1 TiTANIUM + NiCKEL (1 + 1 mm)X EPNM – Bechichi 2010 Ti Ni + TiTANIUM NiCKEL (1 + 1 mm) EXPOSED TO THERMAL PROCESS LOADS Authors: Mariusz Prażmowski, Robert Bański, Zygmunt Szulc, Aleksander Gałka, Sebastian Kokot.
2 According to ISO 9001 standard WORK IN WAY TO SATISFY THE CUSTOMERTASKS According to ISO 9001 standard WORK IN WAY TO SATISFY THE CUSTOMER Base tasks: Additonally can be: Assure high quality of product Recognize conditions of element exploitation Offer acceptable price Check its influence for element’s durability Works and deliveries make in agreed time Eventually correct technological parameters of manufacturing Inform the customer about results of tests and examinations X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
3 Application of Ti+Ni (1+1) mmChlorine electrolysis Membarane electrolyser Separate modul Elektrolizer Bimetallic disc Ti + Ni Bimetallic disc Ti + Ni Anode (Ti) Cathode(Ni) Detail of using X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
4 Identification of tasksChoose of parameters of cladding set In high simply set – efect – bad bond Ni 201 Ti Gr.1 Important changes in cladding set – getting improvement of bond Ni 201 Ti Gr.1 X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
5 Identification of tasksChoose of optimal format of set Preliminary set had sizes:1220 x 2000 mm. Basis on costs analysis / problems such as: Assembly in conditions of open area Flatness of elements – Ti and Ni plates in delivery to cladding Costs of straightening after cladding In agreement with customer finally agreed sizes: 490 to 500 x 1250 mm X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
6 Identification of tasksChoose of thermal loading to testing (A) Simulation of loading connected with heating of element in process of jointing of cathode part – Nickiel with anode part – Titanium; possible methods Resistance welding or microplasma welding or laser welding or electron beam welding Adopted that proper to modelling of loading will be heat treatment 610C / 1 h (B) Simmulation of cladding process and regeneration active layers on anode (titanium). Adopted that proper to modelling of loading will be cycled heat treatment: 12 cycles – as on graph Sample was heating during 5 minutes to temperature 480C, holding through 10 minutes, and next cooling through 20 minutes to room temperature (20C), in which was holding during 10 minutes. For each samples cycle of loading was repeated 12 times. X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
7 Identification of tasksChoose of thermal loading to testing - continuation (C) Made heat treatment basis on heating of samples in temperature 500C in time 13 h (D) Additionally – made heat treatment basis on joints (A) + (C), {610/1h} + 500C / 13h} Samples to heat treatment were taking from productive element as below Initiation point Heat treatments were done in LAC furnace, model LMH 04/12 X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
8 Tests and examinations MICROSTRUCTURAL EXAMINATIONSConditions at the begining – without HT – test piece no. 1; a) x 200, b) x 500 After HT 610C / 1 h – test piece no. 2; a) x 200, b) x 500, c) x 750 X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
9 Tests and examinations MICROSTRUCTURAL EXAMINATIONSAfter HT 500C / 13 h; test piece no. 3; a) x 200, b) x 500, c) x 750 After HT 610C / 1 h + 500C / 13 h; test piece no. 3; a) x 200, b) x 500, X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
10 Tests and examinations HARDNESS EXAMINATIONS HV0,1TABLE OF RESULTS Test piece no. 1 Test piece no. 2 X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
11 Tests and examinations HARDNESS EXAMINATIONS HV0,1GRAPH Ti Gr.1 Nickel Gr. 201 X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
12 Tests and examinationsTECHNOLOGICAL TEST Shear test For production are making 4 tests for batch of 50 pcs. X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
13 Tests and examinationsTECHNOLOGICAL TESTS Examples of results xplomet M E C H A N I C A L T E S T R E P O R T SPRAWOZDANIE Z BADAŃ MECHANICZNYCH Zakład Technologii Wysokoenregtycznych Explomet Gałka, Szulc, Spółka jawna ul. Oświęcimska 100H; Opole; POLAND Explomet Testing Laboratory Number/ Numer: 28/ 1 / P253 / 1 Dated on: / datowany na: JOB No./ Nr zlecenia CUSTOMER / Klient: xxx Order/zamówienie: 837802/NA Page (strona ) / from (z): 1 / 1 TEST PLATE No. Plyta testowa nr DIMENSIONS [mm] MATERIALS/materiały Thickness/grubość GRADE / Gatunek HEAT / Wytop RULES - STANDARDS przepisy - normy thck. / grubość width / szer. lenght / dług. BASE podstawowy 1 mm B-162 UNS 02201 16628 Szkic pobrania nr / Drawing of samples 2 40 490 CLADDING nakładany SB-265 Gr. 1 SL-22 NOTES / uwagi Without HT / Bez OC SHEAR STRENGHT TEST Próba ścinania DIMENSIONS SHEAR STRENGHT REMARKS: OTHERS INFORMATION / Pozostałe informacje: Wymiary Wytrzymałość na ścinanie Uwagi: MACHINE TYPE / Typ zrywarki: ZD20 Nr 281/58 acc. to / wg: xxx AREA Fs [kN] Rs [MPa] 1 GAUGE RANGE / Zakres siłomierza: 20 kN SPECIMENT No. Nr próbki a [mm] b [mm] Przekrój [mm2] ULTIMATE SHEAR LOAD Obciążenie Acc. Range Akc. Zakres min. 140 [Mpa] Shear in section out of joint / Ścięcie w przekroju poza złączem INIDICATION ACCUARY / Dokładność wskazania: 0,5 KN RS1 12,5 12,50 4,99 399 TEST TEMPERATURE / Temperatura badania +20°C xplomet M E C H A N I C A L T E S T R E P O R T SPRAWOZDANIE Z BADAŃ MECHANICZNYCH Zakład Technologii Wysokoenregtycznych Explomet Gałka, Szulc, Spółka jawna ul. Oświęcimska 100H; Opole; POLAND Explomet Testing Laboratory Number/ Numer: 29/ 9 / P253 / 1 Dated on: / datowany na: JOB No./ Nr zlecenia CUSTOMER / Klient: xxx Order/zamówienie: 837802/NA Page (strona ) / from (z): 1 / 1 TEST PLATE No. Plyta testowa nr DIMENSIONS [mm] MATERIALS/materiały Thickness/grubość GRADE / Gatunek HEAT / Wytop RULES - STANDARDS przepisy - normy thck. / grubość width / szer. lenght / dług. BASE podstawowy 1 mm B-162 UNS 02201 16628 Szkic pobrania nr / Drawing of samples 2 40 490 CLADDING nakładany SB-265 Gr. 1 SL-22 NOTES / uwagi Without HT / Bez OC SHEAR STRENGHT TEST Próba ścinania DIMENSIONS SHEAR STRENGHT REMARKS: OTHERS INFORMATION / Pozostałe informacje: Wymiary Wytrzymałość na ścinanie Uwagi: MACHINE TYPE / Typ zrywarki: ZD20 Nr 281/58 acc. to / wg: xxx AREA Fs [kN] Rs [MPa] 1 GAUGE RANGE / Zakres siłomierza: 20 kN SPECIMENT No. Nr próbki a [mm] b [mm] Przekrój [mm2] ULTIMATE SHEAR LOAD Obciążenie Acc. Range Akc. Zakres min. 140 [Mpa] Shear in section out of joint / Ścięcie w przekroju poza złączem INIDICATION ACCUARY / Dokładność wskazania: 0,5 KN RS9 12,4 0,8 9,92 4,86 TEST TEMPERATURE / Temperatura badania +20°C xplomet M E C H A N I C A L T E S T R E P O R T SPRAWOZDANIE Z BADAŃ MECHANICZNYCH Zakład Technologii Wysokoenregtycznych Explomet Gałka, Szulc, Spółka jawna ul. Oświęcimska 100H; Opole; POLAND Explomet Testing Laboratory Number/ Numer: 30/ 10 / P253 / 1 Dated on: / datowany na: JOB No./ Nr zlecenia CUSTOMER / Klient: xxx Order/zamówienie: 837802/NA Page (strona ) / from (z): 1 / 1 TEST PLATE No. Plyta testowa nr DIMENSIONS [mm] MATERIALS/materiały Thickness/grubość GRADE / Gatunek HEAT / Wytop RULES - STANDARDS przepisy - normy thck. / grubość width / szer. lenght / dług. BASE podstawowy 1 mm B-162 UNS 02201 16628 Szkic pobrania nr / Drawing of samples 2 40 490 CLADDING nakładany SB-265 Gr. 1 SL-22 NOTES / uwagi Without HT / Bez OC SHEAR STRENGHT TEST Próba ścinania DIMENSIONS SHEAR STRENGHT REMARKS: OTHERS INFORMATION / Pozostałe informacje: Wymiary Wytrzymałość na ścinanie Uwagi: MACHINE TYPE / Typ zrywarki: ZD20 Nr 281/58 acc. to / wg: xxx AREA Fs [kN] Rs [MPa] 1 GAUGE RANGE / Zakres siłomierza: 20 kN SPECIMENT No. Nr próbki a [mm] b [mm] Przekrój [mm2] ULTIMATE SHEAR LOAD Obciążenie Acc. Range Akc. Zakres min. 140 [Mpa] Shear in section out of joint / Ścięcie w przekroju poza złączem INIDICATION ACCUARY / Dokładność wskazania: 0,5 KN RS10 23 1,1 25,30 10,37 410 TEST TEMPERATURE / Temperatura badania +20°C X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
14 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTIONxplomet CONCLUSIONS xplomet xplomet Examinations had strictly applicable character. Any of heat treatment refer to conditions of manufacturing and exploitation of Ti + Ni has no negative influence for durability of bond. Good made bond Ti+Ni cannot be broken by thermal loading on level of manufacturing techniques. In aim to avoid any questions to speaker of this presentation, he let himself to make a question, for patienced and for sure borred audience – WHO WROTE THESE WORDS ? For 'tis the sport to have the enginer Hoist with his own petard, an't shall go hard But I will delve one yard below their mines And blow them at the moon. THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION X EPNM – Bechichi 2010
15 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTIONIn presentation have been used materials of INEOS Chlor Ltd. and MSc works of students: K. Niezgoda & P. Szymlak