The New Theatre in Zabrze. The New Theatre in Zabrze was founded in 1959,it is situated in the building of the old casino of Donne r smarck.

1 The New Theatre in Zabrze ...
Author: Helena Przybylska
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1 The New Theatre in Zabrze

2 The New Theatre in Zabrze was founded in 1959,it is situated in the building of the old casino of Donne r smarck

3 In 1974 the New Theatre was honoured with the Golden Badge "of Well-deserved in the development of the Katowice province". As the first theatre in Poland was favoured also with the Medal of the Commission of the National Education.

4 From 2000 the New Theatre in Zabrze (together with Zabrze city) is the organizer of the Polish Festival of the Modern Dramaturgy „the Reality Presented “

5 The award (September 2004) to the New Theatre in Zabrze for the spectacle „ the Vampire", in the direction of Marian Sławi ń ski, on X Polish Contest in Warsaw, organized by the Minister of the Culture, at the participation of the National Theatre in Warsaw and the Relationship of Performers of Polish Scenes, confirmed cultural part of the Zabrze theatre on the map of theatrical Poland - consequently entire Silesian region.


7 In the New Theatre worked (or cooperated with) many best actors of Silesian scenes, honoured with Golden and Silver-Masks - with the regional prize admitted to most outstanding theatrical creators. There were among them : Hanna Boraty ń ska (1975 and 1976 - The silver-Mask), Vincent Grabarczyk (1980, 1995 - The golden Mask), Mieczysław Calka (1987 - The golden Mask), Andrew Lipski (1988, 1991, 1995, - The golden Mask), Wojciech Le ś niak (1988 - The golden Mask), Zbigniew Stryj (1998 - The golden Mask).


9 The public willingly watched also musical works("His Lordship Nobody" Lope de Vegi, "The lord from the suitcase" of Academy Award Oscar Wilde), and also readings ("Balladyna" J. Slovak, "Ancient popular ceremony of calling forth the dead part 2" A. Mickiewicz) performances and spectacles for children ("Tytus Romek I Atomek" of Anna Amarylis, "120 przygód Koziołka Matołka" of Kornel Makuszy ń ski, "The Snow Queen" H. Ch. Andersen).


11 Among them there were true attendance "hits" which achieved, at the full auditorium, record-numbers performances: "Na szkle malowane" ("On the glass painted)", "Dzi ś do ciebie przyj ść nie mog ę "("Today come to you I cannot"), "Wesele na Górnym Ś l ą sku" ( "The wedding on the Upper Silesia"). With the success were glad not only spectacles of great world (among other things "the Gull" of Chekhov, "Sk ą piec"Moliera, "The merchant" of Plaut) classics, but also Polish („Klub Kawalerów" M. Bałuckiego, „Nieboska komedia" from Krasi ń ski, "Do ż ywocie" A. Fredro, "Fircyk w zalotach" F. Zabłocki, "Droga do Czarnolasu" A. Maliszewski).


13 One of most popular actors in Zabrze is Zbigniew Stryj - film and theatrical actor, the director. He appears in THE NEW THEATRE in Zabrze in which he is also the deputy of director to artistic matters. He played in many Polish films, e.g.: „Benek”, „Na wspólnej”, „Glina”, „Komisarz Alex”, „Na dobre i na złe”, „ Hotel 52”. He is also a laureate of the prize for the best actor during the 32nd Festival of Polish Feature Films in Gdynia (for the part in the film „Benek”).

14 Zbigniew Stryj

15 The presentation was made by pupils from Primary School No. 5 in Zabrze in the custody of teachers: Joanna Chrz ą szcz and Patrycja Pytlik. The students used websites as the source of information: bilety bilety,80,40/m1338,Zabrze.html?zdjeciaOd=1900&zdj eciaDo=1918,80,40/m1338,Zabrze.html?zdjeciaOd=1900&zdj eciaDo=1918,teatr-nowy,29170,577.html,215,_Zbigniew imprez/?sesja_gratka=ab7dac2fdd2b0e202a822220092fa570 imprez/?sesja_gratka=ab7dac2fdd2b0e202a822220092fa570