2 Teacher’s Notes A slide contains teacher’s notes wherever this icon is displayed - To access these notes go to ‘Notes Page View’ (PowerPoint 97) or ‘Normal View’ (PowerPoint 2000). Notes Page View Normal View Flash Files A flash file has been embedded into the PowerPoint slide wherever this icon is displayed – These files are not editable.
3 The physical states of matter stany skupienia materiiAt normal temperature almost all substances exist in one of three physical states: Liquids ciekły Gases gazowy Solids stały
4 Butter masło Oxygen tlen Bleach wybielacz Tree drzewo orange juiceLook at the following substances. Decide whether they exist as a solid, liquid or gas. Butter masło Oxygen tlen Bleach wybielacz Tree drzewo orange juice Sok pomarańczowy ice lolly Lizak lodowy Cloud chmura Perfume perfum Desk biurko Shampoo szampon Coal węgiel Steam para
5 Match each substance to the correct column in the tableMatch each substance to the correct column in the table. When you have got it all correct the first letter of each substance will spell a word that is important in this unit. Aluminium, argon, ethanol (alcohol), iron (żelazo), lead (ołów), mercury (rtęć), radium (rad), tin (cyna) Liquid Metal Solid used in aircraft Solid used to coat steel cans Intoxicating liquid Radioactive solid Solid that rusts Un-reactive gas Solid used by Ancient Roman plumbers Mercury Aluminium Tin Ethanol Radium Iron Argon Lead
6 Kinetic Theory The existence of solids, liquids and gases isexplained by the kinetic theory. This is based on the following ideas: All substances are made up of particles (atoms, ions and molecules). That these particles are attracted to each other, some strongly and others weakly. That these particles move around (i.e. have kinetic energy). That their kinetic energy increases with temperature.
7 Teoria kinetyczna Istnienie stanów skupienia: stałego, ciekłego i gazowego wyjaśnia teoria kinetyczna: 1.Wszystkie substancje utworzone są z cząsteczek (atomów, jonów I molekuł) 2. Cząsteczki przyciągają się wzajemnie słabiej lub mocniej 3. Cząsteczki poruszają się (posiadają energię kinetyczną) 4. Ich energia kinetyczna wzrasta ze wzrostem temperatury
8 Particle arrangements: solidsThis animation shows a 2-D view of the motion of the atoms in a 3-D solid.
9 Particle arrangements: liquidsThis animation shows a 2-D view of the motion of the atoms in a liquid. There is no order.
10 Particle arrangements: gases
12 Właściwości - gęstość Ciało stałe ciecz gazCząsteczki blisko Cząsteczki blisko Cząsteczki oddalone siebie siebie od siebie Wysoka gestość Wysoka gestość niska gestość
14 Plynne. Nie moga byc sprezone. Moze byc sprezone Nie jest plynnePlynne Nie moga byc sprezone Moze byc sprezone Nie jest plynne Przyjmuje ksztalt dna pojemnika Zachowuje swoj ksztalt Przyjmuje ksztalt calego pojemnika Stala objetosc Nie ma okreslonej pojemnosci Cialo stale Ciecz Gaz
15 Diffusion 1 Diffusion is the movement of one type of particle into and through another. For example, the smell of after-shave or perfume diffuses across a room. Can you explain these facts? Diffusion occurs both in liquids and gases but hardly at all in solids. It happens more quickly for gases than for liquids. It happens more quickly at warm temperatures than at cooler temperatures. Insects communicate by smells that diffuse through the air.
16 Dyfuzja dyfuzja to ruch czasteczek jednego typu do i poprzez czasteczki innego typu. Np.zapach wody kolonskiej lub perfumu rozprzetrzenia sie w calym pomieszczeniu Mozesz wyjasnic te fakty? dyfuzja zachodzi w cieczach jak i w gazach, ale niemal nigdy w cialach stalych proces ten zachodzi szybciej w gazach niz w cieczach szybciej zachodzi w wyzszych temperaturach niz nizszych
17 Diffusion 2
18 Diffusion 3 Here is the result of a simple experiment in which two gases diffuse towards each other in a glass tube. When they meet they react to form a cloud of smoke. Cotton wool soaked in ammonia solution Cotton wool soaked in hydrochloric acid (concentrated) The smoke forms nearer to one end than the other. Which particles are moving faster: ammonia or acid? Can you suggest a possible reason for this? Ammonia particles are lighter and so, at any given temperature, move faster.
19 Crossword Across: 2 Change from liquid to solid5 Force caused by collisions of particles 6 Arranged in a 3 dimensional pattern 9 Spacing of particles in solids and liquids 10 All substances are this state at very low temperatures 11 Only liquids and gases do this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Down: 1 "Heavy“ 3 Change from gas to liquid 4 Change from solid to liquid 6 State with particles close but disorganised 7 Particles widely spread out 8 Change from liquid to gas
20 A B C D Which of the diagrams represents a liquid evaporating?Który rysunek przedstawia parującą ciecz? A B C D
21 Which of the following describes a liquid? Które z ponizszych stwierdzeń opisuje ciecz? A compressible, fluid B non-compressible, fluid C compressible, no fixed shape D non-compressible, very low density
22 Which of these is only true for a gas? Które z ponizszych stwierdzen opisuje gaz? A can flow B exerts pressure on its container C will occupy the whole of the container it is placed in D has no shape of its own