1 Usprawnienie komunikacji i pracy zespołowej poprzez wdrożenie systemu obiegu informacji i platformy pracy zespołowej w oparciu o Microsoft Office 2003 i SharePoint Portal Server 2003
2 Agenda Case Study- opis problemu Przegląd rozwiązaniaPrezentacja funkcjonalności Microsoft Office 2003 i integracja z Windows SharePoint Services - Praca zespołowa i komunikacja Outlook 2003 – obszar roboczy spotkania OneNote – zarządzanie notatkami IRM, RMS – poufność informacji Korzyści Podsumowanie
3 Case Study - opis problemu*Rejonowe Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Tychach 80 stacji roboczych klientów. Potrzeby: Zautomatyzowanie obiegu dokumentów Wyeliminowanie papierowego obiegu informacji Przyśpieszenie procesu obsługi klienta Polepszenie jakości obsługi klienta Wdrożone rozwiązanie Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Korzyści: Zwiększona produktywność Lepszy wgląd w procesy biznesowe Lepszy poziom obsługi klienta Zwiększone przychody Obniżka kosztów *http://www.microsoft.com/poland/office/sharepoint/rozwiazania/pwik.aspx
4 Case Study - opis problemu*Sytuacja wyjściowa - problemy Utrudniona praca grupowa - komunikacja z członkami zespołu Wyzwanie w poszukiwaniu „właściwych ludzi na właściwym miejscu” Problem w wyszukiwaniu odpowiednich informacji Liczne „wyspy” informacji Problem poruszania się wśród wielu zasobów Trudne zarządzanie Intranetem - brak jednego, zcentralizowanego miejsca przechowywania informacji Duże koszty utrzymania infrastruktury Solution Overview Situation Difficulty in finding and retrieving the “right” information Challenges in locating people and understanding what they know Inability to organize the intranet as a navigable space and create a comfortable sense of “place” Solution Microsoft redesigned Microsoft Web, the company’s employee intranet portal, using Microsoft® SharePoint® Portal Server 2003. *http://www.microsoft.com/technet/itsolutions/msit/
5 Przegląd rozwiązania Rozwiązanie: Microsoft Office System jak platforma pracy zespołowej i komunikacji Microsoft Office 2003 Windows SharePoint Services Portal intranetowy SharePoint Portal Server 2003 SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Shared Services, Centralne zarządzanie Skalowalne Łączy wiele sitów i farm serwerów Solution Overview Situation Difficulty in finding and retrieving the “right” information Challenges in locating people and understanding what they know Inability to organize the intranet as a navigable space and create a comfortable sense of “place” Solution Microsoft redesigned Microsoft Web, the company’s employee intranet portal, using Microsoft® SharePoint® Portal Server 2003.
6 Technologie SharePoint 2003 – Wizja pracy zespołowejKorporacja Web Parts oraz Web Services Aplikacje firm trzecich Departament Zespół Własne elementy Web Parts Konektory dla aplikacji Elementy Web Parts firm trzecich Wykorzystywane wspólnie technologie Microsoft Office 2003 oraz Windows SharePoint Services udostępniają niezwyczajne możliwości. Dostępny w wielu programach pakietu Office 2003 panel zadań Shared Workspace, pozwala użytkownikom wspólnie korzystać z tradycyjnych obszarów roboczych. Mogą oni sprawdzać dokumenty, współpracować z innymi członkami witryny, posługując się w tym celu komunikatorem online (ang. instant messenger program), operować na listach oraz wykonywać inne, pokrewne zadania. Chcąc zapoczątkować współpracę lub spotkanie typu ad-hoc, użytkownicy mogą w prosty sposób utworzyć tymczasowe obszary robocze Document Workspaces oraz Meeting Workspaces, bezpośrednio z poziomu programu Office 2003, w którym w danej chwili pracują. Użytkownik indywidualny Web Parts oraz Web Services
7 Przegląd rozwiązania – wdrażanie technologii komunikacyjnej i platformy pracy zespołowejChild Portal Sites Shared services Shared Services -Centralne zarządzanie, łączy wiele witryn i farm serwerów Solution Overview Microsoft Web is one part of Microsoft’s world-wide intranet solution. Figure 2 illustrates the overall solution which includes the following additional components: Shared Services, centrally hosted collaboration platform and its sub components: Microsoft Windows® Server™ 2003, Microsoft SQL™ Server 2000, Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server 2003. Microsoft Web Parent portal site Centralna platforma pracy grupowej Portale i witryny zespołów Microsoft Office 2003 SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Windows SharePoint Services Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Windows Server 2003
8 Rozwiązanie: Portal firmowy i platforma pracy grupowej w oparciu o SPS 2003 i WSSFarma Shared Services Centralny Portal Solution A new collaboration solution architecture using: Windows SharePoint Services Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Office 2003 Internet Explorer 6.0 In addition, the Microsoft IT team used the following technologies to enable an effective collaboration solution from an IT perspective: Windows Server 2003 with Internet Information Services 6.0 and Active Directory Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Operations Manager 2002 Enterprise storage in a Storage Area Network (SAN) dedicated to the collaboration solution The figure in this slide shows how personal sites, team sites, portals, and shared services operate in relation to one another. The design included the following logical components, which work together to satisfy information worker needs: Personal sites - With personal sites, called “My Site” in the SharePoint Portal Server 2003 user interface, users have a clear location for storing content where they can control who has access to it. Personal sites are hosted on the central portal in each region. Team sites - Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services provides templates for various types of sites, which Microsoft IT generically calls team sites. Team sites include Document Workspace sites, Meeting Workspace sites, and sites created from links on portals. Team sites associate with portals and offer basic collaboration features like document libraries, discussions, and lists. Portals - With SharePoint Portal Server 2003, a portal can directly associate with one parent portal. For example, a portal administrator can associate a portal that organizes information about employee benefits with a broader human resources portal. Shared services - Portals can take advantage of the shared services that are common across the company. The shared services include enterprise-wide search, indexing, content change notifications, rule-based audience definitions, user profiles, and personal sites. User profiles include properties imported from Active Directory, links to documents a user has written, links to team sites a user belongs to, and links a user has shared. The combination of team sites, portals, and shared services results in an intranet environment that uses a familiar Web user interface (UI). Workers have a consistent experience as they use information from various teams and groups within the enterprise. Personal Sites Powiązanie Farma portali Division Portal Portal Portal Portal Farma witryn zespołów Witryny zespołów Witryny zespołów Witryny zespołów
9 SPS 2003 - Wymagania Wymagania sprzętowe Środowisko domenoweIntel Pentium III 512 MB RAM 550 MB wolnego miejsca na dysku Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003
10 Wymagania aplikacyjne – SPS 2003Windows SharePoint Services Windows Server 2003 ASP.NET Internet Information Services (IIS) Zgodność z SPS 2001 ogranicza możliwości SPS 2003 i nakłada dodatkowe ograniczenia
11 Wymagania bazodanowe – SPS 2003Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) lub Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
12 Klient SPS 2003 Pentium III, 64MB RAM, 30-50MB wolnego na dyskuZgodność z SPS 2001 ogranicza możliwości SPS 2003 i nakłada dodatkowe ograniczenia Zarządzanie witrynami WSS możliwe jest z poziomu aplikacji Microsoft Office 2003 Pentium III, 64MB RAM, 30-50MB wolnego na dysku Windows 98, Outlook Express 5.01 Internet Explorer 5.01, or Netscape Navigator 6.2
13 Przygotowanie środowiska do instalacji SPS 2003Instalacja Windows Server 2003 Podłączenie do domeny Instalacja IIS (bez obsługi Front Page Extensions) Instalacja i konfiguracja MS SQL Server 2000 (SP2 lub wyżej) Uruchomienie IIS Uruchomienie SQL Server Uruchomienie World Wide Web Publishing Service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14 Praktyczne pokazy na żywoArchitektura SPS Administracja
15 Zarządzanie informacją za pomocą WSS i SPS 2003Gromadzenie informacji Udostępnianie informacji Intuicyjne wyszukiwanie informacji Intuicyjne korzystanie z informacji z wykorzystaniem znanego interfejsu Microsoft Office 2003 Rozwijalna platforma Finding the “Right” Information Employees who used previous versions of Microsoft Web found it difficult to find the right amount of current, relevant, and authoritative information in the diverse and fast changing environment of the Microsoft intranet. Four key problems related to finding the right information: It took too long to find the “right” information. This was often described in terms of taking too many mouse clicks to find useful information or not being able to find the right information after spending considerable effort searching and navigating the intranet. It was hard to locate information and knowledge that was relevant in the context of the immediate task for an employee to complete his or her work. For example, search results often included too much unrelated information to be useful. It was difficult for an employee to know when they could rely on information they found on the intranet. It was also difficult to ascertain whether that information was timely, accurate and complete. Employees found it difficult to know the best keyword choices to use for searching because of the large number of acronyms, technical terms, project code names and product names in regular use at Microsoft. Employees felt that it was taking too long to find contextually relevant information for the task they were trying to complete. And in some cases, they were not able to find the information or knowledge they needed. This affected business in many ways: less effective customer presentations and proposals, lost opportunities, increased costs due rework or duplicated efforts. Finally, difficulties finding information on the Microsoft intranet affected customer, partner and employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction at Microsoft was driven to a great extent by employees’ ability to find and use technical information about company products. While two-thirds of employees expected to use the Microsoft intranet to find technical product information, employees’ satisfaction was low in this regard: only 9 percent of employees were “very satisfied” with 25 percent “dissatisfied” in their ability to find technical information. The number of mouse clicks used to find information was often considered an indication of effort and a measure of time required to find information on the intranet. Employees were particularly sensitive to this factor when they sought information about everyday tasks, like locating a building on the Redmond, Washington corporate campus, or completing and submitting an expense report. Employees wanted and needed immediate access to these types of tools and information. Queries and searches for information resulted in many different answers, but insufficient contextual data to determine the relevance or reliability of the information that was found. Over the course of almost 30 years, Microsoft had used approximately 12,000 different product names, acronyms, technical terms and project code names. This made it difficult for employees, especially new employees, to understand the language used by their peers, to appreciate information published on the Microsoft intranet and to determine appropriate key words when searching for information. When the usual sources and approaches for finding information had been exhausted, employees felt that it was important to locate specialists as sources for specific types of knowledge. This was difficult because, while some specialists were located on the same team, more often than not, specialists resided on other teams, in other divisions, subsidiaries or locations in the corporation.
16 Praca zespołowa w oparciu o WSS i SPS 2003Obszar roboczy dokumentu Obszar roboczy spotkania Biblioteka dokumentów Wyszukiwanie pełnotekstowe Możliwość moderacji
17 Zarządzanie Intranetem w oparciu o SPS2003Centralnie zarządzane, skalowalne Wyszukiwanie, Powiadamiania, Pojedyncze logowanie Kierowanie zawartości do odbiorców, Grupy odbiorców, Wykorzystywane do scalania wielu portali Organizing the Intranet The Microsoft intranet is a large, diverse and dynamic collection of portal and team collaboration sites, other Web sites, file servers and Exchange public folders. At Microsoft, control over content posted to the intranet is decentralized. Some groups have their own content creation and publishing standards while others do not. Ultimately, any and every Microsoft employee can be an author and publisher on the Microsoft intranet. When a Microsoft employee used the previous version of Microsoft Web to retrieve information from a site, it was difficult to understand the purpose and context of the site and its information. Useful descriptive data was not readily available in terms of the identity of the organization that owned the site, site activity and currency of its information. It was difficult for an employee who was looking for information to determine the contents of a site, its primary audience, subject focus and coverage of products and technology. All of these requirements represented a problem for Microsoft employees trying to decide where to look for information. For employees creating new documents, it was difficult to organize, relate and save information on the intranet. They faced a bewildering number and range of storage sites including personal workstations, laptops, PDAs, file servers, team sites, portal sites, archives of personal and distribution lists, as well as Exchange public folders. Similarly for employees looking for information, they were required to access each potential storage location and document one-by-one or use the previous SharePoint Portal Server 2001 search service which indexed a relatively small number of Microsoft intranet sites. The Microsoft intranet lacked an organized sense of “place” that enabled employees to “see the whole intranet” and navigate it with ease. Employees looking for information expected to find good quality results: similar, related and relevant information. They also expected to find familiar points of reference, search tools and navigation features, regardless of their point of entry for searching the intranet. Employees wanted a common set of permanent intranet features that made it easy to navigate the intranet, search for information and produce desired results on a consistent and reliable basis. The challenge was to provide employees with an effective design for easy navigation and search capability on the Microsoft intranet.
18 Prezentacja funkcjonalnościWindows SharePoint Services Praca zespołowa i technologia komunikacyjna SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Portal internetowy firmy Microsoft Office 2003 Intuicyjna współpraca z WSS OneNote Tworzenie i zarządzanie notatkami IRM, RMS Poufność informacji firmowych
19 Windows SharePoint ServicesSilnik do tworzenia Web site Listy Biblioteki dokumentów Kalendarze Kontakty Integracja z Microsoft Office 2003 Umożliwia tworzenie stron www do pracy grupowej Klient: przeglądarka lub Office 2003 SQL Server (lub MSDE) do przechowywania informacji Platforma do tworzenia własnych aplikacji
20 Windows SharePoint ServicesWspólna praca nad dokumentami Śledzenie wersji Ewidencjonowanie/wyewidencjonowane dokumentów Zestaw właściwości dla biblioteki dokumentów Proces akceptacji Prawa dostępu
21 SharePoint Portal Server 2003Bazuje na Microsoft Windows® SharePoint Services Narzędzie pracy grupowej łączącym ludzi, zespoły i informacje Platforma pracy grupowej łatwa i intuicyjna w obsłudze dla użytkowników końcowych Personalizacja Skalowalność, niezawodność, łatwy w użyciu i administracji Pozwala integrować procesy biznesowe i aplikacje Możliwa kompatybilność z SPS 2001
22 Skalowalność i niezawodnośćNarzędzia administratorskie do zarządzania, monitorowania i wdrażania Rozwiązanie skalowalne dla firm różnej wielkości (farmy serwerów) Architektura rozległa bazująca na Windows Server 2003 i Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Możliwość łączenia serwera w klastry Korzysta z Network Load Balancing Korzysta z rozwiązań bezpieczeństwa zaimplementowanych w Windows Server 2003
23 Cechy SharePoint Portal Server 2003Portal site Ludzie Wyszukiwania i alerty Integracja aplikacji i rozszerzalność
24 Portal Site Listy Obszary robocze spotkania i dokumentu Wydarzenia,Zadania Kontakty Listy niestandardowe Przeszukiwanie po wszystkich sitach w SPS 2003. Obszary robocze spotkania i dokumentu Miejsce współpracy Publikacja wspólnych zasobów Dodatkowe dokumenty Informacje o członkach zespołu Łącza do dodatkowych zasobów
25 Portal Site Katalog witryn Automatyczne tworzenie witrynAgreguje, Organizuje, Pozwala na wyszukiwanie, Pozwala na zarządzanie sitami Umożliwia dodawanie metadanych do plików Automatyczne tworzenie witryn Użytkownik tworzy witryny Automatycznie rejestruje Dodaje do indeksu wyszukiwania Biblioteka dokumentów Zawiera jedną, bądź wiele bibliotek dokumentów Dokumenty są indeksowane
26 Wyszukiwania Indeksowanie zawartości WyszukiwaniePełnotekstowe wyszukiwanie udostępnionych plików, Stron www, XML, HTML, HTTP , Pliki Microsoft Office, MIME, TIFF Foldery publiczne Bazy Lotus Notes Sity SharePoint SharePoint Portal Server Dodatki do przeszukiwania PDF, WordPerfect, AutoCAD i inne Wyszukiwanie Najlepsze trafienia Zaawansowane wyszukiwaniepo właściwościach dokumentu
27 Tematy i alerty Temat Alerty Organizowanie podobnej treściZarządzane przez administratora (dodawania/usuwanie/edycja) Asystent tematów Alerty Wysyłanie wiadomości po zmianie W pełni konfigurowalne Web Part dla alertów Serwer SMTP
28 Ludzie Moja Witryna Osobiste Web Parts Grupy odbiorcówOsobiste dokumenty i aplikacje Web Parts Osobiste Web Parts Wbudowane w SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Pozwalają na dostosowywanie zawartości Grupy odbiorców Kierowanie zawartości do grupy odbiorców zarządzane ręcznie Zarządzane na podstawie AD
29 Integracja aplikacji i rozszerzalnośćXML Microsoft .NET Framework Web Parts Pojedyncze logowanie dla wielu aplikacji Integracja z Microsoft BizTalk® Server Microsoft ASP.NET XML Microsoft .NET Framework, SharePoint Portal Server 2003 provides organizations with the opportunity to integrate their business applications into a single portal. This makes business applications easier to use and manage and provides many scenarios for interoperability between different applications. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 contains several important integration features that make this possible, including the following: Web Parts – Web Parts are modular pieces of code that you can embed in a portal page. You can use Web Parts for many purposes, including access to data, information, or applications. In an application integration environment, you can use Web Parts to provide user access to business applications through the portal, making the applications easy to find and embedding them in a familiar context. The portal can also provide services like single sign-on and personalization for the Web Part, which simplifies integration for the user. Single Sign-on – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 includes a single sign-on service that you can use to provide single sign-on access for multiple enterprise applications. With this technology, you do not need to constantly provide multiple sets of credentials because SharePoint Portal Server 2003 can manage your credentials when you access applications through the portal. This makes using applications easier. The single sign-on service allows for Web Parts to connect directly to many different back-end systems (for example, SAP, Siebel, and PeopleSoft), providing those systems’ native credentials when doing so. Microsoft BizTalk® Server Integration – Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is closely integrated with Microsoft BizTalk Server. BizTalk Server supports over 300 adapters for common business applications, including SAP, Siebel, and PeopleSoft. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 can make use of these adapters through BizTalk Server to provide access to applications and data through the portal. Additionally, BizTalk Server can use the single sign-on service in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to provide credentials to supported applications. Microsoft ASP.NET – SharePoint sites use ASP.NET technology, which you can extend by using the Microsoft .NET Framework. You can use the capabilities of the .NET Framework to quickly and efficiently develop SharePoint Portal Server 2003 solutions. You can access most SharePoint Portal Server data programmatically using published application programming interfaces (APIs). SharePoint Portal Server 2003 uses managed code on the server to make sure that faulty or malicious code is never executed. Web Services – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 can use Web services to expose data and functionality. Web services are reusable modular pieces of code that developers and end-users can use to access server functionality and data with minimal development effort. Deployment and Management – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is designed for easy deployment and management, which can help reduce overall costs. By making management and support of SharePoint Products and Technologies as easy as possible, SharePoint Portal Server 2003 helps reduce the overall total cost of ownership. Browser-based Management – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 supports multiple browser-based management tools, including a browser interface for area managers to manage their areas. Easy-to-use tools help administrators and managers complete their tasks quickly and efficiently. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 also offers command-line administration for administrators who are more familiar with this method. Portal Performance and Scalability – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 uses distributed server architecture to enhance performance and scalability. Servers can be clustered for high availability and load balancing. This architecture helps you deploy server farms that achieve high levels of performance and reliability. To keep up with growing demand, you can add servers to the server farm as your requirements increase. Improved Backup and Restore –Efficient backup and restore capabilities make recovering from server failures or other disasters easier. Because SharePoint Portal Server 2003 uses SQL Server as its storage platform, you can use SQL Server backup and restore technologies to protect against catastrophic data loss. Flexible Deployment Scenarios – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 supports several deployment methods, including top-down deployment, bottom-up deployment, and incremental deployment. In a top-down deployment scenario, SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is deployed at the same time as associated SharePoint sites. In a bottom-up scenario, SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is deployed over multiple existing Windows SharePoint Services team sites to create a unified portal. In an incremental deployment, you can deploy SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to a single organizational division, and then you can use the existing infrastructure to gradually deploy SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to other organizational divisions.
30 Integracja aplikacji i rozszerzalność cd ..Web Services Łatwość i szybkość wdrożenia Zarządzalny z poziomu przeglądarki Wydajność i skalowalność Łatwy backup i przywracanie Elastyczne wdrożenie – wiele scenariuszy XML Microsoft .NET Framework, SharePoint Portal Server 2003 provides organizations with the opportunity to integrate their business applications into a single portal. This makes business applications easier to use and manage and provides many scenarios for interoperability between different applications. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 contains several important integration features that make this possible, including the following: Web Parts – Web Parts are modular pieces of code that you can embed in a portal page. You can use Web Parts for many purposes, including access to data, information, or applications. In an application integration environment, you can use Web Parts to provide user access to business applications through the portal, making the applications easy to find and embedding them in a familiar context. The portal can also provide services like single sign-on and personalization for the Web Part, which simplifies integration for the user. Single Sign-on – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 includes a single sign-on service that you can use to provide single sign-on access for multiple enterprise applications. With this technology, you do not need to constantly provide multiple sets of credentials because SharePoint Portal Server 2003 can manage your credentials when you access applications through the portal. This makes using applications easier. The single sign-on service allows for Web Parts to connect directly to many different back-end systems (for example, SAP, Siebel, and PeopleSoft), providing those systems’ native credentials when doing so. Microsoft BizTalk® Server Integration – Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is closely integrated with Microsoft BizTalk Server. BizTalk Server supports over 300 adapters for common business applications, including SAP, Siebel, and PeopleSoft. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 can make use of these adapters through BizTalk Server to provide access to applications and data through the portal. Additionally, BizTalk Server can use the single sign-on service in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to provide credentials to supported applications. Microsoft ASP.NET – SharePoint sites use ASP.NET technology, which you can extend by using the Microsoft .NET Framework. You can use the capabilities of the .NET Framework to quickly and efficiently develop SharePoint Portal Server 2003 solutions. You can access most SharePoint Portal Server data programmatically using published application programming interfaces (APIs). SharePoint Portal Server 2003 uses managed code on the server to make sure that faulty or malicious code is never executed. Web Services – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 can use Web services to expose data and functionality. Web services are reusable modular pieces of code that developers and end-users can use to access server functionality and data with minimal development effort. Deployment and Management – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is designed for easy deployment and management, which can help reduce overall costs. By making management and support of SharePoint Products and Technologies as easy as possible, SharePoint Portal Server 2003 helps reduce the overall total cost of ownership. Browser-based Management – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 supports multiple browser-based management tools, including a browser interface for area managers to manage their areas. Easy-to-use tools help administrators and managers complete their tasks quickly and efficiently. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 also offers command-line administration for administrators who are more familiar with this method. Portal Performance and Scalability – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 uses distributed server architecture to enhance performance and scalability. Servers can be clustered for high availability and load balancing. This architecture helps you deploy server farms that achieve high levels of performance and reliability. To keep up with growing demand, you can add servers to the server farm as your requirements increase. Improved Backup and Restore –Efficient backup and restore capabilities make recovering from server failures or other disasters easier. Because SharePoint Portal Server 2003 uses SQL Server as its storage platform, you can use SQL Server backup and restore technologies to protect against catastrophic data loss. Flexible Deployment Scenarios – SharePoint Portal Server 2003 supports several deployment methods, including top-down deployment, bottom-up deployment, and incremental deployment. In a top-down deployment scenario, SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is deployed at the same time as associated SharePoint sites. In a bottom-up scenario, SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is deployed over multiple existing Windows SharePoint Services team sites to create a unified portal. In an incremental deployment, you can deploy SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to a single organizational division, and then you can use the existing infrastructure to gradually deploy SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to other organizational divisions.
31 Windows SharePoint ServicesWSS a SPS 2003 Cecha Windows SharePoint Services SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Alerty TAK Dostosowanie w oparciu o przeglądarkę Listy dyskusyjne Biblioteki dokumentów Obszar roboczy dokumentu Obszar roboczy spotkania Listy Integracja z BizTalk NIE Integracja z Microsoft FrontPage Integracja z Microsoft InfoPath™ Ankiety Szablony Strony Web Part
32 WSS a SPS 2003 Cecha Windows SharePoint Services Portal Server 2003Automatyczna kategoryzacja NIE TAK Grupy odbiorców Tematy Nowości Moja Witryna Shared services Pojedyncze logowanie Katalog witryn Profil użytkownika
33 Microsoft Office 2003 Współpraca i komunikacjaIntegracja z technologią SharePoint Praktyczne pokazy na żywo
34 Współpraca i komunikacjaWzbogacony proces współpracy środowisko współpracy skalowalne Integracja IM z Office Informacje o obecności osób Możliwe podstawowe scenariusze Tworzenie, publikacja i praca grupowa nad dokumentami Wsparcie zebrań i spotkań Zarządzanie dokumentami Na następnych trzech slajdach pokazany jest przykład pracy grupowej. Podkreślić na nich zarządzanie dokumentami oraz informację o obecności osób.
35 Microsoft Office 2003 Integracja z technologią SharePointWspółdzielenie dokumentów z innymi użytkownikami Eksport dokumentów do SharePoint Import z Sharepoint Edycja offline Analiza dokumentów na witrynie
36 Integracja z technologią SharePointCecha Dostępna w aplikacjach Otwieranie i zamykanie plików z witryn WSS z menu Plik Excel, FrontPage, InfoPath, Microsoft Project, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Visio, Word Okno zadań Udostępniony obszar roboczy Excel, Microsoft Project, OneNote, PowerPoint, Visio, Word Tworzenie udostępnionych załączników Outlook Synchronizacja kalendarza i listy Kontaktów Aktualizacja dokumentów dla udostępnionych załączników Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Word
37 Integracja z technologią SharePointAutomatyczne zbieranie metadanych Word, Excel, PowerPoint Ewidencjonowanie/wyewidencjonowanie Śledzenie wersji Przechowywanie dyskusji na serwerze Importowanie list z WSS jako dane Excel, Access Import danych do WSS jako listy
38 Praktyczne pokazy na żywoTworzenie obszaru roboczego: dokumentu spotkania Wspólna praca nad dokumentem Zarządzanie obszarem roboczym z poziomu Microsoft Office 2003 Windows SharePoint Services Definiowanie alertów Przeszukiwanie portalu
39 OneNote 2003 Zwiększenie produktywności pracownika:Szybkie i łatwe sporządzanie notatek i Strukturalizowanie informacje Szybkie odnajdywanie wartościowych informacji Wielokrotnie wykorzystywanie notatki w różnych notatnikach programu Utrwalanie informacji w różnych formach
40 OneNote™ 2003 Tworzenie i organizowanie notatek w przyjaznym środowisku Organizacja dostosowana do osobistych potrzeb Flagi ważności Możliwość pisania i rysowania odręcznego Współdzielenie sesji Proste przeszukiwanie, udostępnianie i używanie notatek Łatwa organizacja wiadomości Uporządkowanie informacji w tworzonych dokumentach, listach i przypomnieniach
41 OneNote™ 2003 Ania, manager w firmie usługowej, używa OneNote na laptopie do organizowania swojego życia zawodowego i spraw prywatnych. Louise, an example of a senior manager in a professional services firm, uses OneNote 2003 on her laptop to: Organize both her work and personal life. Louise creates individual notebook sections for each project she is working on, whether for the office or her family. Conduct more productive meetings and phone calls. Louise uses the stationery templates in OneNote to quickly and logically organize her notes. Keep track of her action items and required tasks for each team member. She uses Note Flags to highlight key action items and ideas.
42 Praktyczne pokazy na żywoKorzystanie z OneNote Wymiana informacji z Microsoft Outlook 2003 Notatki głosowe Współdzielenie sesji
43 Information Rights ManagementRozszerzenie do Windows Rights Management Zapewnia poufność informacji Ograniczanie np. kopiowania, drukowania, przesyłania itp. Zarządzanie możliwościami „konsumpcji” informacji na poziomie pliku IRM jest przenoszone z plikiem Information Rights Management działa z każdym typem pliku Sprawdzanie uprawnień w trybie online
44 Poufność danych Information Rights Management (IRM) w poczcie OutlookIRM w dokumentach Excel, Word i PowerPoint Organizacyjne szablony IRM Przeglądarka IRM IRM – potrzebny jest Serwer certyfikacyjny – korporacyjny (wewnętrzny) lub MS przez Passport
45 Jak to działa? Autor Odbiorca RMS 3. 2. 1. 4. 5. Autor tworzy dokument i definiuje zestaw uprawnień. Klient szyfruje zawartość, tworzy klucz i licencję zawierającą uprawnienia do zawartości dokumentu. Dołącza licencję do treści jako metadane w nagłówku. Autor rozpowszechnia dokument. Odbiorca otwiera plik a klient RM przesyła referencje użytkownika i licencję dokumentu do serwera z żądaniem dstępu. RMS sprawdza użytkownika i jego żądanie. Wystawia odpowiednią licencję użycia i wysyła z powrotem do klienta. Aplikacja przetwarza licencję użycia i odpowiednio ustawia prawa do treści.
46 Praktyczne pokazy na żywoTworzenie szablonu IRM na serwerze Tworzenie dokumentu i zabezpieczenie go poprzez IRM Tworzenie wiadomości i zabezpieczenie go poprzez IRM
47 Wartość Biznesowa Wzrost efektywności pracowników i zwiększona produktywność Pracownicy mogą wyszukać większą ilość właściwych informacji w krótszym czasie Większa możliwość podejmowania decyzji mniej utraconych korzyści, mniejsza konieczność wykonywania tych samych czynności, większa satysfakcja klienta Zmniejszenie kosztów wdrożeń, zarządzania i rozwoju Intranetu platformy pracy grupowej Business Benefits Increased employee efficiency and improved productivity as employees were able to find more contextually relevant information in less time Search scopes and Advanced Search made it easy for employees to broaden or narrow the range of information they searched. Tasks and Tools topic areas allowed employees to save time finding work-related information, with an average of three mouse clicks. Additional descriptive information was collected during portal and team site creation so that users could find related sites in the Site Directory. People Finder provided a quick and easy means for employees to find people, locate their personal site and retrieve related organizational and contact information. Taxonomy-based approaches to URL catalog management and organizing the Site Directory for tens of thousands of sites provided employees with an efficient means and consistent experience when looking for sites related to a particular technology or topic. Ability to make more informed decisions resulting in fewer lost opportunities, less rework and greater customer satisfaction Greatly improved ability for employees to find and use technical information about Microsoft products. New features in the intranet that helped employees discover and consume external news about Microsoft and its businesses. Greater trust by employees in the information and knowledge found through the new portal because information was delivered along with indication of its currency, author and local context. Reduced costs of developing, deploying and managing an enterprise-wide portal solution Ninety percent of the functionality of Microsoft Web was delivered using existing features of SharePoint Portal Server Using existing features had secondary benefits of (i) simplifying the upgrade process for future releases of SharePoint Portal Server and (ii) allowing development resources to be targeted at the higher value and customized features specific to the needs of the Microsoft intranet user. For those cases when custom developed Web Parts were implemented, costs were reasonable. The custom Popular Searches Web Part cost approximately $1,000 US to design and implement. Using the Shared Services approach to implement and deploy common core portal services allowed costs to be amortized across hundreds of portals sites in the Microsoft intranet. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 offered significant value as a platform with existing support for many functions including: the amalgamation of large numbers of portal and team collaboration sites into an integrated intranet portal solution; the provision of alternative ways to organize and classify information in addition to full-text search such as portal areas, topic areas, Site Directory and Best Bets; and the capacity to scale up and support tens or hundreds of thousands of intranet sites while supporting people as first class entities in the portal architecture including user profiles and personal sites with customized content.
48 Korzyści dla IT Redukcja liczby serwerów Niższe koszty sprzętuNiższe koszty wdrożenia Niższe koszty zarządzania Optymalizacja wykorzystania serwerów IT Benefits Microsoft IT benefited from the deployment of SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Shared Services by: Deploying fewer servers to support shared services on a central platform than would otherwise be required with a distributed approach. Fewer central servers results in lower hardware costs, lower deployment costs, increased server processor and storage utilization, reduced server management costs and improved service level agreements. Maintaining fewer index servers supporting fewer search servers avoids increased network load and provides more consistent service levels. Centralizing search configuration including content sources and search scopes so that they are less costly to administer from the central parent portal site.
49 Podsumowanie Główne obszary usprawnień po wdrożeniu Microsoft Office 2003 i WSS oraz SPS2003 Efektywne zarządzanie informacjami - pracownicy mogę łatwiej wyszukać interesujące ich informacje Większa produktywność indywidualna – korzystanie z dobrze znanych, ale udoskonalonych produktów Lepsza komunikacja pomiędzy pracownikami - łatwiejsze wyszukiwanie i komunikowanie się z użytkowników specjalizujących w danych dziedzinach Możliwość obniżenia kosztów zarządzania i kosztów operacyjnych związanych z funkcjonowaniem portalu intranetowego Dostarczanie kompleksowego rozwiązania, zamiast zwykłej funkcjonalności portalu, pozwalającego na znaczne podniesienie produktywności pracowników Summary Microsoft used pre-release versions of Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to significantly improve its employee-facing enterprise intranet portal. The process was driven by a commitment to fully deploy new versions of its products inside the company before making them generally available to its customers. The Microsoft Knowledge Network Group (KNG) worked in conjunction with the Microsoft information technology group (Microsoft IT) and SharePoint Portal Server product group to redesign Microsoft Web, the company’s enterprise intranet portal, based on well-researched employee needs, business goals and the latest release of Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies. The key areas of improvement in the Microsoft Web enterprise intranet portal included: Finding the “right” information Finding people and what they know Organizing the intranet Rather than simply creating a standalone enterprise portal, the Microsoft Web team succeeded in delivering an intranet portal solution that significantly increased the productivity of Microsoft employees. The new version of Microsoft Web made it easier for employees to find information that is contextually relevant to the task they were working to complete. The enterprise intranet portal solution also made it easy for employees to find people who are specialists in the type of knowledge being sought as well determine their availability for contact by telephone, instant messaging or . Last, Microsoft was able to reduce the overall costs of managing and operating its enterprise intranet portal.
50 Dodatkowe informacje Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Programy Windows SharePoint Services i SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Assistance Center for Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Microsoft TechNet Show Case Microsoft Case Study Resources For More Information Additional content on Microsoft IT deployments and best practices can be found on TechNet: Case Study Resources: IT Showcase: About Microsoft IT Showcase Microsoft IT Showcase is a collection of key business applications, deployment strategies, early adopter experiences, best practices and leading-edge initiatives direct from the Microsoft IT organization. IT Showcase features case studies, white papers, presentations and multimedia presentations that illustrate internal business applications, product deployment experiences and other key IT initiatives being implemented within Microsoft. Microsoft IT's Experience Early adopter: Microsoft IT is often the first to implement new Microsoft products in a production environment - and to develop line-of-business applications based on Microsoft technologies. Knowing what challenges we've faced and how we dealt with them can help you as you plan and execute similar projects. Large-scale deployments: Microsoft IT oversees worldwide deployments, both of Microsoft’s products and those of other vendors. The issues we have to deal with and the lessons we learn along the way can help you as you gear up for your own large rollouts.