WELCOME TO Gdańsk Culture & Sport Sport Football.

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Author: Gabryjela Jarmołowicz
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3 TO

4 Gdańsk

5 Culture & Sport

6 Sport

7 Football


9 mność stadionu wynosi 43 615 miejsc PGE Arena Gdańsk – A football stadium in Gdańsk, located in the Pokoleń Lechii Gdańsk Street 1, in the district called Letnica. The stadium was opened on 19 July 2011 and its first official match was the one of Lechia vs Cracovia on 14 August the same year.

10 Interior


12 zdobywców pu ski klub piłkar Lechia Gdańsk Gdańsk football club- Lechia plays in the Polish League. Its biggest success was winning the Polish Cup in 1983. The Polish team played well in a memorable match against Juventus Turyn in the Cup Winners, 2011/12 at PGE Arena Gdańsk.

13 Volleyball

14 Two TriCity teams We have two teams women men

15 The volleyball team from Sopot always have the most impressive achievements. One of the most impressive ones was winning the Polish championship 2012/2013 and playing in the league of champions in 2013/2014. They play their matches in: Hala 100-lecia in Sopot a new Ergo Arena.



18 Ergo Arena GDA Ń SK

19 interior

20 Ergo Arena – this is a sports and entertainment hall on the border of Gdańsk and Sopot. There you can enjoy volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, handball, horsemenship and icehockey. This hall can be used for theatre plays, concerts and other events.

21 cultu re

22 hip- hop scene

23 Huczu Hucz

24 Buka

25 Wizja lokalna trójmiasto

26 Festivals in Gda ń sk

27 FETAFETA Feta is a party of theatre performances in public places. This festival is fantastic for people of any age. The shows take place in the open air..


29 Gda ń sk d ź wiga muz ę This is a big party for music and dance fans. Famous rappers and singers come to be the part of this fantastic festival. There are a lot of dance courses and beatboxing classes. During the festival you can compete in dance battles and have a good time at concerts. You must be there ;).

30 Gdańsk dźwiga muzę

31 Websites and authors - W ikipedia.pl - Google.pl - Trojmiasto.pl - Facebook.com - Stadium photo: Bartek Marcinkowski and Bartek Kordus - Authors presentation: Bartek Janik, Jakub Szlaszyński, Stefan Dobrzycki :D - Presentation: Bartek Marcinkowski, Szymon Gumkowski, Przemek Ciemny, Bartek Kordus, Jakub Szlaszyński, Stefan Dobrzycki, Bartek Janik :D - Translation: Jakub Kurowski:D