The most important positions of scientific achievements Czaplicki S., Shalkievich M., Zadernowski R Characteristic of carotenoids of Sea-Buckthorn fruits, Fruit- Growing, 15: , Zadernowski R., Naczk M., Czaplicki S., Rubinskiene M., Shalkievich M Composition of Phenolic Acids in Sea Buckthorn (Hippophaё rhamnoides L.) Berries, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 82 (3): , Nowak-Polakowska H., Bojarska J.E., Czaplicki S., Łojko R Characteristic of walnuts (Juglans regia L.) lipids, Pol. J. Natur. Sc., 18 (1): , Czaplicki S., Nowak-Polakowska H., Zadernowski R Aktywność biologiczna lipofilnej frakcji owoców rokitnika w zależności od zawartości karotenoidów i tokoferoli, Bromat. Chem. Toksykol., XXXVIII, Supl.: , Konopka I., Czaplicki S., Rotkiewicz D Differences in content and composition of free lipids and carotenoids in flour of spring and Winter wheat cultivated in Poland, Food Chem., 95: , Pieńkowska H., Zadernowski R., Czaplicki S., Rolewski P Thermochemiluminescence of selected vegetable oils, Pol. J. Natur. Sc., 23 (2): , Zadernowski R., Naczk. M., Czaplicki S Chemical composition of Pinus sibirica nut oils, Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 111(7): , Czaplicki S., Ogrodowska D., Zadernowski R Triacylglycerols from viper bugloss (Echium vulgare L.) seeds bio-oil, Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 111, It’s list of my main papers connected with lipid analysis. Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

10 The most important positions of scientific achievementsPolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” The most important positions of scientific achievements Ogrodowska D., Czaplicki S., Piłat B., Zadernowski R Physicochemical properties of bio-oils from unconventional oil producing plants, Pol. J. Commodity Sci., 1 (22): Dorota Derewiaka, Ewa Sosińska, Mieczysław Obiedziński, Aleksandra Krogulec and Sylwester Czaplicki, 2011, Determination of the adulteration of butter. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 113, , Ogrodowska D., Zadernowski R., Tańska M., Czaplicki S Właściwości fizyczne nasion amarantusa (Amaranthus cruentus) pochodzącego z różnych rejonów uprawy w Polsce. Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość. 6(79): , Ogrodowska D., Czaplicki S., Zadernowski R Substancje biologicznie aktywne naturalnie występujące w oleju amarantusowym, Bromat. Chem. Toksykol. XLIV, 3: , Czaplicki S., Ogrodowska D., Derewiaka D., Tańska M., Zadernowski R Bioactive compounds in unsaponifiable fraction of oils from unconventional sources. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 113, 1456 – 1464, Czaplicki S., Ogrodowska D., Zadernowski R Skwalen i kwasy tłuszczowe przechowywanych produktów amarantusowych. Bromat. Chem. Toksykol. XLV, 3, 1141 – 1147, Czaplicki S., Ogrodowska D., Zadernowski R., Derewiaka D Characteristics of biologically-active substances of amaranth oil obtained by various techniques,. Pol. J. Food Nutr. Sci. 62(4): 235 – 239, Czaplicki S Chromatography in Bioactivity Analysis of Compounds. in Column Chromatography, Dr. Dean Martin (Ed.), ISBN: , InTech, DOI: / Available from: compounds, pp Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

11 PolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Selected conferences 5th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products (ISCNP) “The application of chromatographic methods in phytochemical & biomedical analysis”, Lublin, Poland, June 2006, Sylwester Czaplicki, Ryszard Zadernowski, Halina Nowak-Polakowska, “Triacylglycerols in the biooil obtained from the seeds of common viper’s bugloss (Echium vulgare L.)”, Poster, matriały konferencyjne, str. 78, 6th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products (ISCNP) “The application of chromatographic methods in phytochemical & biomedical analysis”, Lublin, Poland, 15 – 18 June 2008, Sylwester Czaplicki, Dorota Ogrodowska, Ryszard Zadernowski, Marian Naczk, “A new HPLC method for squalene determination in biooils”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne, str. 84, 6th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products (ISCNP) “The application of chromatographic methods in phytochemical & biomedical analysis”, Lublin, Poland, 15 – 18 June 2008, Ryszard Zadernowski, Marian Naczk, Sylwester Czaplicki “The chemical composition of Pinus sibirica nut oils”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne, str. 214, XVII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Postęp w technologii tłuszczów roślinnych”, Nowogród k/Łomży, 07 – 10 czerwiec 2009, Sylwester Czaplicki, Ryszard Zadernowski, „Bioaktywne składniki oleju żmijowcowego”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne, XVII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Postęp w technologii tłuszczów roślinnych”, Nowogród k/Łomży, 07 – 10 czerwiec 2009, Dorota Ogrodowska, Sylwester Czaplicki, Dorota Derewiaka, Ryszard Zadernowski, „Bioaktywne składniki oleju amarantusowego”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne, XVII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Postęp w technologii tłuszczów roślinnych”, Nowogród k/Łomży, 07 – 10 czerwiec 2009, Dorota Ogrodowska, Sylwester Czaplicki, Dariusz Kotowski, Ryszard Zadernowski, „Określenie trwałość bioolejów roślinnych”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne, And selected presentations on conferences Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

12 PolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Selected conferences IX Konferencja Naukowa PTTŻ – Żywność XXI wieku „Żywność wzbogacona i nutraceutyki”, Kraków, 18 – 19 czerwiec 2009, Dorota Ogrodowska, Sylwester Czaplicki, Ryszard Zadernowski, „Wpływ obróbki termicznej na zmiany frakcji lipidowej produktów otrzymanych z nasion Amaranthus cruentus”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne, IX Konferencja Naukowa PTTŻ – Żywność XXI wieku „Żywność wzbogacona i nutraceutyki”, Kraków, 18 – 19 czerwiec 2009, Sylwester Czaplicki, Ryszard Zadernowski, „Stabilność oksydacyjna oleju żmijowcowego”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne 7 th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Graz, Austria, 18 – 21 October 2009, Dorota Ogrodowska, Sylwester Czaplicki, Dorota Derewiaka, Małgorzata Tańska, Ryszard Zadernowski, „Bioactive compounds of bio-oils unsaponifiable fraction”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne, str. 234, Annual Conference and Exhibition of the International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF), San Francisco, CA, USA, 1 – 4 November 2009, Dorota Ogrodowska, Sylwester Czaplicki, Ryszard Zadernowski, P.Mattila, J. Hellström, Marian Naczk “Phenolic acids of amaranthus seeds (Amaranthus cruentus)”, Poster 7th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products (ISCNP) joined with 6th International Symposium of the International Society for the Development of Natural Products, Lublin, Poland, 14 – 17 June 2010, Dorota Ogrodowska, Ryszard Zadernowski, Sylwester Czaplicki, „Amaranth oil triacylglycerols and their susceptibility to pancreatic lipase in the presence of squalene”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne XV Sesja Naukowa Sekcji Młodej Kadry Naukowej PTTŻ, Wrocław, 19 – 21 maja 2010, Dorota Ogrodowska, Sylwester Czaplicki, Dorota Derewiaka, Ryszard Zadernowski, „Charakterystyka produktów otrzymanych z nasion Amaranthus cruentus”, poster, materiały konferencyjne Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

13 PolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Selected conferences XVI Sesja Naukowa Sekcji Młodej Kadry Naukowej PTTŻ, Olsztyn 12 – 13 maja 2011, Dorota Ogrodowska, Ryszard Zadernowski, Małgorzata Tańska, Sylwester Czaplicki, „Właściwości fizyczne nasion Amaranthus cruentus”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, Prague, Czech Republic, 17 – 20 May 2011, Adam Jurgoński, Sylwester Czaplicki, Zenon Zduńczyk, Dorota Ogrodowska, Jerzy Juśkiewicz, Ryszard Zadernowski. „Assimilability of biologically active substances of Sea buckthorn oil in tissues of laboratory animals”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, Prague, Czech Republic, 17 – 20 May 2011, Adam Jurgoński, Dorota Ogrodowska, Zenon Zduńczyk, Sylwester Czaplicki, Ryszard Zadernowski, Jerzy Juśkiewicz, “Assimilability of biologically active substances of amaranth oil in tissues of laboratory animals”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne XXI Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Bromatologiczne, Aspekty zdrowotne żywności i żywienia, Białystok 21 – 23 września 2011, Dorota Ogrodowska, Sylwester Czaplicki, Ryszard Zadernowski, „Substancje biologicznie aktywne naturalnie występujące w oleju amarantusowym”, Poster, materiały konferencyjne, 8th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products (ISCNP), Lublin, Poland, 17 – 20 May 2012, Sylwester Czaplicki, Dorota Ogrodowska, Ryszard Zadernowski, Dorota Derewiaka, Characteristics of biologically-active substances of amaranth oil obtained by various techniques, poster, materiały konferencyjne, V Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Technologów Przetwórstwa Owoców i Warzyw, Kraków 17 – 18 maja 2012, Sylwester Czaplicki, Bogumił Markuszewski, Bioaktywne składniki lipidowej frakcji orzecha laskowego, poster, materiały konferencyjne Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

14 PolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Selected conferences XXII Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Bromatologiczne Żywność i Żywienie w XXI wieku – wyzwania i nadzieje, Wisła, 5 – 7 wrzesień 2012, Sylwester Czaplicki, Dorota Ogrodowska, Ryszard Zadernowski, Skwalen i kwasy tłuszczowe przechowywanych produktów amarantusowych, poster, materiały konferencyjne, XXII Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Bromatologiczne Żywność i Żywienie w XXI wieku – wyzwania i nadzieje, Wisła, 5 – 7 wrzesień 2012, Beata Piłat, Ryszard Zadernowski, Sylwester Czaplicki, Agnieszka Boniecka, Owoce rokitnika jako źródło bioaktywnych fosfolipidów, poster, materiały konferencyjne, 10th Euro Fed Lipid Congress “Fats, Oils and Lipids: from Science and Technology to Health”, Kraków, Poland, 23 – 26 September 2012, Bogdan Smyk, Ryszard Amarowicz, Małgorzata Tańska, Sylwester Czaplicki, Influence of UV Radiation on Natural and Synthetic Antioxidants and Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Evening Primrose Oil, poster, materiały konferencyjne, p.280 Konferencja Naukowa, Nowoczesne technologie w rolnictwie. Lomża, 19 – 20. wrzesień 2013, Dorota Ogrodowska, Sylwester Czaplicki, Ryszard Zadernowski „Kierunki zagospodarowania nasion Amaranthus cruentus”. Poster, materiały konferencyjne Konferencja Naukowa, Nowoczesne technologie w rolnictwie. Lomża, 19 – 20. wrzesień 2013, Beata Piłat, Sylwester Czaplicki, Ryszard Zadernowski „Kierunki wykorzystania owoców rokitnika (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)”. Poster, materiały konferencyjne XLI Sesja Naukowego Komitetu Nauk o Żywności PAN, Innowacyjność w nauce o żywności i żywieniu. Kraków, 2 – 3. lipiec 2013, Sylwester Czaplicki, Ryszard Zadernowski „Zastosowanie techniki ekstrakcji płynami w stanie nadkrytycznym (SFE) we frakcjonowaniu olejów roślinnych”. Poster, materiały konferencyjne, pp. 139. Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

15 New, health-promoting products designingPolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” New, health-promoting products designing Compositions of: echium oil (as a source of PUFA, i.e. -linolenic and stearidonic acids) amaranthus oil (as a squalene source) pumpkin seeds oil (as phytosterols and phospholipids source) sea-buckthorn fruit oil (as a source i.e. carotenoids, tocopherols, phytosterols) In oil blends we also use oils like: rapeseeds, flax seeds, camelina seeds, poppy seeds, and herbs extracts. As you could see this part of my achivement is close to unconventional oils use in health-promoting products designing and improvement of oils stability. In new, health-promoting products designing we used: echium oil (as a source of PUFA, i.e. -linolenic and stearidonic acids) amaranthus oil (as a squalene source) pumpkin seeds oil (as phytosterols and phospholipids source) sea-buckthorn fruit oil (as a source i.e. carotenoids, tocopherols, phytosterols) Sea-buckthorn oil is very interesting product because of their wide range of possibility to use. We can use this oil to prepare products with high amount of carotenoids, phytosterols, tocopherols as well as diet supplements and parapharmaceuticals. It is also useful in food products preservation as a source of natural antioxidants. This subject, among others, was dedicated as my doctoral dissertation, in which I used Sea-buckthorn fruit oil in echium oil preservation. We also analyse and use other cold-pressed oils obtained from i.e. rapeseeds, flax seeds, camelina seeds, poppy seeds, etc. Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

16 Currently realized projects founded by Polish National Science CentrePolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Currently realized projects founded by Polish National Science Centre Developing of Sea-buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides L.) berries non-waste processing technology and its products bioactive properties evaluation. (project manager: prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zadernowski) Characteristics of selected terpenoids as plant origin bioactive substances and their use in vegetable oils stabilization. (project manager: dr inż. Sylwester Czaplicki) Development of microstructure and physical properties of the plant biooils microcapsules. (project manager: prof. dr hab. inż. Lidia Zander) Three of now realized by our team projects are connected with lipids. Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

17 Projects just submitted to Polish National Science CentrePolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Projects just submitted to Polish National Science Centre Vegetable oils lipidome analysis in their authenticity biomarkers determination. (project manager: dr inż. Dorota Ogrodowska) Modification of the release and bioaccessibility of phenolic acids and lipophilic phytochemicals from food rich in lignocellulose fraction (wheat bran model). (project manager: dr hab. inż. Iwona Konopka, prof. UWM) We also submitted two next projects. Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

18 AGRICULTURAL LAND AREA BY LAND TYPEPolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” AGRICULTURAL LAND AREA BY LAND TYPE = tys. ha = tys. ha In an economical aspect, we paid attention to these valuable oil crops as an opportunity for rural area development and small businesses. According to Central Statistical Office of Poland, in our country, from about 18 million hectares of farmland, over 468 thousand hectares accounted wastelands. Statistical yearbook of the Republic of Poland, 2013 Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

19 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF THE RURAL AREA POPULATIONPolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF THE RURAL AREA POPULATION At the same time in rural areas for population of about six million seven hundred thousand economically active people over seven hundred sixty thousand have no job. Continuously increasing interest to biooils can affect the health of society as a prevention element against civilization diseases. Also, it creates the conditions for formation of unconventional oilseeds plantations and a growing number of small processing plants where more people can be employed. Statistical yearbook of the Republic of Poland, 2013 Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,

20 Thank you for your attentionPolSCA Meeting „Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products” Thank you for your attention Sylwester Czaplicki, Ph.D. PolSCA Meeting, Brussels,