The Bucket Brigade.

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2 The Bucket Brigade

3 The Telephone Tree

4 The Military Squad

5 Dyads agglomerate to form large interconnected webs The simplest natural network is a dyad or pair

6 Finding Mr./Ms. Right How Many Dates Does it Take? 2 in 3

7 Obesity in Framingham

8 Causes of Clustering False positive Homophily (selection effects) Contextual effects (omitted variables) Influence (induction)


10 Results

11 Happiness in Framingham Friend, Spouse Ties Sibling Ties Unhappy Neutral Happy Women  Men

12 Three Degrees of Influence Obesity Smoking Happiness Loneliness Drinking Depression Cooperation Piano teacher referrals Inventor ideas

13 Three Reasons for Three Degrees Network Instability Evolutionary Purpose Homo Sapiens (150) Intrinsic Decay

14 Twins!

15 How Do We Take Our Natural Social Networks Online?

16 Smilers NonSmilers


18 Acknowledgements Come see us at Images: Wikipedia, FEMA, aussiegall, Ramona.Forcella, quinet, moggs oceanlane, Flickr