3 z wodoru tworzą się gwiazdy i galaktykigalatyki ulegają kolizji w centrum są czarne dziury synteza pierwiastków w gwiazdach
7 Synteza pierwiastków - reakcje jądrowe
8 Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn rutherford dubinin seaborg bohr has meitner darmsztad roentgen copernicus
9 Copernicum, Cn odkryty w 1996 roku w Darmstadt, Niemcyprzez naukowców z Niemiec, Finlandii, Rosji i Słowacji pod kierunkiem Sigurda Hofmana 277 razy cięższy od wodoru powtaje np. przez fuzję jądrową ołowiu 208 i cynku 70. rozpada się po ułamku sekundy, nie występuje w naturze uznany przez Międzynarodowa Unia Chemii Czystej i Stosowanej w 2010 roku
11 Discovery of Elements 113 and 115A calcium-48 ion is accelerated to a high velocity in a cyclotron and directed at an americium-243 target. The accelerated calcium-48 ion collides into an americium-243 target atom (above) and creates the new 115 element that begins decaying with the emission of alpha particles into element 113. Group members include (left to right): Philip Wilk, Jackie Kenneally, Ken Moody, Dawn Shaughnessy, Mark Stoyer, Nancy Stoyer, and John Wild (retired). Two retirees not pictured are Jerry Landrum and Ron Lougheed. https://pls.llnl.gov/research-and-development/nuclear-science/project-highlights/livermorium/elements-113-and-115
12 When will elements 113 and 115 be named? We don't know when the elements will be named. The naming of new elements is a long process governed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Any discovery of new elements must first be confirmed by an independent laboratory and established beyond a reasonable doubt. Afterwards, the research team that discovered the element is asked to propose a name and symbol for the element. The proposed name is then reviewed by a panel of experts and, if all goes well, finally approved by the IUPAC. This naming process can take many years. For example, element 110 was discovered in 1995 and received its name, darmstadtium (Ds), in 2003, while element 106 was discovered in 1974 but was not officially named as seaborgium (Sg) until 1997. https://pls.llnl.gov/research-and-development/nuclear-science/project-highlights/livermorium/elements-113-and-115
13 The man-made elements 114 and 116, which contain 114 and 116 protons per atom, respectively, are now officially called flerovium (Fl) and livermorium (Lv). The names were chosen to honor the laboratories that first created the elements: the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions in Dubna, Russia, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif. June 01, 2012
14 How long did it take to discover elements 113, 114, 115, 116, and 118?Elements 113 and 115—The experiment began on July 14, 2003, and ended on August 10, In that time, four atoms of element 115 were produced that decayed after a given time, thereby producing element 113, which also decayed and so on. However, years of successful experiments, previous to the 115 and 113 discovery, were needed to show that the experiment could be successful. More than a year was then spent to clean the target material, ship it to Russia, make the target, and run the experiment. Element 114—The first element 114 experiment lasted about one year, and two atoms were discovered during that time. Element 116—The element 116 experiment also lasted about one year, and three atoms were discovered during that time. Element 118—Element 118 was produced during two separate experiments, each one lasting for several months. A total of three atoms were discovered in both experiments combined. https://pls.llnl.gov/research-and-development/nuclear-science/project-highlights/livermorium/elements-113-and-115
15 ciężkie pierwiastki, liczba atomowa powyżej 120https://pls.llnl.gov/research-and-development/nuclear-science/project-highlights/livermorium/elements-113-and-115
16 Układ okresowy pierwiastków18 1 H 1 Wodór He 2 Hel 2 13 14 15 16 17 Li 3 Lit Be 4 Beryl B 5 Bor C 6 Węgiel N 7 Azot O 8 Tlen F 9 Fluor Ne 10 Neon 3 Na 11 Sód Mg 12 Magnez Al 13 Glin Si 14 Krzem P 15 Fosfor S 16 Siarka Cl 17 Chlor Ar 18 Argon 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 K 19 Potas Ca 20 Wapń Sc 21 Skand Ti 22 Tytan V 23 Wanad Cr 24 Chrom Mn 25 Mangan Fe 26 Żelazo Co 27 Kobalt Ni 28 Nikiel Cu 29 Miedź Zn 30 Cynk Ga 31 Gal Ge 32 German As 33 Arsen Se 34 Selen Br 35 Brom Kr 36 Krypton Rb 37 Rubid Sr 38 Stront Y 39 Itr Zr 40 Cyrkon Nb 41 Niob Mo 42 Molibden Tc 43 Technet Ru 44 Ruten Rh 45 Rod Pd 46 Pallad Ag 47 Srebro Cd 48 Kadm In 49 Ind Sn 50 Cyna Sb 51 Antymon Te 52 Tellur I 53 Jod Xe 54 Ksenon Cs 55 Cez Ba 56 Bar * Hf 72 Hafn Ta 73 Tantal W 74 Wolfram Re 75 Ren Os 76 Osm Ir 77 Iryd Pt 78 Platyna Au 79 Złoto Hg 80 Rtęć Tl 81 Tal Pb 82 Ołów Bi 83 Bizmut Po 84 Polon At 85 Astat Rn 86 Radon Fr 87 Frans Ra 88 Rad ** Rf 104 Rutherford Db 105 Dubn Sg 106 Seaborg Bh 107 Bohr Hs 108 Has Mt 109 Meitner Ds 110 Darms. Rg 111 Roent. Uub 112 Uut 113 Uuq 114 Uup 115 Uuh 116 Uus 117 Uuo 118 Piotr Gogolewski, 2004 Układ okresowy pierwiastków * Lantanowce La 57 Lantan Ce 58 Cer Pr 59 Prazeodym Nd 60 Neodym Pm 61 Promet Sm 62 Samar Eu 63 Europ Gd 64 Gadolin Tb 65 Terb Dy 66 Dysproz Ho 67 Holm Er 68 Erb Tm 69 Tul Yb 70 Iterb Lu 71 Lutet ** Aktynowce Ac 89 Aktyn Th 90 Tor Pa 91 Protaktyn U 92 Uran Np 93 Neptun Pu 94 Pluton Am 95 Ameryk Cm 96 Kiur Bk 97 Berkel Cf 98 Kaliforn Es 99 Einstein Fm 100 Ferm Md 101 Mendelew No 102 Nobel Lr 103 Lorens
18 Cządowi Ùstôw Pierwińców18 1 1 H Wòdzyk 2 13 14 15 16 17 2 He Él 3 Li Lët 4 Be Beril 5 B Bòr 6 C Wãdżel 7 N Tãcheń 8 O Krziseń 9 F Fluòr 10 Ne Néón 3 11 Na Natrijô 12 Mg Magnéz 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Al Aluminijô 14 Si Krzém 15 P Fòsfòr 16 S Sarka 17 Cl Chlor 18 Ar Argón 19 K Kali 20 Ca Kalcéń 21 Sc Skónd 22 Ti Titan 23 V Wônôd 24 Cr Chróm 25 Mn Mangan 26 Fe Żelazło 27 Co Kobalt 28 Ni Nikel 29 Cu Kòper 30 Zn Cynk 31 Ga Gôl 32 Ge Germón 33 As Arsén 34 Se Selén 35 Br Bróm 36 Kr Kriptón 37 Rb Rubid 38 Sr Starnt 39 Y Éter 40 Zr Cyrkón 41 Nb Niób 42 Mo Molibdén 43 Tc Technet 44 Ru Ruten 45 Rh Ród 46 Pd Pallôd 47 Ag Strzébro 48 Cd Kadm 49 In Jind 50 Sn Cëna 51 Sb Antimón 52 Te Tellur 53 I Jód 54 Xe Ksenón 55 Cs Céz 56 Ba Bar * 72 Hf Hafen 73 Ta Tantôl 74 W Wòlfram 75 Re Rén 76 Os Òsm 77 Ir Jirid 78 Pt Platina 79 Au Złoto 80 Hg Tãż 81 Tl Tôl 82 Pb Òłów 83 Bi Bizmùt 84 Po Pòlón 85 At Astat 86 Rn Redón 87 Fr Frãs 88 Ra Rôd ** 104 Rf Ruther- ford 105Db Dubn 106Sg Seabórg 107Bh Bòhr 108Hs Has 109 Mt Meitner 110Uun 111Uuu 112Uub * Lantanowce 57 La Lantón 58 Ce Cer 59 Pr Praze- òdim 60 Nd Neòdim 61 Pm Promet 62 Sm Samar 63 Eu Europ 64 Gd Gadolin 65 Tb Terb 66 Dy Dispóz 67 Ho Hòlm 68 Er Érb 69 Tm Tul 70 Yb Éterb 71 Lu Lutet Cządowi Ùstôw Pierwińców Stanisław Geppert, 2003
21 Liczby kwantowe