1 TAJEMNICA ŚMIERCI ORAZ REINKARNACJITeozofia zaprezentowana w graficznej formie Stworzone przez Anand Gholap ze slajdów PowerPoint’a utworzonych przez Dr. KVK. Nehru. Oryginał: Tłumaczenie dla: Some Works Referred: Jinarajadasa C., First Principles of Theosophy, TPH, 1960 Leadbeater C.W., Man, Visible and Invisible, TPH, 1971 Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973 Manual, The Elemental Kingdoms Pearson N., Space, Time and Self, TPH, 1964 Powell A.E., The Causal Body and the Ego, TPH, 1972 Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971
2 Leadbeater C.W., Man, Visible and Invisible, TPH, 1971, Plate III„SOLAR LOGOS” PIERWSZY ASPEKT DRUGI ASPEKT TRZECI ASPEKT BOSKA SFERA lub ADI ZASADY JOGI: MONADYCZNA SFERA lub ANUPADAKA TRZECIA FALA NIRWANICZNA SFERA lub ATMA SATYA TAPAH DRUGA FALA PIERWSZA FALA BUDDHI SFERA JANAH MENTALNA SFERA MAHAH Leadbeater C.W., Man, Visible and Invisible, TPH, 1971, Plate III The Trinities of Various Religions RELIGION TRINITY Christian Father Son Holy Ghost Druidic Taulec Fan Mollec Egyptian Amun-Ra Horus Osiris-Isis Hebrew Kepher Binah Chochmah Hindu Shiva Vishnu Brahma Phoenician Anu Ea Bel Scandinavian Odin Thor Freya Zoroastrian Asha- Vohuman Ahura Mazda Vahishta [Pearson N., Space, Time and Self, TPH, 1964, Fig. 34, p. 88] SUVAH ASTRALNA SFERA BHUVAH FIZYCZNA SFERA BHUH TRZY FALE
3 Budowa istoty ludzkiej - ciałaMONADA (TURIYÂTMA) JAŹŃ (ÂTMA -- BUDDHI -- MANAS) Jinarajadasa C., First Principles of Theosophy, TPH, 1960, Fig. 55, p. 166 (See also Leadbeater C.W., Man, Visible and Invisible, TPH, 1971, Plate II) The Monad (Turîyâtma), existing on the Anupâdaka Plane, puts forth a reflection of itself and acquires vehicles on the lower Planes for the sake of gaining experience. The Permanent Atoms and Principles get attached to the Monad with the help of the seven Creative Hierarchies. The four lower Principles constitute the perishable Personality, which is renewed every incarnation. The real Individual, the Self (Jîvâtma) continues in the Causal Body, lasts throughout the Human stage. PRZYCZYNOWE (KÂRANA) ASTRALNO-MENTALNE (KÂMA) OSOBOWOŚĆ ETERYCZNE (PRÂNAMAYA) FIZYCZNE (STHÛLA)
4 Atom permanentny w spoczynkuProces Śmierci Przyczynowa Mentalna Powłoka Astralna This slide depicts how Death is a process of successive withdrawal from the Physical Plane ‘upwards.’ The discarded Astral and Mental bodies linger as Shells and gradually disintegrate. The respective permanent atoms become dormant. All the gains from the experiences are stored in the Causal body (shown here as a change of color of the Causal body). Eteryczna & Fizyczna Atom permanentny w spoczynku
5 Cykl trwania ludzkiego6 do 40 lat 700 do 1200 lat 7 INTELEKTUALNY NIEBA 1 4 6 ARTYSTYCZNY 5 PRZYZIEMNY 4 CZYŚCOWY JAŹŃ NIEBA 5 7 3 „IPRESSIONAL” Pearson N., Space, Time and Self, TPH, 1964, Fig. 79, p. 214 This slide depicts the stages through which the Soul passes after the death. First the divisions of the Kamaloka, or the Purgatorial world are shown. The heavy astral matter of the lowest sub-division is actually within the crust of the earth. Only the worst kind of persons pass thru’ this. The majority of very ordinary people start their astral life in the second region. Both the second and third regions present the astral counter part of Earth. Astral life for most people begins in the third. The fourth region is termed ‘Purgatorial,’ because it seems to be the critical point at which the man has two choices—to go onwards or backward. In the fifth (literal) region we find people dwelling in the astral forms of their own creation, fed by the ‘knowledge’ given them thru’ scriptures, religions etc. After passing successively thru’ the sixth and the seventh regions the astral Permanent Atom sinks into quiescence, and the awareness opens up in the lower Devachan. The time spent on the lower and the higher Mental Planes depends upon the growth and work of the individual. Most of the persons pass thru’ the higher Devachan in a more or less dreamy condition. 2 POWIERZCHOWNY SAMOTNIK “NARODZINY” 1 WNIKLIWY WCIELENIE “ŚMIERĆ” Cykl trwania ludzkiego
6 Pragnienia & Aspiracje Bolesne DoświadczeniaPrawo Karmy PRZESZŁE ŻYCIE PRZYSZŁE ŻYCIE Pomocne działania tworzą Dobre Środowisko Szkodliwe działania tworzą Złe Środowisko Pragnienia & Aspiracje tworzą Możliwości Trwałe Myśli Charakter tworzą Sukces tworzy Entuzjasm Jinarajadasa C., First Principles of Theosophy, TPH, 1960, Fig. 44, p. 115 “Karma” = Activity This slide brings forth that there is a Cause-and-Effect Law behind the evolution of the human individual. Doświadczenia tworzą Mądrość Bolesne Doświadczenia tworzą Sumienie Chęć Służenia Duchowość tworzy
7 Zablokowanie CzynnikiDziałanie Prawa Karmy Sanchita Władcy Karmy (Lipikas) Archetyp Przeszłe Myśli, Uczucia, Działania STRONA ŻYCIA Prârabda “Nerwy” Męskość Muzyczne Ucho Matematyczny Umysł Temperament Zablokowanie Czynniki itd. Jinarajadasa C., First Principles of Theosophy, TPH, 1960, Fig. 43, p. 110 Sanchita is the accrued Karma--good and evil. Prârabda is that portion of Sanchita that is more or less assigned for working out in the forth-coming incarnation. The Lords of Karma, Lipikas, assist the individual in the process of coming into a new incarnation by deciding the various parameters, with an objective to enable one to grow steadily towards the Archetype set by the Logos. STRONA FORMY
8 Proces Reinkarnacji Przyczynowe MentalneAtom Permanentny re-aktywowany Astralne On discarding the Physical, Astral and the Mental bodies and after a time of recluse in the Causal body, when the time comes for the next incarnation, the Mental, Astral and the Physical Permanent Atoms get re-activated successively, in that order. Each acquires matter of their respective Planes, conducive to the new incarnation and gradually builds them into organized bodies. Eteryczne & Fizyczne
9 Funkcje Ciała Eterycznego1 Działa jako matryca w budowaniu ciała fizycznego 2 Wchłania Pranę, czyli energię życiową, a następnie rozprowadza ją po całym ciele fizycznym. 3 Odgrywa rolę mostu pomiędzy astralną a fizyczną świadomością Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, p.4 4 Rozwija ośrodki siły dzięki którym świat eteryczny może zostać rozpoznany
10 Mechanizm działania karmyPRÂRABDA MYŚLOKSZTAŁT DEVARÂJAS ELEMENTAL Powell A.E., The Causal Body and the Ego, TPH, 1972, p. 156 and Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, p. 67 The Etheric Double is actually built in advance for the incoming Ego, by an Elemental which is the joint thought-form of the four Dêvarâjas, each of whom presides over one of the four etheric sub-planes.* Clairvoyants sometimes mistake this doll-like figure hovering about for the soul of the baby. As soon as the fetus has grown to the size of the etheric mold, and is ready for birth, the Elemental retires, leaving the further growth to the control of the Ego himself. The Prârabda is made by the Lîpikas into a thought-form which remains upon the Mental Plane. From that level it gradually discharges itself by flashing interactions, taking or making opportunities for the man in his life. [*For notes on Dêvarâjas see Powell A.E., The Astral Body, TPH, 1992, pp ] Mechanizm działania karmy ETERYCZNE
11 Matka świata przy narodzinachHodson Geoffrey, The Kingdom of the Gods, TPH, Adyar, 1972, Plate 28, p. 242 The Planetary World Mother is a highly evolved Archangel Representative on Earth of the feminine aspect of the Deity. She, in a Madonna-like form, and Her ministering angels appear in close association with a mother and her unborn child as the time of birth draws near.
12 Kontrola dziedziczności poprzez Atom PermanentnyGENY ATOM PERMANENTNY Pearson N., Space, Time and Self, TPH, 1964, Fig. 73, p. 192 The two parental reproductive cells (+) and (-), known as gametes, unite at conception to form the zygote, the first cell of the new body. The physical Permanent Atom decides the sex of the offspring by selecting the “X” chromosome or the “Y” chromosome from the male reproductive cell. The slide depicts two threadlike chromosomes with their genes. Combinations of these latter give rise to all the characteristics of the new body. The Permanent Atom can select those genes for activation (shown in red) which will build a body consistent with Karma. Non-activated, or recessive genes are shown in green. The Permanent Atom affects the zygote and subsequent cell specialization—Ectoderm: nerves, sense organs, skin; Endoderm: lining of liver, lungs etc.; mesoderm: bones, muscles, blood etc.; germ cells. CHROMOSOM
13 Powell A.E., The Causal Body and the Ego, TPH, 1972, pp.160-1Ewolucja połączeń Powell A.E., The Causal Body and the Ego, TPH, 1972, pp.160-1 In the human embryo there is a certain set of cells which do not, like the other cells, sub-divide. They work their way to the upper part of the embryo and remain separate for a considerable period of postnatal life. At a later time they send out branches, which eventually form a completely inter-communicating network. The process takes nearly seven years. Till that time the child brain is not capable of complex reasoning processes. (Besant Annie, Talks with a Class, 1921, pp )
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